Man Arrested for Possession of Firecrackers

Well, that could very well be the title of this article. But that wouldn’t be nearly as exciting, nor as inflammatory, so it isn’t. Instead, to help sell news and to attempt to divide people more, the article screams, “Man with Explosives” and “Outside Mosque.” That way it sounds really bad and can be used as evidence of hatred towards a protected, special class of people.

In reality, a man had some M-80s. For those who are too young to remember, these are inch and a half-long firecrackers. When they explode, they make a loud noise and flash. About the only way they can really do any serious damage is if you are holding them when they go off. They are just big firecrackers.

And the guy was arrested with some.

Oh, but wait! The guy has “a long history of anti-government activities,” according to the police. In other words, this guy was an enemy of the government, and government wanted him jailed, so they found a reason to jail him.

It is highly unlikely we will ever know why the man was at the Islamic center, as the press and the government isn’t big on telling the truth. But hey, it is Dearborn, Michigan, so I expect he may be charged with violations of Sharia law before this is all over.

Stark Contrast with Sanity

Today the Congress attempted to override the Presidential veto of the vastly expanded S-CHIP bill. The President wants the program to continue but he does not want it expanded as greatly as the Democrats do. The plan would allow states to cover children in families of four making $82,000 a year and “children” up to 25 years of age. The Democrats trotted out people who have benefited from the program which made no sense because they are already covered. It is estimated that about 10 million of the people who do not have insurance are eligible for one program or another but have not signed up. We need to get them on board and stop playing these games of expanding government control.

Pete Stark, a Congressman from California, took the floor for his two minutes and he was nothing short of a demented old fool. I have now found someone serving who is as much of a doddering senile old fool as Robert Byrd. This senile man called the President a liar and said that he [the President] sent children to be blown up for his own amusement. Breitbart has the video which includes an admonishment for referring to the President in personal terms (I guess that is bad form). In any event, this demented guy needs to retire and spend his waning days playing with silly putty and collecting sock navel lint.

The Democrats were out in full force touting the children and how everything was for the children. From what I saw of Stark, maybe we need to put some money aside to send old fools like him to the “home.”

Maybe in this guy’s world the President sends kids to be blown up for amusement but God must have allowed this imbecile to be in Congress and on TV for the amusement of the rest of us because this guy is a joke.

Big Dog

Hillary Listens in but not on Terrorists

It is not a surprise to many thinking people that Hillary Clinton is calculating and will say or do anything to get elected. She has flipped like a fish out of water on the war in Iraq depending upon who she is talking to. It should come as no surprise that Clinton is changing her tact to appease more of the conservative voters because she thinks she has the nomination wrapped up. An anonymous staffer indicated that Clinton has done just that

The former North Carolina senator [John Edwards] noted a recent New York Times story, in which unnamed Clinton backers explained the political reasons behind her Senate vote to label an Iranian military unit as a terrorist group. They said Clinton was switching from “primary mode,” to “general-election mode,” in which she would have to court more conservative voters. Des Moines Register

Now there are allegations that Hillary Clinton listened to illegally obtained recordings of her husband’s political opponents back in 1992 so that she could decide upon a course of action. The recording is reported to have involved another bimbo eruption and Hillary was all over how to put out the fire. If you have ever wondered how they managed to stay ahead of the allegations, this might be the answer.

The argument can be made that Hillary did not actually record the conversations and that she only listened to them. However, she had to know that they were illegally obtained and, as a lawyer, she was obligated to report the infraction of the law. What she did by listening and acting upon the information rather than reporting the illegal activity is no different than if she had looked over the money bags her friends had obtained in an armored car robbery and then used the information about the money robbery to plan armored car safety. She witnessed the breaking of the law and did not report it.

I read the book “Her Way” and I remember the passage that discussed this very thing. I remember thinking at the time that it was interesting that the Clintons would condone such a thing when their legal folks did everything possible to get Linda Tripp for recording her conversations with Monica Lewinsky. It is also curious that a couple of old folks intercepted and taped Newt Gingrich and turned the tape over to Democrat Jim McDermott so it could be used against Republicans. I don’t recall this ever coming to a conclusion.

Hillary must have thought it was OK to listen to her rivals discuss politics but she has been against our country listening in on the conversations of terrorists in order to protect our country. Hillary thinks that terrorists deserve more protection than do her political opponents. This is obviously another instance of do as I say and not as I do.

Here is an interesting video of this being discussed on MSNBC.

This SCHIP is Way off Course

The Congress will try to override President Bush’s veto of the expansion of the S-CHIP program this week. I do not believe they have the votes needed to override the veto but the Democrats have spent a lot of effort on this expansion and want to pass this costly legislation. Unfortunately, many of those on the left who support this bill seem to lack an understanding of the system and the people this bill would cover. While they claim it is all for the children, the bill would cover people up to the age of 25 which hardly seems like a child to me though I suppose one could argue we are all someone’s child. It would also expand coverage to include families that make up to $61,000 a year. This is hardly the description of a poor family. Of course, if they did not have to pay 25% of the income in taxes [state, local, federal] they might have even more to spend on health care.

I realize that not all employers provide health care coverage but there are many that do. The left uses the argument (as evidenced in comments at And Rightly So) that it is the greedy health insurance companies that cause all the cost. They act as if somehow the government will reduce the cost by running health care for this expanded group and one person cites the “fact” that there is far less paperwork and overhead with the government. I do not know what planet this person is from but the planet is not named Reality. The government has huge overhead for its socialized medicine programs but the government does not include those costs in the calculations of the cost of the benefits. The salaries and such of health care company administrators and the associated paperwork and other overhead is part of the cost of a plan. In the government, these costs are absorbed by the taxpayer but not calculated into the cost analysis. Anyone who has ever filed income taxes knows that the government is paperwork intensive. There is also a track record that people seem to ignore. The government has never run a program at a cost under run. Every program always costs more than they estimate and every program is run with far less efficiency than in the private sector where cost control affects profits.

The left likes to trumpet how heartless the right is because it is taking away from the children. The Democrats paraded some kid out to talk about how the program benefited their family. Later reports indicated that this family sent its children to private schools and had the money for insurance. I do not know what they have, and it is really none of my business. Those who think it is wrong to attack that message should realize that if you parade anyone out with a message, that message is fair game and if one does not want to be part of the attack, don’t speak up (or at least make sure your message passes scrutiny).

There is this talk about how S-CHIP helps families who just cannot afford insurance, and on the lower poverty levels, I know this is true. However, the idea that people are sitting around fire barrels wondering about health insurance for their kids is just ridiculous. The poor in America would be classified as rich in nearly any other country in the world. In fact, the poor own homes, own cars, own color TVs and have air conditioning Heartland Institute. While the poor certainly do not live like Bill Gates they do not live like Tiny Tim (an allusion to a comment at one of the Liberal sites).

Health care is not a right. I know it is hard for the left to wrap its arms around that but it is a truth. Everyone in America has access to health care (why do you think ILLEGALS can get it) but there is no right that it will be provided free of charge. There are programs to help the truly destitute ans S-CHIP has been one to help poor kids but in its new form it helps people who should be able to afford their own health care. Cell phones, computers, cable TV, expensive cars, and fancy clothes are luxuries. I see children in poor neighborhoods wearing expensive sneakers and clothing that, had the parents bought bargain items, might have paid for health care. Living life is about choices and one of those choices is what you will spend you money on. If a parent spends disposable income for the luxuries then they are taking a decision to neglect buying health insurance. The old adage goes, you must pay yourself first. This is the key to saving and it is the key to health care insurance. After this, then what is left may go to the luxuries. The problem is, people have the priorities wrong. That and they believe that it is a God given right for them to have insurance at the expense of others. As an aside, libs will take away your right to own/carry firearms but demand we provide health care. Only one of those is a right under our Constitution.

If we want to reduce health care costs we need to reform the tort laws. Put an end to the lawsuits that stifle the health care industry and drive up costs. Sure, negligence should be dealt with but most of the suits are insane and cost lots of money. When I was in nursing school we were told that 19 out of every 20 dollars in health care goes to lawsuits. I cannot verify that but it would not surprise me. We also need to stop mandating what insurers must include in a package. States require certain items and this takes away choice. A basic package should have wellness visits and regular check ups as well as emergency care. Then, people can add on what they need. If you are going to have children, you can add the OB-GYN package and if you believe in and might have an abortion then you can add those services. It makes no sense for a 50 year old woman who cannot have children to have to pay for OB-GYN just as it makes no sense to have to pay for substance abuse counseling if you do not drink or use drugs. This is, after all, how we buy our cable TV services, and people seem to do fine with their choices.

We also need to allow groups to band together to get group rates. Civic organizations, clubs, and home owner’s associations could be offered group rates for insurance premiums. Those who do not belong could benefit if the Better Business Bureau or some other organization were included under the group plan and people could sign up.

One thing is for sure, there are problems but they will not be solved by throwing more money at them and by getting the government more involved. The educational system has gotten more money and more government involvement over the years and the only thing it has not gotten is better. Health care is the same.

As for those on the left who still think that the government is the panacea when it comes to health care. Keep in mind that the health care our soldiers get is provided by the government. It is not the military that makes the rules or runs things. We have some of the best medical people around doing truly amazing things. All the problems you read about are with access to care, paperwork problems, and cost.

While you libs are out there pretending to be horrified at the boondoggle that our military members face in health care, keep in mind that the boondoggle is caused by the very people you want running your health care. The government has had a long time to get that right and yet, it just hasn’t happened.

If you want your health care to be run like the VA, then you are on the right track.

Big Dog

Err Amerika’s Randi Rhodes Attacked?

There is an Internet report that Liberal Radio Show Host Randi Rhodes of Err Amerika was assaulted and badly beaten while walking her dog near her New York apartment. Rhodes lost several teeth and will be out of work for at least a week. Let me start by saying that I pray she heals and that they catch the scum who did this.

I do want to address the idiots on the left who are, without evidence, accusing the “right wing hate machine” of trying to threaten and intimidate Liberal talk out of fear. Liberal talk accounts for about 10% of the programming on talk radio and Rush Limbaugh has a larger audience than all of Err Amerika’s staff combined. Of course, I do not know who did this or what the motivation was but I am willing to bet that it was not some Conservative looking to attack her. However, I will wait to see who they catch and what they say before I comment on the attacker. Let it suffice to say that, it is more likely that she was the victim of a random act of violence than a deliberate attack. It might have even been one of the poor drug abusers or violent criminals that Liberals like Rhodes want rehabilitated and released from jail.

Of course, in New York people are not allowed to carry guns unless they are police or body guards for important people. However, I will state this right up front so there will be no mistake abut it, open carry permits would not have helped Rhodes. She is a Liberal and does not believe in gun ownership (though many libs want to take that right from us while retaining it for themselves, like Dianne Feinstein). I cannot help but wonder if she will have a change of heart about being able to defend oneself when threatened. If Rhodes had a firearm, perhaps she would not have been beaten. Maybe now she will actually support the Second Amendment rather than oppose it and the unconstitutional assault on it and our citizens.

Regardless of all that though, the idiot who filled in for her was way off base blaming the right for this attack. This is not like saying that the crime of defacing the Vietnam Memorial was probably a liberal because a conservative would most likely not do this kind of thing. This attack on the right is not based in any rational thought. New York is full of criminals and an overwhelming number of the prison population (people who eventually get released) are Democrats. Conservatives are not usually involved in violent crimes. Of course there are some extremists in any group but by and large violent criminals are likely to be liberal and registered (if at all) as Democrat. I am not going to say what ideology the attacker had because I do not know though I know what it is most likely to be. This could prove wrong but we will only find out if and when the attacker is caught. This premature condemnation of the right only shows how ignorant and intolerant the left really is. Besides, we already kick their asses on the air, why physically harm them?

I also wonder if people who make a big deal about blaming Liberals for defacing monuments will go to these Liberal sites and admonish them for making accusations without evidence.

It is amazing that the comments from some on the left point to a right wing attack (though some sane people said that they needed to wait to get details).

Those very liberals were saying that they should cruise to the Free Republic to see if anyone is bragging so I went to see. There are more comments wishing here well and hoping that the attackers are caught than anything else.

To their credit, the folks commenting at Kos (from what I have read) are saying it looks like a random crime and they are not jumping on the right wing attack meme, as of yet. There are a few trying to infuse it, but most are not.

I am still having a problem with this not being reported in all the news outlets. It seems to be confined to a few websites and on the show of the loser who filled in for her. Did she really get attacked (and if so, why no news), Is this a publicity stunt? Did she have an abortion that got botched and she needs to be home a few days and the mugging sounded like a better excuse?

I just don’t know. If she was truly attacked then I pray she is OK. If not, just what is going on?

UPDATE: ooooh snap, it appears as if Randi Rhodes fell down while walking her dog and that is how she was injured. She does not know how it happened (maybe her brain had a bit of chemical alteration) but one thing is clear, if she was not mugged she was not mugged by a conservative right wing hate monger. I wonder how many apologies we will see from the ding dongs on the left. I knew that something was fishy when it was not all over the news. Seems the police heard all this stuff and called to find out why she had not reported it. That is when the truth came out from her lawyer. I wonder why Rhodes did not squash this when it first started?? New York Daily News

Big Dog