Obama Will Bankrupt The Coal Industry

Swing States Beware

There are a lot of states that rely on the coal industry. Barack Obama says he will bankrupt that industry.

When Joe Biden told people in the rope line that he and Obama were against coal, he was telling the truth regardless of what spin they put on it afterward.

The West Virginia Record

I am the Big Dog and I approve this blog post.

Big Dog

Get Your Facts Straight Joe, And It Is Socialism

Joe Biden was interviewed by a reporter from WFTV and he was not happy with the questions that she asked. Unlike most members of the media, this reporter asked tough questions and Biden had a meltdown. She asked about Obama’s ties to ACORN and Biden said that the campaign NEVER gave any money to ACORN. During the questioning he told her to get her facts straight. Well, looks like Joe is the one who has problems with the facts because the campaign did pay ACORN over $800,000 to get out the vote (not set up stages like their reports indicated). This directly contradicts Biden’s assertion that the campaign is responsible for its get out the vote efforts.

The Obama campaign recently admitted that it paid an affiliate of ACORN, the controversial community organizer that Obama represented in Chicago, more than $832,00 for “voter turnout” work during the primaries. The campaign initially claimed the money had been spent on “staging, sound and light” and “advance work.” Newsmax

The reporter asked if Obama’s plan to spread the wealth was Socialism and Biden lost it. The campaign was so upset that someone would dare to ask tough questions that it cancelled an interview with Biden’s wife and the campaign sent a letter stating that the station would get no further interviews.

It is interesting that Joe the Senator would get so upset at these tough questions. Sarah Palin has had to address tough questions that have little relevance to the campaign. How many people know, off the tops of their heads, the Supreme Court rulings by name? The lawyers might know the major ones but that is the kind of question designed to say, “gotcha.” Some advance notice on these kinds of questions is not unreasonable so that the candidate can come prepared. The kinds of questions asked of Joe Biden were reasonable but he lost it. Palin has mangled the answers to some questions and has taken the criticism on the chin and continued on. Who do we want, a cry baby or a person with thick skin who continues on regardless of how tough it gets. Imagine the outcry if the McCain campaign cut off any media outlets. Palin was brought in slowly but she has made more media appearances in the last 60 days than Biden has and Obama has had no press conferences in the last 30. Where are the cries about media access?

Interestingly, Socialism is exactly what Obama wants and he has been pushing that since he was a rabble rouser in Chicago. He was exposed when Joe the Plumber asked about taxes and Obama said that he wanted to spread the wealth. Later, Obama said he did not regret what he had said but one would never know that by the way his surrogates attacked Joe mercilessly. But the idea of wealth redistribution is not a new concept to the Sainted One. In 2001 Barack Obama said that he felt the Supreme Court did not do enough to address Redistribution of wealth during the civil rights movement. Yes, Obama thinks that part of the civil rights movement should have been the court addressing the redistribution of wealth.

No matter how mad Joe Biden gets, no matter how long Obama supporters keep their fingers in their ears screaming nyah, nyah, the fact is he believes in Socialism. Obama, who is supposed to be a Constitutional professor, thinks that our highest court should have addressed the issue of forcefully taking money from one group of people and giving that money to another. Income redistribution is Socialism. Joe Biden can deny it, but it is so.

I guess it should not surprise anyone that Obama believes this. This is the guy who said the Constitution was an imperfect document. In other words, when he swore to protect and defend the Constitution upon taking office as a US Senator, he was either swearing to protect and defend a document he views as flawed or he was indicating that he would only protect and defend the parts he liked.

We already know he does not like the Second Amendment. His anti-gun history is unquestionable and well documented. Obama would be very happy to end gun ownership in America and though that is unlikely, he can certainly make a huge dent in our rights. It also appears that Obama is not too happy with the First Amendment when people say things that he disagrees with or that bring discredit to him and his campaign.

Here is a picture of a person who is willing to give lessons on the Second Amendment.

Redistribution of wealth already takes place in this country. Social Security is a great example. People pay into it each time they earn wages and those funds are sent to people who are already drawing benefits. There is no way that money is put aside in an individual’s name so that it will go to THAT person when he retires. Money is taken from one group and given to another. Now, Democrats want to take over 401(k) plans. The government wants to take away the tax benefits that people get by saving for retirement in a 401(k). The government also wants to FORCE people to submit 5% of their income into a government run retirement program which will be administered by the Social Security Administration. The SSA is poorly run, it is overly bloated, benefits have expanded for all kinds of things for which it was never intended and people do not get to keep their own money. How will it work when you are forced to submit for retirement.

Will government pool all the money like it does with SS so that people who pay little will be given the same benefits as those who pay a lot? Will government rape the newfound money and spend it on what it wants like it did with all the money paid into Social Security? If individual accounts will be set up then why not let us do that with the money that is extorted from us for Social Security? Why is it that privatizing Social Security in individual accounts is bad but government run retirement is OK and will be safe? Why is it that they can set up safe retirement accounts but not set up safe Social Security accounts?

These plans amount to even more socialism and this is what Barack Obama wants to do to this country despite what Joe the Senator says.

America is great because we fought to unshackle ourselves from the oppressive King of England who taxed the living hell out of us. We threw some tea in a harbor and fought a revolution over that.

What we paid then is miniscule compared to what we are forced to pay now. It is time for anther revolution.

We can start by throwing members of Congress in the harbor.

Other source:
Chicago Public Radio Blog

Big Dog

Obama Is Not Hiding His Socialist Plans

Barack Hussein Obama is riding higher than John Sidney McCain in the national polls and the Electoral vote favors Obama at the present. This can change but the Democrats are so confident that Barry will win they are making plans to recall Congress after the election to put through legislation that would be politically dangerous if they did it prior to the November election. They are so confident that Obama will win that even the messiah himself is not hiding his desire to impose Socialism on this country.

Obama was in Ohio knocking on doors when he was confronted by an overtaxed man who asked if Obama’s plan was going to cost him more in taxes. Obama told the man that he [Obama] did not want to punish his hard work but that he believed in spreading the wealth around:

“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed “more and more for fulfilling the American dream.”

“It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too,” Obama responded. “My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” Fox

This is nothing more than Socialism. Take money from those who are earning it and give it to those who are earning less (or nothing). Obama is not even hiding the fact that his plan is nothing more than income redistribution and it is Socialism.

Obama is so confident that he is going to win that he is now embracing plans that he earlier criticized. He is so confident that he is in negotiations with Democratic leaders in the Congress to push through legislation that will cost us billions of dollars on top of the nearly one trillion dollars spent to bail out Wall Street. And Obama is not finished. He has proposed nearly one trillion more in new spending. He is on a roll and he now believes that nothing short of another terrorist attack in the US can keep him from winning.

Barack Obama is now changing positions with greater frequency and saying things that people want to hear. He thinks he has this election in the bag but he wants an electoral landslide because he believes this will be a mandate for his plans. We need to ensure that he does not win.

It won’t be easy. He paid ACORN nearly one million dollars to engage in voter fraud. Obama knows how ACORN works because he was once very closely associated with that organization though he denies it now. He knows they register dead people and then others vote in that person’s name. He knows that ACORN registers incapacitated and incarcerated people and then others vote for them. They have registered hundreds of thousands of people and many of those registrations were fraudulent. Obama paid them to do this.

During Obama’s door to door campaigning The One encouraged Democrats to vote now. Ohio offers early voting and the window to do so is now open and Obama is encouraging people to vote now. This would be to his advantage because if something bad comes up in the next few weeks then some people will not be able to use that information to vote. It is not smart to vote early.

October surprises can happen right before election day and Obama is aware of a few things that could cause him problems.

A Democrat might be the reason for the October surprise.

Big Dog

GOP Ayers Out Obama Ties To Terrorist

Barack Obama and his surrogates have downplayed his association with unrepentant terrorist William Ayers telling us that they spoke in passing or were neighbors and the impression is always that there was nothing to their relationship. The Drive by Media has been guilty of ignoring the connections and of trumpeting the lies from the Obama camp without one ounce of journalistic effort to get at the truth.

The GOP has unleashed a compilation of facts showing that Obama’s relationship with the domestic terrorist is much more than he, his surrogates, or the Drive by Media has reported. Yes, it is true that Obama was 7 or 8 when Ayers and his band of Communists attacked our country from within but Obama was in his 40s when Ayers said that he did not regret setting the bombs and felt that the group had not done enough. Obama has stated that he denounced the acts of Ayers but Obama has not distanced himself from the man who hosted the coming out party for the chosen successor to State Senator Alice Palmer. Obama was the chosen one and Ayers hosted his coming out party. Obama did not loathe Ayers’ acts enough to decline the invitation.

The GOP post indicates that the neighbors are all part of a social circle and that Michelle and Barack Obama are part of that social group which includes Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn. Ayers posed for a magazine article entitled No Regrets and the photo for the article has him standing on an American Flag. That was in 2001, one month before the Islamic terrorist attacks on this country. Obama has continued his association with Ayers since that time and he has voiced no opposition to Ayers’ treatment of the Flag. The GOP site contains quite a few details.

Sarah Palin has been untethered since the VP debate and has gone on the full attack. She made the connection of Obama to Ayers and said that Obama does not see America like the rest of us do. Basically, Palin pointed out that Obama has a terrorist as a friend and he has never ended that friendship. Palin is spot on and she needs to keep up these attacks and start adding all the other shady characters from Obama’s past.

A Democratic strategist tried to minimize Palin by saying:

“It’s a giant changing of the subject,” said Jenny Backus, a Democratic strategist. “The problem is the messenger. If you want to start throwing fire bombs, you don’t send out the fluffy bunny to do it. I think people don’t take Sarah Palin seriously.”

My friend Don Surber had to agree with Backus and brilliantly points out:

Yes, if you want fire-bombing done right, Obama is the expert on who to call.

Truer words were never spoken.

Big Dog

Palin Shines In VP Debate

I watched the VP debate anticipating that Sarah Palin would do better than many thought because the debate is live and cannot be edited to make her look stupid. I am not indicating that she has not had less than stellar moments in her interviews only that the MSM has edited out some of the material and not shown the more flattering items. In the debate Palin was fresh and on the attack. She left Senator Joe Biden looking tired by the end of the night. She was so effective that he went on a rant to show John McCain was not a maverick. His rant was not factual and this added to the list of factual errors he made all night. My first thoughts were that he had a better grasp of the substance and she had better style and presentation. But Biden took liberties with the truth and told America that Barack Obama had not done some of the things he had and he gave Obama credit for some things with which he had little or no involvement.

There were no gotcha moments (thanks to Ifill’s book revelation?) and neither made a gaffe that will derail their respective campaigns but Palin continually chided Biden for looking to the past instead of the future. This is how she parried his attempts to connect McCain with the Bush administration. Amazingly, the very people who chide McCain for voting 90% of the time with the President (read his party) have voted with their party over 95% of the time and then turned around and supported the Bush bailout plan. Is it fair to say that they have sided with bush as well (and no Obama did not demand and get changes, he just claims he did)?

I think that Palin’s performance out shined Biden who has gotten little attention with regard to his weekly gaffes as the media casts its attention on whether Palin knows every vote John McCain ever cast.

She did well and I think this will tighten the polls a little bit. I don’t think the recent drop was very much attributable to the constant mocking of Palin that has occurred in the recent weeks and is more a reflection of the news about the Democratic induced economic crisis. However, it is likely that the constant video of her problems in her Couric interview caused some folks in traditionally red states to pause. I think last night’s performance will strengthen the Republican support in those areas.

CBS and other media outlets have Biden as the winner but that should come as no surprise. A large number of their viewers are left wing and many of the votes come from IPs outside the country. The Drudge report poll (where greater than 95% of the IPs in the last poll were in country) shows her with a 70-28 win (as of this post). The more accurate polls will come out in the next few days and then we will see how it played out. It should come as no surprise that the MSM is working hard to ensure a Democratic win in November so they will harp that Biden won no matter what.

Sarah Palin shocked many of the wingnuts and they are really unable to form a rational argument to show she lost. They continue to say she and McCain represent 4 more years of Bush and fail to make any other reasonable argument about why they should not be elected. McCain will not be 4 more years of Bush but Obama will be 4 years of worse than Carter.

Biden tried to say that he Obama was the true candidate of change but he must have meant the acronym CHANGE (Come Help A Nobody Get Elected).

One last thing. Pundits dismissed Palin by saying that Biden commanded the subjects (if you ignore his factual errors) and that Palin showed she was good at memorizing her talking points. I heard one person last night say that America wants a person who has command of the subjects and not one who can memorize them from a book.

Did anyone hear that argument made when Barack Obama debated John McCain? It is obvious that Obama spent a few days memorizing things to attack McCain with and it is obvious that McCain, though not as dynamic as Obama, had command of the subjects. Yet the wingnut pundits want us to dismiss the VP nominee as unqualified for the office because she learned her talking points but in the same breath expect us to vote for the guy at the top of their ticket who did nothing more than memorize his talking points.

To be sure, Palin had some facts wrong but isn’t Biden the guy who is supposed to have had command of them? He must have spent too many hours watching the tapes from FDR’s televised debates.

This will be fun. I just hope that McCain goes on the attack once this bill gets passed (not that I want it to pass). He can then start tying Obama to the crooks in this mess.

Big Dog