Dhimmitude in New York, of All Places

New York City will become the latest entity to acquiesce to the Muslims by illuminating the Empire State Building with green lights in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid. The green lights will begin Friday and mark the first time Eid has been celebrated by such an event in the Big Apple. This will also become an annual event as more of this country submits to the will of the pedophile prophet, Mohammad.

One would think New York would be a bit sensitive about anything Muslims since a bunch of Muslim radicals flew planes into buildings there and killed thousands of innocent civilians. One would think that but obviously such is not the case. I imagine this was something that was decided without much, if any, public input. Considering how many New Yorkers reacted to Ahmadinejad, one has to wonder what the city is thinking. One can only wonder what kind of riot will take place if a bulb burns out or the illumination is deemed inadequate. Muslims are sensitive that way and riot over the smallest things.

Well, at least New York made it an easier target for a night invasion by the radicals.


Big Dog