Hillary Takes A Trip

Hillary Clinton took a trip to India on her never ending quest to try and convince people that her loss was a fluke and to fix blame on something, anything. She also took a trip down a set of steps not once but twice and if not for the help of a few men she would have bounced all over the place. Maybe what happened (the name of her book and the tour to explain her loss) is she got drunk. Or perhaps she has a brain disease and loses her balance. No matter what, her trip down the steps is a good reminder of how lucky we are that what happened is she lost. The fall video is at the linked site.

Hillary went out of her way with this explanation to tell us she won the coasts and Trump won the middle and if you look she won the parts that generate two thirds of the GDP. She, according to her own words, won the progressive forward thinking producers while Trump won the racists who are upset blacks and women have advanced in society.

Hillary Clinton suggested that people who supported President Trump in 2016 did so because they “didn’t like black people getting rights,” or women getting jobs, during a discussion at the India Today Conclave on Sunday.

“If you look at the map of the United States, there’s all that red in the middle where Trump won. I win the coasts, I win Illinois, I win Minnesota, places like that,” Clinton said.

“What the map doesn’t show you is that I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product,” Clinton explained. “So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards.” ~The American Mirror

Hillary won some places on the coasts and Trump won some places in the middle. Trump won a huge area in the middle while Clinton had a few little pockets of blue. Hillary won some densely packed areas of blue on the coasts and Trump picked up outlying areas.

What Hillary won was areas where Democrats are packed in. There are huge numbers of Democrats that pack into these cities so she gets a little blue area while the rest of the entire area is red. Democrats pack into cities run by other Democrats so they can all live in liberal misery. There is a map to demonstrate this dispersion of votes. It is important to note that a lot of the area that is in the middle is sparsely populated. Trump had to win a lot of areas to match her and to get the electoral votes needed to win.

This map shows the genius of the Founders. LA County has 10 million people in it. That is more than the population of ten states added together (the linked map lists them). That is why we do not have a single election or an election decided by popular vote. If we did LA County could cancel out 10 entire states. Hillary did not win the popular vote because we do not have a popular vote. She had more votes when you add up all 51 elections but in each individual election she did not win. To be clear, we have 51 individual elections, one in each state, and one in DC. Those are all counted as INDIVIDUAL elections and the results are INDIVIDUAL results and are reported INDIVIDUALLY. Trump won more of the individual elections than Hillary did and won more electoral votes.

The Electoral College system is genius and it keeps us from having densely populated areas deciding the elections for the rest of us. We all have a better playing field because of it.

As for Hillary, she can scream racism and all the other BS about why she lost and Trump supporters living in the past but the reality is those supporters are hardworking people who produce the GDP she lays claim to. They are people who do not care about color or sex or sexual orientation. It was, after all, Democrats who held the slaves and refused to free them.

Yes, Hillary is on her whine a lot tour. This is the never ending saga where she keeps saying things and giving excuses as to why she lost. It is, in some small part, for the benefit of the mind numbed who voted for her but in a major way it is nothing more than Hillary trying to convince herself that she was not the problem and there must have been some other reason that she lost.

What happened? You lost because no one likes you. You are a thief, a liar and you broke the laws of our nation while mishandling classified information. You should be rotting in a jail cell right now.

No matter what Trump does I wake up every day knowing that Hillary is NOT the president.

And that is OK with me.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Barack Obama Is A Sexist

In a speech while campaigning for Hillary Clinton (instead of doing his actual job), Barack Obama presented a thinly veiled message that men who do not vote for Hillary are sexists. He did not come right out and say that. No, instead he said we have not had a woman president and I think you guys know why.

If Obama thinks men who do not vote for Hillary are sexist then he is a sexist.

Remember, Obama ran against her in 2008 so he did not vote for her. He blocked her from getting into office. Let’s face it, if she had been the nominee then she probably would have beaten McCain. At least she would have had a good chance since this was BES (Before Email Scandal).

Funny though, Obama challenged her and beat her thus denying her the chance to become president. He must be, by his own definition, a sexist. He is already, by his own definition, unpatriotic.

Obama also did not mind beating McCain and his running mate, a woman, so he is a double sexist because we have never had a female VP either.

It is also important to note that all the things Obama is saying about Hillary and why she is so great are the exact opposite of the things he said about her when she was his opponent. He told us she was not qualified to be president. Now he says she is more qualified than he or Bill Clinton ever were.

In other words folks, not only is Obama unpatriotic and a sexist, he is also a lying sack of feces.

I also pose this question. When Obama ran any opposition to him was considered racist because he is black. He is out there opposing Trump and insulting him. Since Trump is white does that make Obama the racist?


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hillary, A Wealth Of Stupidity

Hillary Clinton is in general election mode. She figures she has Sanders beaten and the nomination is hers so she has turned her focus to Donald Trump, who she must figure will be the GOP nominee.

Hillary went on the attack and bashed Trump for his wealth. She claimed that he could not fly in on his private jet, give a speech and fly out on that jet back to his luxury homes and expect to know how regular people live.

There is no doubt that Trump is very wealthy. He talks about his wealth quite a bit so it would be hard to overlook. But Trump made his money as a businessman in the private sector. It matters not how he got the seed money, the reality is he earned it in private business.

Now Hillary, on the other hand, made her money only after she and her hubby served in public office. Remember, Hillary told us that she and Bill were dead broke and owed a lot of money when they left the White House. Now they have a combined wealth of over 100 MILLION dollars. All that money was earned after they were in office and as a result of their elected positions.

It is beyond me how Hillary can go after Trump for flying in a private jet when Hillary flies around in private jets. It is beyond me how she can talk of Trump’s luxurious homes when she and Bill own several very nice residences.

All the things Hillary claims put Trump out of touch are the very same things she has or does. Admittedly, the amount of money the Clinton’s have pales in comparison to what Trump has but he earned his and he is spending it (his own money) on his campaign. Bill and Hillary spend very little of their own money and win lose or draw she will be sending out emails after the election in November begging people to contribute to pay off her campaign debt. She had over 100 million in wealth in 2008 and begged people to pay off the millions she owed for her failed campaign.

The Clintons are a work of crappy art. Only liberal morons like those two (and throw in the daughter who makes hundreds of thousands for doing very little) could live the life of royalty on money “earned” as a result of public service and then turn around and slam a rich guy who earned his money in the private sector.

This is no different than Sanders screaming about the unfair tax system that favors the rich while he, a wealthy man, writes off everything he can to avoid paying the taxes he wants everyone else to pay.

For the life of me I can’t figure why anyone would vote for this woman. I am baffled by Sanders supporters but Hillary’s supporters are even more troubling because they have decades of her antics to look at before they decide.

None of her criminal behavior keeps people from considering her.

She claims Trump is out of touch because of his wealth and the life he lives but how in touch can she be if she is doing the same things as he?

Only a liberal could get rich off public service and then smear a rich guy who earned his money in business.

Class warfare and hypocrisy. Without them liberals would dry up and blow away.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bill Whittle Is Spot On

This is a short video that describes what Bill Whittle likes about Donald Trump. Before you dismiss the video based on that last sentence, watch it and see whether you agree with his assessment…

I bet his opening surprised you, eh?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Shorter Dems: Save Us From Ourselves

The Democrats forced Obamacare on all of us. They wanted to take over the health care in this nation in an effort to further control people so they pushed through a massive bill that no one read. Pelosi told everyone they had to pass it to see what was in it (it should work the other way around for those who are as brain dead as she).

So this huge bill was pushed through and Obama signed it into law. Then the problems started. It was challenged in court and in an amazing act of judicial malfeasance, John Roberts cast the deciding vote to uphold the law after he rewrote it (figuratively) from the bench.

After that more and more of the bad things popped up and began to affect people who supported it. Obama’s lies were exposed and people were getting screwed. Things were so bad Democrats lost control of the House and then the Senate.

There is currently a challenge to the law that could unravel it. Democrats tried to coerce states into setting up exchanges by offering subsidies only to those in states with exchanges. They discussed this carrot and stick tactic over and over when pushing the law. A number of states did not set up the exchanges so the feds did (which they can under the law). The feds then allowed the subsidies which it is not allowed to do under the law. The words are clear in the law (maybe they should have read it first) because this is what they intended. Now they claim it was never intended to be that way.

If the law is upheld as written, in other words if John Roberts (or any others for that matter) does not again legislate from the bench, then it could unravel the entire thing.

This is all going on as other parts of the law are beginning to take place. There were items that phased in and now that they are getting close to starting it is getting clear they are not good. One such thing involves putting companies with 51-100 employees in the more costly small group market. This will cause all kinds of trouble for these companies. It is set to take effect in 2016.

A number of Senate Democrats have spoken up and are begging Obama to delay this. They are not worried that it will harm business though they claim this is their concern. They claim they want the market to gradually adapt before this takes place (it has been in effect for 5 years now). In other words, they want to delay the screwing the companies will get so they can get accustomed to the violation.

Here is the real deal; the Democrats are worried that this will cause turmoil and they will face backlash from the voters. They are concerned that the problems will be used to batter their party during the next presidential election. Since only Democrats voted for it only Democrats are responsible for it. They know they could lose the White House and more seats in Congress.

This is ALL they are concerned with. This is the only reason Obama delayed the things he did, so they would be after his last election.

We need to get rid of the entire law. Democrats will not do that.

But we should not let them continue to delay to save their sorry butts. They loved it so much when they forced it on us it is time to make them suffer through the problems they caused.

It will be painful for everyone but pain is often the best teacher and there are a lot of liberals who need a lesson.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
