The Illegals Can’t Be Refugees In The US

The federal government tried to move a large number of illegals from the border states to a vacant Reserve Center in Western Maryland. Congressman Andy Harris (who represents some of the area but not the area of the Reserve Center) and local residents caught wind of the clandestine attempt and put an end to it. The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley is itching to show his progressive stripes by letting as many of these folks in Maryland as possible. His policies favoring these kinds of shenanigans have resulted in a budget explosion, dozens of tax increases and a downturn in the state economy but he presses on.

O’Malley said these folks should be granted asylum. The UN is working to declare these illegals refugees in an effort to force the US to take them in. They technically do not meet the definition of a refugee but when has the law ever stopped the UN or other progressives?

[note]An asylum seeker is someone who is seeking status as a refugee If asylum is granted by the host state then the person would become a refugee and be entitled to legal protections.[/note]

These word plays are nothing more than games designed to get tens of thousands of illegals in the US and give them some kind of legal status. However, the plan should never work (though in this world it might) because any court reviewing the petitions would see a glaring problem.

Mexico has granted the illegals free passage through their country so they can get to the US. In other words, Mexico gave them safe refuge.

The International Justice Resource Center states that the following people are not refugees (therefore cannot be granted asylum):

Individuals who voluntarily avail themselves of the protection of their country of nationality or habitual residence or individuals who have received protection in a third country are also not considered refugees. See 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 1(C). [emphasis mine]

All of these individuals have received protection in a third country because Mexico granted them protection to make their way to the US therefore they cannot be refugees. They can’t seek asylum in the US because they received protection (from their alleged persecution) in the country of Mexico and Mexico is a signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol. Since Mexico granted them protection they need to be the ones to grant them asylum.

I certainly pray that the court system beats back any attempt by the UN or misguided politicians (like Martin O’Malley) to grant a status to these illegals that they are not legally entitled to in the US.

If they want asylum then send them back to Mexico and let the Mexican government take care of them.

I am not opposed to legal immigration. We welcome those who come here legally with open arms and are happy to call them friend. Those who come here illegally are making their first act in this nation an intentional violation of our law. We cannot trust nor should we support those who disregard our laws while at the same time attempting to use our legal system and generosity against us.

We do not need to send them home. If the UN and others want to make them refugees then send them to Mexico, the country that granted them safe entry.

Perhaps the easiest way to end all of this and to ensure they leave and that a wall is built to keep people out would be to convince Democrats that these people have all indicated they will vote Republican.

The wall would be up in a week and these folks would be someplace else very quickly…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maryland Governor Is An Out Of Touch Tyrant

The liberal governor of the people’s Republik of Maryland, Martin O’Malley, is out of touch with the people and he is out of touch with the Constitution (both the US and the State) but he is right in step with Barack Obama.

O’Malley is a tax and spend liberal. He never met a tax that he didn’t hike and he never met a social program that he did not spend (and overspend) on.

And he wants to be president.

O’Malley led the push of draconian and unconstitutional anti gun laws during the last session and those gun laws are set to take effect on 1 October. These gun laws will do absolutely nothing to stop gun violence in Maryland which already has some of the nation’s toughest laws. Criminal upon criminal with felony records routinely get guns and use them in the commission of crimes. The only people affected by O’Malley’s unconstitutional laws are those who actually obey the law.

The law sets up a requirement for a handgun license in order to purchase a handgun, mandates all kinds of training and removes a number of firearms (that the unintelligent call assault weapons) from the list of firearms that may be purchased.

This was all done after the shootings in Newtown which O’Malley used as a reason for tougher gun laws. His approach was that we need to do something because a Newtown might happen in Maryland. O’Malley thinks that the rare possibility of such an incident warrants the infringement upon the rights of the law abiding. Interestingly, the O’Malley State Police refuse concealed carry permits to people who use the reason that they might be a victim of crime as their good and substantial reason for the permit. Yes, Maryland requires people to show a reason in order to exercise a Constitutionally protected right.

In any event, the possibility of being a victim of crime is not enough to get a concealed carry permit but the possibility of a Newtown type shooting is justification enough to impose gun laws on law abiding people who would never do such a thing. In reality, a Maryland citizen is many times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than any school here is likely to experience a Newtown type event. But O’Malley danced on the graves of children to get his unconstitutional gun laws passed because he is against freedom and he is against the Constitution.

The US Constitution protects the RIGHT to keep and bear arms. The State Constitution says that the US Constitution will be the Supreme Law of the State.

O’Malley has violated both.

And the irony is that NONE of the laws being enacted will stop gun crime and none of them would have stopped Newtown.

This is just one step that O’Malley and the gun grabbers have taken. Once their law is in place and crime does not go down they will shoot for a complete ban on guns. We can see how such bans work when we look at Chicago or any Communist nation.

Since O’Malley started this anti gun process the number of applications for firearms has skyrocketed so much so that the approving authority, the Maryland State Police, cannot keep up. The police are in violation of the law that requires them to disapprove or not disapprove in seven days. Gun dealers are allowed to release if no determination has been made in that time but the MSP has put pressure on gun dealers not to release. In other words, to violate the law.

O’Malley sees the increase as a fear. He is surprised and disappointed that so many people have purchased firearms ahead of his Communist type ban. People have a right to fear government that violates the Constitution and they are justified in fearing any government attempt to disarm them.

A disarmed population is not a free population it is enslaved. There never would have been slavery in this nation if those who were enslaved had been armed.

When the only people with the guns are the government and the criminals then we live in a tyranny and Martin O’Malley is a tyrant. He is a tyrant that was aided by his sock puppets in the legislature, some of whom have guns and carry permits.

O’Malley does not like guns except for the ones carried by the six police officers who are protecting him at any given time and the politically connected who get a permit.

You see, he is more important than the people who pay his salary. It is good to be the king.

The schemes enacted by the liberals in this state are designed to keep people from buying guns. They are expensive, burdensome and unconstitutional.

O’Malley can be disappointed all he wants. Real citizens are disappointed in his tyrannical power grab and violation of the Constitution. He is an embarrassment and he should never, ever, be considered to lead this nation.

O’Malley is an abortion supporter and the Supreme Court has decided that an abortion is the right of every woman.

Would O’Malley ever consider legislation that required women to provide a good and substantial reason to get an abortion, to pay for fingerprints and a background check to see if they can get one and then make them sit through training to learn about the ramifications of their decision?

We know the answer to that.

And abortion murders more Maryland children each year than all gun related murders (that are committed by people who will not be stopped by the new laws).

Martin O’Moron is a disgrace and should be put in prison for violating his oath and usurping the Constitution.

And so should any politician who voted for the mess.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Guns Up Crime Down In Virginia

This comes as no shock to people who live in the real world. Gun ownership in Virginia has increased by 16% and violent crime is down 5%. It is important to note that it is not just the ownership that has resulted in lower crime. The important factor is that in Virginia people can carry firearms concealed with a permit and are allowed to open carry.

That is an important distinction and one we see in all of the states that do not infringe on the right of the people to keep and BEAR arms. In states where people can carry openly and/or concealed there is a lower crime rate. Increased ownership in and of itself will not reduce violent crime if the people who own the guns are not allowed to carry them. There will likely be a decrease in crimes at homes that are occupied since criminals will not know if there is an armed person inside but if that same person must go out without a firearm then he is at a greater risk for violent crime than a person in a free state.

The state of Maryland has seen a huge increase in the sale of firearms because the Governor and his minions in the State Capitol passed unconstitutional gun laws that take effect in October. But the people in Maryland (a state that calls itself free) are not free to carry firearms. The State Police deny most applications. People need to be politically connected to get a carry permit or they need to demonstrate good and substantial reason (something not defined) and then if they are lucky enough to be blessed by the state their permit is usually a restricted permit.

[note]Maryland boasts a high approval rate but the reality is most people do not apply because the process costs about $150.00 and there is little hope of getting approved. Only those who have a real good shot (the connected or people who own a business and carry valuables) apply because anyone else is just throwing their money away.[/note]

So yes, Virginia has a lower violent crime rate commensurate with an increase in firearm ownership but the real reason crime is down is because people are allowed to carry their firearms. Criminals do not know who is and who is not armed so they would rather not take a chance. Instead, they go to neighboring Maryland where people are made prey by their elected elites.

This pattern repeats itself across the nation. Places with strict gun control have a lot of crime (violent or otherwise) and places where people are free the rate is down. Chicago, strict gun control and lots of murder and mayhem. Texas, Virginia and Florida, lots of people carrying firearms and not a lot of murder and mayhem.

Armed places are safer places.

That is just an undeniable truth. And even though it is, morons like the Governor of Maryland continue to push gun control. Keep in mind that he is surrounded by armed guards all the time so he is safe. The rest of us, not so much.

Martin O’Malley wants to run for President of the US in 2016. He wants to do to America what he has done to Maryland.

He wants to enslave the entire country and make us prey to the criminal elements in society.

I know there are plenty of people who hate guns and agree with O’Moron, Obama and the rest of the gun grabbing anti American pukes so why don’t they just move to a place where guns are banned? You know why and so do I. Hell, why don’t Obama and O’Malley get rid of their armed guards?

Because they want a chance to live. The elites (like the Hollywood libs) want guns banned but only our guns and not the ones they use in their movies or that their bodyguards carry. All liberals are hypocrites (particularly the elitists).

In any event, Virginia is a shining example of what happens when people are free.

We in Maryland can only long for our freedom.

But one day we will have it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


And They Say Gun Control Saves Lives

The State of Maryland is supposed to be the Free State, or at least that is what they say. It is anything but free. When it comes to firearms and the allegedly free people of the state keeping and bearing them the state disallows that.

The only people in the state who are allowed to carry firearms are the criminals. When I say allowed I mean they do not obey the gun laws of the state and carry them in spite of the rules. The law abiding people of the state do not carry firearms around and are left at the mercy of those who disregard the law.

The state already has strict gun laws with a large number of firearms banned and a longer wait time than the feds require to obtain those firearms the state deems worthy of sale. The strict gun laws have done absolutely nothing to stop the murders by criminals carrying guns so the liberal morons in the state passed even stricter gun laws. Those laws will take effect in October and a lot more firearms will be banned. The crime rate will not go down and the liberal morons will push for more laws.

The state police are charged with determining who is worthy of owning a firearm and by law they have 7 days to do so. They are running at about 90 days and even though the law states that firearms dealers may release them after 7 days if the State Police have not responded those dealers are being pressured not to do so. The police are ignoring the law and generally getting away with it.

Another issue is the ability to get a concealed carry permit. The only people who can get one are those who are politically connected. The rest of the people have to have good and substantial reason to get one. The law does not define good and substantial so the police have taken it upon themselves to determine that if you have a business and carry money you can get a limited permit. You can protect your money but not your own life.

This is all to keep us safe because guns on the street are bad. Now mind you, the law abiding are not the ones carrying guns and in places where they are not denied their Constitutional right the crime rates and the number of gun related crimes are much lower than in places that restrict.

Maryland claims that the gun laws prevent gun crimes. The state has strict laws and in Baltimore City the rules are even worse. That has not stopped the gun related crimes AS ALL REASONABLE PEOPLE KNEW WOULD BE THE CASE.

Over this past weekend 20 people were shot in Baltimore. 10 of them died. On Monday another person was shot and today 5 others were shot (1 dead 4 injured) by ILLEGAL guns.

The people in charge are neglecting sanity and blaming guns that they vow to take off the streets.

They will never be able to get guns out of the hands of criminals because criminals do not jump through all the hoops the state requires. Only the law abiding do that. If the law abiding are lucky they get to buy a gun. They never get a permit to carry one because, well you know, that would be too dangerous.

Liberals are idiots and Martin O’Malley, the governor of Maryland, is a top notch idiot. He pushed this agenda by dancing on the graves of the dead children in Newtown. He is boasting about his gun laws and his trampling on the Constitution because he is an anti American slug.

And that idiot wants to be president. He is not worthy of anyone’s trust. He is not worthy of leading anything. This idiot could not organize a child’s birthday party. Hell, he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.

Gun control is costing people their lives. What Maryland needs is criminal control. We also need the state police to start approving carry permits for people who are law abiding and have no disqualifying factors without applying arbitrary reasons (reasons that are not codified in Maryland law) to those who are no threat to society.

We also need to get rid of the newly passed gun control laws and every politician who voted for them.

And we need to ensure that Martin O’Moron is never elected to any other office. His next term should be in prison.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The People’s Republik Of Maryland Led By “Adolph” O’Malley

Gun control does not work and even if it did the Second Amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms. In fact, it says that right shall NOT be infringed. The Governor of Maryland is following the lead of the anti American Governor of New York with draconian, and unconstitutional, gun legislation. In fact, it looks like Martin O’Malley is trying to one up Cum-o of NY. I guess he feels he needs to out Socialist the guy because both are mentioned as possible contenders for the presidency (God help us).

Martin O’Malley is anti American, period. He is trying to violate the rights of law abiding citizens with laws that will not do one damn thing to stop violence. Nothing proposed in the bill will stop violence and it will not prevent an incident like the one that happened in Connecticut, period.

But that is not stopping the Governor who is channeling his inner Hitler in order to intimidate people into compliance. Certain firearms, that the state calls assault weapons, (that is a fabricated name to make them sound scary) will be banned. Anyone who owns one prior to the ban can keep it but must register it with the state. Why does the state need firearms registered? So it can confiscate them when the next round of anti gun laws are brought to bear. If some tragedy occurs then the state will say it must now take those firearms and it will know where to go. The law forces compliance by enacting a high fine and minimum REQUIRED jail sentence of 5 years.

Hitler did that when he took over countries. Signs were posted indicating people had 24 hours to turn in all firearms or they would go to jail. Those who turned them in late were shot. Some who were found later were shot or jailed. Hitler’s forces were able to use the records from conquered areas to determine who had the firearms. The same kind of gun registration was tried here prior to America’s entry into WWII and it was shot down. Maryland’s anti American governor is doing the same thing. It is all about controlling people. But, but, that could not happen here. Tell the Japanese Americans from WWII that it could not happen. Tell the Native Americans that government will not disarm you and then murder you.

[note]Do you really think government will not abuse a database or use it in a fashion that is not allowed?[/note]

O’Malley happens to be a small minded pathetic little man with a god complex. He is an elitist who thinks he knows better than the rubes he was elected to lead. He has ignored his oath of office and he has abused the power he was given by the people. He seems to have forgotten that government derives its just power from the consent of those governed. Violating our rights is not a just power.

O’Malley and Obama are two peas in a pod. Obama is reportedly using a new litmus test to determine which officers will stay in the military. If they say they will obey orders to fire on Americans then they can stay. Those who will not will be shown the door.

How long will it be before Martin O’Malley has his National Guard and police forces training to disarm citizens and fire on them to accomplish that task?

I put nothing past this guy. He is a lowlife who claims that we need to save the children while supporting murder in the womb.

It is going to get very ugly around here if agents of the state fire on the people. I guess they will feel like it is alright because any new gun laws here will produce a whole new class of criminals; those who refused to comply.

Martin O’Malley is surrounded by armed police officers, who are paid for by taxpayers, to protect his sorry butt. Why is he any more important than the rest of us? Why are they armed with things the rest of us will be prohibited from owning?

It is always easy for those who are protected by armed guards to tell the rest of us we don’t need guns for protection.

New York is getting more totalitarian


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

