Border Agent’s Wives Speak On Glenn Beck’s Show

From Ms. Underestimated

Today Monica Ramos and Patty Compean got some FANTASTIC news! The ladies were on Beck this afternoon, and both described their surprise and shock at the news of their husbands having been given clemency. You see, the wives had come on the show today originally to make one final plea to President Bush. But they didn’t have to.

Their husbands have spent the last two years in solitary confinement in prison. Who are their husbands? Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who were convicted of shooting a repeat-offender drug smuggler as he tried to cross into the U.S. Yes, I know, they were found guilty by a jury of their peers (and an over-zealous prosecutor), but their punishment was more than severe.

In one of his final official actions in office, President George Bush commuted their sentences today so they will be released on “time served.” Both men had been given 11- and 12-year terms in prison, which is a bit much considering the shenanigans of Johnny Sutton, the U.S. Prosecutor, and all of the facts that were omitted from the jury during the trial.

Monica Ramos also relayed a more disturbing story of what has recently happened to her family, and it is one more reason why I’m glad Ignacio “Nacho” is going to be home soon. According to police reports, someone recently broke into the Ramos home, and not only was it ransacked, but their two dogs were beaten bloody. This was an obvious message to Nacho and his family, so it’s no wonder Monica was so delighted at today’s news. Even though they don’t get to come home immediately, they will be able to do so when their sentence expires in March of this year.

On the show, both ladies expressed their gratitude for President Bush for this final act, thanking him on the air, and Beck even expressed gratitude of his own.

Big Dog

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