Democrats Are Good At Pointing Fingers

We know that Democrats are good at blaming others for their shortcomings. Barack Obama displays this regularly when he blames George Bush for everything that is wrong and when he blames Republicans for things that he is responsible for.

Harry Reid is a typical liberal Democrat who needs to retire and yell at kids walking on his lawn. Reid is blaming the problems in Crimea on Republicans. It seems that Republicans held up aid to Ukraine because the bill includes changes to the IMF. Reid complained that the bill was held up prior to the last break and now that they are back at work the Republicans need to do something so we can show we are committed.

[note]If it was that important then why did they recess and go on a break?[/note]

Harry blamed the Republicans saying that their refusal to comply endangered our national security.

“As we begin debate on this aid and sanctions package, I also hope that the Republicans stopped action on this legislation prior to the break have considered how their obstruction affects our great country’s national security as well as the people of Ukraine who are struggling so very, very much,” Reid said on the floor.

Reid said that Republicans blocking action on the bill sent “a very weak message to the Russians” that the U.S. was taking its time, saying since the bill failed to advance, Russia has been aggressive in the Crimean region of Ukraine.

“It’s impossible to know whether events would have unfolded differently if the United States had responded to this Russian aggression with a strong unified voice, which we did not do,” Reid said. [Politico]

First of all the situation in Ukraine has little to do with our immediate national security (once again, if it does why did they go on break). The Russians did not attack us though their action might cause us to react because of treaties. They only thing they really did was demonstrate that we have a weak leader in Obama. Putin has made Obama look like a child on the playground of life.

That leads to the second point. The refusal of Republicans to act on the bill did not demonstrate weakness, Barack Obama did. He believes that all he has to do is speak and people will be hypnotized by his message. Putin was having none of that and, recognizing he was dealing with a weakling, pressed on.

The final point is that it is not impossible to know if things would have unfolded differently, they would not have. Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney warned of this years ago. They were both mocked and criticized by Obama and his cronies.

Turns out they were right.

Putin has known for a while that Obama is weak. He demonstrated that in the Syrian issue and he knew that he could outplay Obama on the world stage and that Obama would not have the testicular fortitude to do anything.

Putin was right and that, Harry, is why things happened the way they did. The Russians forced their will on the people of Crimea and are turning toward Ukraine to do the same.

You Harry, should understand forcing something on people who do not want it.

We call it Obamacare.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Someone Other Than Bush To Blame

Barack Obama likes to blame George Bush for everything but there is no way he can pin the downgrade of the US credit rating on Bush. For the first time in our nation’s history our credit rating was downgraded and it happened under Obama.

Obama will have to find someone else to blame and I think he will blame the TEA party. He needs someone to blame and he needs to discredit the TEA party because they stand to make big gains in the next election. Obama, his Democrats, and RINO Republicans need someone to blame for their mess. TEA party members of Congress had it right all along and made it clear that failure to enact large and cuts would do nothing for the debt and would result in a downgrade of our credit rating. It was an easy call because the credit agencies told us that without at least 4 trillion in cuts we would be downgraded.

The cuts were not big enough and we were downgraded. Don’t blame it on the TEA party, blame it on everyone else but the TEA party because everyone else ignored what was going on and played politics as usual. Their arrogance allowed them to ignore what was taking place and in the process they gave us a “deal” that screwed us over.

So as you hear Obama and others blaming the TEA party for the credit downgrade keep in mind that if we had done what the TEA party wanted we would not have had our credit rating downgraded. The only plan that actually helped was the plan the TEA party wanted. It was dismissed by the lifer politicians and the liberal/Socialists and now we will pay dearly.

The credit rating of the US was downgraded for the first time in history and it happened on Obama’s watch. There will be finge pointing as it gets blamed on the TEA party. We will also likely hear the pundits downplaying the importance of the downgrade. They will try to play it down but that might prove difficult because they were telling us, just last week, how Armageddon would arrive if a debt deal was not reached and our credit rating was downgraded.

As you hear all of this keep in mind that it was Obama and his policies along with the career politicians from both parties that created this mess.

But it happened on Obama’s watch and the blame lies solely with him.

Is there any doubt now that we need a balanced budget amendment?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

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Civil Tone From Biden And We Are Still Heading For Ruin

Joe Bite Me Biden and the rest of the limp wristed Democrats would not call Nidal Hasan, the Muslim Terrorist Soldier who shot his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, a terrorist. We were cautioned not to jump to conclusions. A man screaming Allah Akbar and shooting American soldiers is not considered an act of terror and we were cautioned not to jump but let the elected people of this country oppose the careless spending of the government and they are terrorists. Democrats including Vice President Joe Biden called the TEA Party members of Congress terrorists (Biden denies saying it).

You see, these morons do not want civil discourse and they do not want debate. They want things their way and anyone who disagrees is a terrorist. The folks who had TEA Party support made pledges not to raise taxes and not to increase the debt ceiling unless it was linked to a balanced budget amendment. Those things are not taking place and the TEA Party members of Congress rejected the ideas. This makes them terrorists.

Yes, if you stand on your principles and keep your word then you are a terrorist. The Democrats will demonize Americans and caution us not to jump to conclusions when it concerns our enemies. Is there any doubt where their loyalties lie and that they will put politics before country? If demanding fiscal responsibility and demanding that our country spend less and be more prudent is what makes a terrorist then color me a terrorist but keep in mind that it is the people opposed to the ideas of smaller, more efficient government who are ruining this nation.

The debt limit vote still needs to pass the Senate and I am holding out hope that it will be stopped. The deal will increase taxes in 2012 when the Bush tax cuts expire and the tax increases under Obamacare take effect. The FICA lower taxes will also go back up. These are tax increases and they will hurt us. The CBO would rate extending the Bush tax cuts as costing us 5 trillion in revenue (this is how the goofy math is done in DC) so if the tax cuts expire is that not a 5 trillion dollar tax increase that must be offset by 5 trillion in cuts? And I want the cuts to be immediate and not over ten years. If you can’t spread tax increases and debt increases over ten years then I don’t want the cuts spread over that time.

The liberals said we had to raise the debt limit or we would default, lose our AAA rating and pay higher interest rates. First of all, the only way we could have defaulted is if Obama made a willful decision not to pay the people we borrowed money from. We have the income to do that so there is no way we could have defaulted on the debt. We would have had to cut some spending on programs that the government is not obligated to pay for and can stop at any time so there is no real issue there. We would not have defaulted. In addition, we will likely lose our AAA rating anyway. So we will have trillions more in debt, higher taxes and we will be paying higher interest rates as a result of the debt increase. Way to go Congress. I hope you libs are happy that you gave us the double whammy.

Did I say double whammy? I meant triple whammy. The libs said we could not default (their words, not mine) and that if we did, in addition to losing our credit rating we would also have a double dip recession. One commenter keeps saying it is the double dip I (and other conservatives) kept hoping for. That is not the truth. None of us wanted it to happen but we knew from history and the reckless spending that it likely would. Now it looks as if it is already here (and it took place well before this debt issue festered into what it is now). In other words, the Obama policies caused it and not the debt limit issue.

To top it all off the Republicans broke their pledge to post all legislation online 3 days prior to any vote. The debt limit bill was not posted for an entire day before it was voted upon. The Republican information on that part of the pledge indicates that it pertains to non emergency items but the original Pledge to America they signed contained no such language.

They broke their word and did not post it 3 days in advance. They have not been transparent and have been nothing more than what the Democrats are. Liars.

Well, not the ones who stood their ground and did not vote for this crappy deal.

America is going to suffer greatly and the Republicans gave Obama and the Democrats a way to blame it on the right. The Republicans gave in and will now, at the least, share the responsibility for the coming disaster. That is unless the Democrats find a way to blame it all on the right.

Stick to your principles and vote for what is right and what your constituents want. If you do that then you will be supported. if you don’t then you will be kicked to the curb.

Have the courage of your convictions and keep your word.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Political Blame Game

Of course, the political blame game continues in full force today. Everyone is yelling and pointing fingers. The left is in full attack mode, blaming the right. The right is in full defense mode, pointing out all the times that the left has used the exact same words. But few people are actually blaming the shooter.

I like what Pat Buchanan has to say. I like his comparison to the 1933 assassination and the swift justice. But that’s not the political reality of today, is it?

I’d like to mention one other aspect of this story. I know it’s not going to be a popular opinion. In fact, it might even get me tossed from this blog. Big Dog, it’s your blog, and if you feel my views are too far out there, feel free to let me know. But I have been thinking about this since yesterday, and I think it needs to be pointed out, even if it’s only to the four or five readers of this blog.

First, I want to point out, I’m not in favor of violence to achieve political ends. I don’t believe it can work in this country. I don’t like violence at all. I think defensive violence is justified. But I do not think that this shooter should have shot the Congresswoman. I don’t support him, or anyone using violence against the system. In fact, as I have pointed out numerous times on this very blog, I don’t support using force against people to get them to make any decisions. I think using force to achieve political goals is wrong. But know who doesn’t? Do you know who believes in hiring mercenaries and using violence to reach political goals? I hate to say it, but Gabby Giffords does.

When she supported the Obamacare bill, she supported legislation that will force people to spend money the way she wants them to spend money. And that legislation hires policemen to make people pay. And if you don’t pay, that very legislation will send police to your house to jail or kill you if you do not do as Mrs. Giffords says. That’s not my opinion, that’s a fact.

So again, I do not support using violence to get my way. I don’t think Mrs. Giffords, or anyone else, should be shot for disagreeing with my political views. I’m not blaming Mrs. Giffords, I only blame the person who pulled the trigger. I pray for Mrs. Giffords and everyone else shot, and I hope she recovers. But I don’t see how people can be too surprised at violence used here — because the government supports using violence against people to achieve their political ends every single day.


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Reid: Everything bad from 2012 – 2014 is Republican’s Fault

Already Dingy Harry is claiming that everything bad that happens between now and 2014 is the fault of Republicans. Did I call this, or what? Reid is campaigning, right now, November 3, 2012, for Democrat candidates in 2014. And, like any good Democrat, he just throws the lies around.

Reid has “warned” the GOP to stop obstructing, like they have been doing. Of course, that’s a complete lie. I’ve mentioned this one before, but the media never calls him on it. It is a complete and total lie to claim Republicans blocked ANY legislation in the Senate — it was literally impossible. If every single Republican voted against an issue and every Democrat voted for it, it passed. Therefore, the ONLY way there was “obstruction” was if a DEMOCRAT voted against Reid.

But hey, Harry says he wants to work with Republicans, but only if they’re going to agree with him. Well, he said something about “a combined yes,” which actually means, either agree 100% with Harry or he’s going to call you an obstructionist. As I predicted, the Democrat campaign theme for 2014 is already revealed: Republicans are the party of no and to blame for anything bad.

Reid shows his confusion when he claims in one sentence that he’s comfortable with his 53-seat majority, yet says that the ball is in the Republicans’ court. Well which is it, Harry? Are you in charge or Republicans? Oh, wait, I know the answer — when anything liberal is passed, Harry’s in charge. When anything liberal fails to pass, Republicans get all the credit.

Hey, it could be worse — anti-gun king Schumer could be running the place.


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