Obama’s Failed Public Equity

Barack Obama and his minions have been attacking Mitt Romney for his time at Bain Capital and his record in the private equity market. It is true that some of the companies that Bain was involved in eventually failed and that is what the Obama regime is harping on. The regime neglects the reality that those companies that did fail would have done so much sooner without Bain intervention.

The regime also overlooks (or more accurately deliberately ignores) the successes that Bain was involved in and the number of jobs that Bain created or saved. And yes, in this instance the jobs were saved because those companies did not go under. In fact, Bain saved a number of companies including Staples, Sport’s Authority and Domino’s Pizza. In saving those companies a lot of jobs were also saved.

Marc A. Thiessen of the Washington Post wrote an article on 24 May of this year discussing the idea of Bain’s success and Obama attacking the company. Thiessen says that if Romney’s record at Bain, a private equity firm, is up for debate then Obama is open to scrutiny of his record in the public equity market.

He then goes on to discuss a few examples of Obama’s public equity failures. These are companies in which Obama has invested millions of taxpayer dollars to keep them afloat only to see them fail. Yes, Obama was the public sector Bain in trying to save distressed entities only Obama failed at it and it cost the taxpayers.

When Romney was doing his private equity thing he was risking his own money. Obama is risking AND LOSING our money.

Go to this article and read the list of companies that Obama has invested your money in and how much of it he lost.

It takes guts to invest your own money knowing you could lose it. It takes no guts at all to risk money that is not yours, just like Obama did.

Obama is a typical liberal who has lots of fun with other people’s money.

The problem is when Obama is done we will be stuck with the bill.

I suffered no loss when a small portion of the companies Bain invested in failed but all taxpayers will feel the pain of the Obama failures.

This is something that the Romney campaign can use to hammer Obama. Even though this is the case it will not stop Obama from claiming that Mitt Romney is responsible for the cancer death of the wife of a worker who lost a job at a company in which Bain was involved. According to the left Romney’s actions resulted in the death of this woman.

Be careful liberals. Obama is lax on immigration allowing illegals to roam without consequence.

Perhaps we need an ad demonstrating that Obama is responsible for the rape of this child.

Obama has a failed record of using OUR money to bail out companies. Mitt Romney has a successful record of bailing out companies with HIS OWN money.

Which person has a better understanding of business and which one is better equipped to push our economy to recovery?

I think you know that answer.

It is November or never.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What You Won’t Find In Romney’s Tax Returns

Harry Reid has made the claim that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for the past ten years. This is a matter of public record even though Obama followers will tell you that Reid only said he was told that Romney paid no taxes. Reid though, went on the Senate floor and said it was known that Romney paid no taxes. Reid made this allegation and then said it was up to Romney to prove otherwise by releasing his tax returns.

Though it does not surprise me that a Democrat would lie I am amazed that a guy like Reid would make such accusations considering that Reid was not wealthy when he entered the Senate and is now worth millions of dollars. Reid has been involved in shady real estate deals and involved in legislative actions that were designed solely to enrich HIM. Harry Reid will tell you he has released his financial disclosure forms but he has not released his taxes. I would like to see those for the time he has been in the Senate so we can see exactly how he got rich. I believe he got rich by breaking the law and it is up to him to prove otherwise.

Now Barack Obama has an ad out that implies Romney paid no taxes. This is an act of desperation. The Obama regime has no dirt on Romney and there are no divorce records or criminal records for him to have his cronies unseal. Romney is pretty clean when it comes to those things so the Obama regime must get into Romney’s tax records so it can manufacture a myth about Romney not paying taxes.

Romney has paid more in taxes than most of these people have earned in their lives but this will matter not to the Obama throng.

[note]Does anyone find it hypocritical that the regime that selected tax cheat Tim Geithner to be Treasury Secretary is saying it needs Romney’s tax returns to prove he paid them?[/note]

I have never seen Romney’s tax returns but he has released those for the last two years. We can only imagine that all his others are like these. They have complicated dealings with all kinds of calculations and additions and deductions for more transactions that most of us will ever deal with in our lives. They are very complicated and it would be quite easy to manipulate the numbers to give the impression that Romney did something wrong. This is what the left wants to do.

As an aside, I looked at Barack Obama’s tax returns and they are quite complicated as well. He has income from his book deals and he had money he transferred to his children as gifts. These gifts were then written off his taxes. How would the left feel if people went through those tax forms and said Obama gave those gifts to reduce his tax burden (he is rich so why did he do it)? Keep in mind that anyone could go through Obama’s complicated taxes and make things appear bad just as they could do for Romney.

Romney’s tax returns, like those of Obama and countless other wealthy people, are complicated and those who dig deep enough can find things that could be spun to appear questionable.

But there is absolutely one thing that cannot be found in Romney’s tax returns and that is:

Nowhere in Romney’s tax returns will anyone find the reason that Obama has performed so terribly over the last four years.

That’s right. The reason Obama has done a terrible job is not in Romney’s tax returns.

The only thing that the left will find is another set of distractions to keep people from focusing on how bad Obama has done and how terrible our economy is.


Quit looking at the shiny stuff and pay closer attention to what is going on.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why The Obama Stimulus Is A Failure

A case study:

Despite all the spin the Stimulus did NOT create jobs in numbers of any consequence. The Dems are crowing now about the unemployment rate drop to below 9% but that will likely go up after Christmas when seasonal employees end their run. It is also worthy to note that if the same number of people were looking for jobs today as were in 2007 the unemployment rate would be 11%.

Don’t worry, Debbie Washer Woman Schultz says unemployment is not increasing.

You can make any claim if you manipulate the numbers your way…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Stimulus That Didn’t Stimulate

A new report from Barack Obama’s own Council of Economic Advisors shows that the stimulus failed to stimulate, that each job created or “saved” cost taxpayers $278,000, and that we would have been better off without the stimulus.

What a surprise? The Stimulus was a failure, just as I had said it would be. To spend 278 thousand dollars per job created or allegedly saved is absolutely criminal. To top it off, the trend of adding jobs appears to be going in the wrong direction. The Stimulus failed to stimulate and now it is having a harmful effect on the economy. Interpretation of the report indicates that we would have done better without the Stimulus.

Perhaps this is because the Stimulus was not meant to actually stimulate. The report they wrote says it was and Obama and his toadies said it was but the reality of the situation is that a lot of taxpayer money, money we do not have, was appropriated for the sole purpose of paying off Democrat constituencies. The labor unions, the Obama supporters, the Democrat controlled cities that can’t make it on their own, all took our money as part of a huge payoff and redistribution scheme.

All sides agree on these incriminating numbers — and now they also appear to agree on this important point: The economy would now be generating job growth at a faster rate if the Democrats hadn’t passed the “stimulus.” Weekly Standard

Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the Democrats own the economy and she is absolutely correct. The Democrats took a bad situation (caused mostly by their failed policies) and made it much worse. We have hit rock bottom and are now starting to dig.

This is what happens when we elect a man with NO experience whatsoever. Never had a productive job, never had to make payroll and lived his life off the taxpayer. He got taxpayer money for his education, for his community rabble rousing and for his jobs in politics. Oh sure, he received money through graft and corruption as well as the books he wrote about his life (as if he actually had anything to write about) but he never ran anything meaningful.

He was and remains out of his league and he continues to drive us further toward government control of everything.

He is well on his way with the failed Stimulus and the 5 TRILLION dollars of debt he has accumulated.

It is more meaningful when his own people point it out.

Maybe they want to avoid the pitchforks and torches…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Good Riddance To The Worst Congress

The worst Congress to ever be seated in this country is finally on its way out and I say “good riddance.” I know there are many out there, particularly the liberal/progressive types who need government intervention, who will argue that this was not the worst Congress. This is because their measure of success is how many laws were passed. The more laws passed, the more successful the Congress.

This, of course, is complete nonsense. The 111th Congress gave us a number of 2000 plus page bills that were not read by any member of the Congress. We were told that we would have to pass them to see what was in them or that no one knows how they are going to work, but they are good legislation. To top it off, the legislation passed was opposed by a large majority in this country, a majority that was ignored by the Congress. The members who are supposed to represent us ignored our wishes and passed their agenda.

This is one of the major reasons Democrats lost so many seats in the November election. Their side will tell you that it was insignificant or meant nothing or was not because of any one thing but the reality is, they lost because they did not listen and people did not like what they were doing. They were taken out of power because they were out of control.

And they did not learn from the election either. In a lame duck session they passed legislation that Americans opposed. They passed legislation that should have received more scrutiny and they gave the go ahead on a treaty that weakens America.

They did not learn.

Yes even now they seem to think that the loss was a fluke and that the public does not know what is good for it. But the burning question remains, if these agenda items were so good for America, why did the Democrat leaders have to bribe so many people to pass the legislation? Why did they have to give away billions in taxpayer dollars to get their own party members on board? I know the popular myth contends that Republicans were the party of “No” and they held everything up but this is a LIE told by progressives in an attempt to hide the fact that they have big enough majorities in Congress to pass what they wanted but were unable to do so.

So, once again, if the legislation was so wonderful, why did they need all the bribes and back room deals? If it was so wonderful then why did it NOT pass when Democrats had a big enough majority to pass anything they wanted?

If all this legislation was so wonderful then why did the Congress have to hold midnight votes? Why did they have to stay in session over the holidays to get things done? Harry Reid used the same tactics two years in a row, threaten to keep them through the Christmas holiday so they will vote for anything to get out of DC. It is absolutely piss poor leadership and Reid is not the only piss poor leader. Nancy Pelosi is one as well.

Those who bow down to her will tell you how much she accomplished and how wonderful she is. This is a lie. She could not get things done with a majority and blamed Republicans for her own party’s inabilities. She had to force her people with threats and that is no way to lead. She was such a poor leader that she lost more House Seats than any Speaker in nearly a century.

Remember, if what they did was so wonderful then they would not have had to bribe people to get it passed. If what they did was so great we would know what was in the legislation and they would not have to lie about the contents (if they had any real idea what was in the things to begin with) and if what they were doing was so great they would not have lost a historic number of seats in the midterm elections.

The liberal/progressives must have been absolutely terrible because after only two years they have been replaced with Republicans and the public is not any more thrilled with them at this point. It is bad news and you know you screwed up when you are replaced by the very party that was thrown out in disgust because of its inability to control spending and its loss of principles.

When you are replaced by people who are hated as much as you just to keep you from running amok and having free reign then you know you truly suck.

The 111th Congress is the worst that has ever been seated. It took a nation in debt and bankrupted it and it passed tons of nanny-state laws to gain more control over our lives.

It did this because a certain part of the leadership thinks that it must rule over people too stupid or inept to care for themselves.

But it also had success because there are certain parts of society that either believes that government must run their lives, that they are unable to run their own without government intervention, or that they are entitled to the fruits of another person’s labor (a message that the nanny-state government has driven home for decades).

And as much as the 111th Congress was a failure, the other failures in this society are the people who actually think that this Congress did good things and who feel good about the forced redistribution of wealth.

We can vote out a bad Congress but, unlike Survivor, we cannot vote the failures among us out of the tribe.

Perhaps they can make a New Year’s Resolution to become self sufficient and stop expecting the government to take care of them.

As for the rest of us, we should resolve to cut the funding from the beast in any legal way possible…

A funny aside: Most progressives have no problem with the nanny-state until the nanny state interferes with what they like. This guy is all for government intrusion into our lives but is upset when it intrudes into football. It is an understatement to say this guy has a warped sense of what is important. For what its worth, I don’t think government should be involved in our lives and I don’t think it should interfere with a game that is supposed to be played regardless of weather…

I also think it is funny that the Pennsylvania Governor commented by calling the canceling of the game a joke; “It’s an absolute joke,” Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, a big Eagles fan, told Fox. “I was looking forward to this. It would have been a real experience. This is what football is all about.”

It is funny because if Rendell even went to the game he would sit in a luxury box and not be exposed to the elements. He is right that the cancellation was a joke but what real experience would it be for a guy who would be pampered at the stadium? Ah yes, a true progressive. I am the king and will be treated as such while the peons get “a real experience.”

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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