Late Round Up Star Date 2021.256

1. The NORKs did not play this game with Trump. When Donald John Trump was the president Lil’ Kim in North Korea did some saber rattling but he was basically more hot air than anything and that is because he knows Trump would drop a missile on his ample derrière. With Joe Biden’s weakness all bets are off. Lil’ Kim tested a Long Range Cruise Missile. The missile has a range of 930 miles. Trump told Kim I have bigger missiles and they work. Kim knew Trump was not bluffing. With the paper tiger Biden the world is laughing and out enemies are foaming at the mouth in anticipation of trying us.

2. Tony Fauci is auditioning for dictator in case Biden goes toes up. Fauci has been talking about mandates and now he wants a vaccine mandated for anyone to travel by air. That is all the airlines need, more people who say screw it and refuse to fly. Not to worry, your tax dollars will bail them out. Fauci also wants your children to be mandated to be vaccinated. There are no approved vaccines available for use. Everything available is Emergency Use Authorization only. The hastily approved vaccine is not in production and probably will not be for some time. The FDA said the vaccine is safe for kids 16 and older BUT how do they know? What long term issues can our children expect to see? Will they develop heart problems or immune disorders? Will they develop blood clots? If any parent is forced to have his child vaccinated and something bad happens and the parent let’s say, holds the people who mandated it accountable, I would never vote to convict them on trial.

3. Evidently the GOP has an audio recording of Secretary of State Blinken talking about some people in the Biden Regime and allegedly, the things he says are not flattering. I remember when Trump took office and there were leaks about what people were saying and some people resigned when they were not there very long. The media called it an Administration in turmoil and one of chaos. This audio leak coupled with the people resigning rather than put up with a dementia patient are not a good look for the Biden Regime. You add all that to the turmoil of the blundered withdraw from Afghanistan and the media’s sudden ability to criticize Biden and we have the makings of something far more tumultuous than the Trump White House. This is what happens when a demented bumbling moron is in charge.

4. Follow the science unless it is inconvenient. People like Biden and Fauci say to follow the science yet they only follow what they like. We do not need to rehash the times Fauci ignored science for politics. The Biden regime is pushing for booster shots of the Covid jab. The WHO is opposed because they think it is not fair for rich nations to be doing boosters when poor nations are not getting vaccines. I know we gave a boatload of vaccines to other places. In reality, if we want to give boosters we are not obligated to consider any other nation’s vax status. But, we should try to follow science. Two people resigning from the CDC (more dissent?) wrote an item indicating that boosters are not warranted right now. Marion Gruber and Phil Krause have stated that there could be a number of side effects if we push boosters too early and that could cause reactions like myocarditis or Guillain-Barre syndrome and it might make people more hesitant to get not only this vaccine but vaccines in general. Instead of worrying about introducing boosters too soon they should have worried about introducing the vaccine too soon.

5. If you do not want to get the mandated vaccine a possible course for you to take is to claim you are in the country illegally. The Biden Regime is NOT requiring illegals pouring through our border to get vaccinated as a condition of being here. Seems to me we could be giving these folks lots of shots to keep people from catching and spreading Covid. Of course, that would be the sane thing to do if we had a sane leader and if Covid were really the main issue. It is obvious that the government is not actually concerned about the spread of the virus like they pretend to be. If they were these illegals would be held at the border and vaccinated before they were sent all over the nation. Of course in the real world we would be keeping them at the border and not letting them into the country but Biden is an idiot so he and his left wing cabal are just letting them in, virus be damned. If you do not want a vaccine say you are an illegal. If you want the government to leave you alone, well then the only way to have that happen is to be in Afghanistan.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Early Round Up Star Date 2021.256

First things first…

Joe Biden is a living contradiction. Last week he said the number one job of the president is to protect the American people and that is why he is mandating vaccines. Where was Joe and his number one job with regard to all the Americans in Afghanistan? And instead of protecting American babies in the womb, Biden is using all the resources of the government to fight to allow unborn babies to be murdered. It is not Biden’s job to protect me. I am quite capable of doing that myself. The job of government is to secure our rights. That is why our Declaration of Independence says governments are instituted among men:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed… [emphasis mine]

In a speech last week Hunter’s dad said that he was mandating the vaccine, blamed the unvaccinated for his inability and then said he was losing patience with us. Really? I lost patience with you Joe, a long time ago. Your worthless rear has been in government for nearly 50 years and NOTHING you have done has made it any better. Five decades and you get nothing right, Joe. You are worthless. You have used your political career to enrich you and your family members by selling our nation out to the Chinese Communists. You have broken countless laws and done things our Founders would have hanged you for. So please spare me this you are losing patience stuff. You work for us, not the other way around and you don’t get to dictate what people do. Now get the hell out of here, it is time for your Depends change and a bowl of Jello.

Biden and his VP seem to be on the wrong pages and can’t get their fecal material in the same sack. Joe is mandating vaccines. He is basically forcing people to get injected with something they have decided they do not want. Harris is in Texas crying about the fetal heartbeat abortion law and telling people that our country is better off when government stays out of our medical choices. I guess that is true if you want to murder an unborn child but not if you do not want a vaccine.

Now to the Round Up

1. More tyranny coming from Biden Regime. The Surgeon General reports that more COVID-19 measures are coming from Dear Leader Biden. Biden will announce them before the UN General Assembly when it meets this week. I do not know why Biden needs to announce these things to the UN but it would not surprise me if he were enlisting blue helmets to come into our nation and enforce his tyrannical vaccine edicts. We are getting to a boiling point where people are going to get physical in their resistance. Blue helmets make great targets…

2. Did Chairman Biden think things through when he decided on vaccine mandates? Did the governors who started this before the tyrant in DC think about what would happen if people did not go along with their mandates? I am not opposed to general sickouts in the nursing field where all nurses around the nation call out sick for a day (longer if government does not get the message). Once the CEO of the hospital has to empty bedpans or try to run a code things should become clear to them. A hospital in New York is suspending the delivery of babies after a number of staffers quit because of then Governor Cuomo’s vaccine mandates. Imagine how this might snowball if more and more staff decide to quit rather than get the Fauci Ouchie? Keep in mind people, when your loved ones are dying and there is no one to help them your government is to blame. BTW, don’t quit. Force them to fire you so you can collect unemployment and so that you have legal recourse.

3. During 9/11 commemorations Joe Biden, instead of focusing on the lost Americans, told us how bad we are because the attack on our country brought out dark forces who resented the followers of the religion of “peace”.

“We also witnessed the dark forces of human nature. Fear and anger. Resentment and violence against Muslim-Americans — true and faithful followers of a peaceful religion. ~ Chairman Biden”

It is not surprising that Biden would reach into the Dem-Commie bag of blame the victims. You know, every time there is a criminal act where a number of people are shot (usually by a deranged Democrat) the left, Biden included, blame all gun owners for it and try to push gun control to punish the people who do not break the law. Imagine if this statement were made about that reality:

“We also witnessed the dark forces of human nature. Fear and anger. Resentment and violence against law abiding, gun owning Americans — true and faithful followers of the US Constitution”

Joe would mess his Depends…

4. The ATF continues to call a bump stock device a machine gun. This is not true and a bump stock does not meet the definition of a machine gun in any way, shape or form. The reality is the ATF bump stock ban was a knee jerk reaction to the Las Vegas shooting where one man with bump stocks shot a lot of rounds into a crown at a concert and killed a number of people. It is once again an example of the government punishing law abiding gun owners for the illegal acts of a lone individual. Imagine if the government restricted the religious rights of Muslims because some bad Muslims committed terrorist acts. I bet there would be uproar for the very government officials who constantly attack the Second Amendment. In any event, the Marines and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals got it right though it appears as if government is ignoring the rulings. That should come as no surprise. Biden and his Regime constantly violate the law and usurp the Constitution. Biden himself even said he was violating the Constitution but that it would take a while to make it through the courts and he could accomplish what he wanted by the time it did. Biden’s AG would throw you in jail for doing the same kind of thing…

5. Democrat-Communists, including Chairman Biden, are pushing Justice Stephen Breyer to retire sooner rather than later so he can be replaced by a Democrat. The people pushing this are the ones who are now very upset at RBG for not retiring when Obama was in office so he could replace her with another far left wacko liberal justice. They blame her for the recent Texas fetal heartbeat law. I think it is funny that Dem-Commie members of Congress, people who are nearly the same age as Breyer (or older) and have been in their jobs for DECADES are pushing him to retire. I think it is especially funny that Biden, a man who suffers from dementia and can’t get through the day without assistance is pushing for a Justice who appears to be of sound mind, to retire. One does not have to agree with Breyer but he was appointed for life and he gets to decide when he should leave the job.

6. A man beat the hell out of a woman in an MMA bout. The news reports it as a transgender fighter winning but make no mistake, it was a man. He used to be a Special Forces soldier before transitioning to a job where he beats up women. I am beginning to wonder if these men don’t have issues where they love to abuse women and found a way to do it legally. I have little sympathy for the women involved because most of them run around telling you to respect the feelings of others and use the proper pronouns and then say how wonderful it is that so and so has been able to finally live the life they identify with. If you support that stuff and get the snot beat out of you then you deserve it. If you do not agree with this ladies (real ladies) then refuse to compete with men.

7. Biden is not the only president making bone headed statements, George W Bush gave his 9/11 speech and he said:

There’s little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But then there’s disdainful pluralism in their disregard of human life, in their determination to defile national symbols. They are children of the same foul spirit, and it is our continuing duty to confront them.

Many people are claiming that he was singling out the people who participated in the mostly peaceful protests at the Capitol on 6 January. While his statement was generic enough and could apply to BLM and Antifa, groups who spent last year destroying American cities (and some continue to this day), I have to agree with the assessment that he was taking a dig at those who went in the Capitol. You see, Mr. Bush was not out last year criticizing the riots that the Dem-Commie supporters in BLM and Antifa participated in. Bush never went to those cities to gave a speech to tell people to stop. Bush, as far as I can tell, did not say they were breaking the law and should be arrested. No, but Bush is not a fan of Donald Trump so he is more than eager to pin all the things 6 January on Trump and his supporters (despite evidence this was a coordinated effort of the left). The use of the words “national symbols” is probably a reference to the Capitol. But George could explain that he was also talking about all those statues that the left knocked down or the government buildings they attacked. If he did it would go a long way to clearing it up. I do not think it will get cleared up because I think he meant to attack the true patriots in this nation. Dear George, our Founders agree with you. It is our continuing duty to confront the evil doers. That includes the evil doers in Congress and all other government offices and agencies. I bet the left that called Bush a “retard” will praise him for this.

8. Hospitals are not the only places where people are quitting because of vaccine mandates. Twenty-seven active duty US Air Force pilots tendered their resignations after the SECDEF mandated the COVID “vaccine” for all military members. Twelve of these pilots are F-22 Raptor Pilots. It costs tens of millions of dollars to train and maintain these pilots and they are walking away from the military. Maybe Lloyd Austin or Mark Milley-tary can fly those planes. I kind of doubt those guys are in good enough shape to fit in them much less fly them. How many more officers will resign over the stupidity of the government? When the military loses its workforce and the hospital loses theirs we will be quite ripe for a violent uprising among the citizens whose needs will not be met. Congratulations Biden and those who cheated to get him in office. You idiots are the reason this will take place.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Quick Hits Star Date 2021.252

1. Joe Biden’s campaign slogan is Build back Better. The only thing he built back better was the Taliban.

2. Abortion activists are preparing to show up at Justice Kavanaugh’s home to protest over the Texas abortion law. Abortion Nazis think that the right is absolute and there can be no restrictions on it. These people also believe that the Second Amendment, which is clearly written in the document (unlike abortion) is subject to interpretation and can have as many restrictions as possible on it. Maybe we should protest at the homes of politicians and judges. Instead of vagina hats we can just carry.

3. Biden’s staff is so worried he might say the wrong thing many of them mute him so they do not have to hear it. Why is this news? Most of America mutes this jackass.

4. Today Joe Biden will issue an Executive Order that requires ALL federal employees and contractors working for the government to get vaccinated with no option to regularly test for the virus. Anyone refusing the vaccine will be subject to termination for cause. There are a lot of critical jobs in the government and I imagine if a bunch of the people in those jobs walked rather than be vaccinated it would bring many programs to their knees. Then again, maybe this is why Biden is doing it. He is paying off his debt to China.

5. When Donald Trump was president people on the left claimed he would be a dictator and end up causing the next World War. That never happened and Trump did not turn out to be a dictator. Joe Biden, on the other hand, has been issuing mandates as if he has the authority to tell you what to do and he is imposing heavy sanctions on those who do not play along. He is the actual dictator here and he should get the treatment fitting of one. And if the next World War is going to happen it will do so on this clown’s watch. He is busy appeasing our enemies and his lack of a spine has given our enemies inspiration to harm us. We are in for trouble with this clown in office.

6. During the campaign Basement Joe Biden told you he was the adult in the room and that he had the experience to deal with foreign issues as well as the pandemic. He assured us he could get it done. Now that he is actually in office it is apparent that one must be able to do more than just talk to get things done. Biden is the laughingstock of the world and he has failed miserably in getting control of the pandemic. As has been the case for nearly fifty years, Joe Biden is a lot of talk and no action. The only difference between Biden and a cowboy is the cowboy has the BS on the outside of his boots.

7. We have tens of thousands of Afghanis on military bases who are roaming all over the place. We do not know much about them, can’t verify things about them and are unsure if they pose a threat or not. Maybe Biden should have paid more attention to that instead of worrying if school kids had to wear masks, about a state’s abortion laws or how many Americans are vaccinated.

8. In the last 24 hours 9 people in the state of Maryland died of Covid. Joe Biden was responsible for more needless military deaths than that.

9. The number of positive Covid tests is increasing but hospitalizations and deaths are way down compared to the height of the pandemic. Biden will lie about the numbers, particularly with regard to children, today in his press conference.

10. Maryland has conducted, since the beginning of the pandemic, 4,002,851 Covid tests. The state has had 506,464 confirmed cases of Covid. Assuming that all of them were tested (and many were not in the beginning) that means 1.27% of all the people tested were confirmed to have the virus. Just 0.0127 of the total…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Early Round Up Star Date 2021.251

Note: Governments all over the world are using Covid as a pretense to impose authoritarian rule over their citizens. This is true in small municipalities all the way through to entire nations. A particularly egregious example is Australia. In 1783 the British sent a fleet of ships to Australia to establish a penal colony. Australia eventually grew out of that and became a nation. Now that country has come full circle and is once again a penal colony enforced by a police state. If you think that cannot happen here in the US, read on.

1. Many parts of the world are living in a vaccine economy and that includes jurisdictions in the US. People are singled out if they have not submitted to the vaccines and are not allowed to participate in the society that free people enjoy. They may not attend concerts or sporting events, go to restaurants or attend school. These are just a few of the things that are denied those who take a different decision regarding the vaccine. Some doctors and health care facilities are refusing to treat patients who are not vaccinated. In some places around the world people are not allowed to go shopping, including for essentials like groceries, if they are unvaccinated and this will soon be common practice in the US. How long before they decide the unvaccinated may not renew a driver’s license or a medical license or other professional license? How long before they decide you can’t vote if you are not vaccinated? The tyrants will use every method available, legal or not, to coerce people into getting the vaccine. They are firing the very health care heroes who worked with very sick patients in the absence of a vaccine simply because they will not get vaccinated. Tell me who will suffer from this. I can tell you that when your family member sits alone with no one to care for them you can blame the vaccine Nazis for it.

2. If you think that these mandates will not come to our shores you are mistaken. The ONLY reason they are not in place in California is because the governor there is facing a recall election. If he were to go full Commie on the state right now he would get beaten like a drum so he is delaying any draconian measures until after the recall. He figures he will win if he does nothing and then when he does he will impose lock downs, mandates, passports and all kinds of other liberty denying measures to coerce people into getting the Fauci Ouchie. If you live in California and do not want to live under the mandates of a tyrant then you need to yote YES to recall your governor. Remember, whatever he mandates for you to do he will not follow. He and his family along with their special friends will be able to do as they wish. He has already shown this to be the case.

3. Ivermectin is not just horse de-wormer. It is true that the drug was first put in the market in 1986 to treat cattle, sheep and other animals for parasitic infections BUT two years later it was approved for human use. The drug won a Nobel prize in 2015 and is listed as a WHO essential medication. The rare stories about people using the veterinary formulations show how desperate people will do what they think is best for them in order to treat the virus. The fact that they cannot calculate a human dose from the veterinary formulation is more of an indictment of our educational system than anything else. I am not advocating for anyone to use the veterinary formulation. The drug should be readily available for anyone who gets Covid. Despite the claims by the CDC and Dr. Fauci, there are plenty of studies as well as anecdotal evidence that the drug works in treating Covid. Look at the reduction in cases and deaths in India since that country introduced Ivermectin.

4. More on Ivermectin and the addition of hydroxychloroquine. Since the pandemic started I told you that HCQ was effective in treating Covid. I knew this because the NIH published a paper showing how effective HCQ was in treating SARS-CoV-1. The viruses are from the same family and work in similar ways (though the newest one was made in a lab) so the same drug should be effective for treating both. Many people were skeptical and of course Fauci said to follow the science (something he says and then ignores) and wait for studies. I pointed out that African nations where HCQ is routinely taken as malaria prophylaxis have lower death rates from Covid even though many are third world and do not have the level of and access to the kind of health care in more developed nations. Why is this? It is reasonable to assume that HCQ plays a part and that it should be investigated. But that can’t happen. You see, there would be no other treatment for Covid than the “vaccines”. Fauci and his minions wanted a vaccine and that was all we were going to get. Since vaccines take five to ten years to develop and test the only way to get these out sooner was through Emergency Use Authorization. You see, under US law the FDA can NOT issue and EUA for a medication if there is an approved medication that effectively treats the disease. If Fauci said Ivermectin and HCQ worked then the FDA could not issue an EUA for the experimental drugs. And they are experimental. These are mRNA drugs and that process has NEVER been used in making a vaccine. One would think that with it being new they would test it extensively before giving it to people but one would be wrong. All the people who got the shots are the experiment. You are the test group. They will look at you for years and if 5 or 10 years down the road millions of people develop life shortening and/or debilitating diseases they will say well, it did not work. And they will not be liable. Neither will the government. I think instead of calling those who did not get it the unvaccinated we should call them the control group. Of course government can get away with deception when it has a willing media wing.

5. The state of Texas passed a law that limits abortions up to the moment a fetal heartbeat is detected. This is usually four to six weeks. The left is up in arms and is saying that Texas violated the Constitution. Roe v. Wade made abortion a right out of whole cloth. I have discussed before how abortion is and always has been a state issue under the Tenth Amendment (as is marriage of any kind) but the feds made it a right out of whole cloth. So the left says that since it is a right you can’t restrict it. This has been progressive as the “right” originally had limits placed on it based on what trimester of pregnancy the mother was in. The left, over the years, has been able to move the limits up until seconds before birth where a child making its way down the birth canal may be murdered and extricated dead. Many states have placed limits on abortion and the courts have shot them down. My question is why? You see, the protection of the the right to keep and bear arms is actually written in the US Constitution. It is not made up and it is not some issue that one day appeared. It has existed since before we were a nation and the right is protected by the Second Amendment. Just to be clear, the 2A did not give a right, it protected a preexisting right. States routinely make laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms. In states like Maryland it is nearly impossible to get a carry permit (a permit infringes on the right). Courts routinely uphold some restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms and liberals applaud this and work harder to further restrict the right. So why is it unconstitutional for Texas or any other state to place limits on the “right” to an abortion? Now liberals, who are violent by nature, want to deputize doctors and send them to Texas to perform abortions. They want the federal government to send goons into the state to violate state law under the idea that the feds have immunity from prosecution. Texas allows people to carry firearms open or concealed and it has more people in it than he armed forces have in all the services combined. The feds will not be able to find enough doctors to deputize and if they somehow do they will be promptly arrested and given the same treatment as the people who were mostly peaceful on 6 January. If by chance the feds come in to throw their weight around they will soon find out how they got the saying “Don’t mess with Texas.” So go on libs, push your luck.

The only difference between Fetal and Fatal is Planned Parenthood…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Quick Hits

Surrender Monkey1. Joe Biden has been weak and ineffective and his impotence in Afghanistan will have lasting consequences. China is warning Taiwan that the US is weak and will not help that nation. The Chinese press published a political cartoon of Biden on his knees with a military uniform and the name “Loser” while little Talibans run around him. Little Kim from North Korea has started his nuclear reactor back up, It was deactivated under Donald Trump. More of our enemies will be emboldened by the weakness of Biden and we, along with our allies, will be attacked. The left will blame Trump.

2. The FDA released two letters with regard to the Pfizer treatment masquerading as a vaccine indicating it has been approved. The Secretary of Defense immediately ordered all military members who are not vaccinated to be vaccinated as quickly as possible. Joe Biden said now we have an approved medicine so now is the time. Problem is there are no available approved medicines. One letter approved a Pfizer drug named COMIRNATY and the other extended the EUA in effect for the existing drugs. So there are no approved drugs available and the FDA says Pfizer can use the stock of EUA drugs in its place. Problem is, these are still not approved (it is a legal distinction) so no one can be forced to take them. People who do not want them should reject them based on this obvious sleight of hand. Some members of the military are fighting back and some doctors support their position.

3. Thirteen US Servicemembers were murdered in Kabul because the man in charge is demented and can’t make decisions. Oh he talks tough but when it comes down to it, he is a wuss. This should not have happened. Because of Biden thirteen families will forever have a hole in their hearts. When Biden spoke about it he invoked the death of his own son, Beau, who served this nation. Beau died of cancer long after he had left the service. No one put him in a position that was dangerous without clear goals and without appropriate means of protection. Beau died of cancer and while tragic, there is no way his death compares to the deaths of these fine warriors. Biden did go to Dover for the repatriation of the remains. He must have been bored because he checked his watch during the ceremony. Maybe it was past Jello time.

4. Face Book put me in its jail for a joke that was an obvious joke to anyone who read the banter between me and an old friend from the UK (now a US citizen). The FB bot flagged me, reviewed my appeal and denied it all in a matter of minutes. I was given the option to appeal to an independent board. I did so. They let it sit for a week and decided not to take it up. This is nothing more than suppression of conservatives. FB is hell bent on making sure it shapes the minds of the weak to follow the liberal orthodoxy and it will use all methods at its disposal including attempting to modify behavior by banning. It will not work with me. I do not need the platform and use it mostly to keep track of friends and family, things I can do in a number of ways. I figure I spend about an hour a day on FB so I now spend that hour flagging and reporting ads as spam. I figure if I can’t use the service then #Zuckerberg should not be able to make money off me.

5. The recall election is underway in California and the cheating has already begun. The absentee ballots that are really mail to everyone ballots along with print your own ballots and vote on election day ballots are more abundant than the number of people who can cast them. The mail in ballot has two holes strategically placed in the envelope that allows anyone to see if the ballot is to recall the governor or not. I imagine the left can see the yes ballots and conveniently lose them in a shredder. Then they can scream free and fair with no evidence of fraud. What will stop this is the death penalty for anyone who cheats like this. BTW, the state has been mailing ballots to illegal aliens, non citizens and people who moved out of state and are no longer residents. And I mean they are mailing the ballots to the people’s NEW addresses! More people are awakening to the fact that election fraud put the buffoon in the White House. It should be no surprise they can see it here.

6. Dr. FrankenFauci, who has been wrong about a lot of things and has deliberately lied to the public to push an agenda, has indicated now that there is an approved vaccine he expects a lot more private sector mandates (see above about the approved vaccine). The good doctor, who has not seen a patient in decades (unless he has a dungeon where he experiments) is now pushing for a vaccine mandate for school children. Someone explain why this is necessary when children are not affected by the virus to any degree. In fact, more children will die or suffer ill effects from the vaccine than from the virus. But the feckless doctor keeps plodding along appeasing big government and big pharma. Speaking of Pharma, it is hard not to believe Fauci has financial interest in the drug companies when he is now talking about needing a booster shot every FIVE MONTHS! That does not instill confidence in a lot of people, except the people getting rich.

7. A woke lesbian Army Staff Sergeant says if Martial Law is declared and the military roams the streets of America you are in trouble. She made it clear that if she says go inside and you do not then you are the enemy. She said the weapons are not pointed at people in other nations, they will be pointed at you. First of all that would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, The National Guard would be the entity to enforce martial law. However, if for some reason the Staff Sergeant were to roam our streets looking for American enemies she would not be looking for long. She is evidently unaware that millions of people have the same or more training as she and we will be shooting back, if it comes to that. There are not enough troops to handle the largest militia in the world and that assumes that 100% of the military would comply. I think about 70% would say hell no and the other 30% would be like GI Josey. This is what happens when you put people in the military who hate the nation and its people. I wonder if she will suffer the same fate as members who have recently spoken out against the command and the leadership for the absolute Charlie Foxtrot in Afghanistan? Probably not. She has the gay privilege card…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
