Some Republicans Will Actually Help Rahm

Rahm Emanuel is in a political battle to win reelection as Mayor of Chicago. Emanuel did not get enough votes to win outright and now he is pitted against a relative unknown challenger in the runoff.

Rahm is as partisan as they get. He hates Republicans and anyone else who is not on board with his socialist/progressive agenda. I have never heard him say anything positive about those who disagree with him and he is all in favor of a scorched earth policy to get what he wants while destroying those who stand in his way.

While it is not highly publicized, Rahm needs Republican support to win his reelection. He needs Republican voters to vote for him or he will most likely lose. He needs those he would just as soon ship to another planet to save his worthless butt from a humiliating defeat.

And the worst thing of all is there are Republicans who will help him.

There are certainly Republican voters who view him as the lesser of two evils and will cast their ballot in his favor. The lesser of two evils is still evil so just stay home.

Republican Senator Mark Kirk has already put his support behind Emanuel saying Chicago would become like Detroit if he loses. I get that Kirk is a US Senator representing Illinois but Chicago is heading to being like Detroit no matter what.

Couldn’t Kirk just keep his mouth shut? Hey Mark, do you think Emanuel will reciprocate and back you against a Democrat challenger? He will kiss you and leave cab fare on the table on his way out.

Emanuel has also garnered the support of conservative Republicans from different organizations.

Why are they helping this guy? He should be left to live or die (politically speaking) on his own.

Perhaps it is because in the overall scheme of things politics trumps party and country when all the players are working toward the same goals.

Sure, they all fight and call each other names but in the overall scheme of things politicians and organizations of both major parties are taking us to the same destructive place. Democrats are doing it in the fast lane and Republicans in the slow lane but in the end they will both reach the same destination.

We need to get people like Emanuel OUT of office even if his replacement is not any better. If the guy can’t cut it they can replace him in the next election but Emanuel will be GONE.

It would be strange if Emanuel wins and only because of Republican support. It would then be fun to watch as Emanuel returns the favor by promptly screwing them over.

Pop the popcorn it looks like the fun will soon begin.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Israel Beats Obama With a Bibi

It is no secret the Obama regime used taxpayer money and had its interest groups in (as in go to) Israel in order to influence their election. Obama and his regime do not like Israel and they especially do not like Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. He is a strong leader who makes Obama look weak and ineffective.

The election looked too close to call right up until it was held yesterday. Pools showed a tight race and that Netanyahu might get beaten. Obama and his toadies were no doubt salivating at the idea of Netanyahu losing. They invested a lot of time and money in defeating him and it looked like they might just do it.

But the people of Israel had a different opinion. They showed up at the polls and their votes will no doubt lead to Netanyahu continuing as Prime Minister with an overwhelming victory.

The left in America are not happy. They wanted Netanyahu gone so he would stop making their messiah Obama look bad. The petulant folks in the White House could not muster the decency to congratulate Netanyahu on his victory. White House aide David Simas would only congratulate the people on having an election.

I do not know how American Jews view Bibi’s victory because so many of them are liberals who support the Democrat party. They continue to support the people who want nothing more than to see an end of the Jewish state. It seems self destructive and given the history of the Jewish people one would not expect that. I pray they wake up and abandon those who are not their true friends.

In any event, Netanyahu won and I congratulate him on his victory. He is a statesman and a true leader. While Obama spent his youth getting stoned Bibi spent his serving in the military and he is a real man’s man. No wonder the metro sexual in chief does not like him.

I am happy to see Obama and his flying monkeys (Wizard of Oz reference for the race hustlers) were not able to influence the results. They should not have been involved in the election and if they only lost their money it would be great but they funneled taxpayer dollars into their anti Netanyahu battle.

Now America, it is your turn to elect a true leader.

2016 fast approaches.

David Axelrod makes a moronic (and hypocritical) statement.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama; The Vote Whisperer

Barack Obama did not learn much from the ass kicking his party took on Tuesday. That was to be expected because he learned nothing in 2010 when he took a similar ass kicking. The big difference between then and now is that the Republican party took control of the Senate giving it control of both chambers of Congress.

It is also not surprising that Obama would not get the point because he is a narcissist. It can’t possibly be because of him.

When he gave his post election press conference he seemed to gloss over the people that turned out to vote against him and his policies (he did say they were on the ballot) and instead looked at those who did not vote. He discussed the election from the point of view that more people voted when he was on the ballot as if that is some revelation. More people turn out during ALL presidential elections.

But Obama seems to think that those who did not turn out now but who did then still want him to take the path he has chosen. He seems to think that because they did not show up they still support him.

Let me make it easy for him. If they still supported you they would have gotten out and voted. They would have seen the polls, they would have paid attention and they would have voted to stop what happened from happening.

Instead they chose to stay home. Obama, always the narcissist, seems to think that he still has a mandate from those people to continue on the path he is on regardless of what just happened.

No Barry. If they wanted you to continue they would have shown up. They cared so little about you and your failed presidency they could not be bothered to vote.

Barry’s belief is that the mandate he thinks he has comes from the people who did not vote instead of those who vote. In other words, those who voted did not vote the way he wanted so he will just assume that those who did not vote would have done it his way. He is the vote whisperer who can channel the desires of those who did not vote.

What he needs is to have his ass spanked by the Republican controlled Congress. He needs to get bill after bill that he can pass or veto. Let the country see who the real obstructionist is.

And if he works outside of his Constitutional authority he needs to be taken to the woodshed.

I will put it to Barry in words he can understand and that he actually used in the past.

We won…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Unemployment Number Faked To Help Obama

Just before the last election the unemployment number did a miraculous nosedive. At the time I along with many others (most of them, unlike me, are known entities) stated that the numbers were not real. We pointed out that nothing added up and that it would be nearly impossible for such a swing to happen. We pointed out that the other indicators did not support the unemployment number.

The left crowed about how wonderful it was and that Obama’s vision was finally proving true. All hail Obama.

Of course the number had to come down because people are not reelected to the presidency with high unemployment numbers.

Now we have a story that the Census folks (those paid to do the unemployment data gathering) fudged the numbers to help Obama. Sources claim that people were told to do so in order to help Democrats, particularly Obama.

This is illegal and the person or persons involved, from those who did it to those who ordered it, should all be prosecuted.

But these folks were good little SS troops following orders just like those at the IRS who targeted conservative/TEA Party groups prior to the election.

Anything for the Dear Leader….

The road to hell is paved with liberal policies…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Barack Hussein Obama LIED

And he is now lying to cover the lie…

There is no getting around the facts and the facts show that Barack Obama lied to everyone about being able to keep insurance plans and doctors. As Marc Thiessen points out, Obama’s people knew the statement that if you like your insurance plan you can keep it was a lie. Obama and his regime took the decision to keep telling the lie in order to get Obamacare passed and in order to keep momentum while it was being implemented.

Barack Obama is now out telling people he never really said if you liked your plan you could keep it. He is telling people that what he really said was if you like your plan and it has not changed since the law was passed, well then you could keep it.

This is a lie to cover up the first lie and that is ALL that it is. Obama lied to people on nearly 30 occasions when he told them that if they liked their plan they could keep it. He did not provide a caveat. In fact he emphasized his statement by adding the word PERIOD to the end. The truth is he made the statement and he made it an absolute by adding the word period to the end. He further stated that no one will take it away NO MATTER WHAT which further cements the statement as an absolute.

“If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

Is there any way that any reasonable person could listen to this and conclude that there were ways to lose a plan that was liked? Is there anyway a person who heard this would think well I might lose my plan if it changes?

The answer is no because Obama and his team decided to lie in order to get what he wanted and to keep Obamacare rolling.

Let me be clear again, Barack Obama LIED. He did not misspeak, he did not make a mistake he was not in error, he LIED, PERIOD and the fact he lied will not change, no matter what [he now says] (see how I did that).

His people knew that Americans would lose insurance coverage and Obama knew that people would lose coverage. They decided to lie about it.

[note]Here is a video of Obama denying he said if you like it you can keep it. From the article; “What we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors.

That claim is not supported by his videotaped statements, which don’t include any mention of his new “if it hasn’t changed” exception.[/note]

Obama LIED. [Here is another video of Obama LYING]

Democrats are entirely responsible for Obamacare so they are just as culpable as Obama for the lies. Not once did any Democrats stand up and tell us that Obama was not being truthful. None of the Democrats who are now pushing for a delay to Obamacare’s individual mandate stood up and supported that when Republicans wanted it during the budget negotiations. The refusal of Democrats to speak up led to the government being shutdown. The Democrats who shutdown government for political reasons while neglecting constituents are now calling for a delay to save their own careers. Keep that in mind when you vote next November.

[note]In Virginia you all should keep this in mind today as you vote. Terry McAuliffe supports Obamacare and wants to expand it even further in Virginia. Do not vote for him![/note]

We now have Democrats pushing for a law that basically says if you liked your insurance you can keep it despite Obamacare. These Democrats are pushing to solve a problem that they helped to institute. They are pushing to do something to help the millions of people who are losing their insurance despite Obama’s promises because they are worried how it will affect them in next year’s election.

Here is a question for you. If Obama always said that you could keep your plan if it has not changed (which he is now claiming despite the evidence to the contrary) then why would Democrats need to introduce legislation to allow people to keep their plans? If Obama was above board then all of this should not matter.

Answer: Obama LIED and he is now trying to cover the lie with another lie. Democrats in Congress are trying to cover their asses by introducing legislation to undo what Obama swore would not happen.

The sad thing is that there are still members of the media who support Obama and cover his lies. The sadder thing going on is that there are people in this country who still believe Obama and now believe him when he says he never told them they could keep their insurance PERIOD. They believed the old lie and now they believe the new one.

Here is what Obama should have said:

If I like your insurance you can keep it.

It would have been accurate. It would have reflected what Obama and his people knew all along and isn’t that how tyrants are supposed to talk anyway?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
