Did Glenn Beck Incite This Syrian

Gateway Pundit has a post up indicating that a Syrian obtained media credentials from Al-Jazeera TV in a plot to kill Barack Obama. The suspect was arrested last week and indicated that he intended to stab Obama with a knife and that if he had failed there were other accomplices to complete the mission.

There you have it. A peace loving Syrian who would never otherwise consider harming another human being suddenly, and without warning, went off the deep end and became involved in a plot to kill Obama. Something must have caused this man to resort to violence because we all know these peace lovers would never do anything that harmed another, Allah willing.

So was it Glenn Beck who caused this? The left likes to blame him for all the other violence taking place. In fact, the right gets blamed for a lot of the violence that takes place. Commenters here have suggested that my words and the words of others here could cause people to do violent things. The MSM and the blogosphere are on a non stop rampage against the likes of Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity claiming that they incite violence. I guess Beck drove this Syrian over the edge.

The reality is, each of these people is responsible for his own actions. I do not, nor will I ever, accept responsibility for the violence caused by another. People are accountable for their own actions. I can understand how the left has trouble with this because they cannot grasp the concept of personal responsibility. To them it is always someone else’s fault. Obama blames everyone under the Sun and his favorite target is George Bush. It is inherent in their design, point fingers and blame others.

The whole incident raises another issue as well. Wasn’t The Evil Won supposed to unite the world so we could all stand around holding hands and singing Kumbaya? He was supposed to bring us all together so we could sing the Coke song and live in perfect harmony and all that.

Now he has some Syrian wacko trying to kill him. It just seems to me that the “can’t we all just get along” strategy is not paying off.

I am sure that Olberman and the rest of the MSM will continue to blame Beck et al for the violence. They pinned the Pittsburgh cop murders on Beck. It was all his fault, they say.

So who is responsible for the cops killed by Bill Ayers? I mean, he is a liberal and he is a close friend of Obama.

Maybe Glenn Beck caused that too.

Personal responsibility. Something the left would do well to learn.

Big Dog

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They Should Lock These Skinhead Morons Up For Life

I am the first (maybe not the very first) to admit that I do not like Barack Obama and do not want to see him become president but the last thing I want to see is for some moron to kill him. If he wins the presidency then, as an American, he will be my president and I will pray he does a good job for the country. I will also be tough on him and his policies.

But right now I am praying for him to lose and I mean lose in a legitimate election, not lose his life. Today, the ATF announced that a couple of moron skinheads planned to kill Barack Obama as well as 102 other blacks at an unnamed predominantly black school. No candidate should be killed to prevent victory. That is not how this country works and it is one of the things that makes us different than the Socialist countries Obama wants us to mimic. We try to hold fair elections and we let the people decide. That decision is done with a ballot not a bullet.

There is no place in our country for this kind of stupidity. These morons are a small minority but they should be taken seriously and dealt with harshly. If they had been successful the country would have been driven into chaos.

I propose they be tried, and if found guilty, spend the rest of their lives in prison, preferably one with a large black population.

Fox News