News From Around The Asylum

The Blame Game

Barry Barry bo arry banana fanna fo fairy, fee fi mo marry, Barry.

Every day is blame day in DC as Barack Obama finds someone or something to blame. Everything that happens that is bad is the fault of someone or something Barry chooses to assign blame to. George Bush is a favorite target of Obama who blames all that is bad on Bush even though the blame lies squarely on Obama’s shoulders.

[note]Obama always takes credit when good things happen. To hear him you would think he was the one who killed Bin Laden.[/note]

Today Barry is blaming the “bad apple” insurance companies for people having their insurance cancelled. The linked article points out that fact checkers have ruled that Obama lied (they use the term not being truthful) about being able to keep your insurance if you like it. Obama claims that the terrible insurance plans offered by bad apple insurance companies are the culprits because they were too cheap and dastardly to offer the generous plans Obamacare requires.

Never mind that people put those plans together, liked them and could afford them. No, his majesty B. Hussein Obama has decreed that they are not sufficient to meet your needs and they must go.

But it isn’t his fault the companies cancelled you. It is the insurance company’s fault for offering substandard plans. It matters not to Obama what you like or what you want because you are too stupid to know what is good for you.

Pelosi Says No Deals If Your Taxes Being Raised Are Not Part Of The Deal

Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that House Democrats will not support any agreements to end the sequester that do not include new revenue. New revenue is political speak for taxes. Nancy Pelosi refuses to address the sequester cuts unless she gets to raise taxes. To Nancy, who said the cupboard is bare, we do not have a spending problem, we have a “revenue” problem. In other words the budget mess is not because government spends too much it is because it taxes too little.

Pelosi is a typical progressive in that she never met a tax she didn’t hike. Couple this with her refusal to make actual cuts in spending and you have the recipe for a disaster and that disaster is currently sitting at 17 TRILLION dollars.

The reality is we have plenty of money coming in and would have tons more if the 90 million people who have dropped out of the workforce were employed. Think about that for a moment. If the people counted in the 7.2% unemployment number plus the 90 or so million who have quit looking for work were employed we would have over 100 million people paying taxes which would increase the amount of money taken in quite a bit.

I think I agree with Pelosi in that we need a tax to make things work. My idea is vastly different than hers because she undoubtedly wants to tax the rich even more. I think Republicans can tell Nancy they will agree to a tax increase and then submit a plan that taxes the 47% of workers who pay no federal taxes. When Pelosi cries about fair share and all the other BS she spouts she can be reminded that paying nothing is not a fair share.

Hell now is a great time for Republicans to push a flat tax that everyone pays. Make the tax rate a flat 11% for each and every wage earner. We could eliminate most of the IRS and filing taxes would be so easy. Eliminate ALL deductions and charge people 11% of all income. Then eliminate the Social Security and Medicare taxes (11% of all income will pay for those programs) and include a provision that the rate cannot be raised unless 75% of Congress votes to do so and it must be raised for all wage earners. In other words, any tax decrease or increase must apply to all wage earners. That should stop them from raising taxes so willingly.

The last thing to do is include a provision that any tax money over the amount required to run government must go to pay the debt until the debt is eliminated.

It would be nice to include a provision for a balanced budget but it is unlikely that would have teeth without an Amendment to the Constitution.

Imagine how Pelosi would react if she is promised a tax increase and then that increase includes everyone.

Put it back on her. If the tax increase does not include all wage earners then there is no deal. Or in Obama parlance, no negotiations.

I guess being a terrorist holding people hostage with a gun to their heads is OK as long as it is a Democrat doing it.

Speaking Of Revenue And The Budget

More proof that we do not have a “revenue” problem but a spending problem is revealed in the latest news. The budget deficit in the US is at a 5 year low. The government took in 2.77 TRILLION dollars last fiscal year but it spent 3.45 TRILLION. So even with increased “revenue” government failed to cut spending.

The progressives will tell you that all the cuts that can be made have been made but this is a blatant lie. These people use baseline budgeting and have a number of programs that are on autopilot.

“We’ve made a lot of fiscal progress in the U.S. because of the sequester cuts, tax rates going back to historic norms and the economy improving,” said Bricklin Dwyer, an economist at BNP Paribas in New York. “Politicians have, thus far, avoided the most difficult choices — addressing unsustainable spending on entitlements such as Medicare and Medicaid.”

There are programs that are duplicated all over the government. In some cases there are dozens of agencies that do the same things. There are billions of dollars in waste and unnecessary spending that could be cleaned up to take care of the shortfall.

Until we make the government smaller and get adults running the show things will only get worse.

While a report like this lets the sane among us know the problem is our government spends too much, the progressives will say it indicates we need to tax more.

I agree. See the above item…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


How Far Does The IRS Scandal Reach?

The IRS is guilty of targeting conservative groups. Of this there is no doubt and when this is said and done a number of people should land in jail. The IRS deliberately targeted groups to help Barack Obama get reelected and it released tax information to people who could use it to attack Romney and his supporters.

These are the facts in the scandal and they are not in dispute.

We know that Harry Reid made claims that Romney paid no taxes. We do not know if this is true or not but where did Reid get his information? We know that Austan Goolsbee, Obama’s economic adviser, accused the Koch brothers of not paying corporate taxes. Where did he get his information?

Goolsbee and the White House had claimed they got the information from publicly available sources (Forbes and the Koch website) but those sources did not have that information. Now that the IRS scandal has broken Goolsbee has piped up to claim that it was a mistake and the info came from an article.

Why did he chime in now when the issue was not mentioned since the original false claim? Perhaps it is because Goolsbee is worried about getting snared in the IRS scandal. Is it because this will be traced back to Obama?

It is likely that Barack Obama had knowledge of what was going on. Whether he directed the IRS to break the law is not yet known but he probably knew where the information was coming from. Hell, his campaign was using the information so it requires the willful suspension of disbelief to think he did not know. This tactic is classic Obama.

This is why all the wagons are circling. The people involved are trying to protect Obama from being caught up in all of this.

Congress can investigate all of this and it can appoint a special prosecutor to look into it but if it wants to end this fast it needs to find the low level people involved and threaten them with serious jail time. These people might be Obama sycophants but I doubt any of them want to go to jail for him.

Goolsbee is covering his rear so he should be on the hot seat as should the people at the IRS all the way up to Lerner. Threaten these people with the full might of the government and the judicial system and they will begin to sing.

There are plenty of scandals that show America elected a criminal to run the country. His shady deal with terrorists (he was either running guns through Benghazi or he planned to have our Ambassador kidnapped so he could negotiate a deal to swap the Blind Sheik and look like a hero before the election. The plan went south when two Seals refused to stand down) led to Americans being murdered and he should be impeached for that. In any event this 3 am phone call will derail Hillary in 2016.

The IRS scandal hits a broader audience because it targeted everyday citizens for political purposes. A government agency was used to intimidate Americans and help Obama win an election. Despite the moron liberals who are happy it took place the overwhelming number of people in this country find the whole thing distasteful. Most people here do not like the IRS and give it no sympathy.

The public trust has been violated and there are a lot of people involved in the violation. We need action on this. We need Obama impeached, we need the IRS abolished and the tax code simplified, and we need everyone who was involved in this to be sent to jail.

Then we need to deal with Benghazi and the DOJ violation of the First Amendment right of the press.

No matter what, we must have answers and we must have justice.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Congress Will Use End Run, Deceive On Immigration

With the Obama regime neck deep in scandals, all of which are real and deserve scrutiny, the Senate is forging ahead with immigration reform. Read that as backdoor amnesty because Senators from both parties are working on ways to promise us one thing and do another. They are also working to pass as much as they can while our attention is focused on the Obama criminal regime.

The Senators keep telling us that these illegals will not be allowed to get taxpayer funded assistance. No welfare for them when they come out of the shadows. This is absolute BS.

First of all, the Senate Judiciary Committee has passed an amendment to the immigration legislation that will allow illegals who are magically changed to legally here eligible for welfare.

Even if this were not the case they would still get it. How is that, you ask?

Quite easy! Under the misinterpreted and misapplied 14th Amendment any child born here to these illegals will be called a US citizen. The parents, though illegal, will apply for any benefits that a child who is a US citizen can get. These people will have welfare rolling in and spend it on whatever they want (they do this now so how will it be any different when we make them legal). Those who claim that they will get no welfare will then tell us that those kids are citizens and “deserve” this.

No, we did not lie because citizens are getting your money, not those illegals we waved our amnesty wand over.

The liberals in the Senate have already balked at removing the eligibility for the Earned Income Credit (EIC) on their taxes. This credit is a wealth redistribution scheme where people who pay no taxes (or very little that they usually get back) get money because they have children. It is a scheme that allows those who pay no taxes to get what was withheld back AND THEN SOME.

The Senate passed the amendment allowing welfare so it matters not but regardless of how they approach this, the illegals will be getting taxpayer money. If that is not bad enough, the alleged fines these people will have to pay (as in fines and back taxes) is all a ruse.

As pointed out, they pay little or no taxes. How can we force them to pay back taxes when they end up not having owed any taxes? No, this is all smoke and mirrors so the government can claim that these people paid their dues.

No restriction is allowed on all of these lawbreakers. The advocates for these illegals are screaming about an amendment making conviction of a third DUI grounds for deportation. No, we can’t have such a strict thing for people whose first act in this nation was to break our law.

Look, these folks can be wonderful and hard working pillars of their shadow communities but the reality is that they are all lawbreakers. They came here illegally and now want to be rewarded for their crimes. They expect special treatment over those who are trying to do things the right way.

I personally have a friend who is highly skilled and has a job offer pending at a hospital but she cannot get here because of all the illegals and non English speaking people gumming up the works. She has been waiting for years to come here and she would be an immediate asset. She is skilled in a profession that is in short supply and she has a job offer. She would start working and begin paying taxes immediately.

But she can’t come here because of all the future Democrat voters who are demanding they be rewarded for breaking the law and because liberals in Congress are listening to them.

We need to put systems in place to flush these folks out where they self deport or we send them packing and we need to change our laws so that those who try to come here the right way AND HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER are processed quickly.

We conservatives are not against immigration. We are against illegal immigration.

We are also against members of Congress who pander to people who break the law and expect to be rewarded for it.

I have an idea. Let’s evict the United Nations, tear down the building and ship the bricks to the south. Then round up the illegals and make them build a wall between them and the US with those bricks. Once it is done we will let them walk back home without being put in jail. In exchange for their labor we will allow them to apply for legal entry in 15 years, may never become a citizen and may never vote in an election.

Even Democrats won’t want them here if they can’t vote.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


New York Plan Shows Why NOT To Go There

Governor Cuomo of New York will launch an ad campaign in other states touting the benefits of locating businesses in the Empire State. Cuomo’s ads will air outside New York and feature the voice of actor Robert DeNiro telling folks that New York is on the rebound.

The first problem with this is that the state is using money from the federal disaster aid sent to help those who were impacted by Hurricane Sandy. That money is supposed to help those people restore their lives and rebuild their properties. While many are still without a home or power the governor is taking money meant to help them and using it to lure business to the state.

This seems like a criminal act and should be investigated. The money sent to the state came from taxpayers all over the country and was designated for use in helping victims of the hurricane. Using it for any other purpose is wrong. Why would any business want to relocate to a place that does this kind of thing?

The next issue is the environment in New York. New York is a high tax state. Many wealthy people and a number of businesses have left the state because of its high taxes. Why would a business want to move to New York when states like Florida and Texas offer more tax friendly environments?

It is also important to note that New York is not a state where freedom is honored or protected by the politicians in charge. New York City has a mayor who thinks he should dictate how much salt and trans fats a person can eat and what size sugary drink they can consume. The state has recently enacted restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws (on top of already restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws) that infringe upon the rights of law abiding citizens.

Why would any business want to go to New York knowing that the government there does not uphold the Constitution?

While it is true that some business owners might be anti gun and welcome that environment it is important to note that if the state is willing to ignore the Constitution with regard to gun rights then it will feel free to ignore other constitutionally protected rights. Once a business assumes all the costs involved in moving it will be held captive to a government that has no problem raising taxes and infringing on rights.

Businesses should consider tax friendly and freedom loving states instead of New York.

And Cuomo should be investigated for improper use of federal tax dollars.

Be wary business owners. The lure will be filled with honey but the result will be full of manure…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Good Enough For You But Not For Congress

Well, well, well, it looks like the highly paid members of Congress are in talks to exempt themselves and their staff from Obamacare. Yes, the must have health care law that was forced upon the American public is deemed too costly for members of Congress and their staff but the constituents, those who pay their salaries and for whom they work, are not so lucky.

This is another example of the good enough for you but not for me. Yes America, your employees in Congress think this is too costly for them to afford with their nearly 200,000 dollar a year salaries.

Those of us who make far less than that are stuck with it. The logic here seems to be that Congress members and their staff are unable to afford this and DC might lose the brain power (that ship has already sailed) so they need an exemption BUT it matters not how it affects the rest of us because our overlords have decided it is best for us.

Senator McConnell says he is not involved in the talks and believes all Americans should be exempt. Well Senator, you guys there have the ability to defund this monstrosity so have at it.

If the Democrats give you a hard time ask them why they too are on board with the exemption. Hell, they should be happy to rid themselves of this before the next election.

Be aware Decepticons in Congress, the public is watching. A huge majority did not want this to begin with and if you deem yourselves too important to be burdened by this we will unburden ourselves of your presence in Congress.

Keep in mind that the SCOTUS ruled that Obamacare was a tax. So not only did Obama raise taxes on EVERYONE, Congress is now trying to exempt itself from that tax.

Pay attention to Maryland for an idea of how the cost will affect the rest of us…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

