Maybe Obama Is Passing This Bill To His Grandchildren

Barack Obama plans on spending more money on our economic downturn than FDR spent on the New Deal (or Raw Deal, as it were). The Generational Theft Plan that he has come up with (OK, Pelosi and Reid came up with it and he signed it) spends money we do not have and there is no indication as to how we will pay off the huge debt that is piling up.

Somewhere along the way taxes and fees will increase and the taxpayer will foot the bill for lavish spending, new government programs (that will never go away) and pork projects to protect mice. When this economy gets back on track, which it would do regardless of the intervention (though the plan might slow recovery), Obama and the Democrats will come to taxpayers with a bill for all that was done. That bill will be paid for by an increase in taxes and fees. I would not be surprised if the tax code is rewritten to disallow many deductions so that taxpayers end up with even more of their money confiscated by the government.

Obama still owes Chicago 1.7 million dollars for his post victory celebration that was held in that city. The DNC says it is reviewing the bills for accuracy but the DNC has had since November to get this taken care of. Certainly the Democrats cannot be worried that they are getting shafted by the honorable folks who run Chicago.

This late bill looks like the way Obama has run government so far. Rack up bills with little or no regard as to how, or if, they will get paid. Just live in the moment and worry about the costs later on.

Then again, maybe he plans of passing the cost of his party on to his grandchildren.

That seems to be the way he does business.

Big Dog

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44 Responses to “Maybe Obama Is Passing This Bill To His Grandchildren”

  1. Randy says:

    Still with the mouse thing?

    You haven’t even looked at the actual bill yet have you?

  2. Big Dog says:

    Sure I have, it is a massive pork project. It is NOT a stimulus and it will NOT help.

    I don’t share your definition of stimulus.

  3. Barbara says:

    By the time Obama gets done, nobody will have any money for him to confiscate. You can’t get blood out of a turnip. People are getting more disgusted with him now, so if he keeps going the way he is, there will surely be a civil riot. Who in the heck is this idiotic person who wants anyone who has a gun to obtain $1,000,000 in insurance???? Has to be a Democratic! Hope he watches his back as there would be a lot of angry people.

  4. Big Dog says:

    If they require insurance then for the first time in my life I will be a criminal.

    The WON has a plan to raise taxes. The Washington Post had the story on it. Taxes under Carter for folks making 47k a year were 50%.

    Since Obam bam has defined down the meaning of rich I imagine that every day folks will be paying a lot of taxes.

    Time to make cash deals and work under the table. Time for a black market (tell Al Sharpton and Adam that this is a common term and is not meant to be a racial slur because the WON is black).

    There will be civil unrest.

    Buy guns and ammo.

  5. david kirk says:

    Thomas Jefferson believed that each generation should pay their own way and not burden the next with debt. We have seldom listened to the brightest people this country has ever produced. Here we are stuck with Nancy Pelosi. That’s just not right. She’s not bright enough to have even followed a conversation with TJ.

  6. Bunny Colvin says:

    Now hear this…

    In today’s edition of DogDirt- Dog again blames Obama for Americas pending ruin, Babs warns that doomsday is right around the corner and Dog advises his puppies to “buy guns and ammo” cause, come “revolution” time, your gonna need ‘em.

    Where is Jenn “Too Many” Sierras? I thought she was in on Dog’s imaginary revolution.

    Dog brings his best dirt on the weekends. He must catch up on FauxNews every Saturday and Sunday.

  7. Katy the mean old lady says:

    Take very good care of the rose colored Obama glasses. You are going to need them.

  8. Big Dog says:

    In this edition of “Bunny Turds” the hopelessly lost Bunny Colvin chides those who criticize the WON. His man crush on Obama clouds his vision and he is still unable to see the path to Socialism that the country is taking.

    He is unaware that the conversion will end up in civil unrest the degree of which is unknown at this time.

    However, it is expecting too much from him to understand the rationale behind buying guns and ammo now.

    His president, his messiah, is an anti gunner and there will be attempts to take them away. They will be veiled and will be methods that circumvent the Constitution but they will happen.

    First Hitler disarmed the Jews, then he got rid of them. Those who have no means to resist are enslaved to those whoa re supposed to lead. We know it and so do those who have been elected.

    We are in for some very difficult times if things continue on the path that the WON wants.

    True patriots will not allow that to happen.

  9. Adam says:

    You’re so full of crap it runs out your ears. There won’t be guns being taken away any more than they were taken away with Clinton. Your revolution will be on par with the Minutemen project that not only failed to accomplish what it started it merely drew the spotlight on all their stupidity and their ignorance.

    I like all the economic geniuses that said they were going to buy guns and ammo before the prices go up and they become harder to get. The increase in demand affected the supply and the cost quickly rose. Self fulfilling prophecy so to speak.

    • Big Dog says:

      With an anti gun president and an anti gun AG, both of whom have demonstrated that they do not understand the Second Amendment or know what it means, and Bobby Rush’s HR41, and not to forget the million dollar insurance and the serial numbered ammo then it is not tough to see they are trying to ban guns and since they cannot do it outright, they will circumvent the Constitution.

      I don’t know why morons like you and Colvin keep saying my revolution. I am not having one. I only stated that we would have another one or some type of civil unrest.

      It does not matter what they had to pay to get them when they did because at least they were available. If you want true economic geniuses try the morons who support the spending bill and the ones who passed it. A real economic genius would be someone who did not understand where a trillion comes from…

  10. Bunny Colvin says:

    Adam summed it up pretty well, doggie. And you’re the one that’s hopelessly lost, chief. Over the course of the past few months, your writings have deteriorated to the point that they now often resemble some type of Tim McVeigh/Turner Diaries sicko fantasy. All this talk of guns, revolution and violence. It really brings your credibility into question. I mean wackos like Babs, Mao and Sgt. Harry are always down for a good apocalyptic rant. But the rest of us (those with IQs over 75) expect more from you. You’re letting us down, doggie.

    • Big Dog says:

      No Bunny, Adam summed nothing up because like you the only view he has is from within his rectal cavity.

      I am not ranting like these radicals you mention. You just make a federal case out of my suggestion to buy guns and ammo. Morons expect to be taken care of by others. The rest of us will take care of ourselves and since the Obama administration is full of people who want to do away with guns then it is better to be safe then sorry. As for the revolution, see the previous comment. I should not be surprised you have lied about it and distorted it. That is all you pukes know how to do.

      Let me make this clear. No one forces you or Adam to come here.

      And to be clear, McVeigh did a terrible thing and he is still more of a patriot than you will ever be.

      The only sicko fantasy I have is that all members of Congress get voted out and replaced by competent people. Oh wait, that is not sick. More of the same is sick.

      If that plane had hit the Capitol the country would be in better shape today. They would have finally understood.

      • Bunny Colvin says:

        “And to be clear, McVeigh did a terrible thing and he is still more of a patriot than you will ever be.”

        How so?

  11. Big Dog says:

    McVeigh served this country honorably in the military actually fighting out enemies rather than siding with them. He became disillusioned after the Army sent him to war rather than training he was headed to and then he could not go when he got back.

    That does not excuse what he did. Up until he became a bad guy he was a patriot who fought for this country and against its enemies.

  12. Bunny Colvin says:

    I figured that was where you were going. Listen to yourself. Timothy McVeigh is more of a patriot because he served in the Army before murdering 168 innocents. Or does the Big Dweeb think they had it coming for being in a federal building? Dog ho hums Oklahoma City because the terrorist was more like him than those murderous A-rabs. With McVeigh dead, the best doggie can hope for is that Terry Nichols becomes his pen pal in “revolution” from Florence or that the Fortiers come over to the dog house to talk “revolution”.

    You know little about me other than the fact that I’ve never served in the military. And based on this, you claim Tim McVeigh is more of a “patriot” than I am. You are a fool. Good luck with the revolution. It’s going nowhere.

  13. Adam says:

    The Democrats are trying to ban guns as much as they are trying to pass the fairness doctrine. Both are pieces of fantasy belched up from the bellies of fat gas bags like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and then repackaged on your own blogs like this. But why stop a good ghost story when it catches so much attention in this echo chamber you exist in?

    What are we to do anyway? Those of us on the side of sanity can’t help it if you and your kind think the 2nd amendment means you can carry any kind of gun anywhere at any time.

    Funny how you are so quick to lash out with name calling lately when anybody questions your unhinged ramblings. I don’t much like being called a moron and a puke but we can’t all be patriots like you and McVeigh so maybe I deserve it.

    • Big Dog says:

      Bunny comes here and equates me to McVeigh and you call me a racist every time I say something that you think is offensive. Then you both have the audacity to cry about being called morons?

      Yes Bunny, I went that direction in response to your comparison. To put it in your words, you know nothing about me and you equate me to a domestic terrorist.

      Yes Adam, HR 41 and the other measures like serial numbered ammo, smart guns (that do not exist) and million dollar insurance requirements are pretty good indicators that they will try to make gun ownership as difficult as possible, or should I say they will INFRINGE.

      People who have no criminal record or other contraindications should be allowed to carry any kind of gun they want. Fully automatic weapons are regulated and you need a special license for those so the only folks who walk around with those are the criminals who murder each other. Law abiding citizens should be able to carry any kind of legal weapon they desire. What part of “shall not be infringed” are you having trouble with. You are one of the loonies who thinks Flag burning is free speech and will fight to be able to do it. You would cry a river if they made a law against it but you have no problem denying others their Constitutional rights.

      As for McVeigh killing 168 people, it was tragic. But nowhere near as tragic as the 40 million who have been murdered through abortion, something you guys have no problem with. McVeigh was a domestic terrorist, you guys are terrorists on a much grander scale.

      I think what McVeigh did was horrible and I am glad they executed him. However Bunny, if you want to start equating people to terrorists then be prepared for the blowback.

  14. Adam says:

    I’d love you to find the part in the stimulus bill about money for protecting mice. But then again that would take away one of your talking points that you heard somebody like Glenn Beck breathlessly report yet didn’t feel the need to really check your facts. All just part of this bizzaro fantasy world you’re writing about on this site where you can continue to state how the stimulus won’t work yet have absolutely no evidence to back up that claim other than it’s what Rushy Poo said on this radio show. You can continue to try and yell over the people who are actually qualified to talk about the economy that disagree with you like the CBO, but you just keep slipping further and further down into the zero lower bound of credibility.

    • Big Dog says:

      The spending bill provides around 30 million dollars for the Napa Salt Marsh Project. Several species will be taken care of there including the Marsh Mouse will have habitats erected for them. The original project, as put forward, was for $187,000 but now they need 30 million. No, the word mouse is not in the stimulus but the salt marsh where he lives is and he will benefit from millions more than originally requested in a project that will not provide many jobs or stimulate the economy.

      I admit, the word mouse is not in the bill as far as I could tell. Does it have to be in there to see the end result of the salt marsh project?

      If the word must be in there then tell me where you will find the word abortion in the Constitution. The “right” was inferred from an amendment. Just like the mouse is inferred from the salt marsh wording.

  15. Randy says:


    John Boehner told us the bill was too long and complicated to read. So why bother?

    The problem is that I read it. It isn’t nearly as long and complicated as some are making it sound. Big Dog posted a few days ago that the bill contained some hidden things that killed Bill Clintons welfare reform. I didn’t believe him and looked in the bill for the part he claimed was in there. Before I knew it, I had read the whole thing. I could have read it out loud to John Boehner in the time he had to review the bill. Add a few staffers and you could go over the stimulus package with a fine toothed comb in a matter of hours.

    There is plenty of stuff in the bill to argue about. Making things up about welfare reform, mice, and ACORN really isn’t necessary. Anyone repeating such claims is just plain lazy.

    • Big Dog says:

      It was too long to read before the vote. Don’t change the facts around. Certainly people can read it but it was delivered at midnight and voted on the next day. No one had the time to read, comprehend, and research the thing in that short amount of time.

      • Randy says:

        Nope, they voted on the bill that was signed into law. It contains nothing about the Napa Salt Marsh project. You still haven’t read the bill. You are being lazy and repeating things that simply aren’t true. I don’t want you to take this as me arguing with you, I am trying to help. There is plenty in the bill for you to complain about. Complaining about stuff that isn’t in there is kind of deranged. Why don’t you just read it, find something you don’t like and then discuss it? Repeating lies told by others that can so easily be discredited just doesn’t make much sense.

        • Big Dog says:

          I see this:
          For an additional amount for ‘‘Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations’’, $290,000,000, of which $145,000,000 is for necessary expenses to purchase and restore floodplain easements as author¬ized by section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) (except that no more than $30,000,000 of the amount provided for the purchase of floodplain easements may be obligated for projects in any one State): Provided, That such funds shall be allocated to projects that can be fully funded and completed with the funds appropriated in this Act, and to activities that can commence promptly following enactment of this Act.

          That is where the 30 mil came from and we will have to see if it goes to that project. Someone did not make that up out of thin air. I think the final version bumps this to 50 mil.

          We will have to wait and see if the Napa Saltwater Marsh or whatever it is called gets work done.

          Taking any bets?

          And I read some of it but not all. I got tired of looking at all the referenced codes.

  16. Bill says:

    Adam talks about ghost stories…like global warming? Now there is a real ghost story. As for the debate about the “Censorship Doctrine”, Rush and Hannity are talking about it in RESPONSE to what is being said by the left. Even their “hero” Bill Clinton spoke openly about re-instating it. Would you call that a “ghost story”?

    As for Bunny Colvin…I really don’t know what to say to a man who goes by the nick name “Bunny”.

    Really dude?

  17. Adam says:

    Never mind that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, American Association for the Advancement of Science all stated their consensus view that global warming is real and humans play a role, Bill said global warming was a ghost story and I believe him. He sounds very qualified to debunk that awful myth of climate change.

    • Big Dog says:

      Never mind that there are as many scientists who do not agree as do. Never mind that CO2 is a natural human waste that plants need to produce O2 that mammals need. Never mind that regardless of where scientists fall on this Al Gore is in no way a scientist. Never mind that the climate has gotten warm and cold for millions of years, long before man was here.

      Three years ago he said we had ten years. We will see in seven. One thing is for sure, we do not need to spend money to make a minimal impact on the climate.

      Does science need to look at this further, certainly. Is it settled? Not by a long shot.

  18. Randy says:

    That’s better. And it wasn’t that hard either was it?

    • Big Dog says:

      Oh, I’ve been reading it. This strange thing called a job keeps me from devoting all my time to it.

      The budget process is often veiled. Things placed in bills are ambiguous and then are defined more clearly when the bill passes.

      We will see but like I said, it came from somewhere.

      • Bunny Colvin says:

        No sense arguing about any flood prevention operations with Dog. It would take five more Katrinas before he’d be ready to spend a dime on anything of the sort.

        Still maintaining that I’m a terrorist, I see. Way to stick to your guns. I’d like you to explain this statement…”And to be clear, McVeigh did a terrible thing and he is still more of a patriot than you will ever be.”

        When I asked you about it before, you immediately switched it to “he WAS a patriot back when he was in the military-before he became a bad guy”. Yeah, no sh!t Dog ape. Anyone serving in the military is a patriot. You’re a veteran- if you bombed the IRS building tomorrow would you still be a patriot? What you said was that he died more of a patriot than me. And that confirms your status as a jackass. The man blew up a building full of American citizens on American soil.

        If Timothy McVeigh had changed his name to Yusuf Islam before the bombing, you’d be reminding us all about it every ten posts or so. Instead, you identify with his anti-gubment outlook and state that he died “more of a patriot” than me (and I would guess many others). Never, in any of your many rants about terrorism, is Oklahoma City ever mentioned. Why not?

        You are losing it, dude. When does the revolution start?

        Snap- as you like to say. So lame.

        • Big Dog says:

          You brought up Mcveigh and compared me to him. You should not be surprised when you get iut thrown back at you.

          Keep in mind, you brought it up and you compared me.

          I think I have written about McVeigh. The difference is he was an isolated incident. The radical Islamists are united in the cause.

      • Adam says:

        Finally you admit protecting mice is no more in the stimulus bill than money for ACORN. But, but, but…but they could apply for it!! Your side’s cheap attacks on the bill keep falling apart for some reason.

        • Big Dog says:

          I admit no such thing. I know that it was discussed for a reason and that the bill provides general items that will be narrowed down. I bet they will work on that salt marsh. I also bet ACORN will get the money. The bill provided for groups like them and they are really the only game in town.

  19. Bunny Colvin says:

    Dog- I said you sounded like McVeigh with all the guns and revolution stuff. Then you made the ridiculous claim that he is more of a “patriot” than me. The fact is, you think Timothy McVeigh is a patriot. Or at least more of a patriot than the 67 million Americans that voted for Obama. And that not only makes you look stupid, it makes you a sicko.

    “The difference is he was an isolated incident. The radical Islamists are united in the cause.”

    How the hell do you know that it was an isolated incident? How are you so sure that radical w(r)ong wing separatists like Timmy and Terry aren’t planning more attacks? Do you belong to such groups? Are you in your state’s militia? When does the revolution start?

  20. Big Dog says:

    Sorry Bunny, once again you put words in my mouth to backstep on what you said.

    I never said he was more of a patriot than 67 million people, just than you. I said it to be mean and nasty and to rattle your cage. Hope it worked.

    How do I know? How many attacks have we seen? What makes you think all the extremists are right wing. Those KKK fellows came from the Democratic party.

    Yes I belong to the militia and you might as well depending on how old you are. All males between the age of 17 and 45 and all females who are in the guard.

    I am not part of some radical group, if that is what you mean. If I wanted to be part of the radicals hell bent on destroying America I would become a Democrat.

    • Bunny Colvin says:

      No, you said it because you really feel that way. And now you’re trying to back out of it. Like a b!tch. Why don’t you stand up for yourself and your radical beliefs? You think that McVeigh is more of a patriot than me because he served in the military. Never mind the fact that he murdered all of those people. In your silly state of mind, he wasn’t a terrorist because he was a white American. Or at least less of a terr’st than any of those crazy “Islamo-fascists”.

      “How do I know? How many attacks have we seen?”

      The same number of attacks we’ve seen (on American soil) since 9/11. Perhaps Great Emperor Bush kept all of those militiamen at bay as well!

      When does the revolution start? Everybody’s waiting. Snap.

  21. Big Dog says:

    No Bunny, you are wrong again.

    And don’t come here with that racist crap. I don’t care what color a person who did bad things is. He deserved to die and I am glad he did.

    And you need to get off the revolution crap as well. You took something I said and blew it way out of proportion but then again you do that all the time.

    Yes, he served and that means he was a patriot. He lost it somewhere and that is a shame.

    You are a fool. You bring up McVeigh and discuss how he is a domestic terrorist and that I am part of some radical movement. You associate him with me and I never knew the guy.

    On the other hand you give Obama Lewinsky’s and he associated with a domestic terrorist. You had no outrage about Ayers. So shut the hell up you hypocrite. When you can condemn Obama for his friendship with Ayers then you have standing with regard to this subject.

    • Bunny Colvin says:

      No, no. You said he “is” more of a patriot than I’ll ever be. That means that you think Timothy McVeigh, murderer of more innocent Americans than 99.9% of “Islamo-fascists”, IS somewhat of a patriot. And that makes you an idiot.

      Ayers too is a terrorist. Where did you ever get the idea that I was down with Bill Ayers? Other terr’sts of note include major investors in the Carlyle Group, a private equity firm at one time employing James Baker, G.W. and G. H. W. Bush. Terr’sts here, terr’sts there, terr’sts everywhere!


  22. Big Dog says:

    He is more of a patriot and he is not one so where does it leave you?

    Did you condemn Obama for his association. Yes or No. No you did not. You had no problems with Obama because in your mind his association was OK because he is black.

    As for domestic terrorists the abortion doctors have murdered 40 million babies. You and your terror buddies are OK with that. In reality, your acquiescence enabled more people to be murdered than McVeigh accomplished.

    Tell me, why is McVeigh dead and Ayers alive?

  23. Bunny Colvin says:

    “He is more of a patriot and he is not one so where does it leave you?”

    I can’t answer because I’m not even sure what this means. Try English (Or you might call it “American“). I’m an English speaker.

    “Did you condemn Obama for his association. Yes or No. No you did not. You had no problems with Obama because in your mind his association was OK because he is black.”

    Ah, ok. Again I cannot argue this one because I don’t understand what is asked and/or stated. Bill Ayers is white, not black.

    “Tell me, why is McVeigh dead and Ayers alive?”

    I think because McVeigh planted a bomb that killed 168 people and injured 800 or so, while Ayers planted a bomb that blew out some windows. I‘m no special prosecutor but I‘m guessing that this might have something to do with it.

  24. Bunny Colvin says:

    Oh, and do you smoke marijuana? Please, it would explain a lot.

  25. Big Dog says:

    “You had no problems with Obama because in your mind his association was OK because he is black.”

    The he in the sentence would refer to Obama who was mentioned earlier. I thought you said you speak English.

    Ayers and his group were responsible for the deaths of police officers. They also did more than blow out a few windows.

    And Ayers planted more than A bomb.

    No, I do not smoke marijuana, nor have I ever. I also do not take any other drugs, in case you were wondering. They don’t let dopers stay in the Army.

    How old were you when your father stopped sexually abusing you?

    That would explain a lot.

  26. Bunny Colvin says:

    “The he in the sentence would refer to Obama who was mentioned earlier. I thought you said you speak English.”

    What does Obama’s race have to do with this case? I don’t understand.

    “Ayers and his group were responsible for the deaths of police officers.”

    No, members of his group were killed by their own bombs. I’m glad they were. Ayers was never convicted in the deaths of any police officers. When did you start caring about police, Dog? I thought you were a cop hater.

    “How old were you when your father stopped sexually abusing you?”

    How old were you when you last raped a comatose accident victim in your ambo? You like it like that because they never complain about your premature ejaculations.


  27. Big Dog says:

    You said that I don’t consider McVeigh a terrorist (a lie on your part because I do) because he is white. So, you must not care about Obama’s association with a terrorist because he is black.

    Ayers and his group set a bomb at the San Francisco police station and it killed an officer, Brian V. McDonnell.

    …they never complain about your premature ejaculations.

    Your wife never complains.

  28. Bunny Colvin says:

    “Ayers and his group set a bomb at the San Francisco police station and it killed an officer, Brian V. McDonnell.”

    Any convictions? Charges? No.

    Your wife doesn’t make my cut line. Yuck.