Arlen Specter Is In Trouble

The RINO known as Arlen Specter is in trouble and he knows it. He narrowly won his last election bid and now he is in worse shape than he was then. Republicans are very upset with him for voting for the stimulus package. This is not the first time Specter has bucked the party and voted with the Democrats. Not that there is anything wrong with voting with the Democrats unless of course what you are voting for is in opposition to the principles of the party.

After Specter cast his vote for the stimulus the calls for getting rid of him began. Many, such as yours truly, wrote to the RNC and told them no more money until all funding for the three turncoats stops and the RNC works to replace them. I know quite a few who wrote similar letters.

Specter is now on defense and working to see how he can save his seat. He recently went to the state Republicans and tried to persuade them to change the primary rules so Independents can vote in primary elections. This was not well received:

In recent days, Specter has quietly lobbied Republicans who control the state Senate to support a proposal that would allow independents to vote in the Republican or Democratic primary. He has called individual senators and spoke before the entire caucus – on that and other subjects – earlier this week.

One senator who attended the caucus said it was tough sell.

“It was apparent that he wanted the support” of the caucus, said Sen. John H. Eichelberger, R-Blair, who supports Toomey. “I could tell from the looks in the room and the comments that were made that there wasn’t much support for it.”

Specter said Friday that the idea has merit.

“It would obviously help me, but beyond my own situation it would help the party,” he said in a telephone interview Friday. Centre Daily

Specter acts as if this is for the good of the party when everyone knows only the first half of his statement was of any concern to him. That was the part where he said “It would obviously help me.” That is all he cares about because he knows he is in trouble.

Further proof is in his recent change on Card Check. Specter had been in favor of it in the past and he indicated that he was going to vote for it this time but he has had a change of heart. He has now stated that he will not vote in favor of card check. Perhaps it is because he is in trouble and Republicans oppose card check. Specter wants to be able to pretend that he actually espouses conservative views. If he is successful in winning reelection he will be right back on the left of the aisle voting for things that Republicans oppose.

This is what he did in 2004. He was in a bad way until he received support from George Bush and Rick Santorum. Republicans all over were calling for Specter to be replaced but after those two endorsements he narrowly won. After he won he was right back with the left.

Now is the time to pick him off and replace him. I know there is a risk of a Democrat winning the general election but will that make much difference? If the Senator is going to vote with the Democrats he might as well be a Democrat. If I lived In PA and Specter were running against a Democrat I would vote for the Dem just to get rid of him.

By 2010 the Democrats will have screwed things up so badly that they will lose seats in both chambers. Might not be a lot but it will be enough in the Senate to change the balance of power and make it tough for Obama and the Democrats to run roughshod over the place. The way things look Harry Reid will probably be gone so it will be a wash if Specter’s seat is picked up by a Democrat.

In any event, Specter has to go. He knows he is in trouble and he is doing everything he can, including rigging the primary, in order to win.

He got his chance and he blew it. People wanted him gone in 2004 and he received help and won. He did not learn his lesson and now he wants to be rewarded again for screwing over his party.

This is the time to get rid of him. People of Pennsylvania, don’t let us down. Get rid of him in 2010.

We need to get rid of the other RINOs as well.

Hannity Forum

Big Dog

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Obama Makes Appeal For His Stimulus Plan

Barack Obama used his weekly radio address to push his stimulus plan. Obama and the Democrats are pushing to spend nearly a TRILLION dollars, very little of which will stimulate the economy. The bill is laden with payoffs to special interest groups that supported Democrats in November.

Obama and his minions are spending money we don’t have, money that will be repaid by taxpayers, on paying back those who supported him. They are pushing for this to go through at a record pace. It seems reckless to spend this much money this quickly. Perhaps the Democrats believe that the money Bush infused in the last part of last year will start to hit the streets and ease things around mid year. They need to have their plan passed and signed so it looks like Obama and the Democrats fixed things. If there is any recovery this Summer, regardless of the Obama bill, it will be because of what was done last year. Not even the messiah Obama can make things work that quickly. He just wants it to appear that way for the morons who vote for him…

Unfortunately, three weak kneed Republicans in the Senate have crossed over to the dark side and might provide the votes needed to get the bill passed. They say they have negotiated to reduce some of the unnecessary spending but since the bill is 7 billion dollars more than the one received from the House, they obviously don’t understand the meaning of the word CUT. Besides, any items removed will be added back in next week when they work on the compromise. Three Republicans will take their 30 pieces of silver and slither back into the fold while the bill they helped pass destroys America.

Remember Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Spector when it comes time to vote again. None of these jackasses should be reelected. In addition, any other Republican or Blue Dog Democrat who supports the bill should be shown the door. The three appeasers were called patriots by Obama. That means he believes that those who do not support it are not patriots. Remember when dissent was patriotic (the Democrats reminded us of this)? That was before we got this half baked dope addict in the White House. Now patriotism is when you do what he wants, when he wants.

The opposition has been good so far but there is only so much that can be done because the Democrats are in the majority. They believe that their victory was a mandate to do this and they are trying to spend even more of the money from future generations. Funny, when Bush was elected and then reelected they did not see his election as a mandate for anything he wanted and they opposed him every step of the way. Now we get to be the opposition and I don’t really care if it gives the liberals heartburn or not.

Obama, the guy who was going to end the partisan ways of DC and bring hope and change has done no such thing and he is working on changing government to ensure Democrats continue to win. He has moved the Census from Commerce and put it under the White House (Rahm Emanuel). This will make the apportioning of Congressional seats a partisan effort and ensure that Democratic states get more electoral votes. Obama is working to undo this country and turn it into a third world mecca that his overseas family would be proud to live in.

As for his approach, he reminded Republicans for the third time that his side won:

Still, the popular president – six in 10 voters approve of his performance so far – scolded Republicans with a pointed reminder that Democrats, not Republicans, were victorious in November. My Way News

Obama has not figured this out yet but we don’t care if they won. We will not roll over and let him and his thugs have their way with us. We don’t have to bow down to them or what they want. We have the right and the obligation to oppose the things that they do with which we do not agree. If Obama does not like that then he can take an aeronautical intercourse at a revolving pastry. He can take his Demotwits along with him.

When Obama was in the Senate he did not vote for things President Bush wanted. He opposed many things and he voted straight party line. Never did he get in front of the Senate and tell his colleagues that the Republicans won so they [the Democrats] should go along with them. Now he thinks that because he was elected that everything should change and people should fall in line.

To hell with that. 46% of the people who voted DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM. A greater portion of the population did not vote for him because a lot of people did not vote. There is no overwhelming consensus that we all need to hold hands and get along.

I do not believe we should be engaged in anything bipartisan if it will be harmful to the country. This stimulus will be harmful and a great deal of Republicans oppose it. Any Republican in Congress who supports it will be going against the wishes of the majority of the party. They should do so at their own risk.

Doug Ross has a post up asking you to contact the GOP and let them know how you feel. I agree, they need to know what will happen if this bill passes. I will not be donating anything to them as long as this Obamination is looming and if they send any money to the three idiots who crossed over then they can take me off the mailing list. As they say, money talks…

As for Obama, you don’t need a lot of Republican support for this. It passed in the House without one Republican vote and a couple in the Senate will give you what you want. I know you would like more Republican votes to give you cover for when this fails but you are not going to get it. You are on your own and this belongs totally to you. WHEN it fails you will be the one responsible and your legacy will make Jimmy Carter look like he was actually worth something.

Quit bullying people with the I won BS and start acting like a leader.

Oh, that’s right. You have never led before so this is on the job training for you.

And to be clear, I hope you fail as well. I do not want you to succeed in turning us into a Socialist country.

Big Dog

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Out Of Touch RINO; It is Not Your Money

The problem with the Republican party is not that it has too many low brow Christians as claimed by Kathleen Parker . The problem is that the Republican party has too many people in it who are Republicans In Name Only (RINO). These are the people who are registered as Republicans and say they are conservative but then support issues that are not in any way, shape, or form, conservative. This is true especially true for elected Republicans.

The left and its propaganda wing in the media would have us believe that the last election shows that conservatism is dying but this is a mistaken belief based on a false assumption. They say conservatism is dying because McCain lost but McCain is no conservative. If the party had run a true conservative Obama would be in the Senate trying to bail out the auto makers instead of killing business in Chicago.

The problem with RINOs is that they have most of the beliefs of liberals but they are registered and elected as Republicans. Case in point is Republican Representative Joe Knollenberg of Michigan. He has this misguided belief that the money the government has actually belongs to the government. While discussing the bailout of the auto industry with Neil Cavuto this RINO said that the money belongs to Congress and they will do with it what they want.

I have stated this before but it is worth mentioning again. Government does not earn money, it does not have its “own” money and the only way it gets any money is to forcefully take it from the people who actually earn it. The money in question (in fact, all the money) belongs to the US taxpayer and not to the Congress or any other government entity. The people who earn that money expect the people they elect to be good stewards of that money and to spend it wisely and in accordance with the Constitution. Knollenberg is the type of Republican that needs to be removed from office. We need to get rid of all of them who think like liberals. We might suffer in the short term with larger Democratic majorities but in the long run it will be best for the party and the country.

Knollenberg naturally wants to help the auto industry because he is from Michigan and he is entitled to have the opinion that we need to help them. However, he needs to remember that the money he is talking about also belongs to people from the other 49 states and they have a right to say how it is spent.

I believe that the auto makers should file for bankruptcy and let the chips fall where they might. The companies have been poorly run and hijacked by union thugs. They put out inferior products that people do not want and now they want the people to foot the bill for their ineptitude.

If the federal government spends OUR money bailing out the auto industry then it will set a precedent that allows other industries that make bad decisions to run to DC with their hands out. Government does not belong in the private sector.

If the government spends our money on the people who flew corporate jets to DC to beg for cash then I will NEVER buy another product made by any of the recipients of the extortion scheme. I urge all readers to consider this as well. If they get our money then you should consider one of their competitors when it comes time to replace your vehicle. Why reward their incompetence. If they get the money then we can use the power of our purse to put them out of business.

It might seem harsh and it will suck for the employees but the time for playing games is over. Let the market handle things and if they cannot compete then they will be forced to change or they will disappear.


Line 1: Amount you earned last year ______________
Line 2: Send the amount on line 1 to the government.

Big Dog

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Gov. Schwarzenegger (RINO-CA) on Global Warming Hoax

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (RINO-CA) is criticizing the Bush Administration for failing to recognize global warming and for not acting on it because the Chinese and Indians did not act. Schwarzenegger’s remarks came after the EPA decided not to pursue further action against global warming during the Bush presidency. It would appear as if the Terminator has swallowed the global warming Kool-Aid by the barrel.

Hey Arnold, what science exists that proves global warming is a man made issue? How do you explain the warming and cooling cycles that the Earth has experienced for centuries, long before man was emitting huge amounts of carbon? How do you explain the fact that warming and cooling coincide with sunspot activity and finally, how do we explain the global warming that the planet Mars has experienced since no life has been discovered there and humans certainly do not live there?

What exactly would you and the global warming toadies have us do about a problem that man has very little to do with? There is very little evidence to suggest that mankind is responsible for the warming trend that is taking place just as there was no evidence that mankind was responsible for the cooling trend that took place. The Earth has heated and cooled for centuries and will continue to do so even if all life on it ceased to exist.

Global warming scientists make money from research on that very subject and it is unlikely they will dispute it since the subject gives them a paycheck. Global warming is a huge money making venture for Al Gore and others who sell carbon offsets to idiots who have more money than brains. The government has jumped on the global warming bandwagon to show people how green we can be and many companies are trying to out-green each other. It costs a lot of money and is a wasted effort. Al Gore and all the green celebrities use more electricity and fossil fuels than most people will in a lifetime. They can’t be taking it too seriously because they are laughing all the way to the bank.

Arnold finished by telling the reporter how far ahead of the country California was in the effort to combat global warming:

He also highlighted the strides taken by California to counter global warming.

“I’m very happy that California is in the forefront,” he said. “We are very aggressive. We have made a commitment to roll back our greenhouse gas emissions to the 1990 level … We didn’t wait for Washington. I just felt that the administration and the federal government have been terrific partners in a lot of things for us and we have worked together very well, but environmental issues was not one of them.” Political Radar [ABC]

California has all those movie studios and sets that blow things up and burn things down. They continue to produce TV shows and movies that emit tons of pollutants into the air. Has anyone shut them down yet? California also has a huge problem with wildfires right now. These were caused by lightning and have been burning for weeks. The amount of pollution [or greenhouse gases if you will] released into the atmosphere is more than some small countries will emit in decades. If one were to believe that man causes global warming where do we put the blame for this?

How exactly is California in the forefront when it blows up and burns stuff to make money and every time one turns around the place is on fire?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a RINO. He is a Republican by registration but he is not conservative by any means. He has bought into the global warming hoax and wants his state as well as the country to spend money on something that is, as yet, unproven and certainly not attributable to man. Of course, Arnold is not alone, just listen to John McCain and some of the others. It is amazing what kinds of scams people will fall for.

Arnold made a lot of films where things blew up or burned and he flies back and forth to work everyday (or did until recently). How exactly does that make him any different than the rest of the “do as I say and not as I do” elitists who run this country?

Big Dog

We Must Defeat Wayne Gilchrest

Wayne Gilchrest is the Congressman who represents the 1st Congressional District in Maryland and he is my Representative. It is no secret to anyone who regularly reads this blog that I do not want Gilchrest to win another term in office. He is a liberal and when one looks up the word RINO in the dictionary his picture accompanies the definition. Gilchrest has sided with Nancy Pelosi and the rest of her Democratic gang more than he has voted with his own party. Gilchrest is also in favor of pork and has never voted against a bill aimed at ending that practice of wasteful spending. Gilchrest and I have gone back and forth in email and snail mail and his letters are patronizing and he distorts his record. It is time to replace him and there is no one better to fill the job than Andy Harris. The Washington Times has endorsed Harris and has this to say about Gilchrest:

For example, Mr. Gilchrest was wrong on the Iraq troop surge: In March, he was one of two Republicans to join Mrs. Pelosi and virtually the entire House Democratic Caucus in voting to set a timetable for troop withdrawal. He is also wrong on Iran: suggesting that Tehran is misbehaving because the Bush administration failed to conduct a “dialogue” with Iran.

According to the Club for Growth, Mr. Gilchrest earned a 0 percent rating in voting against 46 amendments to strip pork-barrel spending projects from fiscal 2008 appropriations bills. He earned a 100 percent rating in 2006 from NARAL Pro-Choice America. Mr. Gilchrest has a mixed record on illegal aliens: voting on at least three occasions in 2004 and 2005 against amendments denying certain types of federal funding to sanctuary cities; supporting amnesty for more than 800,000 illegal-alien agricultural workers in 2007; and voting in favor of awarding illegals from Mexico with Social Security benefits in 2004. Washington Times

Here are a few other votes from the so called Republican (from Wikipedia):
Gilchrest’s voting record is considered liberal for a Republican, and voted with Democrats more than any other Republican house member in 2007.

  • On February 14, 2002, Gilchrest voted for the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act.
  • On June 24, 2005, Gilchrest voted to continue taxpayer subsidies for Viagra
  • Gilchrest is a cosponsor of legislation concerning District of Columbia voting rights
  • In 2006, Gilchrest voted against the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act.
  • On September 26, 2006, Gilchrest voted against the Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 2006 which would allow property owners access to federal court for their Fifth Amendment takings claims.
  • In March, 2007, Gilchrest was one of two Republicans to vote for a bill that required President George W. Bush to bring combat troops home from Iraq by September 1, 2008.
  • In April of 2007, Gilchrest was one of four Republicans (including Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina, Jo Ann Emerson of Missouri and Jimmy Duncan of Tennessee) to vote for a similar bill that required President George W. Bush to begin troop withdrawal from Iraq on October 1, 2007. This bill also provides the goal of bringing all troops home from Iraq by March of 2008.
  • Also in June of 2007, Gilchrest voted against a series of amendments offered by Representative Jeff Flake to strip earmarks from the Fiscal Year 2008 Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill.

As anyone can see, Wayne Gilchrest is anything but Conservative and his voting record runs contrary to the Conservative district he represents. President Bush received more than 60% of the votes from this district in the last election but Wayne does not seem to get it. He seems to think that the people work for him and not the other way around. As I have stated in the past, they work for us and it is time to let them know. We can let Gilchrest know by firing him from this job.

Unfortunately, Michael Steele and Newt Gingrich are supporting Gilchrest. This shows me that they are more concerned with keeping the status quo than putting Conservatives in office and that attitude might explain why the GOP lost control of both chambers in the last election. Andy Harris is the most Conservative of the people running. He is a physician, not a lawyer, and he is in the Naval Reserve and has been deployed. E.J. Pipken, a Maryland State Senator is a late entry in the race.

Pipken, who ran unsuccessfully for the US Senate decided to get into the Congressional race after seeing how well Harris was doing. Pipken likes to tout himself as a Conservative and though he would be better than Gilchrest, he is not more Conservative than Harris. Pipken donated $2000 to the gubernatorial campaign of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a Democrat who lost to Republican Robert Ehrlich.

Gilchrest and Pipken are not the people we need in DC. Andy Harris is the only choice for the Conservatives for the 1st Congressional District in Maryland. I also want to take this opportunity to squash a lie that is being reported in a TV ad being run by one of the opponents. The ad says that Andy Harris voted to give in state tuition rates to illegals. Harris voted for the first reading of the bill knowing that an amendment would be added to include the military and exclude illegals. The amendment excluding illegals failed and Harris voted against the final bill. It is a lie to say he voted to give illegals in state tuition when he voted against the final version of the bill.

I vowed that I would persuade everyone I know to vote against Gilchrest and if he wins the primary I will vote for the Democrat opposing him. I made it clear to him that I would actively work to defeat him and I am ensuring that everyone I know in his District knows of his record and encouraging them to vote for Andy Harris.

Wayne Gilchrest must go. He is a RINO and he sides with the liberals in Congress. Our party has too many RINOs as it is so I am doing my part to rid us of this one.

Other sources:
Red Maryland
Save the GOP
Project Vote Smart (Complete voting record)

Big Dog