Obama; The Highest Ethical Standards – EVER!

Barack Obama went out on his scare people into supporting the “stimulus” package tour and the questions asked of him were about his nominees who were tax challenged. Obama responded to questions about his nominees who failed to pay their taxes by saying they had made “honest mistakes.”

Obama then went on to say they did not want to give the impression that there were “‘two sets of rules’—one for his administration, and one for everyone else.” Brietbart

All but one of his challenged choices have withdrawn. Timothy Geithner was confirmed to run the Treasury even though he failed to pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes. Sure he paid them but only after he was nominated. Yes, there are two standards. Geithner KNEW he had to pay the taxes because he signed a document stating he understood that when he received money to pay them. He deliberately did not pay his taxes and he was confirmed. Joe the Plumber was delinquent by a fraction of the amount of Geithner and he was attacked by the left and its media wing. Joe was held to a different standard than Geithner.

Obama’s claim to have the highest standards is a farce. This claim is made all the time after some official writes strong rules. The reality is, there are already standards that government employees are held to and they are pretty tough ones. The regular employees must follow them or they get fired. The elected people are held to that “other” standard.

Let me be clear, writing rules on a piece of paper only means that there are tough standards written down. Failure to follow them means that the administration does not adhere to the tough standards. Obama has already granted waivers for some of his appointees because they could not meet the written standards. Obama has broken his own rules on at least 14 occasions by letting lobbyists serve in his administration.

He can talk the talk but he cannot walk the walk.

Obama said that these were honest mistakes though Geithner’s was anything but and it is unlikely that Daschle’s was either. When Democrats are caught doing something wrong they made an honest mistake. If a Republican does something wrong then it was deliberate and part of a culture of corruption.

Case in point, the War on Terror in Iraq. Nearly every credible intelligence agency in the world agreed with the assessment about WMD in Iraq. Our intelligence agencies gave the same report. George Bush presented it and used it as part of the justification to invade Iraq (only 3 or 4 reasons dealt with WMD).

The left, to this day, says that George Bush lied about Iraq. Never once did any of them entertain the idea that maybe mistakes were made. No, Bush lied and people died. That was the mantra then and it is the mantra now. He is a Republican so he MUST have lied. He and all the intelligence agencies could not possibly have made a mistake so they must have been lying.

Geithner and Daschle, paragons of virtue, well they just made honest mistakes.

Funny thing is Obama remained loyal to Daschle even though he was aware of the tax problems a fortnight before it was made public. Obama was with Daschle up to the bitter end and still pledged support for him even after he withdrew.

When George Bush was loyal he was playing ole boy politics.

Good job Brownie.

Good job Daschie.

No difference at all.

Change indeed.

Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Obama; The Highest Ethical Standards – EVER!”

  1. […] the rest at Big Dog’s House) Share This Article With […]

  2. Barbara says:

    Obama wanted to put some crooked people in as he wanted them to do his dirty work. Now he’s trying to save face. He sees some people are starting to turn against him, so he has to throw his weight around. Well, at least we are getting some example of what the anti-christ will be like. Lies are truths and truths are lies to Obama.