That Violence Pelosi Talked About

Not long ago Nancy Pelosi was tearing up and telling us how she was worried about the rhetoric she was hearing and how she had heard it before and it led to violence. She was discussing TEA Party members and equating them to the Harvey Milk incident where one Democrat killed another over a job dispute. But that was good enough for her to paint the TEA Party movement as violent extremists.

Looks like she was right about the violence though. One of her Democrats, Bob Etheridge of North Carolina, assaulted a college kid on a public street and the incident was captured on video.

The student saw the Congressman walking down the street and asked him if he supported the Obama agenda. Etheridge swatted the camera he was holding and grabbed the young man’s right wrist. The Congressman kept asking the student who he was and the answer was a college student working on a project. At least two times the student asked the Congressman to let go of him but the grip was not released until the Congressman released it and spun the student around while grabbing him by the back of his neck and pulling him in tight. The student was able to get free and moved away.

I wonder what it was that set Etheridge off? Was he on his way back from a five martini lunch and feeling a little cocky? No matter what anyone thinks about the student asking the question the Congressman had no right to put his hands on him. The Congressman assaulted the student and should face charges.

The student appeared frightened and uncomfortable. He obviously did not know what to do and finally broke free. I wonder what would have happened if the student had defended himself and injured the Congressman. Do you suppose Pelosi and the state run media would be calling the student a violent TEA Party activist? This Congressman got lucky in that he grabbed someone who did not defend himself. I know a number of people who would have broken his arm off and beaten him with it.

Bob Etheridge has apologized. He said that having a bad day was no excuse and then used it as an excuse. This apology is not sufficient for what took place. Etheridge should be charged with assault and stand trial for attacking the student. It is all on video and cannot be denied.

His opponent in the upcoming race is Renee Elmers. I urge those in that Congressional District to vote her in and the Pelosi thug out.

Yes, Obama said to get in their faces and it looks like at least one member of Congress did. The state run media went nuts over allegations (that have never been proven true) of TEA Party members spitting on a black Congressman and calling him names. No video has ever surfaced but the state run media ran with the story.

This video shows a Congressman clearly attacking a person on the street. When will the state run media call for his head? When will Obama say he acted stupidly and suggest a beer summit? When will Nancy Pelosi get all weepy and say that she has seen this kind of violence before (which would be true because all the violence has come from Democrats)?

Yahoo News
ABC News
Glenn Beck (video)

Never Surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Excuse The Rappers; Blame Beck Instead

I wrote yesterday about the liberal left and its assertions that people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity incite people to murder. The feeling of those on the left is that the “hate” speech of these talk show hosts incites people to go out and commit crimes, particularly murder. This is not a new thing as Bill Clinton tried to blame the Oklahoma City bombing on Rush Limbaugh instead of on Timothy McVeigh. The left looks everywhere to find someone to blame except the person who actually committed the crime.

The issue now is the death of three police officers in Pittsburgh who were murdered by some guy who was reportedly worried that Obama would take guns away. I have no doubt that Obama would like to do away with guns but this guy went about expressing his concern the wrong way. But he, and only he, is to blame for this terrible crime.

The rap world is full of gang bangers who sing about killing, shooting and all kinds of violence toward women and the public in general. In 1992 a song came out entitled Cop Killer. It was by a group called Body Count (with Ice T) and it was about a person who was fed up with police brutality so he took matters into his own hands. This is the first part of the song:

I got my black shirt on.
I got my black gloves on.
I got my ski mask on.
This sh*ts been too long.
I got my twelve gauge sawed off.
I got my headlights turned off.
Im bout to bust some shots off.
Im bout to dust some cops off.

Im a cop killer, better you than me.
Cop killer, f**k police brutality!
Cop killer, I know your familys grieving,
(f**k em!)
Cop killer, but tonight we get even, ha ha.
Lyrics Freak

There was an uproar about this song. Police survivor groups were not happy with it but there were those who defended it particularly against the tighty whitey George H W Bush administration and their political correctness.

For what its worth I don’t care about the song. The radio has a lot of stations and I know how to work the dial and no one was ever forced to buy it. However, the question is, does not this kind of music actually, directly, incite violence against cops?

People can claim that the conservative talkers play on the emotions and fears of people and put suggestions in their heads about becoming violent. I do not see it that way. These people are not causing anyone to commit crimes. If people are doing this they are doing so on their own. I don’t believe that there are veiled messages of hate and violence from conservative talkers any more than I think Obama is sending veiled messages of violence to people he tells to get in their faces, channel their anger, or if they bring a knife he [Obama] brings a gun because they like to brawl in Philly (which is actually what they did to intimidate voters in that city).

Should we claim that Obama caused Black Panthers to stand in front of polling places with night sticks to intimidate people? If Beck and the others are responsible for the recent violence then Obama is responsible for the actions of those who threaten violence in order to help him.

Should we now start blaming Hollywood and its assorted liberal actors who perfrom in violent movies that feature a lot of people, including cops, being killed. If conservative talkers are responsible for violence then the Hollywood crowd certainly shoulders the burden of blame for violence because a lot of their movies have overt acts of aggression. Where was the liberal uproar when the film about George W Bush being assassinated was released? That certainly gave a message of violence and could have triggered all kinds of violent behavior.

People are responsible for their own actions. I know this is a difficult concept for the left because they always have to have someone to blame. There always has to be a victim class and there always has to be some evil person (usually Republican) who is to blame for it. Personal responsibility is not a strong suit of the left as finger pointing is their favorite past time.

Regardless, if conservative talkers have any blame for these acts of violence then rappers share that blame as does Barack Obama. We cannot have two sets of rules. If veiled messages from conservative talkers cause violence then the same kind of messages from Obama cause violence. If these are true then the blatant call for violence from rappers is definitely to blame for violence as is the overt violence in Hollywood productions. When a guy like 50 Cent is worshiped by young kids because he was shot 9 times then there is a problem that reaches far beyond anything conservative talkers say.

It is a tragedy that the people in Oakland, Pittsburgh and New York were murdered but the only people responsible for the deaths are the people who did the murdering.

Let’s stop the finger pointing and let’s stop trying to affix blame to people who are not responsible.

Big Dog

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Did Glenn Beck Incite This Syrian

Gateway Pundit has a post up indicating that a Syrian obtained media credentials from Al-Jazeera TV in a plot to kill Barack Obama. The suspect was arrested last week and indicated that he intended to stab Obama with a knife and that if he had failed there were other accomplices to complete the mission.

There you have it. A peace loving Syrian who would never otherwise consider harming another human being suddenly, and without warning, went off the deep end and became involved in a plot to kill Obama. Something must have caused this man to resort to violence because we all know these peace lovers would never do anything that harmed another, Allah willing.

So was it Glenn Beck who caused this? The left likes to blame him for all the other violence taking place. In fact, the right gets blamed for a lot of the violence that takes place. Commenters here have suggested that my words and the words of others here could cause people to do violent things. The MSM and the blogosphere are on a non stop rampage against the likes of Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity claiming that they incite violence. I guess Beck drove this Syrian over the edge.

The reality is, each of these people is responsible for his own actions. I do not, nor will I ever, accept responsibility for the violence caused by another. People are accountable for their own actions. I can understand how the left has trouble with this because they cannot grasp the concept of personal responsibility. To them it is always someone else’s fault. Obama blames everyone under the Sun and his favorite target is George Bush. It is inherent in their design, point fingers and blame others.

The whole incident raises another issue as well. Wasn’t The Evil Won supposed to unite the world so we could all stand around holding hands and singing Kumbaya? He was supposed to bring us all together so we could sing the Coke song and live in perfect harmony and all that.

Now he has some Syrian wacko trying to kill him. It just seems to me that the “can’t we all just get along” strategy is not paying off.

I am sure that Olberman and the rest of the MSM will continue to blame Beck et al for the violence. They pinned the Pittsburgh cop murders on Beck. It was all his fault, they say.

So who is responsible for the cops killed by Bill Ayers? I mean, he is a liberal and he is a close friend of Obama.

Maybe Glenn Beck caused that too.

Personal responsibility. Something the left would do well to learn.

Big Dog

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Border Agent’s Wives Speak On Glenn Beck’s Show

From Ms. Underestimated

Today Monica Ramos and Patty Compean got some FANTASTIC news! The ladies were on Beck this afternoon, and both described their surprise and shock at the news of their husbands having been given clemency. You see, the wives had come on the show today originally to make one final plea to President Bush. But they didn’t have to.

Their husbands have spent the last two years in solitary confinement in prison. Who are their husbands? Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who were convicted of shooting a repeat-offender drug smuggler as he tried to cross into the U.S. Yes, I know, they were found guilty by a jury of their peers (and an over-zealous prosecutor), but their punishment was more than severe.

In one of his final official actions in office, President George Bush commuted their sentences today so they will be released on “time served.” Both men had been given 11- and 12-year terms in prison, which is a bit much considering the shenanigans of Johnny Sutton, the U.S. Prosecutor, and all of the facts that were omitted from the jury during the trial.

Monica Ramos also relayed a more disturbing story of what has recently happened to her family, and it is one more reason why I’m glad Ignacio “Nacho” is going to be home soon. According to police reports, someone recently broke into the Ramos home, and not only was it ransacked, but their two dogs were beaten bloody. This was an obvious message to Nacho and his family, so it’s no wonder Monica was so delighted at today’s news. Even though they don’t get to come home immediately, they will be able to do so when their sentence expires in March of this year.

On the show, both ladies expressed their gratitude for President Bush for this final act, thanking him on the air, and Beck even expressed gratitude of his own.

Big Dog

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