Cap And Trade Is A Huge Tax

Democrats are not usually forthcoming with their plans to tax. They have all kinds of names like investment, contribution and redistribution but no matter what it is called it is always a matter of taking our money. The Democrats have one hand in each pocket and their knee in our backs but they claim all is well and that only the “rich” will pay. Of course, if they took all the money of all people who made over 200,000 dollars they would not have enough to pay for what they just spent. We would still be going deeper and deeper into debt. This means that everyone will pay more in taxes.

I know, Obama promised no tax increase for 95% of the people. Many of them do not pay taxes to begin with so if he keeps them there then about 40% of the population will have seen no increase. People did get an extra $13 each week. That equals $676 a year. Remember when Bush gave each person $600 in the stimulus and Michelle Obama made fun of it and said it would not even buy a pair of earrings? Now that Obama has given about as much we are supposed to hail it as a tax refund that is magnanimous. Bush’s tax refund of $600 was the same darn thing.

Anyway, how will Obama pay for his out of control spending? He will tax everyone. It might not be income tax but he will enact policies that will raise other taxes. That $13 a week will go bye-bye real fast when the Democrats get done tinkering around. Right now they are in the process of trying to pass a cap and trade system. This all sounds wonderful and it is supposed to help the environment but it will end up costing everyone a fortune. Look at this quote:

“Nobody in this country realizes that cap-and-trade is a tax — and it’s a great big one,” Rep. John Dingell [Breitbart TV]

A Democrat made it very clear that this is a tax and it will be a big one. Watch the linked video and you will see him asking how to get people to buy off on this when it has failed everywhere else. Al Gore answers that he is in favor of cap and trade AND a carbon tax. They want to tax us for the gas we expire when we breathe, a gas needed by vegetation to live.

I always said if government could figure out a way to tax air they would tax us for breathing. Looks like they are doing just that.

The taxes will be passed on to consumers who will pay them via the backdoor. It might look like the taxes are on business but business passes costs on to consumers. The Democrats are trying to tax EVERYONE while claiming to only go after the rich.

They already raised tobacco taxes and that affects the poor more than anyone. My hope is that people will quit smoking but then the government will have to raise other taxes to cover the money they are counting on from tobacco. Hell, there are not enough smokers now to foot the bill so it will only get worse when people are forced to quit.

You saw the quote and if you watched the video you heard it right from the donkey’s mouth, cap and trade is a huge tax. They are just trying to figure out how to get it passed without causing a riot.

Government will continue to screw things up until we get rid of them. We need to vote them all out of office and we need to do while we can still afford to breathe.

Big Dog

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