Early Round Up Star Date 2021.251

Note: Governments all over the world are using Covid as a pretense to impose authoritarian rule over their citizens. This is true in small municipalities all the way through to entire nations. A particularly egregious example is Australia. In 1783 the British sent a fleet of ships to Australia to establish a penal colony. Australia eventually grew out of that and became a nation. Now that country has come full circle and is once again a penal colony enforced by a police state. If you think that cannot happen here in the US, read on.

1. Many parts of the world are living in a vaccine economy and that includes jurisdictions in the US. People are singled out if they have not submitted to the vaccines and are not allowed to participate in the society that free people enjoy. They may not attend concerts or sporting events, go to restaurants or attend school. These are just a few of the things that are denied those who take a different decision regarding the vaccine. Some doctors and health care facilities are refusing to treat patients who are not vaccinated. In some places around the world people are not allowed to go shopping, including for essentials like groceries, if they are unvaccinated and this will soon be common practice in the US. How long before they decide the unvaccinated may not renew a driver’s license or a medical license or other professional license? How long before they decide you can’t vote if you are not vaccinated? The tyrants will use every method available, legal or not, to coerce people into getting the vaccine. They are firing the very health care heroes who worked with very sick patients in the absence of a vaccine simply because they will not get vaccinated. Tell me who will suffer from this. I can tell you that when your family member sits alone with no one to care for them you can blame the vaccine Nazis for it.

2. If you think that these mandates will not come to our shores you are mistaken. The ONLY reason they are not in place in California is because the governor there is facing a recall election. If he were to go full Commie on the state right now he would get beaten like a drum so he is delaying any draconian measures until after the recall. He figures he will win if he does nothing and then when he does he will impose lock downs, mandates, passports and all kinds of other liberty denying measures to coerce people into getting the Fauci Ouchie. If you live in California and do not want to live under the mandates of a tyrant then you need to yote YES to recall your governor. Remember, whatever he mandates for you to do he will not follow. He and his family along with their special friends will be able to do as they wish. He has already shown this to be the case.

3. Ivermectin is not just horse de-wormer. It is true that the drug was first put in the market in 1986 to treat cattle, sheep and other animals for parasitic infections BUT two years later it was approved for human use. The drug won a Nobel prize in 2015 and is listed as a WHO essential medication. The rare stories about people using the veterinary formulations show how desperate people will do what they think is best for them in order to treat the virus. The fact that they cannot calculate a human dose from the veterinary formulation is more of an indictment of our educational system than anything else. I am not advocating for anyone to use the veterinary formulation. The drug should be readily available for anyone who gets Covid. Despite the claims by the CDC and Dr. Fauci, there are plenty of studies as well as anecdotal evidence that the drug works in treating Covid. Look at the reduction in cases and deaths in India since that country introduced Ivermectin.

4. More on Ivermectin and the addition of hydroxychloroquine. Since the pandemic started I told you that HCQ was effective in treating Covid. I knew this because the NIH published a paper showing how effective HCQ was in treating SARS-CoV-1. The viruses are from the same family and work in similar ways (though the newest one was made in a lab) so the same drug should be effective for treating both. Many people were skeptical and of course Fauci said to follow the science (something he says and then ignores) and wait for studies. I pointed out that African nations where HCQ is routinely taken as malaria prophylaxis have lower death rates from Covid even though many are third world and do not have the level of and access to the kind of health care in more developed nations. Why is this? It is reasonable to assume that HCQ plays a part and that it should be investigated. But that can’t happen. You see, there would be no other treatment for Covid than the “vaccines”. Fauci and his minions wanted a vaccine and that was all we were going to get. Since vaccines take five to ten years to develop and test the only way to get these out sooner was through Emergency Use Authorization. You see, under US law the FDA can NOT issue and EUA for a medication if there is an approved medication that effectively treats the disease. If Fauci said Ivermectin and HCQ worked then the FDA could not issue an EUA for the experimental drugs. And they are experimental. These are mRNA drugs and that process has NEVER been used in making a vaccine. One would think that with it being new they would test it extensively before giving it to people but one would be wrong. All the people who got the shots are the experiment. You are the test group. They will look at you for years and if 5 or 10 years down the road millions of people develop life shortening and/or debilitating diseases they will say well, it did not work. And they will not be liable. Neither will the government. I think instead of calling those who did not get it the unvaccinated we should call them the control group. Of course government can get away with deception when it has a willing media wing.

5. The state of Texas passed a law that limits abortions up to the moment a fetal heartbeat is detected. This is usually four to six weeks. The left is up in arms and is saying that Texas violated the Constitution. Roe v. Wade made abortion a right out of whole cloth. I have discussed before how abortion is and always has been a state issue under the Tenth Amendment (as is marriage of any kind) but the feds made it a right out of whole cloth. So the left says that since it is a right you can’t restrict it. This has been progressive as the “right” originally had limits placed on it based on what trimester of pregnancy the mother was in. The left, over the years, has been able to move the limits up until seconds before birth where a child making its way down the birth canal may be murdered and extricated dead. Many states have placed limits on abortion and the courts have shot them down. My question is why? You see, the protection of the the right to keep and bear arms is actually written in the US Constitution. It is not made up and it is not some issue that one day appeared. It has existed since before we were a nation and the right is protected by the Second Amendment. Just to be clear, the 2A did not give a right, it protected a preexisting right. States routinely make laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms. In states like Maryland it is nearly impossible to get a carry permit (a permit infringes on the right). Courts routinely uphold some restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms and liberals applaud this and work harder to further restrict the right. So why is it unconstitutional for Texas or any other state to place limits on the “right” to an abortion? Now liberals, who are violent by nature, want to deputize doctors and send them to Texas to perform abortions. They want the federal government to send goons into the state to violate state law under the idea that the feds have immunity from prosecution. Texas allows people to carry firearms open or concealed and it has more people in it than he armed forces have in all the services combined. The feds will not be able to find enough doctors to deputize and if they somehow do they will be promptly arrested and given the same treatment as the people who were mostly peaceful on 6 January. If by chance the feds come in to throw their weight around they will soon find out how they got the saying “Don’t mess with Texas.” So go on libs, push your luck.

The only difference between Fetal and Fatal is Planned Parenthood…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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