Dhimmitude in New York, of All Places

New York City will become the latest entity to acquiesce to the Muslims by illuminating the Empire State Building with green lights in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid. The green lights will begin Friday and mark the first time Eid has been celebrated by such an event in the Big Apple. This will also become an annual event as more of this country submits to the will of the pedophile prophet, Mohammad.

One would think New York would be a bit sensitive about anything Muslims since a bunch of Muslim radicals flew planes into buildings there and killed thousands of innocent civilians. One would think that but obviously such is not the case. I imagine this was something that was decided without much, if any, public input. Considering how many New Yorkers reacted to Ahmadinejad, one has to wonder what the city is thinking. One can only wonder what kind of riot will take place if a bulb burns out or the illumination is deemed inadequate. Muslims are sensitive that way and riot over the smallest things.

Well, at least New York made it an easier target for a night invasion by the radicals.


Big Dog

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15 Responses to “Dhimmitude in New York, of All Places”

  1. Ogre says:

    We’re all Muslim now.

  2. Big Dog says:


    Did I get the scream thing correct?

  3. The first and last pargraphs, from this source:

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful.

    The battle of Badr was the most important among the Islamic battles of Destiny. For the first time the followers of the new faith were put into a serious test. Had victory been the lot of the pagan army while the Islamic Forces were still at the beginning of their developments, the faith of Islam could have come to an end.


    This battle laid the foundation of the Islamic State…

    Ramadan celebrates militant Islam, and that’s what NYC is celebrating!

  4. Billy Joe says:

    Run for the hills! They’re putting up Muslim x-mas lights. The end is near!

    Seriously though, who cares? As usual, your (faulty) logic is that because it’s Muslim it must be terroristic. You do that a lot… You have a tendency to highlight crimes committed by Mexicans and then act as though all ‘ILLEGALS’ are equally dangerous.

    Anyway, if you can get over your childish assumption that Muslim = terrorist, then it’s just another holiday celebration of a non-Christian religion. And there are a lot of non-Christian religions in NY: Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism (?), etc., etc., etc.

    If you can’t get over your childish assumption, no problem. I’ll look forward to your equally alarmist pants-wetting when Christmas lights start going up around the nation because White Christian Nationalists/Klansmen have committed terrorist acts, as well.

    I have an idea. If you could muster the courage, you could go visit a mosque and, you know, edumacate yourself sometime. It’s just a suggestion, but arguably it’s better than assuming the thumb-sucking fetal position and whining.

    One last point… NY, a city with many well lit, huge office buildings has just been made an easier target by the addition of Muslim x-mas lights? That makes no logical sense whatsoever. They don’t turn out the lights at night, anyway, so it’s already a target whether or not the x-mas lights are on. Are you suggesting nationwide blackouts because 9/11 ‘changed everything’? I didn’t think so.

  5. Big Dog says:

    Yes, NY is lit up but none of the buildings are green. That would set it apart.

    The holiday of Eid is one that celebrates Radical Islam (as AOW points out). Christmas celebrates the birth of a peaceful man. Maybe next they can put up all red lights to celebrate Communist China’s massacre of millions.

    I do not lie in the fetal position and I do not have a belief that all Muslims are bad. The fact is, this is just another appeasement of the Muslims.

    I do not wet my pants, you must have me mistaken for a liberal. I will be around when they are forcing you to submit. I’ll be the one leading the counter attack.

    As for mustering courage. Who are you to question my courage. I did not see you at the Wall as you failed (as did the other loud mouth) to show up.

    I hate the Klan and they represent a very small fraction of a group and are confined to this country. Tell me, when was the last time they were out rioting because someone drew a cartoon depicting them as evil (and there have been a lot of cartoons)? How many of them strap bombs to themselves and kill a crowd of children.

    All religions have had people who have done horrible things. Islam is the one that receives terrorist support from Muslim countries around the world and they are the religion that has vowed to bring down the west. You assume it cannot happen because they do not have the military to do it. They can do it from within. You will see, if you live long enough.

    I prefer to ensure my grandchildren grow up in a better world.

  6. Big Dog says:

    And BT, have you never heard of sarcasm? The light comment, while legitimate, was sarcastic.

  7. Billy Joe says:

    Oh, I see. You didn’t point out your sarcasm though in your previous reply to my comment (above) when you astutely pointed out that the NY skyline is not green at night. You let stand your assertion that the green x-mas lights made NYC a particularly vulnerable target. But then you informed me you were being ‘sarcastic’. That’s the problem with right wing ranting – they act like they’re serious and then when their illogic is pointed out they always say they were being ‘sarcastic’ or they were using ‘hyperbole’. i have an idea… why don’t you just say what you mean and be a bit less mealy mouthed in the future?

    So you don’t think all Muslims (who you assert worship a pedophile) are evil, but putting up x-mas lights is appeasement? Appeasement of who – non-violent Muslims? My understanding is that Eid is a celebration marking the end of Ramadan, a holiday that is widely practiced. Why would putting up x-mas lights be ‘appeasement’ if it’s a widespread holiday and most Muslims aren’t bad, as you said in your comment above?

    I’m glad to know that you’ll be leading the counter attack when the Muslims invade. Lucky for you, it won’t happen in our lifetime so you’ll never have to carry out your ominous, empty threat. Your courage is an inspiring example though, for someone, somewhere. Probably someone hiding under his bed and in need of reassurance that someone will lead a counter attack against a threat that will not actually happen. In other words, a scared crazy person.

    The Klan doesn’t riot over cartoons, but you may recall that when the Jena 6 demonstrations were taking place recently they were threatening enough that the FBI felt compelled to investigate calls for lynching that were made online. In case you forgot, here’s an article about the lynch threats:


    Hey, I just remembered something funny. didn’t you call for the lynching of Sharpton in one of your posts about the Jena 6? I can’t find the post now… maybe you were once again not explicitly calling for the lynching of Sharpton, but instead saying you hoped someone else would do it. Another very courageous statement, to be sure. Who knew you had so much in common with white supremacists? What a coincidence, eh? Or was your statement in support of lynching Sharpton also sarcasm?

  8. Schatz says:

    The point here that SOMEONE is obviously missing is that for years now the governments (federal, state, local – whatever) have worked hard and long to remove all Christian religious icons and/or indications from anything and everything (from changing the name of Christmas to removing the ten commandments and other such non-sense – ya’ll know what I am talking about). However, this same country is bending over backwards to appease a violent and dangerous religion. This may not seem like a “big deal” to some but it is just one more step in the movement towards validating this group of people who want to take over and change our way of life.

    Whether people like it or not, this country was founded and its rules of law were based (generally) on Judeo-Christian beliefs. However, the liberals in this country are always going on about the mythical “separation between church and state.” If I am not mistaken, from what I have read Muslims have and support a theocracy — which is the absolute opposite of separation.

    Because Muslims were responsible for 9-11 and the country is trying so hard to make up for any discrimination these people might have suffered in that regard (boo hoo), we are giving this particular religion too much respect, a respect that Christians have not had for a very long time.

  9. Billy Joe says:

    You’re a little off of your game today, aren’t you? The Empire State Building is not a government building. Have a look at NY (or any other American city) this winter. You’ll see Christmas lights everywhere. Maybe even on the Empire State building. Strike One!

    You said:

    “If I am not mistaken, from what I have read Muslims have and support a theocracy — which is the absolute opposite of separation. ”

    True, except for Turkey & Malaysia & I think Indonesia and maybe some others. But you’re criticizing liberals for it because you think they’re wrong to want separation, correct? You’re saying that the separation is bogus because, according to you, America was founded based on ‘Judeo-Christian’ beliefs! Thererfore, you have established your desire for a government run by a Christian Taliban where there is no separation and religion permeates government, affects government policies, etc.. Strike Two!

    We’re giving Muslims respect, in this case, thru the use of x-mas lights on a single building during a Muslim holiday. You say ‘we are giving this particular religion too much respect, a respect that Christians have not had for a very long time.’

    Big Dog, get out of the house! New York city will be plastered with CHRISTmas lights this winter, I guarantee it. Your community probably will be too. Strike Three! You’re out!

    I defy you to find any other non-Mosque, non-Islamic Country Embassy/consulate (besides the Empire State Building) that will feature Muslim x-mas lights during this holiday. Somehow I suspect that even if you find one, it’ll represent far less than 1% of buildings in America, even excluding government buildings.

    Oh hell, Strike Four!

    If this is ‘evidence’ of an ongoing Muslim invasion of America, you’ll be needing better, more conclusive evidence that actually stands up to common sense.

    Your post is a complete overreaction to something incredibly minor. If you were a character in an old WWII comedy, you’d be a nervous guy that no one wants to fight with because you’ll panic and get everyone killed. That actually goes for almost the entire right wing blogosphere.

  10. Billy Joe says:

    Ooops. My mistake. The moronic argument against my comments above was not Big Dog, it was Schatz. No wonder I thought BD was off his game. Sorry – I have a small PC monitor and it has poor resolution so I can never see much more than 1 comment at any given time.

  11. Big Dog says:

    I did not point to sarcasm in the first post because I sent it before realizing I had not written it. I could have edited the comment, if I were dishonest or trying to hide something. The sarcastic part is, I do not think they could hijack another aircraft in this country. The people on board would not sit passively by like on 9/11. All of them would beat the hijackers to death.

    It is true, that will probably be the only green building, it is true that we are appeasing a small fraction of this country because we are afraid they will sue or CAIR will call us racists (Muslim not a race).

    Our Constitution does not call for Separation of Church and state. That is made up based on a personal letter. Religion plays a big part in our daily lives.

    Mohammad was a pedophile. He married and had sex with a 9 year old. They are not Christmas lights, they celebrate Eid, a celebration of the aggression that led to Islam becoming a violent religion that spreads by the sword.

    You do not see the threat because you are too blind to see the threat.

    What I said about Sharpton was that if he is going to go someplace and incite a riot, I hope that he is the one who gets killed, not some inncoent bystander as in the other cases.

  12. Big Dog says:

    BTW, I doubt Mosques will have lights. I do not think their religion allows it.

    And…Schatz never said anything about the ESB being a government building.

  13. Billy Joe says:

    It is true, that will probably be the only green building, it is true that we are appeasing a small fraction of this country because we are afraid they will sue or CAIR will call us racists (Muslim not a race.)

    Really? How could CAIR, the most fearsome lobbying group in America (if I’m to believe your lunatic rants), get the ESB to put up Muslim Christmas lights? It’s a private building – as far as I know, they can put up (or not put up) whatever they want. It doesn’t appear anyone was forced to do anything.

    Our Constitution does not call for Separation of Church and state. That is made up based on a personal letter.

    Evidence, please! Is there an authoritative scholar that I should read to find out whether this is true or more baseless assertions by people eager to have a Christian Taliban running our country?

    They are not Christmas lights, they celebrate Eid, a celebration of the aggression that led to Islam becoming a violent religion that spreads by the sword.

    Again, can you provide some sort of authoritative evidence to back up this assertion? I checked my copy of Microsoft Encarta (is that liberal?) and there was not a single mention of it being a ‘celebration of the agression that led to Islam becoming a violent religion that spreads by the sword’. Where do you get this information?

    What I said about Sharpton was that if he is going to go someplace and incite a riot, I hope that he is the one who gets killed, not some inncoent bystander as in the other cases.

    Again, do you have any authoritative evidence about Sharpton’s responsibility for the death of 8 people? Aside from that, it’s a minor difference between calling for lynching and expressing a preference that someone you call a ‘race hustler’ (or was it race pimp – or both?) gets lynched. It still sounds like something a white supremacists would say, don’t you think?

  14. Big Dog says:

    CAIR has sued plenty of private organizations and have tried to include private citizens. One reason our government passed laws preventing citizens from being sued for reporting suspicious behavior. School systems are being sued and Christian and Jewish holidays are no longer being recognized.

    NO WHERE in the Constitution does it say anything about Separation of Church and State. Read the First Amendment and show me those words. What it does say is that Congress shall make no law establishing religion nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The words separation of church and state were taken from a letter Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptists. Those words, though not in the Constitution, have been used as a replacement for the First Amendment. Here is a nice historical accounting. You can search and find many references. Of course, as with anything, you can find groups who will tell you that this is what it meant or what it says. That is nonsense, this is how it has been defined in the last 50 years or so.

    I believe AOW gave a nice accounting of what Eid is with reference. Read about it.

    I provided you a link to the Boston Globe article in some other demand of yours. Read it. Sharpton incited the chants and the riots and some of the illiterates he was leading killed people. It only sounds like a white supremacist would say this to you because you are trying to assert things not in evidence. I said that if someone is going to get killed because he incites a riot, I hope it is him. Just as when I say that when a judge lets a child molester out if the molester attacks a kid again (not that I want him to BUT IF he does) I want it to be the judges kid. Why should the rest of us pay for the judges refusal to do his job. That does not mean I want to see ANY kid get molested but IF it is going to happen I want it to affect those responsible. IF there is going to be a riot AND someone is going to be hurt, let it be the person who incited the riot.

    BTW, the kid is back in jail. He violated probation.