Someone Other Than Bush To Blame

Barack Obama likes to blame George Bush for everything but there is no way he can pin the downgrade of the US credit rating on Bush. For the first time in our nation’s history our credit rating was downgraded and it happened under Obama.

Obama will have to find someone else to blame and I think he will blame the TEA party. He needs someone to blame and he needs to discredit the TEA party because they stand to make big gains in the next election. Obama, his Democrats, and RINO Republicans need someone to blame for their mess. TEA party members of Congress had it right all along and made it clear that failure to enact large and cuts would do nothing for the debt and would result in a downgrade of our credit rating. It was an easy call because the credit agencies told us that without at least 4 trillion in cuts we would be downgraded.

The cuts were not big enough and we were downgraded. Don’t blame it on the TEA party, blame it on everyone else but the TEA party because everyone else ignored what was going on and played politics as usual. Their arrogance allowed them to ignore what was taking place and in the process they gave us a “deal” that screwed us over.

So as you hear Obama and others blaming the TEA party for the credit downgrade keep in mind that if we had done what the TEA party wanted we would not have had our credit rating downgraded. The only plan that actually helped was the plan the TEA party wanted. It was dismissed by the lifer politicians and the liberal/Socialists and now we will pay dearly.

The credit rating of the US was downgraded for the first time in history and it happened on Obama’s watch. There will be finge pointing as it gets blamed on the TEA party. We will also likely hear the pundits downplaying the importance of the downgrade. They will try to play it down but that might prove difficult because they were telling us, just last week, how Armageddon would arrive if a debt deal was not reached and our credit rating was downgraded.

As you hear all of this keep in mind that it was Obama and his policies along with the career politicians from both parties that created this mess.

But it happened on Obama’s watch and the blame lies solely with him.

Is there any doubt now that we need a balanced budget amendment?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

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