Obama Is Da Man

Just ask him.

B. Hussein Obama had a meeting yesterday that clearly demonstrates that Republicans need to grow a pair of testicles very quickly and oppose the things this man wants. Obama’s answer to criticisms about his “stimulus” plan was to say “I won.” When asked about certain things contained in the plan (such as millions of dollars for contraception) he basically said he will trump anything because he won.

It is true that he won but he needs Republican support to get things passed, especially in the Senate. Obama is clearly demonstrating a cockiness in the way he will run government. He is saying that he gets what he wants because he won.

George Bush won and no Democrat felt he should get what he wanted. They opposed him every step of the way. Now, Obama wants the opposition to roll over and not provide obstacles?

Obama also told Republicans that they could not listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done [he means the things HE wants done]. The explanation that came later was that the statement was part of a broader picture and that in order to get along the partisan stuff had to go. This is what they want. Silence critics so that they can push things along.

What Obama means is that you cannot get along unless you buy into the partisan stuff the Democrats want. Remember, he won.

Just so Obama knows, you can’t listen to the MSM and get things done.

Well, I don’t think we should all get along. I don’t care if Democrats like it or not and Republicans need to have the testicular fortitude to stand up and not give this man anything that is harmful, like an 850 billion dollar credit card.

This Obamanation promised the bill would not contain pork. It would only contain what is needed to stimulate the economy.

How will contraceptives stimulate the economy?

The bill includes 600 million dollars to “to address shortages and prepare our country for universal healthcare.”

How does that stimulate the economy? It doesn’t. What they are doing is imposing Socialism in bits and pieces. If they brought this forward as a separate thing it would never pass. Sneaking it in is how they plan on getting things through without the opposition seeing it. One thing is certain, the bill contains a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with a stimulus.

It is designed to allow Obama to get stuff through unopposed. It is designed to allow Democrats to push their agenda.

This is the kind of transparency Obama is endorsing.

Change? I think not.

Obama likes to compare himself to Lincoln. They might end up being the only two presidents to govern during a civil war they started.

New York Post
Glenn Beck

Big Dog

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15 Responses to “Obama Is Da Man”

  1. Adam says:

    Obama is listening plenty to Republicans he’s included in every major discussion. He’s just letting them know who the “decider” is now and how it’s going to be. Elections have consequences, as they say.

  2. Big Dog says:

    Not sure your assertion about including is correct and yes, elections have consequences. Bush tried to work across the aisle and his hands were bitten. Why should anyone work with Obama on things with which they disagree?

    I won is not the reason for someone to support the agenda. As I recall, you had a nice graphic showing the number of votes Bush and Kerry got with those who did not vote. Your post asserted that there was no mandate. I would suggest that, using your criteria, this is the same. Obama has no mandate according to your method.

    In any event, ticking off those who can vote to keep things from passing is not smart. The Senate is not a lock and they could be nasty about the whole thing. You will call that obstruction though you agreed with the tactic when Dems used it.

  3. Adam says:

    I haven’t seen Obama claiming any “mandate” but he certainly has more of one than Bush considering he won by 8.5 million votes and 7% compared to Bush’s 3 million and 3% victory. You’re drawing comparisons where they don’t fit though.

    Obama’s statement was not a general policy approach saying “If you disagree with me too bad because I won.” Obama is responding to the advice of Republicans on the stimulus, specifically how much money should be given to those who don’t pay much or any in income taxes. Obama has a policy and he’s laid his cards on the table by saying “I’m going to trump you on that.”

    The Republican role here is advise when Obama seeks it and if what comes out of the Executive isn’t what the Republicans in Congress like then they can oppose it. They shouldn’t expect to get their way every time or in every detail and any time Obama points that out you can keep running to your PC with your righteous indignation if you like but it’s not going to matter much.

  4. Angi says:

    Obama…the ultimate narcissist.

    Interesting article on the topic, long but worth the read…(His “I won” statement pretty much reinforces this view!)


  5. Ted says:

    WTF, at least El Rushbo is constitutionally qualified to be President!

  6. Big Dog says:

    Do you ever understand a point?

    You did make that comparison and basically, I won so I get to do it my way is saying I have a mandate.

    Regardless, Republicans (and any smart Democrats) have every right to oppose the massive redistribution of wealth. The government does not belong taking money from one group and giving it to another.

    The package WILL NOT WORK. The first one did not work and the FDR plans that were similar did not work. The only thing they are trying to do is buy American votes by giving away money.

    Read this carefully, IT WILL NOT WORK.

    And tell me, how does spending 600 million on contraception and on preparing us for universal health care stimulate the economy?

    They are throwing in stuff to get it passed. Economy my a$$.

    I don’t run to my PC every time. I work to pay for the college education of petulant brats and to pay for welfare.

  7. Adam says:

    I should have bought stock in bauxite.

  8. Jo says:

    What is that old saying, “Pride goeth before a fall.”? (snort)

  9. Adam says:

    You act like Obama held a press conference and was like “All you Republicans aren’t getting your way because I won and you lost.” Somebody simply disclosed a statement he made to a particular Republican concerning a particular part of the stimulus package that Obama feels is important to his policy.

    I guess it depends on how you define the stimulus working. You’re still not even sure what the problem is since you like to compare it to a family in debt. I’m going to continue to defer to the economists on whether or not Obama’s stimulus plan will work to boost the economy. They are of mixed opinion but anybody saying “IT WILL NOT WORK” is just being a partisan hack at this point.

  10. Big Dog says:

    Adam, we have tried it before and it DID NOT WORK. Many economists say it will not work, are they partisan hacks.

    Government intervention does not work. The free market needs to handle it. It was the government getting involved that caused the problems.

    Manipulating interest rates, loans to those who can’t pay them. All led to the problem.

    I am not willing to spend a trillion dollars we do not have to test the idea it might work when history shows us it will not. It is not urgent because they will not spend most of the money until after 2010.

    This can be compared to a family budget except in your family you cannot extort more money from your employer like the government does.

    Funny, I have heard economists compare it to a family budget.

    That is the problem with libs, so use to someone else taking care of them they don’t know how to do it for themselves

    • Dog: We tried an unchecked free market. That’s why we have the depression today. It was the high-flying CEOs and Wall Street Captains of the Universe with their unbridled greed, along with Bush’s clueless administration, that got us to our current state.
      You cons have taken care of us all too well, that’s why America voted for change.

      • Big Dog says:

        The market was not unchecked and it is the government’s policies that caused the problems including the idea of lending money to people who could not afford it.

        Good article: Discusses a lot of it

  11. Barbara says:

    Big Dog, Adam sounds like someone who will have to learn the hard way. He should talk to the people in Canada who have socialized medicine and have to wait 2 years for an operation. I have talked to a family in Toronto and spending 24 hours in the ER is common. You notice that Obama did not use his middle name before the Inauguration, so I wonder if he was letting us know that, see, I really am a Muslim. This man is from the devil and is going to put us through hell. People who won’t listen, will eventually see that Obama is an arrogant controller who thinks he is a one-man show.

    • Big Dog says:

      While it is certainly true that Obama was a Muslim, he is not one now. He might be signifying that he understands them or that he is willing to help them but he is not one of them.

      I am not sure he actually practices a religion. Sure, he went to a Christian church and he claims to be Christian but his actions seem to contradict that claim.

      He went to the church for political expediency. He states that he converted to Christianity (from what I wonder) when he was a young man. But he does not act like a Christian.

      He believes in things that one would never attribute to a Christian.

      But, he is no longer a Muslim.

  12. Bunny Colvin says:


    Obama is “from the devil”??!!

    Good Lord! Have you contacted the Department of Homeland Security???

    Are all of the folks that voted for him “from the devil”? Oh no!!!