It Did Not Take Long For The Gun Control Nuts

First of all let me state that I am heartbroken that people were murdered in Virginia. My thoughts and prayers go to the families of the reporter and cameraman who were murdered live on the air by a disgruntled former employee of their station.

The coward who did this ended his own life after a police chase. I only wish he had shot himself first.

The shooter was a black man who shot two white people. He was allegedly upset at being fired and claimed it was because of racism. So this moron decided to shoot two people and the liberal anti gun crowd is out blaming the gun once again. Here we have a liberal ideology that has told black people that they are the victims of racism, has allowed them to riot without punishment, has blamed everything on white privilege and then is amazed when one of them resorts to violence over perceived racism.

In any event, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is renewing his push for tougher gun laws. He claims that he ran on imposing tougher gun laws and he has proposed them twice but the VA Legislature will not do it. Terry claims that there are loopholes and people should have background checks blah, blah, blah.

The first thing we need to know is did the guy legally purchase the firearm he had. If he did then he almost certainly had a background check. If that is the case then nothing Terry wants would have stopped this. Did the guy get it illegally? If so, nothing Terry wants would have stopped it.

The incident is a tragedy but it was a premeditated crime by a guy hell bent on doing something bad. No law would have stopped him from hurting people if that is what he wanted to do. Laws against selling drugs or crossing our border ILLEGALLY, or operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated do not keep people from doing those things.

People who have no regard for the law will not be affected by any new law. Only a moron would think otherwise.

But Terry is a liberal progressive slug who, as per the playbook, uses a tragedy to push an agenda. He is following B. Hussein Obama and the rest of the progs in order to push through gun control for one reason and one reason only.

To disarm Americans. That is the end game. They need us disarmed so they can control us because gun control is not about guns it is about control.

Please pray for the families affected by this senseless murder. They are what is important here.

People like Terry and the others are vultures who politicize these things while the bodies are still warm. They gleefully dance on the graves of those murdered in order to push for more control.

Keep in mind that they will always be armed or have armed guards. And also keep in mind that no law will keep bad people from doing bad things.

Any fool who believes otherwise is the same kind of moron who thinks a restraining order, a piece of paper, is protection.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Guns Up Crime Down In Virginia

This comes as no shock to people who live in the real world. Gun ownership in Virginia has increased by 16% and violent crime is down 5%. It is important to note that it is not just the ownership that has resulted in lower crime. The important factor is that in Virginia people can carry firearms concealed with a permit and are allowed to open carry.

That is an important distinction and one we see in all of the states that do not infringe on the right of the people to keep and BEAR arms. In states where people can carry openly and/or concealed there is a lower crime rate. Increased ownership in and of itself will not reduce violent crime if the people who own the guns are not allowed to carry them. There will likely be a decrease in crimes at homes that are occupied since criminals will not know if there is an armed person inside but if that same person must go out without a firearm then he is at a greater risk for violent crime than a person in a free state.

The state of Maryland has seen a huge increase in the sale of firearms because the Governor and his minions in the State Capitol passed unconstitutional gun laws that take effect in October. But the people in Maryland (a state that calls itself free) are not free to carry firearms. The State Police deny most applications. People need to be politically connected to get a carry permit or they need to demonstrate good and substantial reason (something not defined) and then if they are lucky enough to be blessed by the state their permit is usually a restricted permit.

[note]Maryland boasts a high approval rate but the reality is most people do not apply because the process costs about $150.00 and there is little hope of getting approved. Only those who have a real good shot (the connected or people who own a business and carry valuables) apply because anyone else is just throwing their money away.[/note]

So yes, Virginia has a lower violent crime rate commensurate with an increase in firearm ownership but the real reason crime is down is because people are allowed to carry their firearms. Criminals do not know who is and who is not armed so they would rather not take a chance. Instead, they go to neighboring Maryland where people are made prey by their elected elites.

This pattern repeats itself across the nation. Places with strict gun control have a lot of crime (violent or otherwise) and places where people are free the rate is down. Chicago, strict gun control and lots of murder and mayhem. Texas, Virginia and Florida, lots of people carrying firearms and not a lot of murder and mayhem.

Armed places are safer places.

That is just an undeniable truth. And even though it is, morons like the Governor of Maryland continue to push gun control. Keep in mind that he is surrounded by armed guards all the time so he is safe. The rest of us, not so much.

Martin O’Malley wants to run for President of the US in 2016. He wants to do to America what he has done to Maryland.

He wants to enslave the entire country and make us prey to the criminal elements in society.

I know there are plenty of people who hate guns and agree with O’Moron, Obama and the rest of the gun grabbing anti American pukes so why don’t they just move to a place where guns are banned? You know why and so do I. Hell, why don’t Obama and O’Malley get rid of their armed guards?

Because they want a chance to live. The elites (like the Hollywood libs) want guns banned but only our guns and not the ones they use in their movies or that their bodyguards carry. All liberals are hypocrites (particularly the elitists).

In any event, Virginia is a shining example of what happens when people are free.

We in Maryland can only long for our freedom.

But one day we will have it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


States Prepare To Sue Feds

Looks like some of the states of these United States have decided to sue the federal government over the recently passed health care takeover bill. Virginia, Florida and at least seven other states are preparing lawsuits challenging the Constitutionality of the insurance mandate the bill contains.

By the year 2014 the federal government will require all people here to buy health insurance. It will be the first time in history that an American has to purchase something to be a citizen in good standing.

The lawsuit from Virginia will contend that forcing people to buy health insurance is unconstitutional and is not regulated by the oft abused Commerce Clause. Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli put it very simply:

“If a person decides not to buy health insurance, that person by definition is not engaging in commerce,” Cuccinelli said in recorded comments. “If you are not engaging in commerce, how can the federal government regulate you?” al-Reuters

He is, of course, correct but whether the courts will see it that way is another thing all together. It is possible that the courts will say the government can require us to buy insurance to have good standing in this country even though this runs contrary to the freedoms our Founders fought so hard to obtain and preserve. Then again, freedom is always only one generation away from extinction and this generation, the Obama generation, is hell bent on taking freedom away.

The other issue is that Virginia passed a law that states its citizens cannot be compelled to buy health insurance. This directly contradicts the federal mandate and will lead to a Tenth Amendment battle. While federal law usually trumps state law the federal government’s law must be Constitutional.

Also, the Constitution specifically states [paraphrase] that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited to it by the states are reserved to the states or to the people. The Constitution does not give the government power to force people to buy something. It regulates commerce but commerce involves voluntary buying something. As was stated, if you choose not to buy something then there is no commerce.

This is a key part of the legislation because the expected revenue from the mandate is designed to offset covering those with preexisting conditions.

The issue will be interesting because the federal government will claim it has the right to control the states insurance because insurance is commerce but the federal government regulates interstate commerce and insurance companies are prohibited from selling across state lines.

This will likely be an interesting legal challenge that will have an impact for a long time to come. If the court decides the federal government can force you to buy something what will they force us to buy next? Maybe they will say we have to buy GE solar panels before we can own a home. Maybe they will say we have to buy a GM if we want a car.

I can’t imagine the courts will allow this to stand but then again, the SCOTUS allowed private land to be taken for private industry gain which runs afoul of the Fifth Amendment which only allows private property to be taken for public use with just compensation.

I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.

No matter what, the debate over the health care issue will not be settled this week.

If this is allowed I can’t wait to see all the snot nosed kids who voted for Obama when they realize that the law they pushed so hard for does not provide free health care.

Big Dog


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Obama is Gaining Momentum

Hillary Clinton has all but conceded the primaries up until Texas and Ohio where she hopes to do well with the large population of Latinos in Texas and the blue collar workers in Ohio. If the exit polling from Virginia is any indication, her Texas plan might just backfire. Exit polls show Obama with a 10 point lead among Latinos, a demographic that Clinton was winning handily and one she will have to win handily in Texas if she is going to compete in the process.

It is hard to tell why the turn around. Perhaps people are getting weary of her and perhaps she has looked like a loser this past week and it turned people off. It is also possible that when she fired her campaign manager, a Latino, that she ticked off the Latino community. Several prominent Latinos (here and here) have already expressed their disgust with the move and once that shock wave starts traveling it will be hard to stop it.

Obama is already the projected winner in Virginia where exits show him winning by a 2:1 margin. He should win DC and Maryland though we will have to wait 90 minutes longer for the Maryland results. A judge ordered the polling places to remain open until 2130 because of an ice storm that caused traffic tie ups all across the state.

I wonder if Hillary is throwing ashtrays and nik naks around the place about now. She has waited all her life for this moment, it is her turn and she is the rightful heir to the thrown and this upstart newbie is ruining it for her. She might still pull out the nomination but with a sweep tonight and a win in the two primaries before 4 March, Obama will have peeled off 10 wins in a row. Sure some of them were small states but the momentum has definitely moved to his camp and Hillary is gasping for breath trying to keep up. Obama looks like a winner while Hillary looks like a confused fighter wondering where the next punch will come from. She is not even in the area any longer having departed for El Paso.

Maybe she is trying to shore up the Latino/Hispanic vote before it is too late.

Big Dog