Hollywood Libs And The Things They Say

It would be nice if the liberals who are in the world of entertainment would stick to what they are paid to do and quit making fools of themselves by saying moronic things. We have plenty of wealthy actors telling us the wealthy should pay more taxes and they would be happy to do so and all the while they have accountants working to keep their tax burden low. They could all write checks to the government but for some reason, they don’t.

The latest liberal lunacy from the world of entertainment comes to us from Michael Moore and Morgan Freeman.

Moore is always talking about peace and how we should not be at war but he is OK with violence against the “man” if things are not going the way he likes. Moore has no problem with liberals attacking and harassing people on Wall Street and he certainly is not opposed to liberals who protest people like George W Bush even when those folks carry signs calling for Bush’s assassination.

But Moore had some advice for his fellow rich people and that is they can only build walls so high and that people are going to deal with them. He says it should be non violent for now. Moore is saying to let the political process take care of things but if they are not how people want then violence is OK. If people take to the streets or do something crazy will the left blame Moore for his veiled threat?

Then we have child molester Morgan Freeman. This whack job thinks the TEA Party is all about a bunch of racists who can’t stand a black man being in the White House. It does not occur to him that perhaps the people are opposed to Obama’s policies. No, they just have to be racists because they oppose Obama. What were the people of color who opposed Bush? I say people who were opposed to his policies and you can bet that is what Freeman would say. Let people oppose a black politician and it must be racism.

It is amazing a guy whose name is Free-Man would throw in the race card.

Who is Freeman to question the motives or moral position of people in the TEA Party? Freeman is dating his 27 year old step granddaughter and has been for 10 years. It is reported that he was having a physical relationship with her when she was 17 and that makes him a child molester. Rumor has it they are getting married.

How creepy is that?

Perhaps Freeman dropped his TEA Party attack in order to take the heat off himself. I would gladly allow most any member of the TEA Party around my daughter. Freeman, not at all.

Just another day in the land of entertainment. Liberals acting moronic with veiled threats of violence and child molestation.

And these people think we should listen to them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Is Not The Speech Police, Sort Of

When Congresswoman Giffords was shot by a crazed left winger Obama made a speech where he said we had to be civil. We owed it to the victims. Obama’s words basically said that tough talk was responsible for violence. The left went nuts and blamed Sarah Palin and others because of things like maps with bull’s eyes on them. Obama made metaphors and violence a cause and effect issue.

At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized, at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do,” the President said at the time, “it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.”

If this tragedy prompts reflection and debate, as it should, let’s make sure it’s worthy of those we have lost,” Obama said. “Let’s make sure it’s not on the usual plane of politics and point scoring and pettiness that drifts away with the next news cycle. 630 WMAL

When the left was trying to pin this on tough talk from the right Obama was the speech police. Reminding us to be civil and to have debate that is worthy of those who were lost.

Now, of course, Obama is not the speech police. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said that Obama will not be drawn into a “gotcha game” over comments made by Teamster’s President Jimmy Hoffa. Of course, Obama did not weight in on the uncivil talk of Maxine Waters, Andre Carson and Joe Biden, all of whom were extremely uncivil.

The left claims that this is just talk and Hoffa was only talking about voting people out. Does that matter? Palin’s map with the bull’s eyes was only a map to show targeted districts where people needed to VOTE a person out of office. That fact, that Palin’s map was about votes, did not stop the left from trying to pin the violence on her. To top it off, she used a map that was invented by a Democrat.

So, just to be clear, Obama is not the speech police except when he is. To make it easier, he polices speech when it comes from the right (or more accurately, when he can blame something on the right) and does not police speech when it comes from the left.

Keep in mind, the subject or context of the speech is not an important issue. The left has continually ignored the intent or context of right wing speech and TEA Party signs in order to point fingers. The issue, according to their standards, is speech that is uncivil could incite violence.

And it looks like the Hoffa speech incited some union violence. Longshoremen took guards hostage and committed acts of violence but were not charged. These guys even threatened police officers with bats. A few well placed shots would have taken care of this but again, NO charges were filed.

Hoffa incited that violence. But he does not have to worry, Obama will not be the speech police (of the left).

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Be Careful When You Draw First Blood

In the movie First Blood, John Rambo (played by Sylvester Stallone), was a Vietnam veteran who was harassed by a small town sheriff and mayhem ensued. When Rambo’s old commander shows up and communicates with him, Rambo explains that they drew first blood. John was telling his former commander that he did not start the fight and was fighting back because of that.

Representative Michael Capuano, a Democrat from union heavy Massachusetts, told union members that they needed to get bloody in their battle.

“I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going,” Capuano said, according to the Statehouse News. “Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.” The Hill

One would think that the way the media went nuts over a map with cross hairs on it (that Sarah Palin used) and the call for civility by Barack Obama, the media would be all over this. Who am I kidding though, the same media ignored all the Nazi, Hitler, and cross hair signs in Wisconsin.

No doubt because Democrat supporters were the ones carrying them. If it had been a Tea Party rally the media would still be talking about it.

But I digress.

Capuano has issued an apology stating that he wished he had chosen better words. Too late because the damage has been done. The union thugs have their marching orders and there will, no doubt, be thuggery in the future.

Before the union thugs and their partners in the Democrat Party decide to get bloody in the streets they should remember John Rambo’s words, “they drew first blood…”

They would also do well to remember what happened when Rambo decided to retaliate and draw a little blood himself.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Did Hate Speech Inspire These Left Wing Lunatics?

Almost immediately after the shooting in Tuscon the left wing liberal echo chamber was reverberating the story that Sarah Palin and the right wing were responsible for the violence. The fact that nothing was known about the shooter did not keep them from making false claims. They continued this for a week until they got push back and they saw polls showing that America was not buying it.

They also quieted down when it was discovered that the shooter paid little attention to politics but leaned to the left. It also did not help that the left’s mouthpiece sheriff turned out to be negligent in that his department had multiple contacts with the lunatic shooter and ignored the violent threats from him. They could have had him evaluated and if he was diagnosed with a mental disorder he could not have bought a gun. A liberal sheriff neglected his duty and people died.

The left wants us to believe that all the violence that is perpetrated is from the right. The only major bit of violence I am aware of with regard to a person who claimed to be protecting the Constitution was McVeigh. I was challenged with a list of so called violence which included imagined threats and people “inciting” violence or incidents against Democrats (and their offices) in which no one was caught but the left assumed it had to be a right winger. It was weak at best though it was at least a half hearted attempt to counter my claim that all the violence has come from the left. Clearly I should have avoided the absolute word “all” and stated a more accurate claim and that is most of the violence has come from the left. Just about (if not) all of the US presidential assassinations and attempted assassinations have been perpetrated by people on the left.

The so called violent right wing talk the left claims incites these things pales in comparison to the threats of violence and violent talk coming from the left. I don’t recall any right wing people saying that they wanted to shoot everyone who did not believe the same thing as they (James Cameron and global warming deniers). I do not recall any right wing politician saying he wanted to line a candidate form the opposing party up against a wall and shoot him. I do not recall Rush, Beck, Hannity or any others doing this or ever calling for violence against others. Plenty of left wing commentators do though.

Here is a list of the 7 violent left wingers that the liberals want us to forget about. They are fairly recent and they are violent but I do not believe that harsh talk by the left caused them to commit (or threaten) acts of violence. They did it because they are violent people.

But they are left wing lunatics who committed violence and whose acts were never blamed on the violent talk of the left. The right knows they are responsible for their own actions. The left believes they must be a victim of something (usually Bush is to blame).

I have been to plenty of rallies in DC when all kinds of groups were there and I have never seen an act of violence perpetrated by the right wing supporters (I have seen some commit violence in their own defense) but I have seen a number of threats from left wing groups (usually the cowardly anarchists). The DC police always told us they knew what side would be causing the problems and at several events told us that there were no arrests of people from our groups but that dozens from the other sides were taken into custody. Yep, I remember watching the left wing lunatics try to “invade” the Capitol after the police said that anyone who trespassed would be arrested.

There are violent people on both sides of the debate but those people are responsible for their own actions. The problem is that the left wing media hardly reports on any act of violence involving left wingers and will often ignore or overlook it while pointing fingers at the right.

Case in point. How much have you heard about the attempted assassination of a Democrat Governor by a left wing nut job this past September? If you heard anything it was not much. It was certainly not as hyped as the shooting in Tuscon and there was no finger pointing.

That does not fit the narrative or the agenda.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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For Whom The Bell Tolls

A church in Manayunk, a neighborhood in the northwestern section of the city of Philadelphia PA, has had a complaint filed against it because its bell is too loud. The church that has been there for longer than any of the residents has a huge bell that tolls during the day. Someone complained that the church is violating noise laws for the town.

Christians became enraged at the thought of the church being told to stop ringing its bell and threatened violence if the city goes through with the process of fining the church. Army Generals complained about the Christians and their violence and how it might increase the danger to US troops serving overseas. Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Hillary Clinton all weighed in asking the town not to take further action that could inflame Christians and INTERPOL has issued a global warning to 188 member countries that violence against innocent people is likely to increase if the church is sanctioned.

OK, the last paragraph is complete nonsense. Those actions were in response to a Florida pastor’s plans to burn the Koran and the anticipated (and threatened) violence from the Islamic adherents to the religion of peace.

In reality, the church has toned down the bell over the years by reducing the number of times and frequency that it is rung and is looking at ways to reduce its sound level. It will be interesting to see how this plays out because churches are not mentioned in the list of noise producers covered or excluded and it has been there for around a century, long before noise restrictions were enacted (and long before the people who enacted them were born).

I wonder why a person would move to where a church bell makes loud noise and then complain about it.

In any event, it will be interesting to see how this plays out because there is a favored religion (cult) in this country that has very noisy calls to prayer five times a day. Muslim Mosques do not care about noise when they have the call to prayer (something Obama described as one of the most beautiful sounds) and though there is no mosque mentioned in the town one has to wonder if the town would have gone after a mosque for noise violations and if the Muslims would have felt disrespected and started making threats and participating in violent acts.

Look at how the Muslim world got its collective sheets in an uproar over some unknown pastor and his plan to burn Korans at his small church. There were protests around the world and threats to do harm to our soldiers (I would relax the rules of engagement and eliminate that threat) and this is not the first time.

Now we even have the Imam of the Ground Zero Mosque saying that they have to build the mosque there now or there will be violence. More threats.

This will happen more and more as Islamic groups demand things and then threats are made when they do not get their way. Every time we give in or they get their way after a threat then we will be a little weaker.

Fortunately, it looks like the pastor called off the Koran burning and did it in a manner that looks like a mutual agreement.

Now let’s see what happens from here.

ABC News
Westboro Baptist will do it

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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