600 Million Dollar Failure

The Obamacare website is a dismal failure. It has crashed and burned from the moment it went live and there is no doubt that it was not ready for prime time. The Republicans worked to get the individual mandate delayed for a year but Democrats would not negotiate. They flat out said no and that a delay would NOT happen.

Now, of course, a bunch of them are working hard to get that very delay so that they will not suffer on Election Day next year.

The partial shutdown took attention away from the Obamacare roll out but now that the government is back to 100% the focus is more on the Obamacare failure. Even Saturday Night Live took a shot at the failed roll out.

Imagine how much pressure would have been taken off this mess if Democrats had been willing to negotiate. Imagine how much less of a sting there would have been if they would have agreed to delay the individual mandate. People would not have been pressured to sign up and the regime could work to get the thing fixed.

The bull headed approach the Democrats took is now biting them in their posteriors.

Now that they insisted that things go forward they are seeing that over 600 MILLION taxpayer dollars were wasted to write a program that uses old technology and is full of security holes. A friend of Michelle Obama is prominent in the company that received the no bid contract to produce the website and it looks like they will get even more money to work on fixing the garbage they created.

How much more of OUR money will government throw at this project to get it running correctly?

An article in the New York Post indicates the entire website might have to be scrapped and rebuilt from scratch.

So Obama spends over 600 MILLION dollars on a project that will be scrapped and rebuilt at even more cost to the taxpayer.

Everyone involved in this should be put in jail.

The nightmare for Democrats is that people are becoming frustrated and not signing up. Those who do get through are seeing such huge costs that they are not selecting plans. What this means is that there will not be the millions of young, healthy people paying to provide for the older and less healthy among us.

Obamacare is going to cost multiples of what they told us and it will collapse under its own weight.

This is by design as Obama wants a single payer system but will anyone with a brain (excludes his supporters) actually trust him after he failed to deliver on his signature plan?

I have been reading about all the liberals who have had their insurance cancelled and have discovered how much more they will have to pay under Obamacare and I find it funny that they are surprised. They seem to think they can keep their plans like Obama promised and they are surprised to find out they are paying more to support others. To a person they exclaim how excited they were to have Obamacare pass so that everyone could have insurance but that they did not think THEY would be paying for it.

Typical liberals, no idea where money comes from and perfectly happy giving stuff away as long as they don’t have to pay.

I hope they end up eating cat food so they can suffer for their foolishness.

You see, pain is a great teacher and these folks need to suffer.

One last thing. If you think the roll out is a mess wait until you have to actually get care. That will make the roll out look like a stroll in the park.

When things like this happen people always say “I hate to say I told you so.” I don’t feel that way.

I take joy in saying I told you so…

The Weekly Standard

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Good Enough For You But Not For Congress

Well, well, well, it looks like the highly paid members of Congress are in talks to exempt themselves and their staff from Obamacare. Yes, the must have health care law that was forced upon the American public is deemed too costly for members of Congress and their staff but the constituents, those who pay their salaries and for whom they work, are not so lucky.

This is another example of the good enough for you but not for me. Yes America, your employees in Congress think this is too costly for them to afford with their nearly 200,000 dollar a year salaries.

Those of us who make far less than that are stuck with it. The logic here seems to be that Congress members and their staff are unable to afford this and DC might lose the brain power (that ship has already sailed) so they need an exemption BUT it matters not how it affects the rest of us because our overlords have decided it is best for us.

Senator McConnell says he is not involved in the talks and believes all Americans should be exempt. Well Senator, you guys there have the ability to defund this monstrosity so have at it.

If the Democrats give you a hard time ask them why they too are on board with the exemption. Hell, they should be happy to rid themselves of this before the next election.

Be aware Decepticons in Congress, the public is watching. A huge majority did not want this to begin with and if you deem yourselves too important to be burdened by this we will unburden ourselves of your presence in Congress.

Keep in mind that the SCOTUS ruled that Obamacare was a tax. So not only did Obama raise taxes on EVERYONE, Congress is now trying to exempt itself from that tax.

Pay attention to Maryland for an idea of how the cost will affect the rest of us…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



More Bad News To Come

The bad news this week was that Obama was “reelected” by a majority of the morons in this country. The corruption ran deep from illegal votes to deliberately keeping the military from having their votes counted, if they even got to vote. It sucks but it is what it is and we are stuck with Obama for the next four years.

Yes, that is bad news but there is more bad news on the horizon. A lot of companies have begun laying off employees and many cite the reelection of Obama and his signature “achievement” Obamacare. Coal workers, hospitality workers, defense contractors, and other larger companies are telling workers they no longer have jobs. Michelle Malkin calls it the layoff bomb and yes, that bomb has exploded.

We know that Obama and his minions forced companies affected by the budget mess that will occur in January to keep from sending out layoff notices in direct violation of the law so it would help him politically. I wonder how many of those folks who voted for Obama will end up in the welfare line?

Business owners were waiting until the outcome of the election before taking decisions on their future. If Mitt Romney had won they would start hiring and would work to build their businesses which would have helped to strengthen the economy.

But they got Obama instead and now they are taking tough decisions to keep from being hurt by Obama and Obamacare. The manipulated unemployment numbers from last month will receive a correction this month and Obama will again have higher unemployment. It is part of his plan to force the masses into his Socialist dream.

You folks who voted for him and have no job, tough. You deserve to be on the side of the road with a sign begging for food.

Those who did not vote for him and are hurt by this I am sorry for you but you know how to survive. look for conservative business owners and talk to them.

If you are a conservative business owner, consider firing your employees who voted for Obama and hiring people who did not.

The Washington Times
KSL Utah

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Election Junk Mail Keeps Post Office Treading Water

The United States Post Office is on the brink of insolvency and has been several times. The PO is losing money hand over fist and every few months there are dire predictions about insolvency and cuts in service.

The PO states that this is because it is required to pay billions each year into its pension fund to pay for its retirees. Perhaps that is so but the PO had generous retirement plans and it must pay for them. I guess the PO, like all other government and union entities expects the taxpayer to pick up the tab for these retirees.

I have discussed the PO in detail before so I won’t rehash it here. Suffice it to say that I think it would be better off if it were, at least party, privatized.

In any event, the PO has gotten a slight reprieve this year because this is an election year and it is an important election year. Couple the increased political activity among the electorate with the increased spending PACs are allowed to engage in and there are a lot of items being mailed to people.

The Post Office is getting a boost from increased political mailings so I know that entity is praying that the race remains close and more organizations get involved in the process.

Regardless, when November rolls around and the election is behind us the PO will need to face reality and work to make things more efficient and cost effective.

When the PO was the only means of sending written communication it did well and money was no object. Now there are other companies that deliver and email as a means of communication. Not to mention that many companies have their catalogs on their websites for viewing or download. No need to spend a few dollars per catalog to mail them out.

One way or another the PO will have to reduce costs. It will probably have to reduce delivery to five days a week (is Saturday deliver really necessary) and it will probably have to reduce the workforce and number of branches.

If not it will certainly go belly up.

At least until Congress takes OUR money and uses it to bolster the PO.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Forever Ends In November

Former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was out campaigning for Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) and she told a story about being asked by someone as to how long Obama and the Democrats were going to keep blaming the previous administration for all the current administration’s failures.

Her answer was quite simple and to the point:


Yes, Albright will blame Bush forever but she might be surprised to know that forever, in this case, is not an indefinite period of time. Forever will start its end this November when Obama loses his reelection bid and will officially end in January when Obama is replaced by Mitt Romney.

I know that Romney will not spend time blaming Obama for the troubles that he will inherit because that does not appear to be his style. Real leaders do not blame others for every failure. The American public will know who was to blame and Obama is just one name that will answer that question. There are a number of Democrats in Congress who are also to blame for the mess we are in. Hell, some of the Republicans are to blame as well.

Regardless, Romney will not blame Obama for the high unemployment, the loss of jobs, the record numbers of people who have quit looking or the loss of our AAA rating though all would be appropriate. Instead he will get to work fixing the mess that the children made while they were in charge.

Now it is possible that Obama will win the election. If he does, think of the mess he will inherit.

I wonder if he will blame himself…

This will not help Obama.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
