Bill Maher Is Getting What He Paid For

Bill Maher is a foul mouthed moron who loves to deride people and call them stupid. He believes that America is full of stupid people (I would think his audience might give his position merit) and Bill loves liberals and their policies.

Maher supported Barack Obama to the tune of a million dollars and has carried Obama’s water for quite some time. He attacks people like Sarah Palin relentlessly while praising his overlords on the left.

Bill has had an epiphany about taxes. He has decided that the greater than 50% he pays between the federal and state taxes is too much. He came to the realization that the very wealthy (a small portion of the population) pay nearly all the taxes in this country. He is quite late to the table as most thinking people have known this for decades. Rush Limbaugh has had the tax breakdown posted on his website for a very long time.

Yes, the guy the left loves to attack has made this information available to anyone who visits his website and yet Maher, a guy who supports politicians who call for higher taxes and for people paying their fair share, has just discovered this information. I would think that a person who is on TV would research issues before he opined on them but it appears as if Maher could not be bothered to do this.

And truthfully, while I might think a person would do that the liberal media has shown that this is not common practice as they often shoot from the hip spouting off liberal talking points to please their masters on the left.

Yes Bill, the wealthy pay most of the taxes in this nation and nearly 50% of wage earners pay nothing. Romney made that point and the left attacked him for his statements. But he WAS right. His point of course was that he would not get those votes but the smaller point was they do not pay taxes (they take instead of paying).

How come so many people on the right know this and have known it for a long time but Maher, the supposed intellectual in the room, is just finding it out?

Perhaps it is because he is now feeling even more pressure on his bottom line.

Or, perhaps he is one of the stupid people he often laments about.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Hey Bill, you have questioned Sarah Palin’s intelligence in the past. Guess what? She knew this too.

How do you feel being dumber than the people you call stupid?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



The Police State Strikes Again

A woman in New Jersey was at a meeting to protest her property tax assessment which was done by a contracted agency. She expressed her displeasure (and quoted the Constitution) because her home was assessed without anyone ever entering it to appraise it.

She was told to sit down and shut up and listen. Then, employees of the assessment company escorted her out of the building. An earlier report indicated he made a threat about her assessment being even higher (a threat to screw her over by increasing her assessment because she protested).

The county assessor called the police and said she threatened to bring a gun back to the meeting, a claim she denies. Someone gave the police her car tag number and she was tracked down and arrested for making a terroristic threat (a BS charge) and was told she had to surrender her firearms of her bail would be set too high for her to pay.

The police took her two handguns for “safe keeping” which likely means she will never see them again.

This is how the tyrannical police state is unfolding. The state makes a claim and the citizen is arrested. Were any of the people at the meeting interviewed to check the veracity of the claim? Did the police find out if she ever said she would bring a gun back?

She claims that she never said the word gun and never made any threats. She claims that the assessor and the worker for the company were the ones acting out.

If this woman is telling the truth, and there is no reason right now to believe she is not, then her rights have been trampled on. This is how tyranny works. Make an example out of someone and others will fall in line. It matters not how this ends up because the others at the meeting got the message as intended.

I hope that she is exonerated and gets her firearms back.

But, if the police investigate and find that the assessor and the assessment worker were the ones acting out will THEY be arrested and charged with making terroristic threats? The guy who threatened that her tax assessment would be higher should be at the top of the list.

If the assessor is found to have acted inappropriately then she should be fired.

Perhaps the homeowner will have grounds for a lawsuit that will bankrupt the township and the company that employs the assessor.

How long before the actions of the tyrannical government lead to an uprising? I think this is what government wants but I also think it is a dangerous path to take.

I hope it never comes to this but we need to pray for the best and expect the worst.

Especially with tyranny at all levels of government.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



A Paying For Problem Is A Spending Problem

Congressman Steny Hoyer, a moron from Maryland, said that the country does not have a spending problem; it has a “paying for problem.” Yes, this moron actually said this. He might be right depending on the definition of spending because it seems there is no problem when it comes to that task. The problem is spending too much.

We have a paying for problem because we spend more than we have. In Hoyer’s limited ability to comprehend, we only have a problem because government has not confiscated more of our money to pay for the spending. You see, if only they could steal more from us, then there would be no problem.

If you had little or no money and went out and bought something on credit and then coul not pay for it what would be the root of your problem? Would it be a paying for problem (yes, you definitely have that if you can’t pay your bill0 or would the root cause be that you spent money you knew you did not have?

[note]When you have a paying for problem it is because you have a spending problem. If you don’t spend too much you won’t have a problem paying the bills.[/note]

Hoyer also took his obligatory shot at George Bush and Republicans:

Well, we spent a lot of money when George Bush was president of the United States in the House and Senate were controlled by Republicans. We spent a lot of money. Real Clear Politics

George Bush was responsible for four trillion dollars in increased debt in eight years. Obama is responsible for a six trillion dollar increase in four years. It is time to stop blaming Bush for the past and focus on the failures of the present guy and his band of merry morons.

Steny put on your big boy pants and start accepting responsibility. Perhaps you can talk to the members of your party in the Senate and find out why they have failed to pass a budget for the last four years. There is a little thing called a law that mandates them to do so.

I am sure I am wasting my time because Hoyer is not a very smart guy. I am surprised they let him out in public without one of those safety helmets on.

Steny, I will type this slowly for you. The US takes in lots and lots of money each year. You guys keep spending more than that. Perhaps you all can focus on things that will get the economy going again and millions of people can get jobs. Then they can pay taxes and solve your alleged paying for problem.

Keep in mind that no matter how good the economy is we always (absent accounting gimmicks) run deficits. Even the alleged Clinton surplus actually ran a deficit.

You can make anything look good on paper.

The only thing Clinton balanced was his marriage and his affair and that, like his math, failed.

I am glad that Hoyer is not my representative. I would not want to have to communicate with him as it would lower my IQ.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



What Does The B In EBT Mean?

It appears, from the recent news, that the B in the Electronic Benefits Card actually stands for Bar, Booze or Booty because quite a few EBT cards are being used at bars, strip clubs and liquor stores. But, but, these folks can’t use those cards for such things because the cards are for essentials like food, formula and diapers.

Well that would be the case if we only issued the cards to people who were in need. If we issued them to the truly needy to meet their essential needs and not to people who have it quite good and have learned to game the system then we might have something that works.

Instead, we issue these cards to people who have figured out how to get cash with them and then use the cash to buy items that are not allowed. We issue them to people who drive nice cars, have smart phones, wear the nicest clothing, have jewelry that is top notch and who have wads of cash probably from jobs that are paid under the table so as to keep those benefits coming.

I have been to the store and witnessed people using the EBT card for food (really nice and expensive food) and then pulling out a wad of cash to buy a carton of smokes. I am not talking a few twenty dollar bills I am talking a wad of cash that would put a drug dealer to shame. These folks (and I see them often, not rarely as some would suggest when claiming there is no problem) then go out and get into a very expensive car to take all their free goodies home.

I realize there are plenty of people who might have these nice things and an EBT because they are foster parents and the money is for the children under their care. I have no problem with that and am sure I could tell the difference. The folks I see are gaming the system as they have been taught to by generations of welfare and generations of liberal policies that take from one group and give to another thus enslaving those folks to their masters in government.

These folks become dependable voters because they will vote for the people who promise them more “free” stuff.

Barack Obama and his minions will scream about raising taxes on the rich and claim that spending is not the issue but the reality is that we have billions and billions of dollars in waste because government is inept and can’t keep track of these things. Government is not interested in finding this waste because it likes people being subservient to it. This is why the government wants to take our firearms, to enslave all of us and not just the welfare class of low information voters who feel they are “entitled” to what they get.

We need to go through each and every case and decide if the people on welfare should actually be. We need to check and if they have suspicious EBT use. We need to get a list of their assets and see if they have expensive stuff. If so then they do not need welfare.

People with actual needs would continue to get welfare as would those who care for foster children. They are the folks these programs were designed to help and we need to make sure they are the only ones that get the help.

Before you liberals scream that the elderly is the biggest class of people on welfare because of Social Security or Medicare keep in mind that while these programs need to be reformed to exclude those who should not be getting those benefits, those who paid in really are entitled. They paid for this on a promise the government would use the money to care for them. If government had not spent the money on other things there would be plenty of it to pay those who receive the benefits. Well, there would be if we got rid of those who scam the two systems with phony claims for disability and other such things the system was never designed to pay for.

In any event, we need reform of everything and we need it now. No debt ceiling increase, no tax increases and lots of spending cuts.


How long before those of us paying taxes stop sending you the money? We had excessive taxation and attempts at gun confiscation in the past. The result was the birth of the USA.

What will the next result be?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Will The GOP Cave Yet Again?

Let’s clear up a few things. Obama did not lower taxes, he raised them. He did extend the tax cuts that George Bush enacted but he did not lower taxes for anyone. In fact, the taxes he extended were the ones he opposed before he was president. The only thing he did was to raise taxes.

Also, the holiday from 2% of Social Security taxes was allowed to expire so about 77% of income earners will see a decrease in take home pay. To be fair, the cut was temporary and had to end eventually. The funny thing is that many Obama supporters do not understand this and are all upset that their taxes went up. They did not truly go up since they only went back to what they were before the TEMPORARY decrease.

Having written this, Obama is fresh off his claimed victory in the fiscal cliff negotiations. The table was set for this and the outcome was predetermined. The whole thing was theater for the uninformed and allowed each party to sling accusations at each other while getting to the desired outcome.

Republicans were worried about being blamed if everyone’s taxes went up and Democrats were only interested in raising taxes on the alleged wealthy in order to play class warfare. The reality is though, that the only people who lost in the deal are the taxpayers.

Obama left DC and returned to Hawaii to continue his vacation, one that cost taxpayers about 7 MILLION dollars. While he was busy playing golf he threw down the gauntlet and indicated that he would be pushing an extreme liberal agenda including more tax increases, more spending and unconstitutional gun control.

Obama told the GOP that he would not negotiate the debt ceiling and that he wanted it raised. He also said that any cuts would have to be offset with tax increases.

John Boehner gave in and took a lot of heat. He survived a coup attempt and retained the role of Speaker but he must be aware that he has a fractured caucus and that conservatives are not happy.

Mitch McConnell has indicated that there will be no further tax increases and Boehner has stated that he will address the real problem, spending. All of this sounds good but we have seen this movie before. They talk tough but as soon as they run into opposition from the left they cave.

The debt ceiling is rapidly approaching. By Mid February or early March they will, once again, have a credit problem. They will all meet to discuss raising the credit limit once again while ignoring the real problem, spending. There will be tough talk but in the end they will scream that the US can’t default and they will raise the limit. Spending will not be addressed and we will run against the ceiling in the future.

This is a never ending game they play and America is tired of it. We need to get spending under control and the Republicans have only one weapon with which to do that, the debt ceiling. Republicans need to specifically lay out what is to be cut and by how much and that needs to be agreed to before any increase in the debt limit can be allowed.

As far as I am concerned, the debt ceiling should not be raised. They should cut spending to get to where we need to be and they should continue to cut until they balance the budget and begin paying down the debt, period.

That is unlikely to happen with the spineless crowd in DC so spending cuts, immediate ones not the ten year ones, need to be enacted BEFORE the debt limit is increased.

The GOP has this one chance to get it right. If they capitulate and allow the Democrats to abuse them once again then it will be time to replace them with others or to start a new party.

It is time for the GOP to show it has testicular fortitude and stand fast on spending cuts with NO tax increases.

Maybe they can get a new backbone under Obamacare…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

