Texas Does It Right- The Feds Do Not Know How

Here we go- the more things change, the more they stay the same. In the 1800s, groups of Texas Rangers roamed the borders of Texas, seeking to stem the flow of Mexican cattle rustlers and renegade indians, trying to ensure that the communities in Texas could have the safety and security that they needed to thrive and grow. Even as a part of the United States, as a border state, Texas was beset by unlawful incursions by Mexicans looking to get rich off the “gringos” to the north.

Now it has come full circle, with the drug cartels seeking routes and safe houses within Texas’ borders. There have been appeals to the Federal government, but these appeals are falling on deaf ears, so Governor Rick Perry has given the Texas Rangers the task of cleaning up the border.

 Special teams of Texas Rangers will be deployed to the Texas-Mexico border to deal with increasing violence because the federal government has failed to address growing problems there, Gov. Rick Perry said Thursday.

“It is an expansive effort with the Rangers playing a more high-profile role than they’ve ever played before,” Perry said of the Department of Public Safety’s elite investigative unit.
The forces, dubbed “Ranger recon” teams, are the latest effort “to fill the gap that’s been left by the federal government’s ongoing failure to adequately secure our international border with Mexico,” he said.


Yes, it is true, and it has been intentional, this “gap” that the Feds have left in our security net, but that’s par for the course when you are talking about the spineless Democrats in office today- they are afraid of offending anyone except conservatives. Witness how they bow and scrape to the Islamo- fascists, as well as anyone without a valid visa.

The governor early this year asked Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano for 1,000 National Guard troops and renewed his call last month in a letter to President Barack Obama. The request is bogged down over who will pay for the troops and how they will be deployed.

Perry’s announcement Thursday comes amid increasing border violence, particularly in El Paso, mostly involving people with ties to Mexican drug gangs.
“They’ll be deployed to high-traffic, high-crime areas along the border,” he said. “They’ll give us boots on the ground, put people in these hot spots no matter what or where they may exist.”

Perry said the effort also would focus on remote areas where farmers and ranchers have complained of being overrun by smugglers and gangs from Mexico in numbers that also overwhelm local law enforcement and border patrol officers.

“Washington is shortchanging them, not giving them the support they need,” Perry said. “As a result, we’re having to dedicate our resources to deal with the challenges we have along the Texas-Mexico border and ensuing issues that porous border has created all across state of Texas.”


You bet Washington is short- changing us, and you know what? We are used to being treated like the red- headed stepchild here. We don’t like it, especially when we give more than our share in Blood and Treasure to the Feds and get so little in return- It is OK to sell natural gas that is pumped from Texas wells for less  than we pay in Texas- we are used to that- it isn’t right, but the Federal government has always screwed Texas, and I am sure it won’t stop now.

He said the state would pick up the tab of $110 million, allocated by the Legislature in the past two sessions.

Perry’s announcement drew immediate criticism from U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, who is running against the two-term incumbent in the March GOP primary.

“Today’s announcement is yet another empty election-year promise from Rick Perry on border security,” Hutchison spokesman Joe Pounder said.

Perry fired back that it was the “height of hypocrisy for someone who’s been in Washington, D.C., for 16 years, who’s had the opportunity to help Texas on our border security, and they’ve been no more successful in delivering the resources and help.”

“So please do that job up there first before you come down here and start criticizing about the state of Texas,” he said.


Now, I don’t agree with Rick Perry about everything, but on this, I think he is right, and Sen. Hutchison needs to stay in Washington and demonstrate how well (or not) she can fight for Texas. So far, I would rate her performance as lukewarm. And that is a shame, because we need all the intelligent people we can get in order to beat back this onslaught against our liberties that the Democrats in Washington are determined to shove down our throats.

“I happen to think we’ve taken advantage of every program that’s been effective,” responded Perry, who has been branding his opponent as someone from Washington out of touch with her home state. “Pointing out one program that has been funded and leaving the 800-pound gorilla — which is 1,000 National Guard troops that we need — I am stunned someone from Washington, D.C., would say they’ve done enough to secure our border.”

Brig. Gen. Joyce Stevens, commander of the Texas Army National Guard, said about 200 soldiers and airmen already have started integrated operations with the Rangers.


The first thing we need to do is secure our borders, doing whatever it takes- the Mexicans used to fear the Texas Rangers, and with good reason- few prisoners were taken, and justice was administered on the spot. We need more of that, in lieu of the soft, squishy, feel- good liberalism our courts have been subjected to for years.

When a Drug Cartel gang tries to set up shop, we need to do a curettage, scooping out the cancer before it spreads, with extreme prejudice- this is something the Texas Rangers used to know how to do right.

I hope they still have the will to do so again, because nothing else will make an impression on these people.

Our borders need to be secure, or like Rome, the Gauls, Visigoths, and Huns of the present day will get past the gate, and tear us apart. And here is something the liberals haven’t thought out-

The Huns will tear apart the Liberals too.
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That Nutty Greenspan

It’s not enough that Alan Greenspan, the guy who was asleep at the wheel of our economy when we plowed into the bad mortgages and credit crisis, doesn’t know enough to stay in the old folks home and play checkers, now he feels like he knows anything about the illegal immigration situation. Saying that the illegal work force is a ” safety valve” for businesses as demand for workers rises and falls, he advocates an amnesty plan for the 12 million illegal aliens among us.

“There is little doubt that unauthorized, that is, illegal immigration has made a significant contribution to the growth of our economy,” Greenspan said.

What he did not say, probably because the only contact he ever had with an illegal alien was to watch them cut his lawn, was that illegal aliens severely depress the wages of every other American who might think of taking that job. They undercut the wage structure of any industry they touch, and the quality of that industry suffers also. I know because I have been a carpenter and woodworker for over thirty years, and have seen the devolution of the building industry, from the carpentry, to the landscaping- all of these trades have suffered, not been made better by the introduction of illegal workers,

So now this geek who got the economy so wrong that our grandchildren will be paying for his mistakes feels that he can chime in? Well, it’s true that every body has an opinion, but why any newspaper would waste ink on his demented musings is just beyond me, unless it is something that reinforces what the Great Barama said, in which case the newspapers are all over it like white on rice.

Look, the man is older than some layers of the Grand Canyon- you could carbon date him. But that doesn’t impart any wisdom to him, on the contrary, I feel that he has lost his mind. He looks like Walter Matthau with glasses and none of that warm, “grumpy old man” feeling.

And he is supposed to know the economy, but look where we are now, largely because of him. He left when all of this economic situation got out of hand. He DID know when to make an exit- but now he comes back saying that illegal aliens can save the economy? I guess that means, just let them in, and watch them as they patch the mortgage crisis, weed around beds of bad securities, and remodel our country, all without a green card.

Give me a break! I have written in the past about the situation regarding illegal aliens, and my mind sure hasn’t changed, and for all of those who feel that this is a good thing, you have not worked next to them , or seen them take your job, or that of someone you know. When you have no real idea, you need to shut your mouth until you know what you are talking about. It’s one thing to think about this problem in an abstract fashion, as an exercise in logic or ethics, quite another to feel the impact in your wallet, and see friends that you have known a long time get “two-ferred”- a term that means the employer gets two illegals for the price of the man he just fired. It’s not pretty, and it would still hurt if the two men were legal, but they are not.

So Alan Greenspan had better take a seat and some more medication, because he is on untenable ground ethically and realistically on this question.

Do we need a new law? No. We just need to enforce the laws we have now, but Barama doesn’t want to do that- he just wants to do half of that. The O just wants to see employers in handcuffs, not employees in hand cuffs. Why? Because the employers have money that the Liberals can suck up, while engendering the gratitude of the new, larva- like potential voters, little pupating Demicratitos in training. Yes, soon they will learn to suck the blood of the working man- they have already begun, gobbling up the social services that were intended for our citizens, and depreciating our housing values by moving eighteen people into a home, and parking their cars all over the yard and street.

It used to be, once upon a time, that incoming immigrants assimilated into the existing culture. No one ever thought of “Italian as a second language”, or changing street signs into German or Chinese to make them easier for the immigrants. No. These people came here wanting to be Americans, and while they might be proud of their old country, they knew first and foremost, they were American. Not so with this latest batch, many of whom refuse to learn English, instead, asking Americans “why don’t you learn Spanish?” Why? It is not the language of this country, it is the language of that failed country that you fled, so shut up and learn English- it will get you a better job, trust me.

No one really likes someone who refuses to learn the language of the host country. It’s rather rude.

Big Dog

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Obama Will Give Amnesty And You Will Pay For It

Not to long ago nearly the entire Congress, John McCain included, tried to ram an amnesty package down our throats. That package would have given million of illegals a path to citizenship by largely ignoring the fact that they committed a crime to get here. The country went nuts and flooded the switchboards at the Capitol and the legislation went down in defeat.

More than 80% of this country opposed the idea of allowing illegals a pathway to citizenship that amounted to nothing more than amnesty. Now, a large portion of that opposition is prepared to elect a man who has stated that he wants to give the illegals a pathway to citizenship. Barack Obama is in favor of allowing millions of people to become citizens and thus gaining the right to vote. Obama will put politics ahead of country and allow millions of Democratic supporters to infiltrate our voter rolls and change the dynamics of politics for generations to come.

Under Barack Obama these new “citizens” will turn Texas into a deep blue state and it will take many of the other southern states with it. Traditional Republican strongholds will be infiltrated by millions of people eager to keep the party that gives away taxpayer money in power. This will spell disaster for the Republican party but more importantly, it will spell disaster for our country. Millions of people will flood government offices for Social Security benefits, medical care, and any number of other taxpayer funded social programs thus evaporating already scarce resources.

People need to wake up and see what is happening. Obama’s open secret is that he believes in Socialism. He told that to Joe the Plumber and said it in 2001 during an interview. Barack Obama believes that wealth in this country should be taken from people who earn it and given to those who do not. His idea of Utopia is wealth redistribution and no matter how Joe Biden tries to spin it and no matter how his supporters try to ignore it the plain fact is, the words came out of Barack Obama’s mouth.

If it isn’t bad enough that Obama is willing to give taxpayer money out like candy at Halloween, the government wants to confiscate more of your money in order to redistribute it to others. There is a plan being bounced around to force you to move all of your 401 (k) retirement money into government accounts. The plan will either involve putting it in a different pool or adding it to “your” Social Security fund which is a misnomer because the money goes to the general fund where Congress takes it and spends it. To top it off, government will require you to contribute 5% of you pay to the fund thus taking more of your money to redistribute.

This plan, which was discussed by some economist, involves redistribution of wealth. She said that it would give everyone an equal share (wealth redistribution). This is money that you have worked for and that you have invested in different accounts that, despite current problems, will do well for you. The government will require you to pool all the money you saved with the money of others and then the government will decide who gets how much of it. If you have $100 and someone else has $50, you both get $75. In other words, Obama and the Democrats will redistribute $25 of your money to someone else.

If Barack Obama becomes the president and allows millions of illegals to become citizens they will be standing in line with their hands out waiting for you to hand them the money you saved for your retirement.

I have said before that Social Security was a method used by the government to gain and keep control over people. They hold Social Security hostage in order to influence the lives of the elderly and the way they vote. They keep people dependent on government so that the government can control the population. Allowing them to take your retirement will ensure that instead of retiring and living the life you worked hard to achieve, you will live the life government decides you should live.

That, my friends, is nothing more than Socialism and it starts with Barack Hussein Obama.

Polling agencies have been using inaccurate methods based on unrealistic projections and Obama is continually reported to have a big lead. The race is much closer and this is evident by several things. One, Gallup used the traditional polling method in its last poll and Obama only has a 2% lead. Obama is reported to have a 10% lead in Pennsylvania and yet he and Biden are spending huge amounts of time and resources in that state. If their internal polls showed the 10 point lead the external polls show they would be campaigning in other, more closely contested states. The fact that they are spending all that time in a state they are shown as winning easily speaks volumes about how close this really is. Last night’s Rasmussen polls showed Obama with no larger than a 4% lead in any battleground state. The pollsters do not want to be wrong on this so now they are reverting back to the proven methods and those methods are showing a very tight race.

Don’t let the intentional deception of the last few weeks keep you from voting. John McCain and Sarah Palin can win this election but they will need all of us who oppose Socialism to go out and vote. No matter what the weather is like, no matter what else is going on, no matter what you hear, you must get out and vote. If all the people who oppose illegal aliens getting citizenship and those who oppose Socialism as well as gun owners (those of us who cling to them) get out and vote we can defeat Obama.

They have told us what they want to do. They want to increase taxes, make illegals citizens, spend 300 billion dollars more on a stimulus package, ban guns, and cut military spending by 25%. Barack Obama has told us he wants to spread our wealth around. We can stop that by getting out and voting.

But if you vote for Obama or if you sit this one out, don’t say you weren’t warned because they told us what they will do to us and if they control Congress and the White House that is exactly what they will do.

Your money will no longer be yours and Karl Marx will be laughing from the pits of Hell.

Related article:

Big Dog

Let’s Give Texas Back to Mexico and Be Done with it

The Mexicans have been invading America and they want to take Texas back. They are coming in here and sucking up resources and our Congress shows how impotent it is by ignoring the problem or by trying to reward lawbreakers. I think it is the right time to just give Texas back to Mexico and be done with it. It is obvious that the Texans don’t want to do anything to solve the problem so they can be part of Mexico or move before we seal off the border.

I originally thought that we might be able to solve the problem and still keep Texas but it now appears that Texas has decided it likes the ILLEGALS and wants them around. Those of us who don’t are xenophobes and our opinions don’t count. The Dallas Morning News has named the ILLEGAL immigrant as its person of the year. According to the DMN, the ILLEGALS do work Americans will not (at least not for the same wages) and they are such hard workers. Of course they do work for low wages. They make it up by taking millions of dollars in taxpayer money to which they are not entitled and by having jackpot babies so they can lay claim to this country.

If the DMN is so enamored with the ILLEGALS and thinks they should be the person of the year than that is fine. Let’s just give Texas back to Mexico and forbid entry from the northern Texas border. Texas can deal with the poverty, the social problems, the crime, the jackpot babies (well, they would be Mexican citizens by then) and they can figure a way to pay for it all without the money from US taxpayers.

Then, maybe the DMN would see how life really is. As long as someone else pays it is fine but when they have to foot the bill I imagine they would not be too happy.

BTW, if you want to see jobs that most Americans will not do look at any member of our Armed Forces. Now those are jobs most Americans will not do for any wage. Most ILLEGALS have no interest in doing that job.

Big Dog

Niki Tsongas Shows True Colors

Immigration is the big issue in the race between Niki Tsongas and Jim Ogonowski in Massachusetts. The special election will take place Tuesday to fill a vacant seat. I wrote previously that a guy named Atkins who made some very low remarks and brought Jim’s deceased brother into the mix. Tsongas has tried to distance herself from Atkins’ remarks but when one considers that his ex-wife is working for the Tsongas campaign, the question must be asked; how sincere is she? One thing is for sure, she follows the John Kerry/Ted Kennedy and (fill in a number of names here) position on immigration. Tsongas believes that ILLEGALS should be allowed unfettered access to this country and she thinks people who oppose ILLEGAL immigration are racists, as trumpeted by her unofficial mouthpiece, Mr. Atkins. I received this from a friend and I thought I would post it here:

I don’t know how much talk radio you listen to however Niki finally showed her true colors without her Washington advisors [sic] at her side. Niki labeled illegal immigrants as “Undocumented workers” or “Family members….or whatever.” [Video] (“Nightside with Dan Rae,” WBZ-Radio, 10/11/07) One of the main issues Ogonowski has been running his campaign on is illegal immigration, and finally Tsongas has created a clear distinction between the two candidates for the voters – she’s just “whatever.” I doubt the voters in Massachusetts will appreciate a valley girl as their legislator. Massachusetts’ voters and the United States Congress does not deserve another candidate who will shy away from real issues like illegal immigration and attempt to redefine these people as “Undocumented workers,” they deserve Jim Ogonowski. She also believes these “Family members” deserve in-state tuition, as she alleges “They came here unintentionally.” [Video] (5th District Congressional Debate, NECN, 10/05/07) Perhaps Tsongas should be running on the same ticket as New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, as she “Supports driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants and ‘path to citizenship’ for illegal immigrants.” (Laura Crimaldi, “5th District Candidates All Fired Up,” The Boston Herald, 10/14/07) Perhaps this is what Tsongas is really like without her suave Washington advisors [sic] – not a pretty image. Ogonowski is a real candidate who is worried about real issues. Merely calling these illegal immigrants “Family members” or “whatever” will not help solve one of this countries greatest domestic policy issues. A vote for Ogonowski is a vote for change and new ideas; whereas a vote for Tsongas is a vote for her calculating Washington DC advisors [sic] – take your pick.

If you are eligible to vote in this Massachusetts district it is up to you to vote for Jim Ogonowski and keep Niki Tsongas out of office. Massachusetts needs a political outsider like they can get by electing Jim. Neither that state nor the country needs people with the views of Niki Tsongas. Keep in mind, Massachusetts has all Democrats running it at the federal level. They have had a long time to get things right and yet they have failed. Jim Ogonowski is a breath of fresh air and will help right that once great state.