Round Up Star Date 2021.266

1. I have my doubts because nothing made in China lasts this long BUT a defector to the US claims that China deliberately released the China Virus in October 2019 during the Military World Games. Wei Jingsheng claims the Chinese released the virus and then waited for two months to inform the world of an outbreak even as bodies began piling up. I do not know if this is true or not but nothing would surprise me when discussing the Chinese. The Communists there have no regard for human life and they do not care how many people have to die for them to keep power. Kind of sounds like the American Democrat Party! If the Chinese actually decided to release a bio weapon this was a smart way to do it. You have military people from all around in one place and when they leave they will take the virus all over the world. Do you really think the Chinese Communists care what happens to people around the world? If they could wipe out enough population they could expand the empire. They are evil people. Trump knew how to play tough with them. Biden is in their pockets because they have dirt on him and his family. The Chinese like it this way better which is why they helped steal the election.

2. Looks like Biden is sending some of the invaders of our nation to Gitmo. I would like to believe they are being put in jail for illegally crossing our border but since Biden and his Communists on the left encourage them to come and embrace them when they get here it is unlikely they are being put in jail. Our government will spend untold amounts of money, as it works to INCREASE the debt limit, to fly these folks to Cuba, house them for a while and then move them out and put some more in. The goal is to filter these invaders all across the country and then have them vote Democrat to keep the evil people in power for as long as humanely possible. There is never a law that they will not break and there is never anything you own they will not tax or take from you. Democrat Communists are PURE EVIL and if I had my way they would be the ones going to Gitmo.

3. There is a big push to mandate people get the Covid vaccine and this push continues on regardless of any information indicating that the vaccines cause harm. The government and the alleged scientists are deliberately ignoring the evidence of harm and pushing you to get the jab. The government blocked the use of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, drugs shown to effectively treat (or prevent) Covid. The government or professional agencies (no doubt under pressure from government) punishes any person in a licensed profession that prescribes these drugs or reports the damage being done by the vaccines. Social media puts erroneous and misleading tags on posts telling you that certain drugs are not approved or that the vaccines are safe. These things are not true but are designed to push the government narrative and to help condition YOU to do what the government wants you to do. This report about a huge increase in myocarditis among the vaccinated will be ignored by the people trying to do you harm. Ask why that is? If things were that bad would they need to force you to get vaccinated? The reality is the government sent tens of thousands to their deaths by denying the use of proven medications. This is all pure evil and one day there will be a reckoning. The people responsible will not fare too well. Remember what the French did when they had enough…

4. Boris Johnson, meet the bus. The White House threw British PM Boris Johnson under the bus while making excuses why the demented Biden did not take questions. Mr. Johnson took three questions and then when people asked Biden something he mumbled words no one could understand and then his staff shouted down reporters and he left the place. Circleback Psaki is saying Johnson took the questions but never told the WH he was going to do so so they were caught unaware. All I know is Donald John Trump took questions and he did not need people covering for him to hide anything. The press corps is crying about Biden not taking questions. They helped put him there so screw them.

5. A nursing home in Hawaii has a nearly 100% vaccinated rate among staff and a nearly 90% rate among residents. The staff goes above and beyond what is required with regard to precautions and the place has been recognized for these efforts to keep Covid out. And despite all this there was an outbreak of Covid among the residents and staff. MOST of the people affected were vaccinated and the carrier, the one they believe infected all others was a new resident who was also vaccinated. So much for the pandemic of the unvaccinated. STFU Joe Biden.

6. In the who didn’t see this coming file, two Afghan refugees have been charged with serious crimes they committed while being housed at Fort McCoy. One is charged with assaulting his spouse and choking her. The other is charged with attempting to have forced sexual contact with a minor. This is happening for a few reasons. First, these people come from a culture vastly different than ours. They treat women and children like property. Girls are for baby making and little boys are for sex. That is how these people operate and they should have been moved to other nations. Of course, this suggests that they belong out of Afghanistan in the first place. We were supposed to bring out the ones who helped us and those who were in danger for supporting us. Of course that would not have been necessary if Biden did not give the place back to the terrorists but I digress. We had over one hundred thousand Afghanis airlifted to the US. Only a few thousand fit the categories of people we were supposed to protect. Most of these are 7th century adherents to the religion of child molestation and are here causing trouble. They think they can do as they wish and they are most likely the advance forces of an invasion designed to have Muslims take over the world. They will eventually do it without firing a shot unless we start shooting. As for these two, put them on trial and if convicted send them back to Afghanistan and tell the Taliban they helped us a lot. If you live on a base where these animals are being kept, be on the alert. If they come after you or your family END THEM.

7. There is a push to make women sign up for the draft. In general I am not opposed to the idea. Let me explain. I personally do not think women should be in combat arms and study after study shows they are not equipped to be warfighters. Our government, in its diversity quest, has decided that the combat arms should be opened to women and they should be able to compete for any military job a man can. This will lead to quotas and a weaker military. I figure if they can now be anything they want in the military then they should have to sign up to be drafted like the men do. You cannot say you support equality and oppose this. But, there is a problem here. They want to change the draft process so that people must sign up and then they can be drafted for whatever is needed not just to replace combat losses. This will lead to all kinds of abuse by the government and I oppose that part of it. Make the women sign up like the men do but do not change the purpose of the draft.

8. Finally, Projext Veritas has been doing great undercover investigations and has had some great whistleblowers come forward. In the first video of a new series released yesterday they had video of people at the HHS discussing how horrible the vaccine is and how it is harming people. The newest video has some person go all Nazis and suggest blow darting the vaccine into black people because they will not get it voluntarily (who can blame them after what the government did to them in the past). This person thinks people should be forced vaccinated and have a registry of the unvaccinated. The person also states that wealthy white people are getting the vaccine because they are intelligent while blacks are not getting it. That suggests that blacks are not smart. This is someone who reflects your leftists in America. Watch the video here.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Late Round Up Star Date 2021.256

1. The NORKs did not play this game with Trump. When Donald John Trump was the president Lil’ Kim in North Korea did some saber rattling but he was basically more hot air than anything and that is because he knows Trump would drop a missile on his ample derrière. With Joe Biden’s weakness all bets are off. Lil’ Kim tested a Long Range Cruise Missile. The missile has a range of 930 miles. Trump told Kim I have bigger missiles and they work. Kim knew Trump was not bluffing. With the paper tiger Biden the world is laughing and out enemies are foaming at the mouth in anticipation of trying us.

2. Tony Fauci is auditioning for dictator in case Biden goes toes up. Fauci has been talking about mandates and now he wants a vaccine mandated for anyone to travel by air. That is all the airlines need, more people who say screw it and refuse to fly. Not to worry, your tax dollars will bail them out. Fauci also wants your children to be mandated to be vaccinated. There are no approved vaccines available for use. Everything available is Emergency Use Authorization only. The hastily approved vaccine is not in production and probably will not be for some time. The FDA said the vaccine is safe for kids 16 and older BUT how do they know? What long term issues can our children expect to see? Will they develop heart problems or immune disorders? Will they develop blood clots? If any parent is forced to have his child vaccinated and something bad happens and the parent let’s say, holds the people who mandated it accountable, I would never vote to convict them on trial.

3. Evidently the GOP has an audio recording of Secretary of State Blinken talking about some people in the Biden Regime and allegedly, the things he says are not flattering. I remember when Trump took office and there were leaks about what people were saying and some people resigned when they were not there very long. The media called it an Administration in turmoil and one of chaos. This audio leak coupled with the people resigning rather than put up with a dementia patient are not a good look for the Biden Regime. You add all that to the turmoil of the blundered withdraw from Afghanistan and the media’s sudden ability to criticize Biden and we have the makings of something far more tumultuous than the Trump White House. This is what happens when a demented bumbling moron is in charge.

4. Follow the science unless it is inconvenient. People like Biden and Fauci say to follow the science yet they only follow what they like. We do not need to rehash the times Fauci ignored science for politics. The Biden regime is pushing for booster shots of the Covid jab. The WHO is opposed because they think it is not fair for rich nations to be doing boosters when poor nations are not getting vaccines. I know we gave a boatload of vaccines to other places. In reality, if we want to give boosters we are not obligated to consider any other nation’s vax status. But, we should try to follow science. Two people resigning from the CDC (more dissent?) wrote an item indicating that boosters are not warranted right now. Marion Gruber and Phil Krause have stated that there could be a number of side effects if we push boosters too early and that could cause reactions like myocarditis or Guillain-Barre syndrome and it might make people more hesitant to get not only this vaccine but vaccines in general. Instead of worrying about introducing boosters too soon they should have worried about introducing the vaccine too soon.

5. If you do not want to get the mandated vaccine a possible course for you to take is to claim you are in the country illegally. The Biden Regime is NOT requiring illegals pouring through our border to get vaccinated as a condition of being here. Seems to me we could be giving these folks lots of shots to keep people from catching and spreading Covid. Of course, that would be the sane thing to do if we had a sane leader and if Covid were really the main issue. It is obvious that the government is not actually concerned about the spread of the virus like they pretend to be. If they were these illegals would be held at the border and vaccinated before they were sent all over the nation. Of course in the real world we would be keeping them at the border and not letting them into the country but Biden is an idiot so he and his left wing cabal are just letting them in, virus be damned. If you do not want a vaccine say you are an illegal. If you want the government to leave you alone, well then the only way to have that happen is to be in Afghanistan.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Late Round Up Star Date 2021.251

Note: Joe Biden is a sorry excuse for a human being and he should rot in hell for all of eternity. He is a petty tyrant and is an oxygen thief and when he goes to meet his maker I am going to throw a party. An new order is coming out that mandates all federal workers get the Covid vaccine or submit to testing once or twice a week. The testing is only for people who are not vaccinated even though the CDC has stated that vaccinated people can get Covid, carry a heavy viral load and can transmit disease to others. If workplace safety is the goal then everyone would be required to get tested. But the reality is the tyrant in the White House is trying to make life so miserable for people they will capitulate and get the vaccine. The drug makers and the federal government are blameless if the vaccines cause harm. Now I know many of my well intentioned friends will say the vaccine is safe and effective. I want them to tell me how the vaccine will affect people 5 or 10 years down the road. They can’t so saying it is safe and effective is disingenuous. Vaccines usually go through years of testing to make sure they are safe and even then some of them turn out problematic. The current crop of vaccines use a method that has NEVER been used before in making vaccines. We are supposed to just take their word for it. I have a better idea. Make a vaccine the old fashioned way where your cells are not programmed to make things that are not inherent in the human design. Humans do NOT have spike proteins and do not grow them, period.

Now on with the round up!

1. The CDC, the place where we are told they follow the science and do things that are ONLY for our health and well being. The place full of experts has changed the definition of vaccine. They did this because the Covid shots are not providing immunity. If they do anything they just make the symptoms of the disease less severe. That is, if they do not make you sick or kill you. Here is your science following agency’s latest cover up of the “vaccine” failure (edited to correct spelling errors in original):

“Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Prior to September 1st, the original definition of “vaccination” on the CDC’s website.

“Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”

As of September 1st, the new definition of “vaccination” on the CDC’s website.

You see what they did there? The vaccines they assured us were >90% effective turned out to be less than that and also failed at getting your body to develop immunity. All they do, if they do not harm you, is provide some protection. Well, Ivermectin will provide more protection than any of these so called vaccines and it will not harm me. I should get a script for it and tell anyone who asks that I am, in accordance with the CDC definition, vaccinated because my medicine provided me protection. For those who are in doubt, Ivermectin works and the government with its media wing lied about it. Tens of thousands of people died because of this. Most of you do not understand that and would get inside the cattle car if they told you it was taking you to a Covid protection center.

2. A Democrat from Wisconsin who is running for the US Senate has been charged with stealing $21,000 from her campaign fund and then lying about it when questioned.

Milwaukee Democrat City Councilwoman Chantia Lewis — who is running for the Wisconsin U.S. Senate seat currently held by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson — is facing a hefty fine and possible jail time if found guilty. ~ Source

Her people say this was an accounting error. She put the money in her personal account and spent it on personal things but that is an accounting error. Sounds more like an accountable error as in she should be held accountable for the theft. Democrats always seem to have accounting errors. Perhaps we need to start auditing them to make sure they are not making any more of these errors. The reality is she committed a crime and I hope she gets jail time.

Graph3. Back to the vaccine. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses the reasons not to get the vaccine and why we should be using Ivermectin to treat people instead of trying to vaccinate people with a medication that is just not effective. He cites the case of Gibralter:

Gibraltar has had a 99% vaccination rate since June 1. The consequence has been a 2,500 percent daily increase in Covid cases. As the vaccine is useless, why the push for mandatory vaccination and Covid passports? It makes no public health sense.

Some other great points:

The massive outbreak of new Covid cases in the most vaccinated countries–Israel 84%, Iceland 95%, Gibraltar 99%–has made it completely clear that the mRNA vaccine does not protect against Covid infection. Fauci, a life-long shill for Big Pharma, is delighted. His solution to the failure of the “vaccine” (it is not a vaccine) is more vaccine. Booster shots are needed, he says, every 5 to 8 months to keep Covid at bay. In other words profits forever for Big Pharma.

But the failure of the mRNA vaccine is far more serious than the failure to protect. The vaccine itself (1) causes illnesses and deaths identical to Covid illnesses and deaths as the massive number of deaths and health injuries in the adverse vaccine reaction databases indicate, (2) the “vaccine” creates variants capable of escaping immune response, and (3) the vaccinated are contagious and dangerous to the unvaccinated.

In other words, the so-called breakthrough cases that are now overwhelming the most vaccinated countries are caused by vaccination. To continue jabbing people risks such death and injury and counterproductive totalitarian policies as to lead to societal collapse. ~ Source

I recommend you click through and read the article. It is eye opening (for those who are not sheep).

4. People around the world are protesting the vaccine mandates. Governments in many nations are imposing tyrannical edicts on the population and the people are fighting back. They locked everyone down for more than a year and imposed things that they had no right (at least not in our allegedly free nation) to impose and now they are working harder to take away more freedom for a virus that is killing far fewer people than it did a year ago (and if we were to count actual Covid deaths the number would be far below what they are reporting). A recent poll showed that 72% of Americans would quit their jobs if the vaccine were mandated for them. There is a caveat. The numbers of who would get them and who would request an exemption are lower but when asked if there were no exemptions what would you do (and many businesses will not grant exemptions) the number jumps to 72%. If employers think they are having trouble getting workers now just wait until they start mandating vaccines. I am already upset that health care workers are being mandated to get the vaccine or they will lose their jobs. Many do not want it and they worked through the toughest part of Covid without one and they survived. Now they are going to get fired if they do not submit to a vaccine that does not work and causes more harm than good.

5. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, the archbishop of Pelosi’s home diocese in San Francisco wrote an op-ed where he said that you can’t be a Catholic in good standing and support abortion. His article goes after politicians like Pelosi and Biden who claim to be devout Catholics and yet push for abortion on demand. There is even a hint that Pelosi might be excommunicated. Well big freaking deal. Pelosi is 81 years old and she has been a supporter of abortion her entire political career. She has allegedly been a devout Catholic her entire life yet she has been attending Catholic Church and receiving Communion while supporting the murder of unborn children. The Catholic Church is full of hypocrites. They love liberal politicians and they love liberal causes and they are willing to look the other way when liberals are breaking the Catholic rules or beliefs in order to keep the liberal causes flowing. I remember when Obamacare was being debated and the Catholic Church was assured that it would not be forced to support abortion. The Church supported Obamacare as a wonderful social justice thing. Then Obama made Catholics pay for abortions and perform them in their medical centers. The Catholics sued and won BUT they were deceived nonetheless. A Cardinal from Baltimore whose name escapes me wrote an op-ed striking out at Obama for the change. I wrote him a letter indicating that he was a hypocrite. I told him that he was perfectly OK with everyone else being forced to participate in Obamacare as long as he and his Church did not have to be forced to do what it did not want to do. I told him that his actions and ideas are why I am no longer Catholic. I did not leave the Catholic Church, it left me. So Pelosi is 81 and by the time she is excommunicated she will be on her death bed and the Archbishop can say he upheld the position of the Church. The Church is a joke.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Will You Take A Chance With Your Unborn Child?

The CDC reports that new data suggest Covid-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women. Let us explore.

The China Virus has caused the disruption of many lives mostly because government has used it as a weapon to impose tyranny. Lockdowns, mask mandates, gathering restrictions (except for liberal events like Obama birthday parties or BLM/Antifa riots) and soon to come vaccine mandates.

These are all troubling to this patriot but the vaccine mandate is the one that currently bothers me the most. I am not particularly worried about businesses that mandate the vaccine to enter their premises. I can have people shop for me and pick it up outside or have it delivered. Hell, if it gets bad enough we can all riot to get what we want. State and Federal politicians have shown us that this is perfectly OK…

It bothers me that these businesses are being used as enforcement arms of the government. They think nothing of taking the government’s ball and running with it in order to advance an agenda.

It also bothers me that anyone who opposes getting the WuFlu jab is labeled as “anti-vax”. I am not against vaccines and I suspect that millions of people who are hesitant are not as well. To be clear, there are plenty of people who oppose vaccines completely and they are the ones who have gotten none and who do not allow their children to be vaccinated. Those who oppose a particular vaccine are not anti-vax, they are anti THIS vax. And why is that?

Well, for many it is because it is not approved by the FDA. Once the FDA rushes approval through to meet a political agenda (and that is what is happening) many folks will get it. For others it has to do with the particular method used to make the vaccine. These medications instruct your messenger RNA to produce virus spike proteins on YOUR cells. The body is supposed to recognize this protein as foreign and build immunity. Initially the drug makers claimed >90% effectiveness but that rate has reduced since millions of test subjects, I mean every day people, have been injected.

The effectiveness and success appear to be in question with reports of the vaccinated being reinfected and possibly generating the variants. One major concern is there are no long term studies.

This technology has NEVER been used to make a vaccine so there is no way of knowing what the long term effects are. Normally, vaccine techniques would need to be studied for a long period of time to ensure they do not cause problems. In the case of these, the Emergency Use Authorization was granted not long after they were briefly studied and it has been given as an experiment to millions of people. We might not know of any problems until years down the road and by then it will be too late. With regard to the alleged “safe for use” in pregnant women, how many will give birth to children with defects, either readily apparent or latent? Imagine the uproar if in six or seven years children develop serious health issues or die because of the long term effects of these drugs. Are you willing to take that chance with your unborn child?

Oh the government would never deliberately put the people at harm.

Really? The CDC was the government agency that conducted the Tuskegee Experiment. Francis Kelsey at the FDA prevented Thalidomide from being approved because of concerns over a lack of testing otherwise it would have been used and caused harm. That drug caused birth defects around the world including in the US where the drug was distributed for testing purposes and 17 children had malformations. Why are they not being as cautious with regard to pregnant women as they were in the middle of the last century?

The FDA was vigilant with regard to Thalidomide but let us not forget that agency has approved many drugs that turned out to be harmful. The drugs, Bextra, Cylert, Duract, Erganismol, Vioxx, Accutane, Merida, Seldane, Rezulin, and Raptiva have all been recalled by the FDA within the last 30 years. This is not an exhaustive list.

Incidentally, the FDA has approved Thalidomide for other uses even though it has harmful side effects.

I think that vaccine mandates are foolish particularly with regard to vaccines that use new technology and have not been studied over time to determine long term effects. I oppose business and government mandates to take these drugs whether they are under EUA or are fully approved. There are other drugs in development that use more tried and tested methods of inducing an immune response. Novavax is preparing to request approval for its Covid Vaccine that is manufactured using the same methods that are used to make the Flu vaccine each year. That method has been around for some time and does not induce your cells to produce things that are not part of the human design (humans do not have spike proteins).

Instead of injecting pregnant women with new technology drugs, why not wait and allow them to choose something made in a fashion they might be more familiar with and that has a track record of being safe for the unborn?

In fact, I believe a lot of folks who have vaccine hesitancy because of the methods used in the new drugs might be more willing to accept the drugs made in a fashion that has a longer track record of success.

I think all people should decide for themselves if they want the vaccine or not. If people do their own risk assessment and decide on one of these new drugs, then fine. I do not think that people should be forced.

I also think the government should make sure to keep millions of doses of Novavax (reports are it might all be shipped overseas because we have plenty of vaccine here) so that people can have a choice if they decide to receive the vaccine.

No matter what, I think pregnant women should carefully consider the potential disaster should the long term effects harm children. Pharmaceutical companies are immune from lawsuit and the government will not compensate you for the pain and suffering. You will be, quite literally, on your own for taking a vaccine that will more than likely be mandated upon full approval.

One last thing. The Defense Department has reported the vaccine will be mandatory for all members of the service. We do no know the long term effects. How bad would it be if tens of thousands of our young warriors developed heart problems,. a known issue with these vaccines, and could not protect our nation. Are the liberals pushing this willing to have their children drafted to serve in the place of those warriors?

Do what you think is right for you and let others do what they think is right for them and we can all get along. But keep in mind when people tell you to take the shot and that it is safe and effective they are only parroting a political position, not a scientific one. They cannot possibly know the long term effects (and the short term ones seem to be raising some concerns).

I recommend you pray on it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
