Obama Is Da Man

Just ask him.

B. Hussein Obama had a meeting yesterday that clearly demonstrates that Republicans need to grow a pair of testicles very quickly and oppose the things this man wants. Obama’s answer to criticisms about his “stimulus” plan was to say “I won.” When asked about certain things contained in the plan (such as millions of dollars for contraception) he basically said he will trump anything because he won.

It is true that he won but he needs Republican support to get things passed, especially in the Senate. Obama is clearly demonstrating a cockiness in the way he will run government. He is saying that he gets what he wants because he won.

George Bush won and no Democrat felt he should get what he wanted. They opposed him every step of the way. Now, Obama wants the opposition to roll over and not provide obstacles?

Obama also told Republicans that they could not listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done [he means the things HE wants done]. The explanation that came later was that the statement was part of a broader picture and that in order to get along the partisan stuff had to go. This is what they want. Silence critics so that they can push things along.

What Obama means is that you cannot get along unless you buy into the partisan stuff the Democrats want. Remember, he won.

Just so Obama knows, you can’t listen to the MSM and get things done.

Well, I don’t think we should all get along. I don’t care if Democrats like it or not and Republicans need to have the testicular fortitude to stand up and not give this man anything that is harmful, like an 850 billion dollar credit card.

This Obamanation promised the bill would not contain pork. It would only contain what is needed to stimulate the economy.

How will contraceptives stimulate the economy?

The bill includes 600 million dollars to “to address shortages and prepare our country for universal healthcare.”

How does that stimulate the economy? It doesn’t. What they are doing is imposing Socialism in bits and pieces. If they brought this forward as a separate thing it would never pass. Sneaking it in is how they plan on getting things through without the opposition seeing it. One thing is certain, the bill contains a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with a stimulus.

It is designed to allow Obama to get stuff through unopposed. It is designed to allow Democrats to push their agenda.

This is the kind of transparency Obama is endorsing.

Change? I think not.

Obama likes to compare himself to Lincoln. They might end up being the only two presidents to govern during a civil war they started.

New York Post
Glenn Beck

Big Dog

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