Cap And Trade Is A Huge Tax

Democrats are not usually forthcoming with their plans to tax. They have all kinds of names like investment, contribution and redistribution but no matter what it is called it is always a matter of taking our money. The Democrats have one hand in each pocket and their knee in our backs but they claim all is well and that only the “rich” will pay. Of course, if they took all the money of all people who made over 200,000 dollars they would not have enough to pay for what they just spent. We would still be going deeper and deeper into debt. This means that everyone will pay more in taxes.

I know, Obama promised no tax increase for 95% of the people. Many of them do not pay taxes to begin with so if he keeps them there then about 40% of the population will have seen no increase. People did get an extra $13 each week. That equals $676 a year. Remember when Bush gave each person $600 in the stimulus and Michelle Obama made fun of it and said it would not even buy a pair of earrings? Now that Obama has given about as much we are supposed to hail it as a tax refund that is magnanimous. Bush’s tax refund of $600 was the same darn thing.

Anyway, how will Obama pay for his out of control spending? He will tax everyone. It might not be income tax but he will enact policies that will raise other taxes. That $13 a week will go bye-bye real fast when the Democrats get done tinkering around. Right now they are in the process of trying to pass a cap and trade system. This all sounds wonderful and it is supposed to help the environment but it will end up costing everyone a fortune. Look at this quote:

“Nobody in this country realizes that cap-and-trade is a tax — and it’s a great big one,” Rep. John Dingell [Breitbart TV]

A Democrat made it very clear that this is a tax and it will be a big one. Watch the linked video and you will see him asking how to get people to buy off on this when it has failed everywhere else. Al Gore answers that he is in favor of cap and trade AND a carbon tax. They want to tax us for the gas we expire when we breathe, a gas needed by vegetation to live.

I always said if government could figure out a way to tax air they would tax us for breathing. Looks like they are doing just that.

The taxes will be passed on to consumers who will pay them via the backdoor. It might look like the taxes are on business but business passes costs on to consumers. The Democrats are trying to tax EVERYONE while claiming to only go after the rich.

They already raised tobacco taxes and that affects the poor more than anyone. My hope is that people will quit smoking but then the government will have to raise other taxes to cover the money they are counting on from tobacco. Hell, there are not enough smokers now to foot the bill so it will only get worse when people are forced to quit.

You saw the quote and if you watched the video you heard it right from the donkey’s mouth, cap and trade is a huge tax. They are just trying to figure out how to get it passed without causing a riot.

Government will continue to screw things up until we get rid of them. We need to vote them all out of office and we need to do while we can still afford to breathe.

Big Dog

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5 Responses to “Cap And Trade Is A Huge Tax”

  1. Kris says:

    Cap and Trade is a tax on everybody. I hope we can make this known to the public so they can make their voices heard even louder than at the tea parties.

    • Blake says:

      Not just a tax on everybody, but everything. If you are a carpenter, and use electricity, youare going to pay for it- even if the builder himself pays for it, it will be reflected in the amount you are paid and how many jobs arecreated. If you use a fax, your company will be charged more for the energy used. This is not just a blatant tax by another name, but an attempt to socially engineer our consumption of energy, and change our lifestyle choices.
      Jiminy Carter asked us to turn our thermostats down. Cap and trade will force us, along with the insidious “Smart Grid” technology to make hard choices regarding our comfort and lifestyle. The more energy you use, the more onerous the “tax” would be.
      This will limit businesses, but not just that- this proposed system is so fraught with the opportunity for massive fraud on a scale that would make Bernie Madoff blush.
      I might believe in this dream, if Al Gore wasn’t putting a sasquatch sized carbon footprint wherever he goes. What a hypocrite.

  2. Blake says:

    Democrats always have to misdirect peoples attention, because if they did not, the people would laugh at them just before they beat the Democrats like baby harp seals.
    In this case, however, even liberals in Western states, where people have to drive for a living, or have coal or natural gas power plants, are rebelling, saying there is no way they can sign off on this legislation.
    I can’t wait to find out how these numb nut are going to fine our flatulence. Who checks?
    Seems to me that Al Gore wants to punish America for not electing him- Thank God it wasn’t him as President on 9/11- he would have fined the survivors for the pollution their deceased family had caused by being incinerated in the buildings. That man is as insane as Pelosi.

  3. BenDoubleCrossed says:

    The Concept of CO2 Cap and Trade is Absurd

    The real reason Cap & Trade is being foisted on the world is it creates a 3 trillion dollar commodity market for you guessed it: hot air. Finally politicians have found a way to put a price on their most abundant resource! And for politicians there is no downside as nothing has to be actually produced.

    The real beneficiaries are the rich special interest who will get wealthier setting up and trading in this new commodities market. But citizens will pay more taxes to operate new regulatory bureaucracies and more for goods as business passes the cost along.

    And all this is based on the premise that operating automobiles is resulting in global warming. Question: did Fred Flintstones truck fleet cause the last period of global warming or is global warming a cyclical event that is more affected by sun spot cycles. The Earth has had multiple tropical and glacial ages over the millennia. The most recent news is that the oceans of the world will be cooling for the next 25-30 years.

    Furthermore, it is my understanding that the most prevalent hot house gas is water vapor. Should citizens of earth try to stop the rain cycle?

    And if we are going to implement Cap and Trade who will decide what the optimal CO2 carrying capacity of Earth is?

    And there are questions about how to implement financial controls and reliably audit such a system. Will every person and business on the planet be issued C02 permits? Is the permit an asset a business can liquidate when it goes out of business? If a business in California goes out of business and sells its CO2 permit to a company in England, will a new company in California have to find another seller to open his business and replace lost jobs? After all, if there is an optimal CO2 carrying capacity then an increasing population of people and businesses means a lower standard of living and reduced CO2 allotment for each new person or business.

    Upon their death can Mom and Dad leave their CO2 permits to their children? Should Mom and Dad be limited to having two children?

    What about the countries that do not subscribe to Cap & Trade. Will multi-national companies export new construction and jobs to 3rd world non-subscribing countries? And the flipside, will the people of the Amazon miss out on new opportunities because an American company bought 1000s of acres to be left unused to acquire carbon sequestration credits.

  4. Blake says:

    The sad fact of this farce is that air moves,and we breathe Chinese air, and Indian air, and nothing we do will change that- either all of the countries would have to sign on to that agreement (with the UN monitoring- that’s a laugh), or none at all.
    The problem is that these “experts”, in addition to having a hugely vested interest in “climate change”, have missed the boet in what exactly, is causing the increase in Co2, and it’s not cow farts- it is the fact that the world is clear-cutting trees, especially the evergreens. These trees are the lungs of the world, and in normal times, they would be scrubbing the air clean of Co2.
    Bottom line- we are giving the earth emphysema, and I don’t think we are going to get better until we massively plant evergreen trees.
    Deciduous trees go dormant in the winter, but evergreens just slow down, so those would be the ones we need to plant.
    Cap and trade is a farce, but planting a tree is a fact, and it costs much, much less.