The Left’s Plan To Silence Conservatism

Rush Limbaugh told the truth last week and there has been an uproar. He apologized for his words saying that he used the tactics of the left when addressing the lies of Sandra Fluke who was trotted out by liberals in an attempt to justify their violation of the First Amendment with regard to religious institutions.

Limbaugh was correct in what he said. A woman who asks others to pay for her sex has a name in this country. And Fluke lied to boot. She said it costs $3000 for three years for birth control. One can buy a thousand condoms for $110 and that would last nearly three years if one had sex every day. To use $3000 worth of condoms one would have to have sex nearly 28 times a day. There is a name for women who do that as well. Rush used both of those names and he was correct in his assessment. He probably should not have said it but he was not wrong. As an aside, I saw Sandra Fluke’s picture. She does not need birth control, she IS birth control.

By the way, birth control pills are already available from a government sponsored entitity called Planned Parenthood and they cost $15-$50 a month. A Target near the campus sells them for $9 a month. At that price $3000 would buy nearly 28 years worth of birth control.

So Fluke lied. of course she did. She is a feminist activist who enrolled at her school specifically to challenge its ban on providing birth control. Period.

Now Limbaugh has a few advertisers who have pulled ads from his program. He says it will not hurt the show as he turns down millions in advertising each year. But, a deeper look into the companies that pulled ads shows that they are run by left wing morons who support the liberal agenda and who donate to George Soros entities. They are in place and looking to derail conservative talk.

So it is time for us to step up and take action, or inaction. The seven companies who pulled their ads are Sleep Train, Sleep Number, Legal Zoom, Citrix, Quicken Loans, Carbonite, and Pro Flowers. What say we stop doing business with them and let them pander to the 20% of the population that identifies as liberal?

These companies have every right to stop advertising but we have every right NOT to buy from them.

Support Rush Limbaugh and free speech and put an end to liberal manpulation.

Read the entire sordid details at the American Spectator.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Who Is This John McCain?

John McCain is running for reelection in Arizona and his campaign ads are already out. I have seen the transcripts of several of them and I am having a hard time figuring out who the McCain the ads talk about is. John McCain, the Senator from Arizona, has ads telling the people of the great state of Arizona that he bumps heads everyday with Barack Obama and that if he gets a bruise or two along the way, that is fine.

“I stand in his way every day,” McCain says. “If I get a bruise or two knocking some sense into heads in Washington, so be it.”

John McCain refused to bump heads with Obama in any meaningful way in the past election. Obama won that battle and, with majorities in both chambers, he is winning most other battles as well regardless of the bruises McCain gets. Another ad discusses McCain’s time as a POW and then goes on to say:

“But perhaps no battle in our lifetime is more vital than the one John McCain fights now… a battle to save America, save our jobs…

The ad discusses McCain and slashing spending as well as bloated government programs. For the most part McCain has been true to this with regard to his own actions. I have heard that he does not put earmarks in bills (though I also heard he has put small ones in). When he was running for president he said that he would veto bills with earmarks and name names of those who inserted them.

But he votes for them. When the Republicans were in power they controlled the legislation and they loaded bills with earmarks just like the Democrats did then and both parties do now. Pork projects are not party specific. If McCain is serious about no earmarks then he should not vote for any legislation that contains earmarks no matter who inserted them.

This bluster comes when his party is not in power and when he is running for reelection and, oh by the way, has a primary challenger. John, you cannot have it both ways. You were not this blusterous when your party was in control and spending like there was no tomorrow. You were not this blusterous when you supported the Bush TARP. You might claim to bump heads with Obama but you both voted for the TARP and that was the wrong thing to do.

The folks in Arizona might believe that you are going to save America and that is for them to decide on election day but the country decided that you were not that person in 2008. While you might have been better than Obama many folks believe there is not much difference between the two of you.

Claiming to be a conservative and then working with Ted Kennedy on things like amnesty for illegals does not send a very good message. Your primary opponent is very much against immigration reform and that puts him higher on the scale than you. In the overall scheme of things you are with Obama on this issue as both of you supported the last attempt at amnesty.

John, I have no doubt you are an honorable man and I admire your service to this country. You went through things many of us could not endure but you have allowed your years in the Senate to change you into a go along to get along guy until it is inconvenient.

You were not the choice of most Republicans in the last election. You were the choice of the media and you were pushed on us. If it had not been for Sarah Palin being your running mate I believe that Obama would have nearly run the table on you. People voted for her, not for you because she holds conservative values and she walks the walk.

And keep in mind John, you were a darling of the left as well. They liked the way you worked with their politicians, the papers loved you, and you were seen as a guy who they could work with which is why they pushed you. They felt that you were the lesser of all evils if their guy lost. But look at how they threw you to the wolves during the last election. I would have thought you might have learned from this but you have this history of talking tough (that “straight talk”) about things and then compromising when it is convenient.

So I ask; Who is this John McCain that has ads in Arizona? It is not the guy who ran for the presidency a year ago.

Not even close.

And it is not the guy Arizona will get if he wins reelection.

The Swamp

Big Dog


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Hillary Whitewashes Her Web Site

Hillary Clinton has taken down all the negative campaign ads and memos that have anything to do with criticizing Barack Obama. The two supposedly unified the party in Unity New Hampshire and have buried the hatchet (though Clinton would probably like to bury it in Obama’s back).

This is probably nothing new but it is hard to tell because the web has not played as great role in presidential campaigns as it has this year. Past candidates toyed with it but this campaign season marked a new high in web site use by candidates. In the past Democratic candidates relied on the MSM to stop showing items from contenders so that there would be no opposition from within the party.

Obama and the DNC worried all along that Clinton’s words would be used against Obama in the general election and, of course, they still will. Her site was not the only one that contained the memos and video ads and they will certainly surface again during the Summer.

I am sure Hillary had to do this in order to secure money from Obama to settle her campaign debts. While I don’t think this is surprising or even out of the ordinary it makes one wonder how Clinton could have viewed Obama so negatively back then but so favorably now.

Maybe it is because it is all about politics and the Democrats will lie, cheat and steal in order to win.

Washington Times

Big Dog

Obama’s Double Standard

Barry Obama is quite upset because the Republicans in Tennessee have used snippets of his wife in an ad. His wife Michell is seen making her statement about being proud of America for the first time in her adult life. On Good Morning America Michelle Obama was asked about it and Barry interjected (kind of lends itself to the Clinton supporters assertions that he is dismissive of women) and said that he is sure that Republicans would pour over every word he said and distort it but that his wife was off limits.

“I’ve been in public life for 20 years. I expect them to pore through everything that I’ve said, every utterance, every statement. And to paint it in the most undesirable light possible. That’s what they do.”

“But I do want to say this to the GOP. If they think that they’re going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful. Because that I find unacceptable,” he said.

Obama praised his wife’s patriotism and said that for Republicans “to try to distort or to play snippets of her remarks in ways that are unflattering to her I think is just low class … and especially for people who purport to be promoters of family values, who claim that they are protectors of the values and ideals and the decency of the American people to start attacking my wife in a political campaign I think is detestable.” ABC

Barry, your wife made it acceptable to address her comments when she made them. She injected herself into this contest and by making her remarks she opened herself to criticisms of those remarks. If you think that your wife will run around making comments with impunity simply because you find it unacceptable then you are out of your mind. Your people certainly made no bones about attacking things that former President Clinton said. In this contest he is a spouse. Your wife’s comments are as open to scrutiny as his are and she will not get away with saying things and not being held accountable because you find it unacceptable.

Let us address another issue. You claim that Republicans distort or play remarks in an unflattering way and yet you ignore the very acts committed by your party. Where were you when Howard Dean and the DNC aired an ad that took John McCain’s words about being in Iraq for 100 years totally out of context. Where were you when this ad gave the impression that McCain said we would be at war for 100 years when the entire context, which is known to everyone, is that we would have established bases like we do in Europe and Asia and that he was OK with that as long as our troops were not being injured or killed? Where were you when Howard Dean defended the ad as an accurate portrayal of what McCain said?

Where were you Barry, when the newspapers and on air media were distorting what John McCain said about Hamas to give legitimacy to your point of view? Where were you when they left out a portion of the answer tot he question to give the appearance of a different answer that more closely resembles your point of view.

I know where you were in both instances. You were right up there with your party repeating the lies and deliberately distorting the truth for political gain. You were heavily involved in the deception and deliberate manipulation of McCain’s words as recently as this past week. You Barry Hussein, are a hypocrite. You cry and complain about the tactics of your opponents and ignore your own use of those very tactics. You are not a new politician, you are a charlatan, a poser, a deceiver and a lying coward who lacks the courage or ability to find fault in your own game before pointing at others.

Your wife made the statements. They are not snippets and they are not edited. She said it plain as day and it is obvious to everyone what she meant. Live with that or put a muzzle on her but either way I don’t give a damn what you find unacceptable.

Is it racist for the pot to call the kettle black?

Michelle Malkin | D equals S | Paxalles | The Liberty Preservation Alliance | This ain’t Hell

Big Dog