Liberal Tolerance Strikes Again

Police are investigating vandalism of a Confederate War Memorial in Denton Texas. Vandals spray painted the words “This is racist” across the memorial during nighttime hours. They were caught on surveillance video.

There is a felony that carries a fine up to $10,000 and 6 months to 2 years in jail. I hope they catch the thugs who did this and give them the max.

This is one of the many problems in society. People think they can do what they want whenever they want simply because they do not like something. These thugs don’t like the memorial so they defaced it. It is very likely these people were brought up by parents (more likely A parent) who depend on government and who have no sense of personal responsibility.

This is how liberals act, and make no mistake, it was liberals who did this. They do not like something so it is racist or some other ‘ist’ and must be destroyed. Anything they like is a right and must be paid for by taxpayers.

There is nothing wrong with monuments to the people who were part of the Confederate States. This is our nation’s history and no matter what the history is it is ours and we must own up to it. The Confederacy was not about slavery or racism (any more than the north was about it and they had slaves as well).

The concentration camps in Germany still stand and can be toured. We have monuments to all kinds of things in this nation and we should not remove them and they should not be defaced just because some twits get their little panties in a wad.

More than half the country is pissed off at Congress so is it OK to spray paint the Capitol or knock it down? A lot of people are pissed at Obama so is it OK to do the same to the White House? Malcolm X was a racist perhaps we can dig his decayed body up and move him someplace.

When would it end? At what point do people start acting like adults? The Confederate Battle Flag is not racist and neither is a monument or grave/cemetery for confederate soldiers. I get it, some folks don’t like them. Well suck it up cupcake because they are here, they are part of history and you have no right to rid us of these items because your little feelings have been hurt.

Once again I hope they catch these thugs and give them the maximum penalty under the law.

I want these folks to understand what being held responsibile means.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Cultural Cleansing; Liberals the New Nazis

And there are a few Republicans who claim to be conservative right along with them.

The time leading up to and during World War II Adolph Hitler engaged in a cultural cleansing. This was in addition to the ethnic cleansing that involved ridding society of undesirable people. These folks were mostly Jewish but there were also Christians, the mentally ill and homosexuals who were sent to concentration camps only to be forced into labor and then exterminated. ISIS is involved in cultural cleansing so if Nazi offends you then the liberals can be the western ISIS…

[note]Interestingly, Hitler imposed strict gun control prior to his ethnic cleansing. Everyone had to register their firearms and on the form they had to indicate their religion. The Nazis knew who had guns and more importantly, which Jews had guns. The Nazis first disarmed them and once their means to resist was eliminated the Jews were rounded up for extermination, or the final solution…[/note]

It is no secret that liberals in this nation want to disarm all people. They can make claims to the contrary but the reality is their idea of common sense gun laws involves making guns illegal and taking them from everyone. Like Hitler, the liberals want all firearms registered so that the government knows who owns the arms. That makes it much easier to confiscate them. You see, once a law is passed our government will send its own storm troopers to take our arms by force.

Once they have taken our means to resist we are at their mercy. They know this. They know that the only way dictators and oppressive governments are successful is when the people are disarmed and ruled with iron fists. Those in office who want to take our arms (it starts with common sense and works to disarming) are no different than the tyrants who have murdered millions of people throughout history.

Hitler’s cultural cleansing campaign was against degenerative art which he believed would cleanse the psyche of the German people. Cleanse them and it is easier to turn them against the undesirable people. Subjugate them and they are too afraid to say anything about what is going on even if they disagree.

Once a culture has been beaten into submission it is easy to do what you desire to the people because they lose the will to resist.

We are at a point of cultural cleansing in our nation. The shooting of nine black people at a church in South Carolina by a racist moron has renewed the fight to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from all aspects of our culture. People decry it as a symbol of hate and intolerance rather than a symbol of times past, a piece of history. The cultural cleansing started as a call for the removal of the flag in South Carolina and rapidly moved to calls for the removal across all states that have that flag flying. This cultural cleansing is a renewal of the same calls for that flag to be removed we see every time a presidential election approaches. Liberals love to use the flag to call Republicans racist and garner votes. As an aside, when Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter used the flag as part of their campaign items liberals supported them.

This time the shooting provided a perfect opportunity for the cleansers to push once again. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

The cultural cleansing has moved from flags to monuments as many politicians are calling for the removal of statues and monuments to the people who fought for the Confederacy. Some businesses like Wal Mart and Amazon have removed all confederate flag items from their shelves and will no longer sell those things.

It has now morphed into suggestions that military posts named after Confederate Generals be renamed. Are you fricking kidding me? Have we devolved into such pussified wimps that the names of military posts offend us?

[note]What about the monuments and statues that honor the union soldiers. Suppose people find those to be hateful because the north used aggression on the south? If anyone can be offended and have something removed how far will we go?[/note]

This is all part of the Alinsky plan. The liberal left and some of its allies on the right are working to disrupt our society and to change it into the Socialist Utopia they have always dreamed of. They take these kinds of issues, redefine the narrative and then pit people against each other over contrived issues so that we are constantly in disarray as they continue to creep into our lives and take over everything we do.

This cultural cleansing is designed to redefine our nation and to piss off a bunch of people who had nothing to do with what happened over 150 years ago.

Be careful folks because as you destroy part our nation’s history and demand things be changed or removed the same thing can happen to other items of our nation’s history that you find no fault with. This is how they pit people against each other and it is working.

Incidentally, Congress is looking to take up the gun control issue again. It is well known by thinking people that none of the gun control measures they are looking to enact (or any for that matter) would have stopped what happened in that church. It was illegal to take a gun there, the gun was illegally obtained for the shooter and it is absolutely illegal to murder people but these did not stop the shooter. Criminals do not obey the law. Gun control is not about guns it is about control.

Hitler knew it and our government knows it.

And once their “common sense” measures fail they will tell us that only a complete ban and confiscation will work. This is their end game.

They are looking for more gun control (and eventual confiscation) and they are engaged in cultural cleansing. How long before the cleansing of the undesirables begins?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Government Agencies Collude To Deny Vets 2A Rights

The VA has signed a memorandum of agreement with the FBI to provide the FBI with information on veterans that will be included in the instant background check system. The information will keep many veterans from owning firearms.

Now, if any information is legitimate such as mental health issues or other real reasons that someone should not own a firearm then this could be good.

Unfortunately, the VA is using questionable means to disqualify veterans. The VA is reporting bank habits as questionable and indicating the veterans can’t take care of their finances so they are incompetent, The VA is reporting veterans who decide not to take certain medications as incompetent.

People can do their banking as they see fit and if a patient does not want to take medication that is the patient’s right.

[note]Why is it that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body but a veteran can’t?[/note]

This is a backdoor attempt to institute gun control. The VA and the FBI are working together to invent reasons to keep veterans from owning firearms, you know the very items the government handed them when it sent them off to WAR.

The liberals want to remove the means to resist and they are targeting the very people who have shown they will defend the Constitution and who know how to do it.

It is bad enough the VA is a corrupt inefficient poorly run scam organization that treats veterans poorly while enriching its leadership but to target veterans to remove one of the rights they fought to protect is beyond any measure of decency.

Stand up for what is right.

And let’s rebuild the VA from the ground up. We can start by getting rid of every leader in it. We can also fire the poor performers and hire people who will do the job right.

Always remain vigilant because the liberals will not stop trying to disarm us. And never buy their BS that they support the troops.

They don’t, period.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Does Obama Trust Iran?

Barack Obama is hell bent on getting a nuclear deal with Iran. Iran is getting its way in all aspects of the deal though it will not stay true to it in any regard.

Iran wants sanctions lifted so it can continue to make nuclear weapons to put it in a stronger position. Obama is placing his legacy in the hands of people who lie and do not honor agreements.

He is also putting the fate of Israel in those same hands and they are the hands of people who have said that Israel must be wiped off the map and that this is nonnegotiable.

Those same people also continue to chant “death to America” and Obama is working to give them the means.

I don’t really care about Obama’s legacy. He is a failed president and the worst this nation has ever had. He should have to carry a tree around to replace the oxygen he wastes by existing. Unfortunately, his ineptitude has consequences for our nation, not just him.

If he were dead set on sticking his tongue in an electrical socket that would be on him and he is the only one who would get hurt. However, he is set on sticking all our tongues in that socket.

I do not want the legacy of this failed moron to be one where Iran delivered a nuclear device to our nation or actually succeeded in wiping out Israel.

I pray that G-d inspires Prime Minister Netanyahu to strike Iran and wipe out all of its nuclear facilities.

I also hope and pray that if Iran ever strikes us with a nuke it hits a convention of liberals where Obama and Kerry are attending with their families.

This deal is bad and will only get worse. Obama is incompetent and he will cause a lot of death and destruction so I hope that the deal falls through before it can be implemented.

Or perhaps, and this is a big perhaps, the Republicans in Congress can grow a spine and halt the entire deal. Like NOT lifting the sanctions that Iran so desperately wants lifted. Ignore Obama and the deal.

So why does Obama trust Iran? Probably because he believes the same things they do. He is working on Death to America and he is working on getting rid of Israel. He trusts them because they are alike…

There are dark days ahead folks and Obama is responsible for them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Israel Beats Obama With a Bibi

It is no secret the Obama regime used taxpayer money and had its interest groups in (as in go to) Israel in order to influence their election. Obama and his regime do not like Israel and they especially do not like Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. He is a strong leader who makes Obama look weak and ineffective.

The election looked too close to call right up until it was held yesterday. Pools showed a tight race and that Netanyahu might get beaten. Obama and his toadies were no doubt salivating at the idea of Netanyahu losing. They invested a lot of time and money in defeating him and it looked like they might just do it.

But the people of Israel had a different opinion. They showed up at the polls and their votes will no doubt lead to Netanyahu continuing as Prime Minister with an overwhelming victory.

The left in America are not happy. They wanted Netanyahu gone so he would stop making their messiah Obama look bad. The petulant folks in the White House could not muster the decency to congratulate Netanyahu on his victory. White House aide David Simas would only congratulate the people on having an election.

I do not know how American Jews view Bibi’s victory because so many of them are liberals who support the Democrat party. They continue to support the people who want nothing more than to see an end of the Jewish state. It seems self destructive and given the history of the Jewish people one would not expect that. I pray they wake up and abandon those who are not their true friends.

In any event, Netanyahu won and I congratulate him on his victory. He is a statesman and a true leader. While Obama spent his youth getting stoned Bibi spent his serving in the military and he is a real man’s man. No wonder the metro sexual in chief does not like him.

I am happy to see Obama and his flying monkeys (Wizard of Oz reference for the race hustlers) were not able to influence the results. They should not have been involved in the election and if they only lost their money it would be great but they funneled taxpayer dollars into their anti Netanyahu battle.

Now America, it is your turn to elect a true leader.

2016 fast approaches.

David Axelrod makes a moronic (and hypocritical) statement.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
