Be Careful When You Draw First Blood

In the movie First Blood, John Rambo (played by Sylvester Stallone), was a Vietnam veteran who was harassed by a small town sheriff and mayhem ensued. When Rambo’s old commander shows up and communicates with him, Rambo explains that they drew first blood. John was telling his former commander that he did not start the fight and was fighting back because of that.

Representative Michael Capuano, a Democrat from union heavy Massachusetts, told union members that they needed to get bloody in their battle.

“I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going,” Capuano said, according to the Statehouse News. “Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.” The Hill

One would think that the way the media went nuts over a map with cross hairs on it (that Sarah Palin used) and the call for civility by Barack Obama, the media would be all over this. Who am I kidding though, the same media ignored all the Nazi, Hitler, and cross hair signs in Wisconsin.

No doubt because Democrat supporters were the ones carrying them. If it had been a Tea Party rally the media would still be talking about it.

But I digress.

Capuano has issued an apology stating that he wished he had chosen better words. Too late because the damage has been done. The union thugs have their marching orders and there will, no doubt, be thuggery in the future.

Before the union thugs and their partners in the Democrat Party decide to get bloody in the streets they should remember John Rambo’s words, “they drew first blood…”

They would also do well to remember what happened when Rambo decided to retaliate and draw a little blood himself.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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More Crime In Wisconsin

The Governor of the state of Wisconsin ran on a platform of getting the state budget under control and he has begun to do so. One of the things he is working on is to have teachers pay more of their benefits. The union member teachers in Wisconsin pay nearly nothing for retirement and not much more than that for their very good health care plan. The governor wants them to pay a bit more and that bit more still amounts to about half of what private sector employees pay.

This request from the governor has not been well received by the teachers and the union thugs. Throw in a smattering of race baiting poverty pimps and you have one hell of a mess. The teachers called out sick forcing the schools to close. These “sick” teachers then went to the capitol and protested.

This is crime number one. They called out sick and were not sick. They should not be paid for the days they were out sick and in the real world they would be fired.

This led to crime number two. Doctors showed up at the protests and started handing out notes excusing the people from work. These doctors did not examine anyone and it is unlikely a record of the “visit” was generated. The doctors are writing notes excusing people from work when those doctors did not examine them (in any meaningful medical way). This is a crime and it would be fitting if the doctors had their licenses revoked for fraudulent behavior.

Crime number three (which actually came earlier than the doctor crime) is that Democrat lawmakers left the state to avoid voting on the issue. The governor wants to remove collective bargaining for public employees allowing them only the ability to negotiate salary and the Democrats want nothing to do with it.

This seems reasonable and it is more than reasonable to expect these teachers to pay more for their benefits. I always hear Democrats cry about people paying their fair share. Let some rich guy get a tax break and he is not paying his fair share (even though the rich pay most of the taxes) but let Wisconsin teachers pay almost nothing for their benefits (which means TAXPAYERS foot the bill) and Democrats line up to defend them.

My friend Don Surber had an interesting item in his Daily Scoreboard:

12. From Fox News: “If changes aren’t made to the benefit contributions paid by Wisconsin’s nearly 300,000 public sector employees, about 10,000-12,000 workers will lose their jobs, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker warned Sunday.”

Looks like that many walked away from their jobs last week. Fire them and balance the budget.

This is a very astute observation. The union must agree to changes to benefit compensation or 10-12 thousand workers will have to be fired to make up the shortfall. The union is not interested in changing benefit compensation. About 10-12 thousand teachers walked off the job to protest after fraudulently calling out sick. Fire them and balance the budget and then work on raising how much public sector employees have to pay for benefits.

This whole crime ridden issue is backfiring on Democrats. They thought they had a lot of support but the cowardly Democrat politicians turned tail and ran while the Republicans stayed and tried to conduct business and they did so at great peril because angry union thugs bused in by the unions were causing problems and trying to intimidate people.

In the world of American media the Tea Party folks, who have never been violent, are accused of all kinds of violence but the violent left is not taken to task for its demonstrable acts of violence and intimidation.

The people of Wisconsin elected Republicans because they wanted these kinds of reforms. Now it is time for the people of the state to stand up to the violent left. The people, the ones who pay the bills, need to demand that those teachers who called out sick be fired. People should consider a tax revolt if the teachers are paid for their crime.

The people should also consider moving their children to private schools. The investment in their children’s future is well worth the money it costs. Considering some of the signs at the protests it is no wonder our children are not well educated. If teachers can’t spell or use words correctly then how can we expect the children they teach to do so.

Voters should remember those Democrats who ran away from their jobs and refused to do the work they were elected to accomplish. Recall them now or vote them out in the next election.

Finally, the people should see what doctors wrote the fake notes excusing protesters from work and never go to them or switch if they are their doctors.

One final thought. The left always says it is about the children but this is not about the children, it is about the teachers and their compensation (actually, their lucrative benefits package) and nothing more. These teachers called out sick and protested because they did not like something that affected them. This was not about the children.

But what lesson did these teachers teach their students? If you do not like something then refuse to do your work, lie about it and then protest until you get what you want.

So what happens the next time a teacher decides to have a test and the students in the class decide they do not want to take it? What happens if they all call out sick and then show up at school and protest the teacher? What happens if they have fake doctor notes to excuse them? No teacher has any authority to do anything to prevent such a situation because this is what they showed the students to do…

It is people like these teachers, these cowardly politicians, the doctors writing notes and the complacent media (along with the race baiting poverty pimps) that someone had in mind when the final syllable was added to the name of the state…

Do you suppose that Keith Olbermann would wonder where the black faces in the crowd were as he did during Tea Party rallies (they were there but the MSM ignored them)? Well, Jesse Jackson was there…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Wrap Up From Absurdistan

If Obamacare is so good then why have hundreds of waivers been granted? The reality is that the law is a bad one and those who are politically connected and in good favor with the regime get waivers so they do not have to comply with the law like the rest of us. A Washington Times article points this out and the line that says it all is:

The question remains: If Obamacare is such a great law, why does the White House keep protecting its best friends from it?

Border Security
Looks like the Obama regime has been focusing like a laser beam on border security much the same way it has with jobs. In other words, there is no focus. The southern border is porous and people enter at will. There are untold numbers of people coming here and that includes drug runners and bad guys who have made parts of Arizona the wild, wild west. Recent news is that a controversial Muslim Cleric, Said Jaziri, was captured while being smuggled into this country.

This is the guy who called for the death of the Danish cartoonist who drew pictures of the pedophile Mohammed. He was deported from Canada and has now been captured sneaking into the US. While it is great that he was captured, how many others have made it through because the border is not secured?

TSA Union Reigns Supreme
TSA chief John Pistole put an end to the process of allowing private security firms to perform screenings at airports. Airports were allowed to opt out of the TSA and use private firms but that plan is no longer in place as all applications will be denied.

The union is applauding the move because it has thousands of employees that need jobs groping people (Thousands Standing Around). The TSA has groped untold numbers of people and has, to date, not caught one terrorist.

The TSA had no opinion on the private security option a few months ago but is now opposed. Perhaps Congress needs to get involved to see what favors were traded to appease the union.

Question Of The Day
Is Charlie Sheen really an actor?

On the show Two and a Half Men, Sheen plays a drunken playboy who sleeps with lots of women, patronizes hookers, and dabbles in drugs.

In real life, Sheen is a drunken playboy who sleeps with lots of women, patronizes prostitutes (and porn stars), and more than dabbles in drugs.

So how exactly is he acting? Some years ago there was a show where a kid with Down’s Syndrome played a kid with Down’s Syndrome. He did a good job on the show but how was that acting?

The same applies to Sheen. Acting is portraying something that one is not and doing it in a manner that makes people believe that it is real. Charlie Sheen does not play something he is not and the reason he appears real on the show is because he is portraying his actual life.

The guy needs help or he will end up dead.

How many people added Sheen to their dead pool? (question within the question)

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Supporters Arrested In Mafia Raid

Barack Obama is a pro-union guy and the unions are pro-Obama (and pro most Democrats for that matter). The unions sent their thugs out to campaign for Obama and to beat up people who opposed him or his agenda. They are peas in a pod.

Looks like some Obama supporters were arrested in the FBI raids that netted 125 members of the Mafia crime families:

Among those arrested Thursday were union officials, two former police officers and a suspect in Italy. High-ranking members of the Gambino and Colombo crime families and the reputed former boss of organized crime in New England also were named in 16 federal indictments unsealed Thursday. [emphasis mine] Yahoo News

The mob has been part of union hierarchy for decades and some of them were weeded out in these raids but there are many more where these came from.

While Obama and his administration are busy bailing out unions left and right they are involved in organized crime.

I wonder how long it will take his Justice Department to release these guys and drop the charges.

New York Daily News

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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No Reason To Worry About Voter Fraud

We know that voter fraud exists and we know that Democrats and their surrogates in the unions know how to do it very well. It should come as no surprise that people are complaining about electronic voting machines not working correctly and it should not come as a surprise that all the reported concerns involve Republican votes being cast for Democrats. After all, SEIU maintains the machines…

When the first complaints started coming in from Nevada the Clark County Registrar of Voters, Larry Lomax, said the complaints were not founded. Then after looking into the issue, he stated that the discrepancies had been resolved and that the results would be available after the election. Shocker, I know.

The machines registered more votes than the number of people who voted but that is nothing to be concerned with according to Lomax.

You peons get out there and vote and don’t worry your pretty little heads about shenanigans taking place. We have found the issue and we are not concerned with it.

What he means is the machines are registering votes for Democrats that were not cast. That is why things are OK.

We the people, the employers of all these slugs, expect a fair and honest election. Democrats know they never win while running on what they believe so they ignore their misdeeds and attack opponents. They also know that well placed operatives will help them come election time.

We expect a fair vote and if we do not get one we will take steps to resolve the matter.

Of course, I have always believed that if your vote actually counted they would not let you do it.

In any event, be on the lookout for misdeeds by anyone and report them to officials. Check your ballots several times before submitting to be sure it reads what you put on it.

And if any black panthers try to intimidate you beat the hell out of them.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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