A Bookered Convention

Anyone who reads this blog (and I know who the three of you are) knows that I am not a fan of Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. He is a lying, tax raising, snake oil salesman who plays class warfare. He has made Maryland a state from which the wealthy leave to escape oppressive taxes and his policies are not business friendly so companies bypass the state to go to states with more favorable tax structures.

You can tell when O’Malley (or O’Moron as I call him) is lying because not only are his lips moving but he squints. He lies so much you could blindfold him with dental floss.

But like the truth that a broken clock is right twice a day even O’Moron is caught telling the truth once in a blue moon (which we had on Friday…). O’Moron was asked Sunday if we are better off now than we were four years ago. He answered no and said that it is all George Bush’s fault.

Yes, I know the tired drum beat of Bush’s fault. But O’Moron has nothing else. He said it was bad out there but not because of Democrat policies, because of Bush. Interestingly, Bush was not governor of Maryland and the state is in bad shape so who is to blame for that?

A strange thing happened though. On Sunday O’Moron said we were not better off. He must not have gotten the memo from the DNC on which lies to tell so he was taken out to the woodshed and Bookered (where Mayor Cory booker criticized an Obama attack ad and had to walk back his criticism after being taken to the woodshed).

On Monday Martin O’Moron changed his tune and walked back the statement now claiming we are better off than we were four years ago.

Apparently, we were not better off before we were.

Someone get this guy a breath mint. Considering what he is talking out of his breath smells pretty bad.

As an aside, Cory Booker fell today and injured his leg. I hope it is nothing serious and he has a quick recovery from his injury.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Martin O’Malley; Obama Lite

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is a tax and spend liberal in the same mold as Barack Obama. O’Moron (as I not so affectionately call him), believes that the rich don’t pay enough and that the money people make belongs to him. Yes, like Obama, O’Moron thinks of taxpayers as ATMs that have unlimited supplies of money to dispense for harebrained, and often unconstitutional, schemes.

O’Moron has aspirations of becoming president one day. He would like to continue Obama’s destructive policies (as he has in Maryland) in order to completely destroy this great nation.

Mark Levin recently called out O’Moron. I must say, Levin was spot on in his analysis of O’Moron:

While O’Moron thinks rich people don’t pay enough in taxes the rich have a different opinion. They are leaving Maryland in droves and it would appear as if they are moving to places like Florida where there are no state income taxes.

Yes, the article claims that the opposition says there is a net wash on inflow* (probably illegals or low wage earners looking for gubmint handouts) and outflow and that other things influence these kinds of decisions (like weather) but the reality is rich people are moving out. Surely those other factors affect people who are not rich so why are they not as mobile? [* it is possible that many of the inflow are from the people who moved here because of BRAC]

Perhaps because far too many pay no income taxes and live off the largess of those who actually pay taxes (through confiscation and redistribution by the government). O’Moron has certainly created an environment where those who do not pay taxes are comfortable living off those who do. He has further created an environment where people who have money do not want to stick around.

O’Moron has enacted tax after tax after tax so much so that the Welcome to Maryland signs are snidely referred to as having the tagline; “What’s in your wallet?”

This man is not a leader (and it is a stretch to call him a man) and he does not deserve to be in a position to take decisions that affect the lives of others. He could not lead a group of people out of a burning building so he should not be in charge of anything.

The people of Maryland have the government they deserve because far too many people in this state continue to vote for the same politicians each and every election. The state is a mini Communist regime with big brother dictating every aspect of our lives and taking money from the producers in order to pay for moronic programs.

It is probably too late for Maryland to address the situation because too many people here are on the liberal handout plantation and can’t leave their masters.

One can only hope that the country will be fed up enough after Obama that O’Moron NEVER gets the chance to lead the country.

One nanny state, liberal, Socialist, Commie, redistributionist, class warfare, sock puppet is bad enough.

We cannot afford to have another…

Interesting article:
Brad Pitt’s mother discovers liberal tolerance Ever notice the right never threatened her son for his liberal views?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maryland Democrats Impose $260 Million Tax Hike

I wanted to make it clear with the title that it was Maryland DEMOCRATS who raised taxes. Maryland is a one party rule, liberal state and Republicans have no control over the legislative process. Republicans did NOT vote for the tax hike, only the DEMOCRATS did.

Maryland Democrats voted to lower deductions and raise the tax rate for higher income earners in order to fund out of control spending and cover malfeasance that has become the standard in the state.

Taxes were raised in a special session that was called by Governor Martin O’Malley because his Democrats failed to screw taxpayers during the regular session. O’Malley called a special session a few years ago in order to raise a plethora of taxes that he claimed were needed to fix the budget.

Those tax increases did not pan out as fewer wage earners paid more in taxes and shoppers found ways to avoid the sales tax. In essence, raising taxes failed to solve the problem.

So, in a true demonstration of insanity, the Democrats held another O’Malley special session and raised income taxes on single earners making more than 100k a year and couples earning over 150k a year. Martin is using the Democrat playbook of taxing the “wealthy” in order to redistribute that wealth to the poor. The money will be used to pay for more social programs and for illegal aliens who find Maryland to be an illegal alien friendly state.

I call the governor Martin O’Moron because he is an absolute moron. His Democrats failed to raise taxes and the result was that cuts would automatically take place to the tune of millions of dollars.

Ever the liberal moron, O’Malley could not let this happen because he would not have the money needed to pay off his friends in the unions and the poor who suckle at the teat of government enslaved to an ideology that holds little regard for people except for the value of their vote. Keep voting Democrat and they throw out some scraps.

The problem is that those who work and pay taxes will have to keep paying for the scraps.

O’Malley is working on his national creds because he wants to be the president some day. He is not content bending taxpayers over and taking advantage of them at the state level so he needs to move to the national level where he can stroke his enormous ego at the expense of the nation.

There is no reason to increase taxes in Maryland. It has plenty of wealth because of its proximity to DC and it has a tax base that pays quite a bit. The problem is that the Legislature (read the DEMOCRATS) uses the money for things other than the intended purpose. They raped the transportation fund of millions of dollars for other pet projects or to cover budget shortfalls and now they are looking at increasing other taxes to make up the money they misappropriated.

Many higher wage earners who are fortunate have been able to leave the state and many more will follow because it is unfriendly to those who work and pay taxes.

I know a number of people in the state will ignore this and rationalize that it does not affect them because they don’t make “that kind of money” but it will affect them. Teacher’s pensions were pushed to the local level and that will require tax increases locally (or better yet, budget cuts) to pay for that move. People who own businesses and hire will do less because of their tax burden.

I recommend people shop online, shop in Delaware and Virginia and restructure their income so more of it is not taxable.

The only way to beat the beast is to starve the beast.

O’Malley has his jackbooted foot on our throats and he will continue to crush the life out of us until we fight back and remove the morons from office. It is time for all of us to remove these people from office and put in place those who will work for us as representatives of us. It is time we in Maryland had the Republican form of government guaranteed to us by the US Constitution.

It starts by removing those who are serving themselves and special interests and replacing them with true representatives of the people.

We fought a Revolution over less than this and our Founders would have been shooting by now. We need a peaceful revolution at the ballot box and it is time those enslaved to government realize that very soon the money spigot will be turned off as wage earners move out.

It is also time for the politicians to realize that they are now enemies of the state and are harming the people they are supposed to be working for.

The only special session I want to see from now on is the one that brings those who have done this to us together so they can face charges for their malfeasance.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Martin O’Moron: Stupid Is As Stupid Does

The famous line from Forrest Gump appropriately fits Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. Not long into his first term he decided that there needed to be a special session of the legislature to increase revenue which is liberal talk for raising taxes. One of the things raised (among a number of taxes) was the state’s sales tax. It increased 20% from 5 cents to 6 cents.

O’Moron told us that the tax increases were needed to close a budget gap, one created by Democrats who spend too much.

Imagine the surprise of the Democrats when the expected revenue did not materialize. They just could not figure out why the tax increases did not generate what they thought they would.

Maryland is a small state and borders other states with either lower sales tax or NO sales tax. Why not just drive to Delaware to make purchases?

The Transportation fund in Maryland is depleted because politicians raided it and used the money for things that were not transportation related. Now that the fund is full of IOUs they need to build it back up to repair roads. O’Moron wants to raise the sales tax another cent to pay for these transportation needs. Keep in mind that the taxpayers in this state funded the transportation fund in the first place. It is not our fault the politicians spent the money but we are the ones they turn to with their hat in hand and hands in our pockets.

This sales tax increase is a last ditch effort to increase taxes. O’Moron wanted to increase the gas tax AND apply the state sales tax to it (as if gas is not costly enough) but that was rejected so now it is on to increasing the sales tax.

The cynic in me thinks that this was the plan all along. O’Moron wanted the gas tax and if it had passed he would have been happy to rape us for the money but I think he knew it would never pass and this increase in the sales tax was his default position. To the uninformed it will look “no so bad” compared to a huge increase on gas. I mean, it is only a cent…

Regardless of what the process is the reality is that Marylanders are taxed enough, or should I say more than enough. Our problem is that we spend too much. Period.

We need to cut spending and cut taxes to increase the revenue to the state. It works every time it is tried.

But O’Moron is a tax and spend Democrat as are his Democrats in Annapolis. Plus, O’Moron has national ambitions. He wants to be president someday and if he ever accomplishes that he will be no better than the current occupant of the White House.

O’Moron is working on his national Dem creds so he will appeal to liberals across the country. He needs to be seen as a left wing lunatic with increased taxes, abortion on demand, illegals on the dole, and gay marriage under his belt so he will be part of the “in crowd” in the Democrat national scene.

It matters not to him that an increase in taxes will hurt the little people he and his party claim to protect (those with money will shop in other states). It matters not that his plans will result in lower revenue just as it did the last time.

All he cares about is positioning himself for the national scene.

We are taxed enough already Marty so how about you man up and cut the spending?


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maryland Governor O’Malley Is An Idiot

Or is he a moron? Wait, he is a moronic idiot. Yeah, that’s it.

Martin O’Malley, the Governor of the People’s Republic of Maryland, is the new attack dog for the Democrats who want to destroy Chris Christie of New Jersey before he decides to change his mind and run for president. This is the tactic the left uses when it is scared. The left did this when Sarah Palin was selected as John McCain’s running mate because the left was scared of her. She drew a lot of attention and a lot of people liked listening to her. The left and its media wing set out to destroy her.

Think they were not worried? Why did the campaign go from being Obama against McCain to Obama against Palin? They were scared. They effectively created a narrative that plenty of people believe and that is, Palin is not very bright. Think what you may but she is not stupid and has more experience than the dunce in the White House.

And we know where she was born.

But let’s get back to the moron O’Malley. He chided Christie for his bombastic approach to balancing the budget in New Jersey. O’Mally, who has no business concerning himself with New Jersey, does not approve of Christie and others making public sector employees and their unions the scapegoats for the financial problems that the states are facing. O’Malley does not think that budgets should be balanced on the backs of the public sector union employees.

No, this moron would rather raise the taxes of the people who pay for the public sector employees. O’Malley chides Christie and others for pointing out that public sector unions have very, very, good deals where they pay very little toward their benefits. The people in the private sector pay for their own benefits (and at multiples of what the public sector union types pay) and they pay for those union benefits.

The union employees are up in arms all over because they feel entitled to the money that others produce. They feel entitled to have better benefits than the people who pay them (read their bosses) and they feel that anyone who gets in the way is taking something that belongs to them.

The reality is that THEY are taking things that belong to we the people. The taxpayers are footing the bill and we have some say in how OUR money is spent. If the public sector employees do not like this they can quit and get a job in the private sector. Let’s see how well they do there.

As for O’Malley, he cares not about the public sector employees and he will screw them if it will get money to his campaign war chest. He has already raised plenty of items that Maryland employees have to pay but two things factor in. First, he is a Democrat so no one will speak ill of him. Second, he extorted money from non union public sector employees to pay off the unions. That’s right, Maryland employees who are not in the union will have money TAKEN from their paychecks each pay period and it will go directly to the union. It was a payoff. As a commenter at the source site put it (and I see nothing incorrect in the comment with regard to content. Spelling is another matter):

And he is unsing [sic] the state employee to pay off the union. He pushed through a bill in our legislature last year to allow the public sector unions to take money from all state workers, whether they volunteer to join the union or not. So, starting July 1 the union will gain an addition 30,000 fee payers that would not have choosen [sic] to join the union. The union gains over 11 million dollars, the state employees loose 11 million dollars. In addition to the the unions in Maryland public sector have NO POWER. There are always “qualifiers” with and promises the union gets from the Governor. So, final decision on if state workers get the “union gains” rests totally on the Governor and legislatures. And in the past three years state employees in Maryland have had furloughs, increased health care contributions, no promised 401 matches, layoffs (seniority is never considered) and increased workloads. State workers in Maryland and currently facing increased contribution to the pension plan (they currently contribute 5% for a multiplier of 1.8, which is one of the lowest in the country), and increased healthcare costs again. Co-pays on perscriptions are about to double, and retires will not have healthcare benefits other than medicare. So, how is O’Malley NOT attacking the state workers in Maryland???? What Christy is doing in NJ is small potatoes compared to O’Malley. NJ employees have higher salaries and much lower contribution rates than those in Maryland. After Christy’s [sic] cuts the NJ state employees will STILL be better off than those State employees in Maryland working under Martin O’Malley. O’Mally is a real peice [sic] of work!

So what Moron O’Malley is actually saying in his feud with Christie is; You don’t have to be bombastic to get things under control with unions. All you have to do is make a few underhanded deals, screw over non union employees and make sure the unions get more money. Take care of them and they will take care of you.

Yeah, O’Mally is a moron. He is also delusional. He thinks that the reason he and other Democrat governors were elected or reelected last November is because they are doing what the people want. No, absolutely not. O’Malley is in an extremely blue state. Osama bin Laden could win here if he ran as a Democrat. The only people who think Democrats are doing a good job are the misguided, uneducated or welfare recipients who would vote Democrat no matter what.

In the rest of the country, Republicans won a resounding victory and if I am not mistaken, only one Democrat took a seat that belonged to a Republican but many Republicans took Democrat held seats (in elections for governor). The one that was taken was a term limited Republican in California and that Republican was in name only. California is a lot like Maryland with regard to voting Democrat.

In any event, O’Malley is in office, not because he is wonderful, but because of his proximity to DC and the huge number of Democrats dependent on government for their “check.” Maryland suburbs around DC are full of Democrats who support big government and vote Democrat. Add Baltimore and its entitlement population to the mix and Democrats win in this state. They lose almost all subdivisions in the state but they only need to win three to achieve victory.

In any event, O’Malley bribed the union in order to do what Christie is doing and he is delusional about why he is in office. He is a moronic idiot who has aspirations of a residence on Pennsylvania Avenue.

I would think that America is not that stupid but look at the current occupant of the White House…

Perhaps Martin O’Malley should shut his yap and worry about balancing his own budget and he should try doing so without raising taxes on the people who work and pay HIS salary as well as the salaries of all public sector employees.

We are tired of morons and we are certainly tired of O’Malley.

So there Marty, want to counter attack? Have at it but you know you can’t defend yourself without LYING.


Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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