Will You Take A Chance With Your Unborn Child?

The CDC reports that new data suggest Covid-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women. Let us explore.

The China Virus has caused the disruption of many lives mostly because government has used it as a weapon to impose tyranny. Lockdowns, mask mandates, gathering restrictions (except for liberal events like Obama birthday parties or BLM/Antifa riots) and soon to come vaccine mandates.

These are all troubling to this patriot but the vaccine mandate is the one that currently bothers me the most. I am not particularly worried about businesses that mandate the vaccine to enter their premises. I can have people shop for me and pick it up outside or have it delivered. Hell, if it gets bad enough we can all riot to get what we want. State and Federal politicians have shown us that this is perfectly OK…

It bothers me that these businesses are being used as enforcement arms of the government. They think nothing of taking the government’s ball and running with it in order to advance an agenda.

It also bothers me that anyone who opposes getting the WuFlu jab is labeled as “anti-vax”. I am not against vaccines and I suspect that millions of people who are hesitant are not as well. To be clear, there are plenty of people who oppose vaccines completely and they are the ones who have gotten none and who do not allow their children to be vaccinated. Those who oppose a particular vaccine are not anti-vax, they are anti THIS vax. And why is that?

Well, for many it is because it is not approved by the FDA. Once the FDA rushes approval through to meet a political agenda (and that is what is happening) many folks will get it. For others it has to do with the particular method used to make the vaccine. These medications instruct your messenger RNA to produce virus spike proteins on YOUR cells. The body is supposed to recognize this protein as foreign and build immunity. Initially the drug makers claimed >90% effectiveness but that rate has reduced since millions of test subjects, I mean every day people, have been injected.

The effectiveness and success appear to be in question with reports of the vaccinated being reinfected and possibly generating the variants. One major concern is there are no long term studies.

This technology has NEVER been used to make a vaccine so there is no way of knowing what the long term effects are. Normally, vaccine techniques would need to be studied for a long period of time to ensure they do not cause problems. In the case of these, the Emergency Use Authorization was granted not long after they were briefly studied and it has been given as an experiment to millions of people. We might not know of any problems until years down the road and by then it will be too late. With regard to the alleged “safe for use” in pregnant women, how many will give birth to children with defects, either readily apparent or latent? Imagine the uproar if in six or seven years children develop serious health issues or die because of the long term effects of these drugs. Are you willing to take that chance with your unborn child?

Oh the government would never deliberately put the people at harm.

Really? The CDC was the government agency that conducted the Tuskegee Experiment. Francis Kelsey at the FDA prevented Thalidomide from being approved because of concerns over a lack of testing otherwise it would have been used and caused harm. That drug caused birth defects around the world including in the US where the drug was distributed for testing purposes and 17 children had malformations. Why are they not being as cautious with regard to pregnant women as they were in the middle of the last century?

The FDA was vigilant with regard to Thalidomide but let us not forget that agency has approved many drugs that turned out to be harmful. The drugs, Bextra, Cylert, Duract, Erganismol, Vioxx, Accutane, Merida, Seldane, Rezulin, and Raptiva have all been recalled by the FDA within the last 30 years. This is not an exhaustive list.

Incidentally, the FDA has approved Thalidomide for other uses even though it has harmful side effects.

I think that vaccine mandates are foolish particularly with regard to vaccines that use new technology and have not been studied over time to determine long term effects. I oppose business and government mandates to take these drugs whether they are under EUA or are fully approved. There are other drugs in development that use more tried and tested methods of inducing an immune response. Novavax is preparing to request approval for its Covid Vaccine that is manufactured using the same methods that are used to make the Flu vaccine each year. That method has been around for some time and does not induce your cells to produce things that are not part of the human design (humans do not have spike proteins).

Instead of injecting pregnant women with new technology drugs, why not wait and allow them to choose something made in a fashion they might be more familiar with and that has a track record of being safe for the unborn?

In fact, I believe a lot of folks who have vaccine hesitancy because of the methods used in the new drugs might be more willing to accept the drugs made in a fashion that has a longer track record of success.

I think all people should decide for themselves if they want the vaccine or not. If people do their own risk assessment and decide on one of these new drugs, then fine. I do not think that people should be forced.

I also think the government should make sure to keep millions of doses of Novavax (reports are it might all be shipped overseas because we have plenty of vaccine here) so that people can have a choice if they decide to receive the vaccine.

No matter what, I think pregnant women should carefully consider the potential disaster should the long term effects harm children. Pharmaceutical companies are immune from lawsuit and the government will not compensate you for the pain and suffering. You will be, quite literally, on your own for taking a vaccine that will more than likely be mandated upon full approval.

One last thing. The Defense Department has reported the vaccine will be mandatory for all members of the service. We do no know the long term effects. How bad would it be if tens of thousands of our young warriors developed heart problems,. a known issue with these vaccines, and could not protect our nation. Are the liberals pushing this willing to have their children drafted to serve in the place of those warriors?

Do what you think is right for you and let others do what they think is right for them and we can all get along. But keep in mind when people tell you to take the shot and that it is safe and effective they are only parroting a political position, not a scientific one. They cannot possibly know the long term effects (and the short term ones seem to be raising some concerns).

I recommend you pray on it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
