Cover-Up Uncovers More Allegations

Last year Joe Sestak told America he had been offered a job to drop out of the Senate primary that pitted him against Arlen Specter. Sestak, when asked about the job offer, never varied in what he said. His accounts were identical and, according to him, involved multiple (that means more than one) overtures from the Obama regime. The allegations resulted in an absolute denial from the White House:

A White House spokesman this morning strongly denied an offer had been made to Sestak. Before the spokesman issued the denial, a senior Pennsylvania Democrat said Sestak’s account was met with anger by White House officials yesterday.

Strongly denied. This response tells us that an offer had NOT been made. Sestak went on to defeat Specter and the controversy reignited. Obama was asked about it and said that information would soon be released. Within a few days the statement came out and lo and behold, a job offer was made. The White House, despite initial denials, now says a job offer was made but it was a non paying job and that nothing inappropriate happened. If nothing inappropriate happened then why the initial denial? If this was not a problem, why did they have to bring in Clinton to clean up the mess?

The White House is stonewalling efforts to get to the bottom of this as Obama’s toadies circle the wagons and repeat their mantra that there is nothing to see here so we should all move along.

The problem is that this is not the only allegation of a quid pro quo. Late last year it was revealed that Democrat Senate Candidate Andrew Romanoff of Colorado was offered a job if he would leave the primary race. Romanoff was cagey in his responses to the matter (perhaps he understood the illegality better than Sestak) and the matter was forgotten.

Now that the White House has admitted that it did in fact offer Sestak a job and that it lied about doing so, the allegations involving Romanoff have resurfaced. The AP is reporting that its sources in the regime have stated that a job was in fact offered to Romanoff to drop out:

The Obama administration dangled the possibility of a government job for former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff last year in hopes he would forgo a challenge to Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet, officials said Wednesday, just days after the White House admitted orchestrating a job offer in the Pennsylvania Senate race.

This is an interesting twist because some are still denying that a job was ever offered. Are we to believe that assertion given that the regime lied about the Sestak offer?

Obama brought Chicago style politics to DC and the thuggery on a national level is not sitting well with the public.

It is against the law to offer a job to someone in exchange for some action that will affect an election. There are several laws that explicitly spell this out and it looks like the Obama regime violated them. Only an independent investigation will bear this out but that idea is meeting resistance. If nothing wrong took place then why object to an independent review of the matter?

If this whole sordid mess that Obama’s regime has been involved in is only business as usual (something he told us would not happen if he were elected) then why is former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich facing many years in prison for shopping the Senate seat Obama held around? All Blago did was shop the seat around to see what deals were out there. He looked for deals that would benefit him.

This is no different than what the Obama regime has been doing. They shopped job offers to get deals they thought benefited them.

While the liberals who fawn over Obama and hang on his every word eagerly anticipating the next bit of brilliance to come from his mouth are rabidly defending him, the American public is looking at the pattern of abuse and lawbreaking that seems to come at an increased rate and it is not happy.

The cover-up of Watergate brought down the Nixon Presidency because the cover-up is always worse than the crime and the cover-up is where people get tripped up.

Obama and his minions are involved in a cover-up.

This will end Sestak’s journey to the Senate and could end up derailing hope and change.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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How Could Eric Holder Forget This?

Attorney General and terrorist sympathizer Eric Holder seems to have neglected to include about seven legal briefs he signed in the packet of stuff he provided to the Senate when he went through the confirmation process.

I understand that a politician lawyer like Holder is busy and probably signs a lot of things but two of the briefs involved appeals to the Supreme Court. A lot of attorneys go through their entire career and do not submit stuff to the SCOTUS so one would think this is not the kind of stuff that would be forgotten. What else could make him neglect to send them?

Two of the briefs involved appeals to the Supreme Court for Jose Padilla, who sought release from a military prison in South Carolina where he was being held after then-President George W. Bush designated him an “enemy combatant.” al-Reuters

Oh, more on the terror support front, got it.

Holder is a little weasel. He has been involved in a number of pardons of bad people like Marc Rich, members of the FALN and of the Weather Underground (yes the Bill Ayers terrorist group). He is just a low life weasel who has little regard for the law and sees it more as a vehicle to enact social justice.

Yes, he has a sordid past and yes he deliberately withheld information from the Senate.

He is a pathetic little man who should resign his position and slither back under the rock he emerged from.

And he can save some room for that cretin Obama as well.

Other Holder hits:
OKC Bombing cover-up
Waco cover-up
Torture of US Citizen cover-up

How do we allow pieces of cow dung like this guy to be anywhere near our political system?

Big Dog


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Don’t Take Flight 93 To Mecca 3-12-2009

Senator Specter’s payoff for betraying his party: betrayal of his state

Blogburst logo, petition

We now know one of the payoffs that Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter received for being one of three Republican Senators who allowed President Obama’s trillion-dollar Spendulus bill to become law. WPXI in Pittsburgh reports that Specter has a 5.5 million dollar earmark for the crescent-shaped Flight 93 memorial in the omnibus spending bill just passed by the Senate.

Much as the people of Pennsylvania want to see a fitting memorial built, they yanked support for the crescent design in August 2007 after Tom Burnett Sr., father of Flight 93 hero Tom Jr., started warning the country that the memorial design is STILL packed to the gills with Islamic symbolism. Since that time the Memorial Project has hardly raised a dime, and a September 2007 interview with State Senator Jane Orie, who sponsors the Hearts of Steel memorial fund, makes clear that concerns about Islamic symbolism predominate. Here is her exchange with Pittsburgh talk-radio host Fred Honsberger:

Orie: “No matter who it is, and no matter where I went today for 9/11 events, everybody brought up this crescent. Whether it is intentional or not, it is disturbing to people.”

Honsberger: “So everyone is bringing it up to you.”

Orie: “Absolutely.”

Orie is talking here about the so-called “redesign.” The people of Pennsylvania know that the giant crescent, which the redesign was supposed to remove, is still there. The Park Service calls it “Circle of Embrace” now, but the circle is still broken, and the unbroken part of the circle——what is symbolically left standing in the wake of 9/11——remains exactly as it was in the original Crescent of Embrace (pictured above). Architect Paul Murdoch’s design is still a giant Islamic-shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca.

Pennsylvanians have voted with their pocketbooks to reject this memorial to the terrorists, but Arlen Specter is determined to cram it down their throats anyway, the same way he helped Obama cram a trillion dollars of socialist pork down America’s throat.

Specter knows better than any other politician not just that the giant Islamic-shaped crescent is still there, but that it points to Mecca

Our group was actually very hopeful back in 2007 that Senator Specter might put and end to the memorial debacle. After Mr. Burnett’s public appeal, Specter’s office wanted a briefing on the Islamic symbolism that we have found in the crescent design. One of our most knowledgeable people then spent 45 minutes with Stan Caldwell, Executive Director of Senator Specter’s Pittsburgh office, explaining in detail the Islamic and terrorist memorializing symbolism.

Caldwell had no trouble understanding our graphical proof that the giant crescent points almost exactly at Mecca:


A person standing between the tips of the Crescent of Embrace and facing into the center of the crescent (red arrow) will be facing within two degrees of the Muslim prayer direction (qibla), which is calculated as the great circle direction to Mecca. (Green qibla graphic produced by the Mecca-direction calculator at Another calculator is available at

Caldwell also had no trouble understanding that the giant crescent is still there. All the redesign did was place an extra arc of trees out behind the mouth of the crescent, an arc of trees that according to the Park Service’s own website explicitly represents a broken off part of the circle:

Crescent-BrokenCircle animation, 400px

Animation starts with the bare naked Crescent of Embrace. The re-colored Circle of Embrace site plan is superimposed on top, then everything but the changes are removed. The only change is extra arc of trees (flashing) that explicitly represents a broken off part of the circle. Every particle of the original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact.

Our man also explained the significance of the Mecca orientation: that it turns the giant Islamic-shaped crescent into a mihrab (the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built). The planned memorial is actually the world’s largest mosque, and Arlen Specter’s office is fully aware of it.

Do Specter and Caldwell have some explanation? The press will never ask, but we can:

DC Phone: 202-224-4254

DC Fax: 202-228-1229

Another Washington Post cover-up

Dan Eggen reports how Families of Flight 93 (an adjunct to the Memorial Project, representing only those families who are backing the crescent design) have been in Washington seeking federal money. He includes no mention of WHY the private fundraising effort has failed. But State Senator Orie’s discussion of her fundraising difficulties is not hard to find. Any reporter doing a story on the memorial’s fundraising problems would presumably start here:

Google search for fundraising+problems+Flight+93+memorial

The whole first page of search results is our blogburst post about Orie. (“Fundraising difficulties” yields the same result.)

Either Dan Eggen is completely incompetent, or the Post is taking sides, refusing to report the facts that don’t support the terrorist memorializing side.

Perhaps ombudsman Andrew Alexander should weigh in on this. The Post has NEVER reported on Mr. Burnett’s long battle to stop the Park Service from planting a giant Islamic-shaped crescent atop his son’s grave. Mr. Burnett left a long comment on Dan Eggen’s article which Eggen simply ignored, along with private offers to talk.

So which is it Mr. Alexander? Is the Post incompetently ignorant of a controversy that has raged for years, or is it intentionally suppressing the facts about the giant Mecca-oriented crescent?

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Big Dog

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Republican Consultant Gives Reporters Too Much Credit

Barack Obama has the media in his hip-hop pocket. They have carried his water for two years and helped to quash any negative story, and there were many, that arose over that time. When the Blagojevich story broke Obama was quick to say neither he nor his staff had anything to do with the situation and the media bought that, until it was revealed that Rahm Emanuel had contact regarding the open Senate seat.

Obama and his camp went into damage control mode and decided to conduct an internal investigation. The investigation was completed last week and they, reportedly at the request of US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, held the results. They are supposed to be released this week, maybe as soon as today (I bet it will be tomorrow). How convenient the report will be released while Obama is at a plush Hawaiian retreat many miles away. The internal review will show that there were no contacts that were inappropriate (as opposed to NO contacts). The media will accept this as gospel and move on to Christmas parties and other social gatherings. Accepting the results as closing the issue is like allowing a person to conduct his own tax audit. I bet Major League Baseball wished it had been allowed to conduct its own audit into steroid abuse and have it accepted as the final word.

Republican consultant Ron Bonjean, however, believes that the report will set off a flurry of activity from reporters eager to discover the independent truth:

“The contacts are a potential Pandora’s box,” Mr. Bonjean said. “They’ll take reporters in all different directions, like having dozens of little rabbits running around the White House.” WSJ

The only activity will be reporters running around eager to prove what Obama concluded was true. They will not dig into anything that might discredit their chosen one and will do whatever it takes to validate their support. Chris Matthews said it was his job to ensure Obama was successful. His job, as well as most in the media, was to ensure Bush was unsuccessful but with The One, it is different because they all backed him. The media went to bat for Obama and carried his water through every potential scandal.

Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, and Tony Rezko (and many others) all had associations with Obama that bore further scrutiny but the media were asleep at the wheel. The birth certificate issue is valid but the media refuses to run with it and that includes those who report from the right. The media have failed to exercise due diligence in reporting and vetting Barack Obama and it will likely not exercise journalistic integrity until something happens that cannot be ignored. They did the same with Bill Clinton whose character was in question from the start. Michael Isikoff was prepared to break the Monica Lewinsky story but Newsweek killed it. If Drudge had not published it there would likely not have been the flurry of activity that followed.

Obama will enjoy much of the same treatment until he is involved in something that cannot be ignored so indicating that reporters will be running around like rabbits following the Obama report’s conclusions is being generous with regard to American journalists.

It is very likely that Obama’s people had contact with Blagojevich and that the Senate seat was discussed. If Obama’s report is not complete in all dealings in the matter and it is discovered that other contacts were made then he will be tainted from the start (OK, more tainted). The MSM cannot allow this to happen.

It will be a fun four years watching the media fall all over Obama though I imagine some of his shine is beginning to fade. He has already ticked off the gays and has Barney Frank talking negatively about him.

The media might still love him in the end but they might be the only ones.

Big Dog

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Why Won’t Obama Produce His Birth Certificate?

The question of Obama’s citizenship will not end, and rightly so. I know the left and the Obama-bots say that he has proven he is eligible to be president but he has not really satisfied the requirement because he has not shown a vault copy of his birth certificate demonstrating he is “natural born.” The statement from the Hawaii official was nuanced (perhaps to avoid charges of lying) record on file. Hawaii allowed foreign births to be registered and the COLB (Obama’s “proof”) was is issued for that.

Here are the facts:

The only thing Americans want is for Obama to prove he is eleigible to hold the office of the presidency. If he produces the proof then all is said and done and we can move on. By not producing a vault copy of his birth certificate (and spending a lot of money to fight releasing it) he is giving the appearance of guilt and demonstrating (once more) contempt for the Constitution.

The left said that George Bush was illigitimate from day one because they could not accept his victory which they believed the court handed him. Obama is illigitimate until there is proof that he is qualified to hold the office.

Our Constitution still matters.

Big Dog Salute to Wild Thing.

Big Dog

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