A Bookered Convention

Anyone who reads this blog (and I know who the three of you are) knows that I am not a fan of Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. He is a lying, tax raising, snake oil salesman who plays class warfare. He has made Maryland a state from which the wealthy leave to escape oppressive taxes and his policies are not business friendly so companies bypass the state to go to states with more favorable tax structures.

You can tell when O’Malley (or O’Moron as I call him) is lying because not only are his lips moving but he squints. He lies so much you could blindfold him with dental floss.

But like the truth that a broken clock is right twice a day even O’Moron is caught telling the truth once in a blue moon (which we had on Friday…). O’Moron was asked Sunday if we are better off now than we were four years ago. He answered no and said that it is all George Bush’s fault.

Yes, I know the tired drum beat of Bush’s fault. But O’Moron has nothing else. He said it was bad out there but not because of Democrat policies, because of Bush. Interestingly, Bush was not governor of Maryland and the state is in bad shape so who is to blame for that?

A strange thing happened though. On Sunday O’Moron said we were not better off. He must not have gotten the memo from the DNC on which lies to tell so he was taken out to the woodshed and Bookered (where Mayor Cory booker criticized an Obama attack ad and had to walk back his criticism after being taken to the woodshed).

On Monday Martin O’Moron changed his tune and walked back the statement now claiming we are better off than we were four years ago.

Apparently, we were not better off before we were.

Someone get this guy a breath mint. Considering what he is talking out of his breath smells pretty bad.

As an aside, Cory Booker fell today and injured his leg. I hope it is nothing serious and he has a quick recovery from his injury.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Perhaps Democrats Should Try This Nationally

The thing about liberals is that they have so much fun and are free spenders so long as they are spending someone else’s money. They love to make promises about how much they will spend and then they love to demonize rich people and raise everyone’s taxes in order to pay for their promises. They are not so eager to spend their own money but love to spend someone else’s.

This is quite evident at the national level. The liberals keep saying we need to spend more and more and they refuse to cut anything. We are now around 16 TRILLION dollars in debt and liberals want to raise the debt ceiling again. Democrats scream bloody murder and start stomping around like their heads are on fire and their asses are catching when anyone suggests cutting the budget. Liberals do not want smaller, more efficient government because they want more power and to get it they will continue to spend money that the country does not have and they do that because it is not coming out of their pockets.

When it comes to their own situation they are very willing to cut spending. The Democrats will hold their convention in North Carolina this year and they have a fundraising goal of 36.6 million dollars. They have only raised 10 million dollars so they can’t, as yet, afford their convention.

The first thought I had was that this is nothing new. Democrats are famous for spending money they don’t have. Hell, Barack Obama and his Democrats have been doing that since he was immaculated and we are now more than 5 TRILLION dollars deeper in the hole. It appears the only shovel ready project Obama had was the one where he kept digging us deeper in debt.

But an amazing thing happened on the way to Charlotte. Democrats have decided to do what they oppose when they govern and that is to cut items from the spending list. Yep, Democrats have cancelled a convention kick-off event at Charlotte Motor Speedway because they can’t afford it.

The Democrats have decided that they do not have enough of their own money to afford all of their convention events so they are scaling back. This is the exact opposite of what they do when they are spending OUR money. When we are paying for it they keep piling on and adding to the debt.

You can bet your bottom dollar that if the taxpayer was footing the bill this event would take place and they would add other events on top of it.

Like they say, Democrats are always generous with other people’s money.

Perhaps if they applied their convention plan to the national budget they would not have lost in 2010 and they would not be on the verge of being thrown in the ashbin in November.

I would not hold my breath on this one. Democrats live by one phrase:

What’s in your wallet?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maybe Obama Is Passing This Bill To His Grandchildren

Barack Obama plans on spending more money on our economic downturn than FDR spent on the New Deal (or Raw Deal, as it were). The Generational Theft Plan that he has come up with (OK, Pelosi and Reid came up with it and he signed it) spends money we do not have and there is no indication as to how we will pay off the huge debt that is piling up.

Somewhere along the way taxes and fees will increase and the taxpayer will foot the bill for lavish spending, new government programs (that will never go away) and pork projects to protect mice. When this economy gets back on track, which it would do regardless of the intervention (though the plan might slow recovery), Obama and the Democrats will come to taxpayers with a bill for all that was done. That bill will be paid for by an increase in taxes and fees. I would not be surprised if the tax code is rewritten to disallow many deductions so that taxpayers end up with even more of their money confiscated by the government.

Obama still owes Chicago 1.7 million dollars for his post victory celebration that was held in that city. The DNC says it is reviewing the bills for accuracy but the DNC has had since November to get this taken care of. Certainly the Democrats cannot be worried that they are getting shafted by the honorable folks who run Chicago.

This late bill looks like the way Obama has run government so far. Rack up bills with little or no regard as to how, or if, they will get paid. Just live in the moment and worry about the costs later on.

Then again, maybe he plans of passing the cost of his party on to his grandchildren.

That seems to be the way he does business.

Big Dog

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DNC; First Night Observations

The Democrats are having their love fest in Denver and it was officially kicked off Monday afternoon. I have a few observations from the first night.

The Democrats theme is a Town Hall America. This is interesting since The One has refused to debate John McCain in a town hall format.

Nancy Pelosi looks like her last face lift was too tight and if they cut the know she would have to pull down her socks to see. She was either chewing gum or a candy or her dentures were loose because she kept making a funny face as if she were sucking a hard candy or adjusting her teeth. She lied to America (surprise) by telling them that Democrats have accomplished so much when in fact they have done less than any other Congress. The major accomplishment was a hike in the minimum wage which she forgot to mention was tacked onto a war funding bill or it would not have passed. She also stated about four things that Obama got right and McCain got wrong like the war. She failed to mention that Obama has voted for every war funding bill presented.

The other theme was how Obambi was a poor kid who grew up in the American dream. His sister praised Obama and his momma and how great she was to him. I guess that was before she abandoned him.

The speakers keep telling the audience how Obama was responsible for ethics legislation. There is no other legislation mentioned. They have said that John McCain is out of touch because he has been in DC for too long (no mention of Biden’s out of touchness). I heard them tell me how Obama has reached across the aisle (a lie) and how he is what America needs. I also heard them say that Obama understands the economic woes of America while John McCain said our economy is fundamentally sound. Then they said that their towns and cities and states are not doing well. All states run by Democrats, no wonder they are not doing well. Maybe that minimum wage hike is causing some of the problems.

Ted Kennedy showed up (which means he can get his butt back to work in the Senate when it reconvenes). It was an emotional (for the Dems) event as they all cried when he spoke. For me it was hard to tell the guy had a brain tumor because he sounded just as moronic as he did 20 years ago. The tribute that they gave him talked about integrity and doing the right thing but failed to mention that he killed a woman by abandoning her after he drove her into a body of water. They lavished praise upon him, I just wished he had left the Senate decades ago.

Michelle Obama, as has been the theme tonight, is talking about Obama’s upbringing and how wonderful their values are, how he always tells the truth and blah, blah. A lot like the Edwards’ Two Americas son of a mill worker blah, blah speech. It is a bunch of bunk. It is all how poor people depended on Barack who did not go to Wall Street (because no one wanted him) and how he was an organizer, blah, blah. Of course, it is all about the children and how Martin Luther King Jr would be proud. He was a Republican.

They invoked Go a lot and they talked about how much they love the military without telling us they do not support the military.

Of course there was the obligatory slam with Hurricane Katrina. Bush didn’t do anything, blah, blah. They did not tell people that a Democratic Mayor and a Democratic Governor failed the people and that liberalism led people to wander around aimlessly because they did not know how to take care of themselves.

It was pretty much a love fest and it was a pack of lies sprinkled with fell good sprinkles. It was full of the same promises that they have made during every other convention and have failed to bring to fruition.

It will be a long week of this prolonged circle jerk. The only good thing that would happen if he wins is after four years of failure we will come back stronger and we will be able to show liberalism for the failure that it is. Until then we need to find ways to hide our money so they can’t take more of it…

But I think John McCain will win.

Big Dog

Were tornadoes a message from God?

The Democrats have all gathered in Denver for their convention love fest. Despite a lack of limousines, Dems were able to get to their “green” convention in the style they accuse out of touch Republicans of using.

Barack Obama hopes to make people believe he is no different than anyone else who has gone to school on scholarships and student loans and has had to figure out how to afford child care and activities for the youngsters. He might hope people will believe that but he and his wife spend more on piano lessons and camp than most people make in a year. Their kids go to private school and they own a home that cost them more than a million dollars even if a convicted lobbyist helped them buy it for political favor.

The Democrats also want us to believe that they are the party of faith. They barely acknowledged faith four years ago and their secular ways are touted whenever it is not an election year. They realized though, that the religious right is a big voting block and they would like to tap into it. What better way than to have a number of diverse religious groups and to start things off with a prayer? The Democrats are carefully moving into this area and claiming it is because Obama is giving people a seat at the table. The truth is that George Bush beat them with values voters and the left wants to tap into that group.

When there is no election the Democrats love to dismiss religion and invoke such non existent claims as Separation of Church and State (which is not written in the Constitution) and they love to side with the ACLU when it attacks religious groups. They use to dismiss religious voters until the Conservative Christians became a huge force. Now Democrats want to tap into that base. How they expect to do so when the Democratic platform involves killing unborn children and when their presumptive nominee advocates allowing children born alive to die is beyond me.

Perhaps this is why there were four tornadoes near Denver last night. Maybe God is expressing Himself in the debate.

Perhaps last night’s tornadoes were a prelude to Thursday night.

One can only HOPE…

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Big Dog