Since Race Is The Weapon Of Choice…

Since we know that Democrats use the cry of racism as a weapon when they are in trouble and since we know that their plan to derail opposition is to use such false claims (as evidenced by JournoList and Mary Frances Berry), I thought it would be good to remind people of Morgan Freeman’s solution to the race problem.

Notice how Wallace squirms when he is not getting the typical victim claptrap from Freeman:

What a novel idea! How about we stop talking about it and all look past color to see each other as human beings…

But that would be detrimental to the Democrats. They need to use race as a weapon with false allegations designed to put those who oppose them on the defensive. Democrat members of Congress have lied about racist acts in order to paint people who oppose them as racists so those down the line can’t be expected to stop.

It would also put race hustlers like the NAALCP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton out of business.

So there is no way Freeman’s idea will take root. The Democrats can’t lose such a powerful weapon and the race hustlers can’t lose their cash cow…

But it was nice to see someone make sense of the issue…

Big Dog Salute to Brutally Honest

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Why Is Paterson’s Color An Issue?

New York Governor David Paterson is a poor leader. It is not hard to see (no pun intended) that he is lost in his position much like Obama is lost in his. Paterson, the accidental governor, is doing stupid things to try to close a budget deficit and he is causing a lot of problems. He is making Democrats nervous because they are worried that he might lose the next election to some evil Republican.

The high rollers in the Democratic party have told Paterson that he has until November to get his poll numbers up or they might decide to run someone else for his position. This is the business of the Democrats and of New Yorkers so I really don’t care about it but while reading the story I came across this:

“Nobody really wants to go to a sitting Democratic governor who’s African-American and say, ‘Hey. You’re a disgrace. Get out.'” NY Daily News

Why is it that his color makes any difference? They had to say that no one wants to go to an African American and tell him he is a problem. Why is this? Is it because they do not want to be labeled racist? The left screams racism all the time. I just can get my hands around the issue of his color. Why is it any part of the equation? They would not worry about color if they had to tell a white guy he was doing a terrible job.

They could have easily said no one wants to go to a sitting governor and say “Hey, You’re a disgrace. Get out” and left the race component out of it. Does the left have to constantly put race into an issue? I know the left is full of racists but a statement like this translates to; “we can’t get rid of the black guy. He has been oppressed and if we don’t help him out he will never get anywhere. Besides, people will say we were racially motivated.”

David Paterson is incompetent. His color has nothing to do with that. He is incompetent because he cannot lead. He and Obama have that in common, neither can lead. I don’t care what color they are because incompetence is not confined to one’s skin color. It is simple, he is incompetent because he cannot lead. He espouses liberal philosophies, the philosophies that have caused many cities and states to run up huge deficits. He is in the same boat and his inability to lead makes it impossible for him to solve the problem.

Democrats in New York have to worry about color but that color is red. That is the color of the ink the state is drowning in.

Big Dog

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A couple Of Stories About Race And Cowards

There are a few issues about race today and they involve a chimpanzee and an Attorney General who can best be described as an ass.

The first story is about a political cartoon that uses the horrible incident of the 200 pound chimp that attacked a woman. The police had to shoot the animal to put it out of the woman’s misery. The cartoon has a dead chimp with a few bullet holes in him and two cops stating that “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.” Of course this was immediately pounced on as racist. How dare this cartoonist call Obama a chimp. Why, that’s racist.

First of all Obama did not write the bill, Pelosi did. So if anyone was being called a chimp it was she. However, I don’t even think it was directed at any particular person. I think the chimp represented those who spent our money ridiculously. It was if the cartoonist said that the bill was so bad some non human primate must have written it.

Al Sharpton, the race baiter who was defanged when a black man became president, found a reason to protest. Honest to God this guy and his group of people are no different than the Muslims who protest over cartoons of their child molesting prophet. Sharpton stated that blacks had been equated to chimps and that this was a racist attack. Screw you Al.

At his first press conference, Obama stated:

And let me give you a prime example — when it comes to how we approach the issue of fiscal responsibility. Again, it’s a little hard for me to take criticism from folks about this recovery package after they presided over a doubling of the national debt. I’m not sure they have a lot of credibility when it comes to fiscal responsibility. NPR [emphasis mine]

For the last eight years the left has called George Bush a chimp. There are websites dedicated to this very thing. He was chimpy McBush, chimpy, and a number of other combinations of Bush and Chimp. There were even pictures of his face on a chimp’s body. I never heard the left go nuts over this and Al Sharpton did not protest this attack on the president.

So, to paraphrase Obama, It’s a little hard for me to take criticism from folks who called George Bush a chimp for the last eight years. I’m not sure they have a lot of credibility when it comes to the chimp issue.

Call Obama what you want. Chimp is as good as anything else and it does not matter what you say because if someone does not like it then it will be labeled racist. So have fun because they will say it anyway.

For the record, I think he looks like Curious George.

The second issue involves the half baked, liberal twit of a gun grabber and terrorist appeaser, Eric Holder. Holder gave a little speech and he was discussing race in America. Holder discussed race and said that while we were integrated at work, during our off time we segregated into our groups and that no one wants to talk about race in America. He called us a bunch of cowards. While I don’t accept the statement that we do not discuss race I certainly could not blame people for avoiding the subject. Each time someone breaks wind around a black person he is labeled a racist and protested by Al Sharpton. See above story for what over reaction and race baiting is all about.

Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, a nation of cowards,” Holder said in remarks to his staff in honor of Black History Month. His comments appear on a transcript provided by the Justice Department.

Even as we fight a war against terrorism; deal with the reality of electing an African-American, for the first time, as the president of the United States; and deal with other significant issues of the day, the need to confront our racial past and to understand our racial present, and to understand the history of African people in this country — that all endures,” the attorney general added. Commentary Magazine

Yes Eric, we tend to hang with people who are like us. We are tribal and it is human nature to hang in groups of people who are like us. However, if he wants to discuss the idea that we segregate then let us look at the culprits. The black community is the most segregated community and other ethnic groups are not far behind. And they do this on purpose by setting up segregated organizations. After all, what are the NAACP, the UNCF, and the Congressional Black Caucus? They are nothing more than groups of blacks who segregate themselves. The real difference is that they do it at work as well as during their down time.

We certainly talk enough about race. NRO has a list of discussions that have taken place. I am not sure where Holder gets his information but he is definitely looking at different sheet music than I am.

I take great issue with the assertion of being cowards. First of all, since we talk about race his argument is negated. Second of all, it is not cowardly to associate, on one’s own time, with people that are alike. I have plenty of black friends but my bigger social circle is white. Most of the blacks I know have a larger social circle that is mostly black people. This is human nature. We tend to have tribes that are filled with people who are like us. However, Holder seems to ignore the fact that we belong to outside organizations and they are generally diverse. The Gathering of Eagles has members of all colors and when we get together our tribe consist of veterans. That, not color, is the main focus. People hang with those like them. Color is not the only thing with which tribes identify.

The American Civil War was a war about state’s rights and one of the issues was slavery. I might be wrong here but it seems to me that about 600,000 people died during that war having a pretty heated discussion about many topics, one of which dealt with race.

I doubt any sane person would call them cowards.

I think Holder is way off base here. How dare this metrosexual puke call Americans cowards. For generations Americans have shown great bravery and have overcome tremendous odds. We have dealt with race and many other subjects with bravery and for this puke to suggest otherwise is a slap to greater men than he.

Yes, his subject was race but his assertions only alluded to race as being what we were cowards about. Even if he meant only wih regard to race, he is wrong.

This thumb sucking bed wetter needs to concern himself with the laws of the land and leave the talk of race to others.

This is the guy who is afraid of guns so perhaps this talk of cowardice is nothing more than projection about himself…


And will someone tell him the Grecian Formula is for his head and not just for his mustache?

Big Dog

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Powell Endorsement About Race And Nothing More

Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama today and the left is having more of those tingly feelings down their collective legs. This is not a surprise and I stated quite some time ago that Powell would endorse Obama because he is black.

Powell claimed that this was not about race and if he had to make that claim then it is a sure bet it was. Powell gave a few reasons that he was endorsing the most inexperienced candidate ever to be nominated and among the reasons were Sarah Palin’s inexperience (she has more than Obama) and the negative tone of the McCain campaign with its personal attacks. I guess he had his head covered during all the negative attacks on McCain and particularly on Palin.

Rush Limbaugh made a good point by saying; “OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I’ll let you know what I come up with.”

It is a very good point because Powell has never endorsed any white person with Obama’s lack of experience and he rejected Palin based on her experience so the only difference must be color. I imagine that Powell thinks that an Obama administration would give him a job which he could not get under white presidents. Oh wait, both presidents Bush employed the man and the latest president appointed him to a position that no other black person had ever held, until his replacement was appointed. Yeah, that Obama will be a transformational figure which is a way of saying that having a black president will transform this country away from its racist self.

Powell made an endorsement that is in opposition to how he has lived his life and the only thing that makes sense is that he wants a black guy in there. He even said back in August that an African American president would be electrifying. He has been in support of Obama for quite some time but they needed to coordinate the best time to make the announcement. This, even though Powell earlier stated that he would not endorse a candidate. I guess when he threw his values away he threw his integrity out at the same time.

Powell is free to endorse whomever he wants. He has that right and I would have actually respected him if he had the moral courage to tell us the real reason and that is because Obama is black. But he danced around with these weak claims that are easily disproved and actually gave no reason why Obama would be a good president.

Powell should have had the decency to man up and say I am voting for him because he is black. By specifically telling us that it is not because he is black he tipped his hand.

This is one endorsement from one general. There are plenty of general officers who support McCain and many more than support Obama. This is not going to change the picture very much in my opinion because many will see this for what it is. The media are salivating because it is a black man who held a high position in a Republican administration. But this is the man that the media painted as a bad guy. The libtards hated Powell but I bet they embrace him now.

I must say though, that I find it sad that a career military man would put color ahead of country.

Big Dog

Obama Throws Race into the Race

Barack Hussein Obama has thrown race into the general election by claiming that Republicans will work to cause fear about his funny middle name, his inexperience and, oh he is black. This is a slick tactic because Obama has lumped his extreme lack of experience with two issues that most people, including Republicans, find inconsequential. No one cares about his color and his middle name is just something to have fun with, so by putting experience with them he is telling people that it does not matter either.

“It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy,” Obama told a fundraiser in Jacksonville, Florida. “We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid.

“They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?” al-Reuters

Barry O Bam Bam is the one who has thrown race into the issue. By mentioning it he has given himself and his supporters license to question ANYTHING as racist if it is unfavorable to their Messiah. He raised the race issue for this very reason. He wants to be able to incite people and infuriate them because of race. Keep in mind that the Republican Party has engaged him very little so far. He has been in an extended primary and all the racist attacks came from Democrats. The truth is, many of them were from Obama supporters and people he considered his friends and mentors. His pastor has used more racial BS during this season than most others will and certainly more than any Republican.

Obama eased into this tact by claiming Republicans would not be able to to defend their stewardship of the economy or outstanding foreign policy. The economy is not that bad. It is certainly not as bad as everyone on the left makes it out to be. The major issue that people see and relate to the economy is the cost of gasoline. The Democrats are the reason we are paying so much for gas. They refuse to lift the moratorium on drilling and they (including the RINO John McCain) refuse to allow drilling in one of the most barren places on the planet. It is the Democrats who are the economic disasters in this country. If Bill Clinton had signed the ANWR drilling into law we would have been getting oil from there right now. The economy cannot be very bad because Obambi does not take money from PACs, special interests and lobbyists (that is what he says) so how is it he has raised $250,000? How could all those poor Democrats afford so much money in such a bad economy?

As for foreign policy, the first and most important thing a President can do is ensure that we are safe. We have not been attacked since 9/11 and if the methods we used to ensure this rankle other countries then too bad. The foreign policy of appeasement and cowardice is what caused 9/11 and it was a Democrat who gave that to us. Obama will follow the same path. Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, and Clinton are names associated with incidents that tested this country and showed us as weak. Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, Iran Hostage Crisis, and Somalia were brought to you by Democrats. What disaster will Obama’s policy of appeasement bring to our country. Will another Republican have to follow a Democrat and clean up the mess?

I will not vote for Obama and it has nothing to do with his color. I do not agree with his policies and I do not believe in his politics so that is why I will not be voting for him. Skin color is not something I would use to decide on who I will vote for though there are many blacks (some of them Republicans) who might vote for Obambi just because he is black. I hold my principles in a higher regard than to vote for someone who I think will be bad for my country. I took and oath to protect and defend this nation against all enemies foreign and domestic. My allegiance is to the country and the Constitution and my votes always reflect who I think will be the best steward of those two things.

If that makes me a racist then so be it.

UPDATE: From American Thinker [Clarice Feldman]: LTC Allen West released this in reference to Obama’s statement.

My advice to Senator Obama is to run as a Man and Leader, and the American people will evaluate you as such, not as a victim. This is a Presidential race, based solely on a capacity to lead the United States of America. It is not about skin tone…however, perhaps we should come to expect these immature statements.

It also seems rather humorous that the Presidential candidate who was supposed to be such a “uniter” and transcend race is the one talking about it the most. If Senator Obama was confident in his abilities and character, he would not need to create a crutch for failure. Senator Obama has just tipped his hand, any criticism of him and his policies will be directly attributed to racism. I congratulate Senator Obama for taking race relations in America back some 30 years.

LTC West is running for a Congressional seat in Florida’s 22nd District.

Big Dog