We Need Voter ID

There are stories of immigrants who are not allowed to vote doing so in Maryland and other places. There are stories of people showing up to vote and being informed that they have already voted. Of course we all know the stories of how the dead have voted for decades.

Even though all of this takes place the government or more specifically the Democrats in government, tell us we do not need voter ID laws. Democrats claim that such laws are discriminatory and are designed to keep minorities from voting. You see, the Democrats want you to believe that the minority community can’t get an ID.

More incredibly, they want you to believe that these people do not have an ID. One must have an ID to do almost everything in this country (except vote) but somehow all these people have gotten by without one.

It is pure hogwash.

Eric “The Red” Holder is against voter ID and while he might parrot the party line he, like all Democrats, knows that they can only win by cheating and voter ID reduces the possibility of them doing so.

James O’Keefe had someone go to a polling place in the last election and claim to be Eric Holder. The person gave all the needed information and was given a ballot. NO VOTE WAS CAST but the demonstration showed how easy it was to cheat.

Now O’Keefe has struck again in North Carolina. He was able to get ballots posing as people who had not voted in quite some time. He was offered over twenty ballots without anyone confirming his identity. He finally found one person who was suspicious and asked for ID. The irony is the person broke the law by asking for it.

You can watch the videos at the linked site which is The Daily Mail out of the UK. It is publishing the story about fraud the American media are ignoring.

We need voter ID to ensure one person, one vote.

Then we need to fix the problem of vote flipping. Seems that when people vote for one candidate the electronic screen selects the other. It is claimed that this is an error on the part of the user or a calibration problem BUT there has been no report of a Democrat vote flipping to a Republican candidate. It is only happening the other way around.

If this were truly an error then statistically both parties would be affected. When it only happens one way the issue is deliberate.

We need voter ID and then we need to fix the vote flipping.

Seems to me that paper ballots work fine (assuming we can maintain a strict chain of custody and have proper oversight of their processing through the counting machine). I know, hanging chads but if someone is too stupid to figure out a punch ballot what chance do they have with a touch screen?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What Media Bias?

The left will scream from the rooftops that the media are not biased and that they were not in the tank for Obama. That is a bunch of crap as most of the MSM are nothing more than extended arms of the Democrat Party.

MSNBC Did No Negative Stories About Obama or Positive Ones About Romney Last Week of Campaign

A new study just released by the Pew Research Center found that in the final week of the just-ended presidential campaign, the “Lean Forward” network did absolutely no negative stories about President Obama or positive ones about Mitt Romney.

Instead of Lean Forward MSDNC’s slogan should be Bend Over…

Report: Obama Coverage Turned More Favorable In Final Week Of Election

From October 29 to November 5, positive stories about Obama in mainstream media outlets outnumbered negative ones by 10 percentage points, with 29 percent positive, and 19 negative. On the other hand, negative stories about the GOP nominee Mitt Romney outweighed positive stories by 17 points, with 33 percent negative compared to 16 positive.

Nothing to see here, move along.

I am still waiting for the MSM to cover the massive voter fraud that took place across the country. When many locations report that voter turnout was greater than 100% of the total number of registered voters there is a problem. When military voters are systematically disenfranchised there is a problem. When Mitt Romney received NOT ONE vote in over 100 precincts between PA and OH alone (how many more like this across the country) then there is a problem.

Would this make a difference? The only way to find out is to investigate before the results are certified. But greater than 100% and no votes for Romney adds up to millions of disenfranchised Republican voters and many more votes for Obama than he actually received. Remember, it is not how the national number was affected; it is how it would result in each state in the battle for electoral votes.

Anyone who thinks that fewer Republicans actually voted given the 2010 midterm election and the enthusiasm among the right’s voters is delusional.

It is only fraud when Democrats lose. They refuse to look at fraud that is clearly there when they win.

And their lapdog media are more than willing to assist in the cause.

Our Founders are spinning in their graves at such a high rate of speed we could tap the energy to generate electricity.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Democrats Admit Voter Fraud Exists

Today the Democrat party in the state of Maryland reported that its candidate for US Representative in the 1st Congressional District would be withdrawing from the race against freshman Congressman Andy Harris. The reason given is that Wendy Rosen was registered to vote in the state of Maryland AND the state of Florida. Not only was she registered in both states, she voted in both states in the same election.

The Democrats reported it because they are concerned, or so they say, with voter laws and the sanctity of the vote. I think they probably discovered this, figured if they did the Republicans had and would wait until after anyone else could be selected to replace her and then release it. Since the Democrats released the information and Rosen has withdrawn she can now be replaced.

Lost in all this is the admission by Democrats that voter fraud takes place. Let’s face it, there is no way this was a mistake. This woman had to know what she was doing. If by some remote chance she was unable to recall voting in one state while voting in another than she was not capable of holding office anyway.

No, the only explanation is that she intended to commit fraud (and the Democrats turned the evidence over to the appropriate authorities though in Maryland she will likely get an award) and voted in both states on purpose. By exposing this crime the Democrats have admitted to all of us that voter fraud takes place and in this case involved one of their candidates (I wonder how many more they have doing this).

We need a way for states to check to see if anyone is registered in another state and we need laws requiring an ID. While Democrats fight every state that enacts laws designed to make fraud tougher one of their own is caught red handed, though long after the fact.

They need to make an example of this woman to send a message to others.

And we need tougher laws to ensure this does not happen.

Cave canem
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Eric Holder Says Voter ID Not Needed…

The left opposes voter ID in any shape or fashion and the only reason is because those who are not supposed to vote traditionally vote Democrat. The left will claim that there are too many people who don’t have IDs but that is a myth. There might be some folks who don’t have IDs but by and large, people have them.

Even the most downtrodden must have an ID to get government services. If this is not the case then we have another real problem where IDs would be beneficial.

Truth is, most people have some sort of ID and those who don’t probably don’t vote anyway. Even if they do, there are programs where they can get an ID (assuming they have never, ever needed one) at no cost.

The issue is that Democrats don’t want to get rid of an entire block of voters, the ones not allowed to vote, because they like to win elections. They must do that before they can run our lives.

James O’Keefe has exposed the reason we need ID to vote. First he went to a state and was issued ballots in the names of other people (including those who are dead) and now he has shoved the issue right down Attorney General Eric Holder’s throat.

O’Keefe has a video of a person requesting Holder’s ballot (he gave Holder’s name and address) and the poll worker tries to give it to him. The person says he does not have ID but is told that he does not need it. He says he wants to show it and leaves (before getting the ballot).

Holder says there is no problem but O’Keefe shows just how easy it is. And let us not be fooled by the rhetoric that IDs won’t solve the problem. This is dispelled by the video.

When he leaves he says “faster than you can say furious” which is absolutely hysterical.

A few take aways from this video. What does it say that these folks did not think it suspicious that someone claiming to be Holder asked for a ballot? Sure, there could be more than one Eric Holder but shouldn’t they verify? Perhaps they do not know who he is, which is a sad statement in and of itself.

Second take away; it is clear that an ID would have prevented this.

Third take away. Note the irony that he needed an ID to get into the Department of Justice to see someone in the building (like Holder) but did not need one to vote (and could have voted in Holder’s name).

Voter ID laws disenfranchise people but only those who are voting illegally…

If those voting illegally voted Republican the Democrats would pass voter ID in a heartbeat.

The DOJ is in full spin mode…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Let’s Abolish All ID Requirements

The criminal gun runner Eric Holder is waging war against states that have enacted voter ID laws. These laws require people to show an ID before they can vote. How dare these states force people to prove they are who they claim to be?

According to Democrat Congressman John Lewis voter ID laws [are]:

…”a deliberate and systematic attempt to prevent millions of elderly voters, young voters, students, minority and low-income voters from exercising their constitutional right to engage in the democratic process. New York Post

Since we require people to show an ID to get on a plane, rent a car, cash a check, buy certain OTC medications, buy controlled prescription drugs, enter a government building, buy alcohol or tobacco, get a driver’s license, receive medical care, open a bank account, buy a firearm, rent a hotel room, and receive government welfare it is logical to extend Lewis’ argument to these items and assert that requiring IDs for these things prevents millions of the young, the elderly, college students (don’t colleges issue a student ID), and minority and low income folks from participating in any of the events I listed. That is but a small list of things that an ID is required for so the list of things that excludes these groups is much bigger.

And our government is aware of the disparity. Since government thinks it is necessary to show an ID for these things but also believes that making people show an ID is a way to prevent some folks from doing things then we can conclude that the government does not want everyone to be able to participate in all facets of society.

Eric Holder, John Lewis and everyone else who thinks that voter ID requirements are designed to disenfranchise people are idiots. There is no other way to put it, they are idiots.

Voter ID does not disenfranchise anyone. Almost everyone has an ID. The college students have college IDs, many have a driver’s license and others have some sort of ID that allowed them to sign up for welfare. You can bet that anyone who receives a government check has some form of ID and does not believe it to be an imposition because they know, no ID, no welfare.

Perhaps the next time I enter a government building and they ask for an ID I should tell them they are discriminating against me. Maybe the next time someone (I look to old for it to be me) buys alcohol and an ID is requested that person should file a lawsuit for discrimination. The state requires those who sell alcohol to ID anyone who buys the product if they look too young.

Why should a person have to prove they are old enough to buy alcohol but not have to prove their identity before they vote?

Because the lack of voter ID helps Democrats and as long as something benefits them they care little about the rule of law.

With Eric Holder this is particularly true. The New Black Panther case and Fast and Furious are prime examples of where they ignored or broke the law in order to advance a liberal cause or protect a liberal demographic.

I support voter ID requirements and if a person is too lazy to get an ID then that person should not be allowed to vote. Can’t afford one? Give up a week’s worth of smokes or forgo the alcohol for a while and save that money for an ID.

Having an ID to vote is as much a national security issue as is requiring an ID to board a plane.

Anyone who opposes ID laws does not care about national security and is opposing freedom and the rule of law.

And they are idiots.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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