Who Is This John McCain?

John McCain is running for reelection in Arizona and his campaign ads are already out. I have seen the transcripts of several of them and I am having a hard time figuring out who the McCain the ads talk about is. John McCain, the Senator from Arizona, has ads telling the people of the great state of Arizona that he bumps heads everyday with Barack Obama and that if he gets a bruise or two along the way, that is fine.

“I stand in his way every day,” McCain says. “If I get a bruise or two knocking some sense into heads in Washington, so be it.”

John McCain refused to bump heads with Obama in any meaningful way in the past election. Obama won that battle and, with majorities in both chambers, he is winning most other battles as well regardless of the bruises McCain gets. Another ad discusses McCain’s time as a POW and then goes on to say:

“But perhaps no battle in our lifetime is more vital than the one John McCain fights now… a battle to save America, save our jobs…

The ad discusses McCain and slashing spending as well as bloated government programs. For the most part McCain has been true to this with regard to his own actions. I have heard that he does not put earmarks in bills (though I also heard he has put small ones in). When he was running for president he said that he would veto bills with earmarks and name names of those who inserted them.

But he votes for them. When the Republicans were in power they controlled the legislation and they loaded bills with earmarks just like the Democrats did then and both parties do now. Pork projects are not party specific. If McCain is serious about no earmarks then he should not vote for any legislation that contains earmarks no matter who inserted them.

This bluster comes when his party is not in power and when he is running for reelection and, oh by the way, has a primary challenger. John, you cannot have it both ways. You were not this blusterous when your party was in control and spending like there was no tomorrow. You were not this blusterous when you supported the Bush TARP. You might claim to bump heads with Obama but you both voted for the TARP and that was the wrong thing to do.

The folks in Arizona might believe that you are going to save America and that is for them to decide on election day but the country decided that you were not that person in 2008. While you might have been better than Obama many folks believe there is not much difference between the two of you.

Claiming to be a conservative and then working with Ted Kennedy on things like amnesty for illegals does not send a very good message. Your primary opponent is very much against immigration reform and that puts him higher on the scale than you. In the overall scheme of things you are with Obama on this issue as both of you supported the last attempt at amnesty.

John, I have no doubt you are an honorable man and I admire your service to this country. You went through things many of us could not endure but you have allowed your years in the Senate to change you into a go along to get along guy until it is inconvenient.

You were not the choice of most Republicans in the last election. You were the choice of the media and you were pushed on us. If it had not been for Sarah Palin being your running mate I believe that Obama would have nearly run the table on you. People voted for her, not for you because she holds conservative values and she walks the walk.

And keep in mind John, you were a darling of the left as well. They liked the way you worked with their politicians, the papers loved you, and you were seen as a guy who they could work with which is why they pushed you. They felt that you were the lesser of all evils if their guy lost. But look at how they threw you to the wolves during the last election. I would have thought you might have learned from this but you have this history of talking tough (that “straight talk”) about things and then compromising when it is convenient.

So I ask; Who is this John McCain that has ads in Arizona? It is not the guy who ran for the presidency a year ago.

Not even close.

And it is not the guy Arizona will get if he wins reelection.

The Swamp

Big Dog


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Obama Said This Was The Wrong Approach

When Obama was running for the office he now holds he put out a commercial that blasted John McCain over his positions on health care reform. McCain discussed taxing employer provided benefits and cutting Medicare and Obama went after him on that. Obama said; “Taxing Healthcare and Cutting Medicare Is Worst Way to Reform System.”

The worst way to reform the system.

The bills that will be reconciled in the House and Senate will tax health care plans and cut Medicare. The two things Obama said were the worst way to do things his Congress is now doing as is Obama because he made it clear he will sign whatever the Congress comes up with.

Breitbart has the video of the commercial. Be sure to watch it and see how, back then, Obama was against what he is now pushing for. You can be absolutely certain Obama was on board with the commercial because at the end he says; “I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.”

In their haste to get something, anything, passed the Democrats have shown that either they agreed with McCain or they are willing to abandon their position just to get something through. I think it is the later rather than the former.

Obama’s numbers are rapidly falling and people are against this plan. He does not care. He wants to be able to say that he got health care passed. It matters not to him that he will be signing a bill into law that contains things that “are the worst way to reform the system.”

Just as long as he gets to sign something…

Looks like he lost Republicans foolish enough to vote for him, has lost Independents who voted for him and now is losing Democrats who were all full of Hope and Change.

Obama even lost his buddy Hugo.

This hack is a one term wonder.

And folks, the Senate bill has language that would prevent it from ever being repealed (though I imagine a future Congress could pass a bill that allows unrepealable laws to be repealed). The problem is, once we get it, it will not go away. There are too many lemmings who suckle at the teat of government to ever let go.

On a lighter note, this piece by Dave Barry (Miami Herald) is absolutely hilarious.

Big Dog


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McCain To The Rescue

During the campaign Barack Obama told us how his limited experience made him a better choice as Commander in Chief than John McCain, a decorated veteran. Of course there were many variables in the election and John McCain was not the ideal candidate. He was the wishy-washy middle of the road Republican that Colin Powell says we need. Of course, Powell endorsed and voted for Obama. I can only conclude that race was the deciding factor.

Now that the Community Organizer in Chief has been in office for a while the world is able to see how weak kneed he is. The Muslim world is thumbing their collective noses at him and North Korea is launching missiles and testing nuclear devices. Obama said that his strategy was to just talk with these people because that would bring us all together. He is an organizer of the world community.

The only problem is that no one is listening. North Korea is now preparing to launch a missile at Hawaii. The missile is reportedly unable to reach Hawaii but just aiming it at us and firing it is an act of war. North Korea also has a cargo ship moving around and experts believe it has weapons and other materials banned under UN resolution.

The Navy Destroyer USS John McCain is preparing to intercept that vessel in what North Korea will certainly see as an aggressive act. It is unclear what the ship will do once it intercepts but Lil Kim will not be happy no matter what it does. Fortunately, the McCain is manned by people from the finest Navy in the world.

Will this escalate into war? Will it provoke Lil Kim and will we need to retaliate (if Obama even has the testicular fortitude to do so)?

These things remain to be seen but I find it ironic that the McCain is working on unscrewing the mess Obama has made of things.


Big Dog

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Obama Cuts Defense and Adds Illegals

I have had a go around with several people who claim that Resident Obama is actually increasing Defense spending. It is true that Obama has increased the budget 4% but he took the war funding, which was not part of the Defense budget (it was funded from other sources) and placed it under Defense but the money did not go with it. This means that The DOD will have a budget cut.

As has been reported, the 4% increase in defense spending proposed by Secretary Gates is actually 4% less than what the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted; and, if taken alongside the fact that this budget attempts to fold in spending previously funded by supplemental war budgets, the supposed 4% increase is actually a $8 billion cut in defense spending. The Army is worst hit by folding supplemental spending into the base budget, as it was receiving the most ad-hoc funding for Iraq and Afghanistan. Ace of Spades

Ace goes on to explain this for those who care to look at it. It is easy to understand but in DC math this is considered a budget increase. It definitely is NOT.

While all the grenades are being lobbed around by the bumbler in chief, he continues to throw so many things at the public that it cannot keep up. On top of the economy, the omnibus, the trillions in spending, the 90% taxes to punish people whose contracts were honored, Iranian rockets, North Korean missilesm bows to kings, ACORN and the census, shooting pollution into the sky to cool the planet and all the other distractions, Obama is now ready to make millions of ILLEGALS into citizens.

Drudge is reporting that the New York Times will have a page 1 story tomorrow on Obama’s plan:

IMMIGRATION BILL THIS YEAR: Obama to begin looking for illegal immigrants to become legal, NY TIMES planning to lead in Page Ones on Thursday, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE… Developing…

It is time to gear up for a big fight. We cannot allow millions of lawbreakers to become citizens. They broke the law and we need to get rid of them when we find them. We cannot afford to have these blood sucking leeches be rewarded for breaking the law. You get more of what you reward and if we reward these people with citizenship then we will get more and more ILLEGALS coming here expecting the same deal. The amnesty that was provided two times before was billed as necessary to take care of the problem and it would never have to happen again. Now we are looking at millions more becoming citizens, being rewarded for breaking the law.

I read somewhere that immigrant groups (the ones that work hard to help illegals) had John McCain at some meeting looking for his help on this issue. I remember that they all left without a warm and fuzzy feeling because McCain indicated they were on their own. I believe he told them that they made their choice by picking Obama and they needed to go to him for what they wanted.

If I am not mistaken, McCain was basically telling them that he put his neck out for them during the last amnesty debate and bucked his own party which ended up costing him political capital. His message was, I was there for you and in the election you overwhelmingly supported Obama so go ask him for help, don’t come to me.

If that is true then maybe McCain finally got the message. We need to be tough on this. Pay close attention because this is all about politics. Democrats want to increase the number of votes they receive and they can do that by rewarding ILLEGALS with citizenship. Any member who votes for this needs to be voted out of office in 2010. They need to know that is what their vote will cost them.

We will see how this pans out when the NYT publishes the article.

Flopping Aces

Big Dog

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Obama Scoffed When McCain Said It

Back during the campaign John McCain talked about taxing health care benefits provided by employers. I am not in favor of taxing benefits such as health care that employers provide and think it is counter productive. Taxing it would make employers less inclined to provide it. The left was not impressed with it either and Obama scoffed at the idea and called it a large increase on the middle class. Obama failed to mention that McCain intended to offset the tax with a tax credit for their health care.

The International Herald Tribune is reporting this regarding Obama’s position at the time:

In television advertisements last fall, Mr. Obama criticized his Republican rival for the presidency, Senator John McCain of Arizona, for proposing to tax all employer-provided health benefits. The benefits have long been tax-free, regardless of how generous they are or how much an employee earns. The advertisements did not point out that Mr. McCain, in exchange, wanted to give all families a tax credit to subsidize the purchase of coverage.

The article goes on to state that Obama might regret his position if he were to win and now it appears that their concern had merit. Barack Obama is open to taxing the health care benefits that employers provide as a way to obtain money to pay for those who do not have health care. Once again, this rookie is working to require those of us who pay our bills to pay the bills of others. We have to pay for their houses so why not their health care?

Obama, at the time of the campaign, called McCain’s proposal the the largest tax increase on the middle class in history but now it looks as if he is open to imposing the largest tax increase on the middle class in history. Once again we see that Obama is not doing what he promised. He is now aligning himself with the policy of a rival, a policy he clearly denounced.

Will the media pick this up and run with it? Will they denounce this and scream about how unfair it is? Will they attack Obama like they went after McCain?

Of course not and his toadies, some of whom comment here, will excuse this and say it is for the good of the nation. They will not look at it as a flip-flop, or worse a lie, but will instead discuss how much this guy cares for people.

I think Obama had these kinds of plans in mind when he was debating McCain. Obama wants to have all health care provided by the government and the way to do that is to destroy the private sector and force employers to abandon health care benefits for employees. If he intended to do this all along then he was lying back then.

One thing is certain, he described it as the largest tax increase on the middle class which means he is not being truthful when he says he will cut taxes for 95% of the people.

This is just another example of spreading the wealth. It is also another example of Obama not being able to do what he said or to stand up for what he said were his beliefs. He is a typical politician and this is not change we can believe in.

They are painting Republicans as the party of NO but it looks like Obama is the leader with NO (scruples, truth, or convictions).

I hope those of you who voted for this guy are learning something though I seriously doubt that you can teach them much. The Kool Aid is very strong.


Big Dog

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