What To Do About Bad Job Numbers

Barack Obama is getting beat up over the unemployment rate because it is higher than he said it would be unless the Stimulus was passed. It got passed and the numbers are not good at all. The Stimulus did not work and the insanity of the Democrats is shown in a new stimulus only they are calling it a jobs bill. Stimulus is a poison word because it is associated with failure.

So they will just do more of the same and call it a jobs bill. A turd by any other name is still a turd.

In order to get the agenda moving the administration needs to find a way to get rid of the bad news. What better way to do that then to eliminate the part of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics that reports the dismal numbers?

The Obama administration has apparently come up with a creative way to deal with the increasingly bleak news regarding the economic position of the United States in the world. It proposes to eliminate the office in the Bureau of Labor Statistics that collects and publishes the comparative data on employment, unemployment, manufacturing productivity and labor costs, among other things. You can find it right there on page 11 among the various programs that it has marked for termination. DC Dave

Well that should do the trick. Eliminate the office that publishes the bad news and there is no need to worry about having it reported or researched. The minions will not be able to get on their computers and look up the data and will instead have to rely on the numbers the government gives them.

How convenient.

Unlike the global warming scientists, Obama found a way to hide the decline.

How is that for the most transparent government in history?

Big Dog


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