Swiss To Punish US?

The right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) wants to punish the US for the pressure it put on the country’s biggest bank, UBS, resulting in the release of thousands of names of American clients who are hiding their money to avoid taxes. The SVP wants the country to refuse residents of Gitmo, something it has stated it might be willing to help with. The party also wants Switzerland to reconsider representing the US in countries where it has no diplomatic representation.

I can understand the party’s position but the reality is UBS was helping Americans break the tax laws. As far as what Switzerland does, that is their business.

What I want to know is who is on that list. I want to see the list of tax cheats made public so the rest of us who have been footing the bills can see who has been avoiding what the rest of us are forced to comply with. I think that if any elected officials are on that list then they must resign their positions immediately.

People on that list must also be forced to pay taxes with interest and penalties. They cannot get a Rangel, Daschle or Geithner deal where they only have to pay the taxes owed.

The government worked hard to get the names. The names cannot be hushed up. They must be made public.

al Reuters

Big Dog

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