Quick Hits Star Date 2021.252

1. Joe Biden’s campaign slogan is Build back Better. The only thing he built back better was the Taliban.

2. Abortion activists are preparing to show up at Justice Kavanaugh’s home to protest over the Texas abortion law. Abortion Nazis think that the right is absolute and there can be no restrictions on it. These people also believe that the Second Amendment, which is clearly written in the document (unlike abortion) is subject to interpretation and can have as many restrictions as possible on it. Maybe we should protest at the homes of politicians and judges. Instead of vagina hats we can just carry.

3. Biden’s staff is so worried he might say the wrong thing many of them mute him so they do not have to hear it. Why is this news? Most of America mutes this jackass.

4. Today Joe Biden will issue an Executive Order that requires ALL federal employees and contractors working for the government to get vaccinated with no option to regularly test for the virus. Anyone refusing the vaccine will be subject to termination for cause. There are a lot of critical jobs in the government and I imagine if a bunch of the people in those jobs walked rather than be vaccinated it would bring many programs to their knees. Then again, maybe this is why Biden is doing it. He is paying off his debt to China.

5. When Donald Trump was president people on the left claimed he would be a dictator and end up causing the next World War. That never happened and Trump did not turn out to be a dictator. Joe Biden, on the other hand, has been issuing mandates as if he has the authority to tell you what to do and he is imposing heavy sanctions on those who do not play along. He is the actual dictator here and he should get the treatment fitting of one. And if the next World War is going to happen it will do so on this clown’s watch. He is busy appeasing our enemies and his lack of a spine has given our enemies inspiration to harm us. We are in for trouble with this clown in office.

6. During the campaign Basement Joe Biden told you he was the adult in the room and that he had the experience to deal with foreign issues as well as the pandemic. He assured us he could get it done. Now that he is actually in office it is apparent that one must be able to do more than just talk to get things done. Biden is the laughingstock of the world and he has failed miserably in getting control of the pandemic. As has been the case for nearly fifty years, Joe Biden is a lot of talk and no action. The only difference between Biden and a cowboy is the cowboy has the BS on the outside of his boots.

7. We have tens of thousands of Afghanis on military bases who are roaming all over the place. We do not know much about them, can’t verify things about them and are unsure if they pose a threat or not. Maybe Biden should have paid more attention to that instead of worrying if school kids had to wear masks, about a state’s abortion laws or how many Americans are vaccinated.

8. In the last 24 hours 9 people in the state of Maryland died of Covid. Joe Biden was responsible for more needless military deaths than that.

9. The number of positive Covid tests is increasing but hospitalizations and deaths are way down compared to the height of the pandemic. Biden will lie about the numbers, particularly with regard to children, today in his press conference.

10. Maryland has conducted, since the beginning of the pandemic, 4,002,851 Covid tests. The state has had 506,464 confirmed cases of Covid. Assuming that all of them were tested (and many were not in the beginning) that means 1.27% of all the people tested were confirmed to have the virus. Just 0.0127 of the total…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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