Obama Makes Appeal For His Stimulus Plan

Barack Obama used his weekly radio address to push his stimulus plan. Obama and the Democrats are pushing to spend nearly a TRILLION dollars, very little of which will stimulate the economy. The bill is laden with payoffs to special interest groups that supported Democrats in November.

Obama and his minions are spending money we don’t have, money that will be repaid by taxpayers, on paying back those who supported him. They are pushing for this to go through at a record pace. It seems reckless to spend this much money this quickly. Perhaps the Democrats believe that the money Bush infused in the last part of last year will start to hit the streets and ease things around mid year. They need to have their plan passed and signed so it looks like Obama and the Democrats fixed things. If there is any recovery this Summer, regardless of the Obama bill, it will be because of what was done last year. Not even the messiah Obama can make things work that quickly. He just wants it to appear that way for the morons who vote for him…

Unfortunately, three weak kneed Republicans in the Senate have crossed over to the dark side and might provide the votes needed to get the bill passed. They say they have negotiated to reduce some of the unnecessary spending but since the bill is 7 billion dollars more than the one received from the House, they obviously don’t understand the meaning of the word CUT. Besides, any items removed will be added back in next week when they work on the compromise. Three Republicans will take their 30 pieces of silver and slither back into the fold while the bill they helped pass destroys America.

Remember Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Spector when it comes time to vote again. None of these jackasses should be reelected. In addition, any other Republican or Blue Dog Democrat who supports the bill should be shown the door. The three appeasers were called patriots by Obama. That means he believes that those who do not support it are not patriots. Remember when dissent was patriotic (the Democrats reminded us of this)? That was before we got this half baked dope addict in the White House. Now patriotism is when you do what he wants, when he wants.

The opposition has been good so far but there is only so much that can be done because the Democrats are in the majority. They believe that their victory was a mandate to do this and they are trying to spend even more of the money from future generations. Funny, when Bush was elected and then reelected they did not see his election as a mandate for anything he wanted and they opposed him every step of the way. Now we get to be the opposition and I don’t really care if it gives the liberals heartburn or not.

Obama, the guy who was going to end the partisan ways of DC and bring hope and change has done no such thing and he is working on changing government to ensure Democrats continue to win. He has moved the Census from Commerce and put it under the White House (Rahm Emanuel). This will make the apportioning of Congressional seats a partisan effort and ensure that Democratic states get more electoral votes. Obama is working to undo this country and turn it into a third world mecca that his overseas family would be proud to live in.

As for his approach, he reminded Republicans for the third time that his side won:

Still, the popular president – six in 10 voters approve of his performance so far – scolded Republicans with a pointed reminder that Democrats, not Republicans, were victorious in November. My Way News

Obama has not figured this out yet but we don’t care if they won. We will not roll over and let him and his thugs have their way with us. We don’t have to bow down to them or what they want. We have the right and the obligation to oppose the things that they do with which we do not agree. If Obama does not like that then he can take an aeronautical intercourse at a revolving pastry. He can take his Demotwits along with him.

When Obama was in the Senate he did not vote for things President Bush wanted. He opposed many things and he voted straight party line. Never did he get in front of the Senate and tell his colleagues that the Republicans won so they [the Democrats] should go along with them. Now he thinks that because he was elected that everything should change and people should fall in line.

To hell with that. 46% of the people who voted DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM. A greater portion of the population did not vote for him because a lot of people did not vote. There is no overwhelming consensus that we all need to hold hands and get along.

I do not believe we should be engaged in anything bipartisan if it will be harmful to the country. This stimulus will be harmful and a great deal of Republicans oppose it. Any Republican in Congress who supports it will be going against the wishes of the majority of the party. They should do so at their own risk.

Doug Ross has a post up asking you to contact the GOP and let them know how you feel. I agree, they need to know what will happen if this bill passes. I will not be donating anything to them as long as this Obamination is looming and if they send any money to the three idiots who crossed over then they can take me off the mailing list. As they say, money talks…

As for Obama, you don’t need a lot of Republican support for this. It passed in the House without one Republican vote and a couple in the Senate will give you what you want. I know you would like more Republican votes to give you cover for when this fails but you are not going to get it. You are on your own and this belongs totally to you. WHEN it fails you will be the one responsible and your legacy will make Jimmy Carter look like he was actually worth something.

Quit bullying people with the I won BS and start acting like a leader.

Oh, that’s right. You have never led before so this is on the job training for you.

And to be clear, I hope you fail as well. I do not want you to succeed in turning us into a Socialist country.

Big Dog

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5 Responses to “Obama Makes Appeal For His Stimulus Plan”

  1. Barbara says:

    CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL by the heathen god and his demons!

  2. GeorgiaDawg says:

    Mr. Obama,Wise men talk because they have something to say,fools talk because they have to say something,and I think the latter in your case.

  3. The number of unemployed persons (11.6 million) and the unemployment rate (7.6 percent) rose in January. Over the past 12 months, the number of unemployed persons has increased by 4.1 million. The Department of Labor reported today that nonfarm payroll employment fell sharply in January (-598,000) and the unemployment rate rose from 7.2 to 7.6 percent. Payroll employment has declined by 3.6 million since the start of the recession in December 2007, …. most of this mess happening only in past three months! And some wonder Obama is pushing so hard for a stimulus package. The Herbert Hoover approach, do nothing, is all we need, leading us to a twelve year depression ??

  4. Big Dog says:

    FDR gave us 12 years by spending. That is not the way to stimulate the economy. Government has no money and produces no money. It takes it from us or borrows it (which we then have to pay for).

    If you want jobs here then government should stop making so many rules that companies decide it is cheaper to do their business from someplace else.

    Cut the corporate tax rate, one of the highest in the world, and see what happens…

  5. Ted says:

    Since Obama’s earnest drive to convince the nation to weaken its economic strength through redistribution as well as weaken its national defense, COUPLED WITH HIS UNPRECEDENTED WHITE HOUSE TAKEOVER OF DECENNIAL CENSUS TAKING FROM THE COMMERCE DEPARTMENT, has confirmed the very threats to our Republic’s survival that the Constitution was designed to avert, it no longer is sustainable for the United States Supreme Court and Military Joint Chiefs to refrain from exercising WHAT IS THEIR ABSOLUTE CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO DEFEND THE NATION FROM UNLAWFUL USURPATION. The questions of Obama’s Kenyan birth and his father’s Kenyan/British citizenship (admitted on his own website) have been conflated by his sustained unwillingnes to supply his long form birth certificate now under seal, and compounded by his internet posting of a discredited ‘after-the-fact’ short form ‘certificate’. In the absence of these issues being acknowledged and addressed, IT IS MANIFEST THAT OBAMA REMAINS INELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT UNDER ARTICLE 2 OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Being a 14th Amendment ‘citizen’ is not sufficient. A ‘President’ MUST BE an Article 2 ‘natural born citizen’ AS DEFINED BY THE FRAMERS’ INTENT.