McConnell Is Only Partly Correct

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (RINO-KY) is not on board with defunding Obamacare and he will help Democrats get it all the money it needs. He had a little chat on the Senate floor with fellow Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. McConnell said that the law would fail.

On that he is correct. The law is already failing and it will fail miserably. It has not hit mandated deadlines and parts of it have had to be delayed because those parts are hurting Obama’s friends, Obama does not want the problems before the next election AND they are not ready for implementation.

But McConnell is wrong in drawing the conclusion that because Obamacare will fail it will go away. He stated:

“I think it’s pretty safe to conclude: The things that can’t work don’t stick, don’t last. Because we are, after all, a representative Democracy, the people can complain and discuss and tell us how they feel.” The Hill

Social Security is not working and it has been around for decades. Medicare, same thing. The war on drugs, not working but we continue to spend billions of dollars on that war (while Obama arms drug cartels).

The war on poverty has cost us over 12 TRILLION dollars and it has been a failure. There are more people in poverty now then when the program started and there are more people on welfare. The war to end poverty has created more of it, has added trillions of dollars to our debt and has added millions of people to the welfare rolls.

With all of these negatives one can safely say that the war on poverty failed.

Yet our government continues to redistribute wealth to support the welfare state that resulted from the lost war on poverty.

Government programs do not go away. They cost more than advertised and then when they fail government says there is a problem that needs more money to solve and then throws more money at the problem IT created.

It is a vicious cycle that resembles being caught in a transporter loop.

McConnell can claim that the law has no chance of working and he is correct but to conclude that it will go away flies in the face of history and reality.

The only way to get rid of it is to do so now before millions of people get snared into it and depend on it.

When that happens we will have another failed welfare program that consumes more and more while producing nothing.

Regardless of what happens McConnell and the rest of the RINOs must be removed from office.

I know that the establishment Republicans are counting on winning the Senate in 2014. What happens if they don’t? I would rather never win the Senate if it will be in control of people like McConnell, McCain and Cornyn.

I won’t be voting in 2014 with the goal of gaining back the Senate. I will be working to have people vote these slugs out of office.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Americans Are Entitled To Answers Mrs. Clinton

Hillary Clinton once said this after being accused of trying to divide America when she waved a newspaper with the words “Bush Knew” displayed:

“We have a responsibility to ask for information, and I think that is not only appropriate but necessary. You know, nobody is more entitled to answers to these questions than the people of New York, and I take that responsibility very seriously.” CNN

Imagine how torqued Clinton would have been had Bush asked; what difference does it make?

Clinton was all about the responsibility she had to ask questions when she could attack the sitting president for political purposes but she is more than a little reluctant to give any information regarding the attacks in Benghazi that left Americans dead.

A recently released report shows that Clinton lied to Congress about certain things that took place and the report shows that the White House was involved in coordinating the response over the issue (and lied about it).

Obama and Clinton were negligent in their duties and the result was dead Americans. We cannot get straight answers and the matter seems to be of little importance to Clinton or Obama.

I have said it before; these people do not care about American lives. They only care about pushing their radical socialist agenda and turning America into a third world nation.

They look at dead Americans in Benghazi as an inconvenience and dead children in Newtown as political pawns to be used to push an anti gun agenda.

They are despicable people who should be in jail.

So Mrs. Clinton, Congress has a responsibility to ask for information and the American people, and most certainly the families of those slain in Benghazi, deserve answers, HONEST ANSWERS, to those questions.

Don’t think we will forget about this when you take your next run for the Oval Office.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Detroit To Big Cheese; Give Us The Cheddar

Councilwoman JoAnn Watson of Detroit said that since the residents of Detroit overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama in the last election he needs to provide a bailout for the city. Detroit could run out of money by the end of the year after decades of Democrat rule and liberal/progressive policies.

Typical of liberalism, the people in charge royally screwed things up and now have their hats in their hands requesting, no demanding, that Obama take money from those of us who do not live in Detroit and pay for their mismanagement. I guess since Obama bailed out the irresponsible auto makers the rest of Detroit thinks they deserve some of the pork as well.

Why is it that all across this nation the cities that are run by Democrats are in ruins? Why is it that they can’t run things and why is it they demand that the rest of us pay for their inability to do their jobs?

I know Detroit has a small tax base as people either don’t have well paying jobs (if at all) or have left but perhaps if those who live there would pay their fair share things would be a little better. You see, Watson has underpaid her property taxes by thousands of dollars for quite some time. She claims she pays her bills and that she paid what they billed her.

There was evidently some damage to her property and she said she thought that reduced her property value. The city lists her property as a vacant lot even though the house she lives in is on it. Does she expect us to believe that she looked at her assessment or property bills and thought they were correct?

Isn’t it more likely that she saw they made an error, knew she could pay it and blame them and likely not have to pay what was actually owed after the fact?

If we accept her claim as true then how is she in any way, shape or form qualified to be a part of the team that runs the city? If she can’t figure out that her bill was wrong and work to get it fixed (the ethical thing to do) then how can she look at bills and expenses for the city and know if they are correct or not?

How many other tax bills are wrong? How many, if correct, would have helped with the financial problems Detroit faces?

Most importantly, why should the rest of us send them money especially when it is obvious that they can’t manage the money they are supposed to collect?

Obama will have a second term and does not need these folks any longer so it is unclear if he will bail them out or not. It would be wrong to send them money which is probably why Obama will try it.

If he does though, I think a case could be made for impropriety. Watson said that the City voted for Obama so he owes them. She said there ought to be a quid pro quo.

If Obama bails them out, no matter the reason, it will look like he did it because they supported him. If Detroit supported Obama with the expectation of something in return and Obama gives them something for that support then it would raise red flags regarding the legality of it.

Of course, Barackey Claus gave out lots of “free” stuff in order to buy votes (ObawmahPhone!) and 51% of the voters thought that was just fine…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Is A Failure

Barack Obama has a high opinion of himself. So high, in fact, that he boasts he can do other people’s jobs better than they can.a He does not need to attend his intelligence briefings because is so smart he can read the summary. I don’t know if he can do anyone else’s job better than they can but I do know he can’t do his own very well.

Obama has been dismal with our economy and we are absolutely not better of today than we were when he took office.

And the economy is not the major failure. As it turns out, a lot of our embassies are under attack. A US Ambassador has been murdered as have at least three other people. The violence has spread to a number of countries as the Muslim world attacks our embassies and burns our flag. They then replace our flag with the flag for al-Qaeda.

Barack Obama said the world would be a happy place when he was elected. He told us the relations between us and Muslim countries would improve. He foolishly believed that he is so wonderful that they would never do bad things.

He even went so far as to meddle in their affairs and help change their governments. This helped the Muslim Brotherhood take charge and things have gotten much worse. The fact that he has members of the Muslim Brotherhood in our White House is not any better.

Muslims are attacking us. This is an act of war because they are attacking US soil. Obama’s response to the violence was to jet off to Vegas for a fundraiser. While the bodies of our murdered countrymen were being flown home (after being dragged though the streets) Barack Obama was out raising money to get reelected in a town he said people could not just go off to and spend money.

The media wing of the Democrat party has given him a pass and focused on his challenger, Mitt Romney. Evidently, when Romney spoke on the attacks and the US official response of apology it upset the MSM that their messiah was under attack. Maybe they were upset because Romney looked more presidential than the guy who is supposed to be the president.

Barack Obama has been an absolute failure and he will go down as the worst president in history, a distinction Jimmy Carter currently holds. Under Carter, one US Embassy was attacked. Under Obama we have dozens being attacked and this is destabilizing the Middle East.

Is this the October surprise coming early. Is this how Obama thinks he can win? Will WWIII start and will Obama tell us we can’t change leaders during that kind of crisis?

I would not put anything past Obama and his regime. They are a bunch of lowlife Socialists who hate America. They are determined to destroy us from within.

My answer is hell yes, we can change leaders during any kind of crisis. This is how our government is set up and how it works. Reagan took over from Carter during the Iranian hostage crisis and solved the problem. LBJ took over after Kennedy was assassinated and the transition was smooth.

What will not be smooth is the balance of our nation’s history if we reelect Barack Obama. He has failed us. He has apologized around the world and has demonstrated weakness allowing the people who hate us to be emboldened.

Say what you will about George W Bush but no one attacked us or our embassies after 9/11 when it became clear he would hurt anyone who tried. The Muslims did not think America would retaliate with such ferocity after 9/11 and Bush proved them wrong. They knew he meant it when he threatened to retaliate for any attack and they did not attack.

Obama runs around kissing people’s behinds and apologizing for this nation. He is not a leader, he is not the smartest person in the room (in fact he is the dumbest in any room he enters) and he cannot lead.

The nation and the world are in crisis and we need to take a page out of Rahm’s book and not let this crisis go to waste. It should be used to demonstrate how weak Obama is and how poor he is leading us.

It needs to be a rally cry to get rid of him in November.

If I were president we would recall ALL our diplomats and close all our embassies and we would not send money to any of those countries for any reason. We would then plan and execute strikes on those responsible and remove them from the gene pool. We would never send money to those nations again.

I am tired of taxpayer dollars going to nations that only want to hurt us and who are willing accomplices in the murder of our people and destruction of our property.

They declared war and I would give them one that those who survived would never forget.

Kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

Obama is a failure. As a game show used to say, you are the weakest link; goodbye.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


All The News Fit To Invent

It is no secret that the Democrat controlled media are biased. They carry the water for the Democrats and their messiah Barack Obama and will do anything to make him look good and to keep him in power. It is in their nature because they have long since abandoned journalism and have become cheerleaders of the left.

When Barack Obama was immaculated Rush Limbaugh declared that he hoped Obama failed and by that he meant that he knew what Obama wanted to do to (not for) America and he hoped Obama failed at it. Rush was right about what Obama wanted to do though whether he was a failure or not (at doing what he wanted TO America) is up for debate.

There is no doubt Obama is a failed leader and will be the worst president in our history. I declared Obama was a failure early on and took a lot of heat from the left. My assessment was based on his efforts to stimulate the economy and the lack of results obtained. He failed, plain and simple.

A reporter from CBS named Danielle Nottingham was at the Republican convention. She began reporting on the failures in Romney’s speech as soon as the speech started. In other words, this alleged journalist was reporting on what the speech failed to convey before she heard what was in it.

I was quick to label Obama a failed president but that was at least based on my observations of something he had done. Nottingham gave her assessment before she even knew what she was reporting on.

This is in the liberal media playbook. They report what they want people to hear regardless of what was said and regardless of if they even heard what was said.

Limbaugh routinely plays different montages of soundbites from the liberal media where they all parrot the same words and those words are Democrat talking points. Whatever the buzz word of the day is they all mention it. Whatever the talking point, they say it. It matters not whether they are accurate because they have a messiah and his corrupt party to protect.

Nottingham is no different. She was there to harm Romney and the Republicans in any way possible.

The Maryland delegation caught her in the act and called her out. She and her crew thought they could intimidate the Maryland Republicans but she must not be aware that Republicans are a minority in Maryland and know how to handle abuse from left wing morons.

I think if Nottingham writes to the journalism school she attended she might be able to get a refund of her tuition.

Then again, they might give her an award for upholding liberal journalistic standards. Party first, truth be damned.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
