Union Violence

The unions in America are led by thugs and some of the members are thugs who do the union bosses’ bidding. We have seen this throughout the budget debates as unions send their people to disrupt procedures and threaten people. In some cases the unions were involved in violence. The Victory of Scott Walker in Wisconsin was hard fought and the fight was against union thugs who were involved in or incited violence. One only needs to look at the calls for violence against Walker after he won to see the evil that unions can bring.

This video discusses union violence. Some people might find the images disturbing.

Union leadership uses intimidation and forced union membership to keep workers in line and it also uses intimidation and violence to get what it wants. There is no denying that unions, particularly public sector unions, have outlived their usefulness.

I have seen the intimidation tactics first hand when a union (private sector) was trying to get established in a former workplace. One of the thugs tried to coerce me and said he was not going to let me leave until he got his point across and got a commitment (I guess he thought I was going to fill out a card). He found out quickly that he was putting himself in danger.

In any event, these thugs literally get away with murder. They will not stop until they are met with equal force or until Governors like Walker take a stand and beat back these domestic terrorists.

Thanks to Aunt Barb for the link…

This is a link to the same video with a petition drive.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Pelosi Says What The Rest Think

Nancy Pelosi let slip her feelings about unions in the private sector and her slip reveals a person who wants total government control. It reveals a person who wants a government that knows no bounds and a government that completely controls out lives. We already know this about the liberal/progressive/Socialist bunch infesting government at all levels from the courts, to the Capitol to the White House. Now Pelosi has put into words how far she will go for complete government control.

Heritage finds a nice catch in this CNBC interview with Nancy Pelosi last week, as Maria Bartiromo queries Barack Obama’s favorite House Speaker on the role of government in business expansion. Should agencies like the NLRB have the authority to shut down private-sector plants simply for not being unionized? Pelosi barely waits for the question to conclude before blurting out her “yes” Conservative Byte

Pelosi thinks a government agency should be able to shut down a private business for not being unionized. This is the mindset of those who want total government control. If there are no unions we will shut you down until you get one. If you don’t want to purchase healthcare we will force you to under threat of a penalty.

Yes, they encroach even more into our lives each and every day and they do so because we do not stand up to them.

Someone remind Pelosi that she and the government have no control over this and that our Second Amendment provides us a means to fight tyranny no matter how it manifests.

Our Founders would be shooting by now.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you do not fight for your freedom then your own government will take it away.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Union Terrorists Strike Again

I don’t mean strike as in a work stoppage to force a company to give in to demands because that is already happening. Verizon’s landline union workers went on strike after negotiations broke down. Seems the company wants its union employees to help reduce costs while keeping a competitive benefits package. The union bosses and the thugs don’t like that idea because they would rather bankrupt a company than share some of the burden. The union claims Verizon is trying to wipe out 50 years of gains.

Looks like the union thugs are striking in another way (and it is not new for union thugs). Verizon reports that some of its lines have been sabotaged. The sabotage has disrupted service and could cause a dangerous situation should someone need to contact emergency services…

Verizon reports that fiber optic lines were intentionally cut in Tewksbury and that there have been 12 acts of sabotage to the phone lines, internet and television services in Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York since the strike began. Verizon also reports that equipment was stolen in Cedar Grove NJ and a heat system was tampered with in Manhattan. [Boston.com]

Of course the union is saying it has no knowledge of its members doing such things and the union does not condone such actions. I guess it is just a coincidence that all this sabotage took place right after the union went on strike and happened in the same time period across multiple states.

Verizon is offering a $50,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons committing these crimes.

What do you want to bet that should the criminals be caught (and turn out to be union members) the union bosses that have no knowledge and do not condone such acts will work very hard to keep the offenders from being fired?

This is how unions act when they don’t get what they want. They attack people, they sabotage company equipment, and they commit criminal acts in order to coerce the company to submit to their demands.

Imagine what would happen if Verizon cut (as in cut off service) the phone lines going onto union headquarters or the homes of union employees. Imagine what would happen if Verizon turned off the cellular service of the striking workers (the wireless portion would only affect landline workers with Verizon wireless service). It would be inadvertent, of course…

The union bosses would scream, Eric Holder and the Obama regime would go into overdrive to attack Verizon and the union thugs would cry like babies. And you can bet that the union would not accept any press release from Verizon claiming it had no knowledge of company workers doing such things and does not condone them.

The union should negotiate in good faith with the company and stop holding the company hostage. These union workers are holding a gun to the heads of the company executives and trying to force them to do things that the company can’t afford to do.

Let’s face it, the union workers here are terrorists.

But I bet you will never hear a Democrat say such a thing. They save that for their lies about the TEA Party.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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GM Means Gone Mexican

Thanks to US taxpayers General Motors became Government Motors as taxpayer money was used to bailout the failing auto company. It should have been allowed to fail but Barack Obama had to bail out the company in order to save his union supporters and his puppet master at union headquarters.

Barack Obama took OUR money and without our permission used it to help a failing auto company by allowing the government to become a part owner in the enterprise. This all happened as private investors were screwed over in favor of union thugs. We were told that there would be a profit for us out of this (as if those of us paying the bills would actually see any of it) but there was no profit and the government is selling its shares in the company at a loss. GM did not pay the money back as any money paid back came from stimulus money. In other words, GM took the name Government Motors seriously and paid its debt to us with money it borrowed from us.

Given all this, one would think that GM would be beholden to the US taxpayers. One would think that since our money was confiscated from us and used to keep that company from failing that we would be rewarded, not individually but as a collective. In other words, one would think that since the country did something good for GM that GM would do something good for the country.

One would be wrong for thinking that because GM has decided to spend 540 million dollars (no doubt taxpayer money) to produce two low emission motors in Mexico. The project will create (directly and indirectly) about 1000 jobs. Since 2006 GM has invested about 5 BILLION dollars in Mexico.

I would think that GM would produce the motors in the US. In fact I would require them to. As the NLRB tells Boeing where it can use ITS OWN MONEY to build planes, the government is silent about a company partly owned by taxpayers fleeing to Mexico to build its product. It is not bad enough that GM is screwing the people who saved its sorry butt but the company has been investing in Mexico, at the expense of jobs here, since 2006.

So tell me, why didn’t GM go to the Mexican government when it needed to be bailed out?

And why is the Obama regime not stopping our employees (yes people at GM, we own you and you work for us now) from going out of the country.

I think Detroit could use a new plant and the workers that come with it. I would imagine that the 5 BILLION spent in Mexico could have helped Detroit quite a bit.

Then again, Detroit is run by liberals and GM is a union company. Either is bad but combined they are a recipe for disaster and failure which is why GM needed to be bailed out and Detroit is a wasteland.

GM went from General Motors to Government Motors and now it is just Gone Mexican.

So folks, how do you feel about being taken advantage of like this?

I said it before and I will iterate it here. I will never buy a GM vehicle (and yes, I have owned GM in the past).

Heh, when Barack Obama gave us his simplistic approach to the jobs problem by telling businesses that they needed to hire I guess he forgot to tell his toadies that they needed to hire INSIDE the country…

Perhaps we should rename GM to BOHICA Motors.

Bend Over, Here It Comes Again…

And maybe their next car should be the Chevy Bolt since they bolted across the border…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Maryland Governor O’Malley Is An Idiot

Or is he a moron? Wait, he is a moronic idiot. Yeah, that’s it.

Martin O’Malley, the Governor of the People’s Republic of Maryland, is the new attack dog for the Democrats who want to destroy Chris Christie of New Jersey before he decides to change his mind and run for president. This is the tactic the left uses when it is scared. The left did this when Sarah Palin was selected as John McCain’s running mate because the left was scared of her. She drew a lot of attention and a lot of people liked listening to her. The left and its media wing set out to destroy her.

Think they were not worried? Why did the campaign go from being Obama against McCain to Obama against Palin? They were scared. They effectively created a narrative that plenty of people believe and that is, Palin is not very bright. Think what you may but she is not stupid and has more experience than the dunce in the White House.

And we know where she was born.

But let’s get back to the moron O’Malley. He chided Christie for his bombastic approach to balancing the budget in New Jersey. O’Mally, who has no business concerning himself with New Jersey, does not approve of Christie and others making public sector employees and their unions the scapegoats for the financial problems that the states are facing. O’Malley does not think that budgets should be balanced on the backs of the public sector union employees.

No, this moron would rather raise the taxes of the people who pay for the public sector employees. O’Malley chides Christie and others for pointing out that public sector unions have very, very, good deals where they pay very little toward their benefits. The people in the private sector pay for their own benefits (and at multiples of what the public sector union types pay) and they pay for those union benefits.

The union employees are up in arms all over because they feel entitled to the money that others produce. They feel entitled to have better benefits than the people who pay them (read their bosses) and they feel that anyone who gets in the way is taking something that belongs to them.

The reality is that THEY are taking things that belong to we the people. The taxpayers are footing the bill and we have some say in how OUR money is spent. If the public sector employees do not like this they can quit and get a job in the private sector. Let’s see how well they do there.

As for O’Malley, he cares not about the public sector employees and he will screw them if it will get money to his campaign war chest. He has already raised plenty of items that Maryland employees have to pay but two things factor in. First, he is a Democrat so no one will speak ill of him. Second, he extorted money from non union public sector employees to pay off the unions. That’s right, Maryland employees who are not in the union will have money TAKEN from their paychecks each pay period and it will go directly to the union. It was a payoff. As a commenter at the source site put it (and I see nothing incorrect in the comment with regard to content. Spelling is another matter):

And he is unsing [sic] the state employee to pay off the union. He pushed through a bill in our legislature last year to allow the public sector unions to take money from all state workers, whether they volunteer to join the union or not. So, starting July 1 the union will gain an addition 30,000 fee payers that would not have choosen [sic] to join the union. The union gains over 11 million dollars, the state employees loose 11 million dollars. In addition to the the unions in Maryland public sector have NO POWER. There are always “qualifiers” with and promises the union gets from the Governor. So, final decision on if state workers get the “union gains” rests totally on the Governor and legislatures. And in the past three years state employees in Maryland have had furloughs, increased health care contributions, no promised 401 matches, layoffs (seniority is never considered) and increased workloads. State workers in Maryland and currently facing increased contribution to the pension plan (they currently contribute 5% for a multiplier of 1.8, which is one of the lowest in the country), and increased healthcare costs again. Co-pays on perscriptions are about to double, and retires will not have healthcare benefits other than medicare. So, how is O’Malley NOT attacking the state workers in Maryland???? What Christy is doing in NJ is small potatoes compared to O’Malley. NJ employees have higher salaries and much lower contribution rates than those in Maryland. After Christy’s [sic] cuts the NJ state employees will STILL be better off than those State employees in Maryland working under Martin O’Malley. O’Mally is a real peice [sic] of work!

So what Moron O’Malley is actually saying in his feud with Christie is; You don’t have to be bombastic to get things under control with unions. All you have to do is make a few underhanded deals, screw over non union employees and make sure the unions get more money. Take care of them and they will take care of you.

Yeah, O’Mally is a moron. He is also delusional. He thinks that the reason he and other Democrat governors were elected or reelected last November is because they are doing what the people want. No, absolutely not. O’Malley is in an extremely blue state. Osama bin Laden could win here if he ran as a Democrat. The only people who think Democrats are doing a good job are the misguided, uneducated or welfare recipients who would vote Democrat no matter what.

In the rest of the country, Republicans won a resounding victory and if I am not mistaken, only one Democrat took a seat that belonged to a Republican but many Republicans took Democrat held seats (in elections for governor). The one that was taken was a term limited Republican in California and that Republican was in name only. California is a lot like Maryland with regard to voting Democrat.

In any event, O’Malley is in office, not because he is wonderful, but because of his proximity to DC and the huge number of Democrats dependent on government for their “check.” Maryland suburbs around DC are full of Democrats who support big government and vote Democrat. Add Baltimore and its entitlement population to the mix and Democrats win in this state. They lose almost all subdivisions in the state but they only need to win three to achieve victory.

In any event, O’Malley bribed the union in order to do what Christie is doing and he is delusional about why he is in office. He is a moronic idiot who has aspirations of a residence on Pennsylvania Avenue.

I would think that America is not that stupid but look at the current occupant of the White House…

Perhaps Martin O’Malley should shut his yap and worry about balancing his own budget and he should try doing so without raising taxes on the people who work and pay HIS salary as well as the salaries of all public sector employees.

We are tired of morons and we are certainly tired of O’Malley.

So there Marty, want to counter attack? Have at it but you know you can’t defend yourself without LYING.


Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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