Maybe We Should Just Riot

A transit police officer in California shot and killed a man in 2009 and his trial has just concluded. Officer Johannes Mehserle was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. He claims that he had his Tazer out and put it back and drew the wrong weapon. I don’t know if I would buy that but don’t know all that is involved. Suffice it to say that the jury believed it and he has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

The biggest problem in all of this is that the officer is white and the victim was black. Instantly there had to be some racial motivation and justice had to be served.

Well it was. In our system of justice the jury decides and this jury found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter and not murder (as the family wanted).

That did not sit well so what did the minority community in Oakland do? The same thing minority communities in California do every time they do not like a verdict, they rioted. The police and every person in town knew this was going to happen. The judge delayed the reading of the verdict to allow people to leave work and go home. Businesses were sending employees home early so they would not get caught in the rioting.

Why do we tolerate this kind of behavior?

The people who did not like the verdict lost all credibility. I do not want to hear how they feel or how upset they are or anything else. The community lost any sympathy I might have had when it decided to act like animals rather than functioning members of society.

And what happens when these folks riot? The US Department of Justice launches its own investigation into the matter. There was a trial and the guy was found guilty so why does the DOJ need to show up? They need to make sure the black community gets attention after the temper tantrum. They did it after the trial of the officers who beat Rodney King which, by the way, resulted in a riot.

Seems to be a pattern here. Throw a tantrum and get what you want. But why should people be allowed to riot and do damage to the property of others?

Did anyone see riots when OJ Simpson was found “not guilty” in what was a blatant example of payback for perceived crimes against blacks in the past? Did the DOJ show up and launch its own investigation into the Simpson murders?

No, we accepted the verdict and moved on with life.

But maybe we need to shift gears. Perhaps we need to start rioting when we do not get what we want. If the courts overturn Arizona’s law maybe we all need to riot, smash windows in Hispanic owned businesses and turn cars over in the streets. We could do this all across the country to get the point across. I would not expect the DOJ to intervene on our behalf as it is more likely it would come after us because it is headed by that racist Eric Holder.

I am not much for the rioting and violent demonstrations but it seems that this is the way to get some attention.

Besides, the liberal progressives in this country blame all violence on the peaceful members of society who conform to the rules. Pelosi still thinks TEA Party rhetoric will lead to violence.

The threats of riots and violence is a method of group intimidation and it is used effectively by minority communities to get what they want or to express dissatisfaction. Black communities riot over court cases where white cops shoot black suspects or when a black guy is convicted of killing a cop because they get attention. They feel oppressed and want attention so they throw tantrums like children.

The same is true in the Hispanic community. Pass a law they do not like, threaten to build a wall, raid workplaces or do anything else that impedes their lawbreaking and they gather in huge groups and protest.

And they get attention when they do this.

Perhaps we should consider their tactics.

I would like to have a “riot” on November 2nd this year where we all storm the polling places and vote everyone out of office. We need to show our strength in a non violent manner.

We can save the violence or when it is needed.

Like when confronted by New Black Panther Party members carrying nightsticks. If you see them this year beat them to death because the racist AG will not prosecute them for breaking the law.

To all you animals in Oakland, shame on you. Maybe an attitude like yours is what caused the shooting in the first place.

SF Gate 1
SF Gate 2

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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That Violence Pelosi Talked About

Not long ago Nancy Pelosi was tearing up and telling us how she was worried about the rhetoric she was hearing and how she had heard it before and it led to violence. She was discussing TEA Party members and equating them to the Harvey Milk incident where one Democrat killed another over a job dispute. But that was good enough for her to paint the TEA Party movement as violent extremists.

Looks like she was right about the violence though. One of her Democrats, Bob Etheridge of North Carolina, assaulted a college kid on a public street and the incident was captured on video.

The student saw the Congressman walking down the street and asked him if he supported the Obama agenda. Etheridge swatted the camera he was holding and grabbed the young man’s right wrist. The Congressman kept asking the student who he was and the answer was a college student working on a project. At least two times the student asked the Congressman to let go of him but the grip was not released until the Congressman released it and spun the student around while grabbing him by the back of his neck and pulling him in tight. The student was able to get free and moved away.

I wonder what it was that set Etheridge off? Was he on his way back from a five martini lunch and feeling a little cocky? No matter what anyone thinks about the student asking the question the Congressman had no right to put his hands on him. The Congressman assaulted the student and should face charges.

The student appeared frightened and uncomfortable. He obviously did not know what to do and finally broke free. I wonder what would have happened if the student had defended himself and injured the Congressman. Do you suppose Pelosi and the state run media would be calling the student a violent TEA Party activist? This Congressman got lucky in that he grabbed someone who did not defend himself. I know a number of people who would have broken his arm off and beaten him with it.

Bob Etheridge has apologized. He said that having a bad day was no excuse and then used it as an excuse. This apology is not sufficient for what took place. Etheridge should be charged with assault and stand trial for attacking the student. It is all on video and cannot be denied.

His opponent in the upcoming race is Renee Elmers. I urge those in that Congressional District to vote her in and the Pelosi thug out.

Yes, Obama said to get in their faces and it looks like at least one member of Congress did. The state run media went nuts over allegations (that have never been proven true) of TEA Party members spitting on a black Congressman and calling him names. No video has ever surfaced but the state run media ran with the story.

This video shows a Congressman clearly attacking a person on the street. When will the state run media call for his head? When will Obama say he acted stupidly and suggest a beer summit? When will Nancy Pelosi get all weepy and say that she has seen this kind of violence before (which would be true because all the violence has come from Democrats)?

Yahoo News
ABC News
Glenn Beck (video)

Never Surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Deranged Left Winger Punches TEA Party Member

There was a TEA Party rally in North Carolina and a left wing lunatic showed up to spew his hatred. He pushed people around and the peaceful TEA Party members asked for the police. Then this deranged lunatic shoved a man’s wife several times and then punched the man in his face after he stepped up and pushed the man away from his wife:

Where is Nancy Pelosi and her tears for the violence that will happen because she has heard the angry rhetoric before? Where is the MSM? You can bet if a TEA Party member had punched this man the MSM would have the video on 24 hours a day and the cries of racism would be heard around the world.

This is what happens when peaceful left wing nut jobs are allowed out in public. The left has caused all of the violence at any of these events. I think the TEA Party people showed remarkable restraint. After the assault they were calling for the police. There were certainly enough of them to stomp this guy’s guts out and he would have deserved every bit of it.

Instead, they called for law enforcement (and amazingly, charges were filed against both men!).

They showed more restraint than I would have. If this guy had shoved my wife he would have never gotten the chance to throw a punch at me. This coward would be eating his meals through a straw for a very long time.

The progressive revolutionaries in this country want riots and violence so they can topple the government and this guy is one of their pawns. He listened to Obama tell his peeps to get in their faces.

This is what you get with a thug party led by a thug in the White House.

Obama wants to know whose ass needs to be kicked.

This follower of his is high on that list.

As an aside, the coward’s name is Governor Spencer. His mother probably named him Governor because she knew no one would ever use a respectful title to address him otherwise…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The World Of Liberal Lunacy And Other News

Voting linked to taxes…

Walter Williams has made a bold statement but it is something I have said for some time. He does a great job of explaining it:

I’m not proposing that we take voting rights away from those who do not pay taxes. What I’m suggesting is that every American gets one vote in every federal election, plus another vote for each $20,000 he pays in federal taxes. With such a system, there’d be a modicum of linkage between one’s financial stake in our country and his decision-making right. Of course, unequal voting power could be reduced by legislating lower taxes.

This is not a far-out idea. The founders worried about it. James Madison’s concern about class warfare between the rich and the poor led him to favor the House of Representatives being elected by the people at large and the Senate elected by property owners. He said, “It is nevertheless certain, that there are various ways in which the rich may oppress the poor; in which property may oppress liberty; and that the world is filled with examples. It is necessary that the poor should have a defense against the danger. On the other hand, the danger to the holders of property cannot be disguised, if they be undefended against a majority without property.” Jewish World Review

Makes perfectly good sense. If you have more skin in the game (or as Biden would put it, if you are more patriotic) then you should have more of a say in how things are run. It would force politicians to new ways of thinking. One way might be to lower taxes so we all only have one vote…

Obama and state run media incite black man to commit violence

A white supremacist was beaten to death by a black guy. How ironic is that? According to the article, the white guy kept to himself in his neighborhood and had protested different things but never amounted to much in the supremacist movement and the black guy was a criminal who served time in jail for assaulting a police officer.

The police found the supremacist, Richard Barrett, after he was stabbed and beaten to death and then set on fire. Police arrested a neighbor, Vincent McGee, (who had done work for Barrett) and charged him with the murder. Here is the interesting part:

[Sheriff Ron] Pennington did not disclose a motive but said neighbour (sic) Vincent McGee, 22, was charged with murder on Thursday and deputies charged three other people in the case on Friday. Daily Mail UK

I can tell you the motive, McGee is a racist and he was incited by the rhetoric of Barack Obama (if they bring a knife, you bring a gun) and the state run media. For some time now Obama and his state run media have told us that anyone who opposes them is a racist and that they are dangerous and could commit violent acts. After hearing all this rhetoric from Obama and the state run media, McGee decided that he needed to get the racist before the racist got him. This is a direct result of Obama and the state run media using inflammatory language and causing the fringe elements to go berserk.

And since it was a black guy killing a white guy it had to be racism. We all know that if this white supremacist had killed the black guy Clinton, Obama and the state run media would be talking about Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin inciting him to violence and how this is an act of racism.

Well, the truth must be the same when the roles are reversed.

What to do about violence?

Two lawmakers in Illinois want the governor to activate the National Guard and have them perform police duties because of all the crime and gun violence in Chicago. Officials are even more concerned that since warm weather is upon us the number of murders will increase. Seems that Chicago has more death and violence than an actual war zone and the police are unable to do anything about the violence.

It must be an election year because these bozos are trying to show their concern for the citizens. They are at wit’s end with the problem they created and now they want to activate a military force to handle it. Not a wise idea. Let the police handle it, let the politicians handle it but keep the military out. I would love to see the military go in to neighborhoods and wipe out gangs but that is not their job and they will be set up for failure. The minute they kill some thug in a shootout the same politicians who put them there will scream about what they did and then yell torture and Abu Ghraib and then blame it all on George Bush.

Besides, how credible is this information concerning violence? Chicago has one of the most stringent gun laws in the country so no one is using guns to kill people. They can’t be because they cannot buy guns, they cannot carry guns, and they have a hard time keeping guns in the home. The only people who can carry guns are politicians who tell the rest of us that they are not necessary and others who have greased the correct political palms. No one is buying guns elsewhere and bringing them in because there are laws against that as well. Laws always work because criminals have a lot of respect for the law and law enforcement. They would never consider buying guns illegally or carrying them illegally or importing them illegally because there are laws against that and liberals tell us that gun laws work.

Nope, Chicago has no gun crime and no murders by gun because guns are practically banned there. This must be some election year stunt to get the National Guard on all the streets to make people feel safer and have them believe that their government is there for them.

I wonder what would happen in Chicago if the state of Illinois allowed law abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms. They should probably give that a try since the way they are doing it seems not to be working. Seems to me it would be a lot cheaper than calling out the Guard.

Crime would go down fast.

One other thing they might consider and that is letting gangs have shootouts with each other. Put them all in an abandoned part of town and let them have gun battles with each other. If they are hell bent on killing each other then why stop it? We do not need them and putting them in jail does not seem to curb gang violence so just let them kill each other off.

Keep the people of Mississippi in your prayers

A number of people were killed and many more impacted by a tornado that touched down in the Yazoo County area. Keep these folks in your prayers.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Students Across The Country Protest Fee Hikes

Students across the country are protesting hikes in college tuition. The protests have become violent at times as students commit acts of vandalism and clash with police.

Decreased tax revenues and the tough economy have forced some jurisdictions to cut funding to schools and the difference will be made up in increased tuition.

So let’s get this straight, these kids are protesting a hike in fees because schools are not getting enough of our tax dollars to subsidize them. What would these students propose we do, raise taxes? Making us pay more so they do not have to would go over real well.

It is already a problem that taxes pay for higher education when many of the taxpayers are not benefiting from the expenditure.

However, I can understand the sentiment. People across the country are protesting higher taxes and an out of control big government. They are called the Tea Party.

The major differences; Tea Party members do not commit violence or vandalism and they are portrayed as villains by the Lame Stream Media.

Tell these kids to get a part time job or take fewer classes each year. Consider the experience an early start to what life is really like.


Big Dog


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