Future Generation Bankruptcy Plan Nears Passage

Barack Obama’s Future Generation Bankruptcy Plan is closer to passage as the Senate and House agreed on a final bill. After some fireworks over who gets to spend more on what, the Democrats agreed to a bill and hope to have it on Obama’s desk by President’s Day. Reports are that no Republicans were involved in the negotiations. This bill belongs entirely to Obama and his Democrats so when it fails the blame belongs entirely to them.

Early word is that the concessions made to get three Republicans in the Senate to support it have been negated as those items previously removed were put back in. The three traitors, Snowe, Specter, and Collins, will see their work undone so they sold their souls for nothing. All of them need to be removed from the GOP and we need to ensure they are defeated in the next election.

As for the plan, it will spend a TRILLION dollars on a plethora of Democratic pet projects but create very few jobs. The economy will not be stimulated and we will pass on TRILLIONS of dollars in debt to people who have not been born yet. We have The Greatest Generation, Generation X, the Baby Boomers and now we will have Generation Broke.

The plan is carefully crafted to show results during next year when these people are pandering for votes but it is unlikely that the results will be very positive. Inflation will rise and the dollar will be worthless. Soon we will need a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread.

This is nothing more than Carter II and Obama will soon have unemployment and inflation that rivals that failed president. The coming misery index will make Carter look like a day at the beach.

It would appear as if America is about to hit rock bottom but that is what we need before we can dispense with these cockeyed schemes that have failed every time they have been tried. We need to have this kind of outcome so that we can, once and for all, put an end to government intervention.

Of course, there could be quite a bit of civil unrest before all is said and done. People in Kentucky are pouring bourbon on the steps of the Capitol to protest a tax increase on the booze. It is not the Boston Tea Party but it has the same purpose.

I wonder how long it will be before we are spilling blood?

If it gets real bad we can always declare open season on liberals. That would be a great stress reliever and loads of fun. Let’s start with Olberdouche just because it would be so satisfying.

Folks, it is going to get bad. When it does just remember that Obama and the Democrats brought you the misery. They will try to blame it on George Bush but this belongs entirely to them.

Write it all down and put it away for when your great great grandchildren are born. They will be Generation Broke and Generation More Broke and they will want to know what we were thinking. The should at least know that not all of us were insane.

They need to know about the failed presidency of Barack Obama because the history books will not discuss it.

Big Dog

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Obama One Step Closer To Disaster

The Senate passed its version of the future generation bankruptcy plan putting Obama one step closer to bringing us the disaster he keeps predicting. Three Republicans voted for the bill giving the Democrats what they wanted. Once they hash out the details with the House all the deleted items the three idiot Republicans wanted out will be added back in. Then, the Democrats will get their bill passed with a simple majority. I don’t know what the three were promised but they either need to be voted out of office or die and I don’t really care which. They are a burden to us and they need to go.

Obama was on TV last night using the fear he chided Bush about in order to influence people and have them support his plan. Obama told a number of lies and failed to answer some questions when he beat around the bush until he used a lot of words to say nothing. His entire night was about doom and gloom and the popular tactic of saying that all economists agreed or that Republicans were responsible for the problem he is in.

These were absolute lies. It is true that the debt increased under George Bush and the Republicans but it is not the tax cut polices, the ones Obama described as failed, that caused the problems. It is the out of control spending by Congress. The financial meltdown is a direct result of government forcing banks to make bad loans. It was the Community Reinvestment Act and the subsequent pressure from groups like ACORN that allowed people to get loans they could not possibly pay back.

The Democrats pushed that, Barney Frank said that it was in great shape, and the whole system went to hell in a hand basket when people could not pay. That is what caused the problems and no matter how much the liar in chief says otherwise, it will not change the facts. Obama said that Republicans were engaging in revisionist history. No, revisionist history is when you say that if we do not act now we might get is such bad shape we might never recover by day and then claim you did not say it by night.

Barack Obama is interested in making sure he uses this “crisis” to his advantage. The unemployment benefits are extended until the end of this year. This will cause more people to go on it and increase jobless numbers. When it runs out and numbers stop dropping he can claim that things are improving just in time for the next election. It is all about power and he, as Rahm Emanuel stated, will not let a crisis go to waste. He will use it to bring Socialism to this country.

He stated not two weeks ago that the recovery would require investment from the private sector as well as government and last night he said that only government could fix this. His bill has stealth items that will allow government to decide if your health care treatment is too expensive or not beneficial. Then the government will deny you what is needed. The government will make decisions that you and your doctor should make. There are plenty of items in there that will drive us closer to Socialism and a complete takeover by the government. God help any bureaucrat who denies any member of my family treatment that is needed.

The bill is junk and it is full of pork, another thing Obama lied about. He and Schumer need to discuss things before they speak publicly. This plan will cause the same problems that FDR caused and we will see problems like we saw when Jimmy Carter screwed up the country. This is not the worst economic problem since the Great Depression but if he says it long enough he hopes you will believe it.

Obama has had a rocky start and in a few short weeks he has broken his campaign promises, staffed his administration with Clinton retreads (some change), has made exceptions to his own ethics rules and has found a number of Democratic tax cheats to offer jobs. To top it off, he has begun lying about everything in order to get what he wants and drive us into a depression.

But if he lies about things enough, people will believe him.

Like they believe that Clinton had a surplus

I hate liberals and I really hate Obama.

Buy guns and ammo.

Big Dog

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Obama; The Highest Ethical Standards – EVER!

Barack Obama went out on his scare people into supporting the “stimulus” package tour and the questions asked of him were about his nominees who were tax challenged. Obama responded to questions about his nominees who failed to pay their taxes by saying they had made “honest mistakes.”

Obama then went on to say they did not want to give the impression that there were “‘two sets of rules’—one for his administration, and one for everyone else.” Brietbart

All but one of his challenged choices have withdrawn. Timothy Geithner was confirmed to run the Treasury even though he failed to pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes. Sure he paid them but only after he was nominated. Yes, there are two standards. Geithner KNEW he had to pay the taxes because he signed a document stating he understood that when he received money to pay them. He deliberately did not pay his taxes and he was confirmed. Joe the Plumber was delinquent by a fraction of the amount of Geithner and he was attacked by the left and its media wing. Joe was held to a different standard than Geithner.

Obama’s claim to have the highest standards is a farce. This claim is made all the time after some official writes strong rules. The reality is, there are already standards that government employees are held to and they are pretty tough ones. The regular employees must follow them or they get fired. The elected people are held to that “other” standard.

Let me be clear, writing rules on a piece of paper only means that there are tough standards written down. Failure to follow them means that the administration does not adhere to the tough standards. Obama has already granted waivers for some of his appointees because they could not meet the written standards. Obama has broken his own rules on at least 14 occasions by letting lobbyists serve in his administration.

He can talk the talk but he cannot walk the walk.

Obama said that these were honest mistakes though Geithner’s was anything but and it is unlikely that Daschle’s was either. When Democrats are caught doing something wrong they made an honest mistake. If a Republican does something wrong then it was deliberate and part of a culture of corruption.

Case in point, the War on Terror in Iraq. Nearly every credible intelligence agency in the world agreed with the assessment about WMD in Iraq. Our intelligence agencies gave the same report. George Bush presented it and used it as part of the justification to invade Iraq (only 3 or 4 reasons dealt with WMD).

The left, to this day, says that George Bush lied about Iraq. Never once did any of them entertain the idea that maybe mistakes were made. No, Bush lied and people died. That was the mantra then and it is the mantra now. He is a Republican so he MUST have lied. He and all the intelligence agencies could not possibly have made a mistake so they must have been lying.

Geithner and Daschle, paragons of virtue, well they just made honest mistakes.

Funny thing is Obama remained loyal to Daschle even though he was aware of the tax problems a fortnight before it was made public. Obama was with Daschle up to the bitter end and still pledged support for him even after he withdrew.

When George Bush was loyal he was playing ole boy politics.

Good job Brownie.

Good job Daschie.

No difference at all.

Change indeed.

Big Dog

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Barack Obama And The Politics Of Fear

No Fear

During the 2004 election Democrats accused George Bush and Republicans of using fear to get the country to vote for them. Bush was reelected and the cries of fear mongering from the left continued. Barack Obama accused Bush of being a fear monger as well. The Democrats made snide comments when the threat level was raised or when elections approached. As the 2004 and 2006 elections drew near Democrats were asking when he threat level would be raised. The insinuation, of course, is that Bush would do that to scare people into voting Republican. During the campaign Obama said:

“They’re trying to fool you. They’re trying to scare you and they’re not telling the truth,” a fired-up Obama declared while campaigning in South Dakota. “But it’s not going to work.”

“Both Bush and McCain represent the failed foreign policy and fear mongering of the past,” Obama said. “I believe the American people are ready to reject this approach and to choose the future.NY Daily News [emphasis mine]

This was not the only time that fear mongering was raised as an issue. Bush as a fear monger has been part of their overall message for years and the results of the last election confirm that it was effective. The results also show we have a lot of morons who vote (that and the videos showing people who knew absolutely nothing about the election – see the videos bottom sidebar).

One could certainly accept Obama’s words on this as how he truly felt (or feels) if he acted in a way that supported the conclusion. But, Obama has resorted to the politics of fear to get something accomplished. Barack Obama is fear mongering about the stimulus bill and the economy in order to garner support for it from the public.

President Barack Obama warned on Thursday that failure to act on an economic recovery package could plunge the nation into a long-lasting recession that might prove irreversible, a fresh call to a recalcitrant Congress to move quickly. Yahoo News

“A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession, a less robust recovery, and a more uncertain future,” Obama said in his prepared remarks. Breitbart

Barack Obama is using fear, or fear mongering, in order to scare people into supporting the crap sandwich he and the Democrats are trying to feed us. The bill contains almost nothing for stimulus and a lot of liberal projects that have nothing to do with the economy. The liberals who think it will work are delusional. Those who think that the majority of the items in the bill will stimulate the economy are devoid of brain cells and rational thought.

Money Burn

But make no mistake, Barack Obama, who said that fear mongering was part of a failed policy, is using fear to promote a failed attempt at a stimulus plan. This is a direct contradiction of his stated opposition to the past administration and it directly conflicts with what he said he would do when he told us people were ready to reject this approach and to choose the future. It should come as no surprise that Obama changed his tune. He has been in office for a little more than two weeks and he has changed (broken) many of his promises.

He promised transparency but he has chosen not to post some items to the White House website like he said he would. He is so transparent that his Birth Certificate is locked up tighter than Fort Knox so that people cannot verufy his status. He said that bills were run through Congress too fast and that he would post them on the WH website for five days before he signed them so the American public could review them. He has already signed at least one bill into law that was not posted and he is begging Congress to run the stimulus bill through Congress as quickly as possible.

Obama promised he would have the most ethical administration and we have seen four of his nominees plagued with tax problems. He said he would have no lobbyists and the last list I saw showed a dozen of them. It seems that every day he is granting a waiver of his ethical orders in order to get people on board.

Barack Obama is not keeping his word or as the Democrats use to say about Bush, he is lying. He has had a rough start and each day shows more and more his lack of leadership skills. He is a rookie and he is getting his head handed to him.

Obama will likely not get to his aggressive agenda anytime soon and that will tick off the moonbats who support him. He is going to be tied up with a bill that has fierce opposition and is not going to pass as quickly as he would have liked, if at all. It looks like this might have to be a do over if it is to have any chance of getting to his desk.

Obama is expending a lot of time and effort on defending the bill when he knows that it is losing support and contains too much pork. A leader would call the parties together and say that they were starting from scratch and then they would work out a compromise. A true leader would ensure the bill contained only items that would have an effect on the economy and would ensure the nonsense is cut from it.

Instead Obama, who promised no Washington politics as usual, is allowing his Democrats to play politics as usual and allowing himself to be played by them. That and he still supports it as the be all end all of stimulus packages. He believes that it will work and that it should be passed and he will scare you into believing it as well.

Bush was accused of fear mongering but what he did was in response to threats to this country. No attacks since 9/11 though many have been attempted.

Obama is using fear to get a bill passed quickly so that he can look like he is in charge.

The more people see, the less confidence they have in the bill. We need to keep the bright, white hot spotlight on them to keep them disorganized and at each other. We need to defeat this bill.

So far we are succeeding. If we fail our grandchildren and their children will be paying for this.

Now that is something that should scare you to death.

Wizbang Blue

Big Dog

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Should We Believe Obama’s Granny?

Barry smoking

Obama’s Granny Sarah in Kenya is telling folks that Obama’s granddaddy was tortured by the British many years ago and the way he was treated caused him to despise them. She claims that grand pappy Hussein Onyango Obama (are we allowed to write Hussein) was a cook for a British officer and the officer found out that grand pappy was sympathetic to the group that wanted to oust the Brits and gain Kenyan independence. He was jailed and tortured for this.

I have two questions. Should we believe her and why is this a news story?

The first thing is, should we believe this story? The Media sure seems to since the Times UK has a two pager detailing the exploits of young pappy Hussein (as Britney would say, Oops, I did it again). It is major news as evidenced by the link at Drudge. This woman has been deemed credible by the media. After all, she is the granny of The One and when she speaks they should hang on every word.

But wait. This is the same woman who said she was at the bedside IN KENYA when Barack Obama, her grandson, was born. This is a story that never received two pages of coverage and people who mention it in reference to Obama’s qualifications to be president are singled out as nuts, haters, and worse than 9/11 truthers. We did not make it up, she said it.

So, if her memory is good enough to recount the entire story of grand pappy Hussein then why is her memory of Obama’s Kenyan birth failed? Why do the media give credence to what she said about torture but not what she said about the place of Barry’s birth?

A reporter gave this woman legitimacy and researched her story of torture and then wrote a lengthy piece about it. Seems to me that her claims of Obama’s Kenyan birth would warrant a hell of a lot more in depth research to ensure that the next President is qualified under the Constitution. Before some idiot tells me that his birth certificate has been posted, that was not a birth certifiate. It was a record of what is in a database. We need to see an original with the place of birth filled out (as well as all the other demographic data that will make it clearer). We also need to have all information from Kenya unsealed and offered for scrutiny. Why do you suppose Kenya and Hawaii have locked up Obama’s records (and what kind of record besides a birth certificate could Kenya possibly have).

Either we call granny a liar on both stories or we say she is telling the truth on both but we can’t give her credibility in one instance and say she lacks it in another.

Since Obama mentioned the story granny told in his book (and the Times UK gave her credibility by writing the story), I say we call her legitimate and investigate more deeply the claims of a Kenyan birth.

Why is this news? It is a story about something that has no impact on our country and pappy Hussein is dead. Why is this news when the story of Obama’s Kenyan birth is not? That is much more relevant to us than how a British subject was treated after WWII.

Big Dog

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