Why Won’t Obama Produce His Birth Certificate?

The question of Obama’s citizenship will not end, and rightly so. I know the left and the Obama-bots say that he has proven he is eligible to be president but he has not really satisfied the requirement because he has not shown a vault copy of his birth certificate demonstrating he is “natural born.” The statement from the Hawaii official was nuanced (perhaps to avoid charges of lying) record on file. Hawaii allowed foreign births to be registered and the COLB (Obama’s “proof”) was is issued for that.

Here are the facts:

The only thing Americans want is for Obama to prove he is eleigible to hold the office of the presidency. If he produces the proof then all is said and done and we can move on. By not producing a vault copy of his birth certificate (and spending a lot of money to fight releasing it) he is giving the appearance of guilt and demonstrating (once more) contempt for the Constitution.

The left said that George Bush was illigitimate from day one because they could not accept his victory which they believed the court handed him. Obama is illigitimate until there is proof that he is qualified to hold the office.

Our Constitution still matters.

Big Dog Salute to Wild Thing.

Big Dog

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17 Responses to “Why Won’t Obama Produce His Birth Certificate?”

  1. Angi says:

    It boggles my mind that there are millions of people that 100% believe that the COLB online is sufficient proof. The evidence is stacked sky-high against it even being real, let alone satisfactory evidence to confirm his eligibility. Seems to me that it’s a black and white issue, and whether liberal or conservative, everyone in their right mind should be demanding to know.

    Pray the SCOTUS does the right thing when they meet on Friday to discuss this.

  2. Christinewjc says:

    I have been covering this story extensively over the past few days. Lots of updates and additional links in the comment sections. Here are two important posts:

    The Great Campaigner

    Pravda Reports, But U.S. MSM Doesn’t!


    P.S. Big Dog – the video section in this blog post appears blank. Might just be my computer, but thought I would alert you anyway.

  3. Christinewjc says:

    Never mind that “P.S.” It has appeared on my screen now. Sorry!

  4. Angi says:

    Herbalife, it’s not nonsense to check this now. It’s nonsense NOT to check this now. Furthermore, Obama is not president yet. The electors have not voted yet, and assuming he actually takes office, that doesn’t happen until January.

    Trusting him is out of the question right now, if ever.

  5. Vxnschatzee says:

    I’m sorry but how can you trust someone who refuses to provide a simple document that the people who elected him and pay his salary are requesting. Can you imagine refusing a reasonable request for documents from your employer? What is the big deal? BO needs to respect the Constitution, the office to which he has been elected, and the people he serves. If he does not produce the documents, why should anyone respect him as Prez?

  6. SpideyTerry says:

    Look, I don’t think anymore that Obama was born outside the US. It seems off to me. However, I do think Obama’s inability to show a birth certificate shows an overwhelming lack of intelligence. One would think acquiring your own birth certificate is among the simplest things in the world.

  7. Big Dog says:

    I think it is possible as long as he holds out. You are right, it costs about $10 to get a BC and he spent a lot of money to keep from getting it so how bright can he be?

    I only want the truth. If they produce a real document that is clear on the issue then we can drop it and move on.

    The Constitution still matters.

  8. Angi says:

    Even if Obama was born in the US, in order to attend school in Indonesia – which we know he did – he would have had to become an Indonesian citizen. Then, in order to become re-naturalized (still not the same as natural-born) when he moved back to the U.S., he would have at some point had to fill out that necessary paperwork as well – another set of proof he has refused to hand over or let be released.

    Furthermore, how did he travel to Pakistan in 1981 when U.S. citizens were not allowed in the country? He would have had to have a different passport (not a U.S. one) – perhaps an Indonesian one – something you can only obtain if you are a citizen of that country.

    He is backed into a corner from every possible angle, but nobody will recognize that or enforce the law, because The One is above the law.

    If he takes office in January, this will have been possibly the biggest fraud and conspiracy ever carried out in this country.

    And yes. The Constitution does still matter. Which is why this issue will never, and shouldn’t ever, go away.

  9. Billy Bong says:

    Aren’t there any more pressing issues going on in this country that we need to deal with? Wouldn’t the right wing nut jobs have uncovered this by now if this were true? Let’s get real, people!!

  10. Angi says:

    Wouldn’t Obama have released his birth certificate by now if he had one rather than spending hundreds of thousands hiring 3 law firms (firms, not lawyers) to help him avoid releasing it?

    Pretty sure upholding the Constitution and now allowing a usurper to take over the country is a darn pressing issue…

  11. Billy Bong says:

    Birth certificates are not public documents in Hawaii. His campaign released a copy for inspection. State officials confirm that it’s a genuine document. Now, come on, 8 years of misguided conservative policies have bankrupted the country. Let’s all concentrate on the real issues for the good of the country.

  12. Angi says:

    Still didn’t answer the question…he has the authority to allow that document to be released to the public, but has spent both time and money keeping it hidden.

    And I am loving how liberals are avoiding the questions of how he got into Pakistan and went to school in Indonesia. Convenient.

    But I suppose a Constitutional crisis isn’t a “real issue”.

  13. Big Dog says:

    Billy Bong,
    He did not release a birth certificate. He released a certificate of live birth which is a synopsis of data base information. It does not say where he was born just where the birth was registered. They might not be public documents but he can get one for $10 and so can anyone he authorizes. The court should be able to as well.

    The Republicans have not been in charge for 8 years. They have had a president for 8 years but the Congress has been controlled twice during those 8 years by Democrats.

    Notice that all the financial woes have come during these last 2 years when Dems have been in charge? Have you also seen that Bush warned about problems with the housing market 17 times and was pooh poohed by the Dems?

    Your beloved Dems caused the mess starting back with Carter and escalating through Clinton.

    As for the Birth Certificate, it is a matter of the Constitution and it is bigger than any other fish that needs to be fried. If we say it does not matter than what does not matter next, free speech?

  14. Bosun says:

    This is what the wacky left is saying, bro. An associate lawyer in a Chicago-based firm whose partner served on a finance committee for then-Sen. Barack Obama has advocated for the elimination of the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that a president be a “natural-born” citizen, calling the requirement “stupid” and asserting it discriminates, is outdated and undemocratic.

  15. Big Dog says:

    Yeah Bosun, why do you suppose they want that to happen? Maybe they know something that we suspect…

    Of course the Congress cannot wave a magic want and make it so. It requires amending the Constitution.

  16. Wild Thing says:

    Thank you so much BigDog. I love your blog.

  17. No Free Lunch says:

    Below are two official emails that dispute the public version of Obama’s Birth and his mother’s marriage to BHO Sr.

    From: pubrec@u.washington.edu [mailto:pubrec@u.washington.edu]
    Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008
    Subject: Re: Stanley “Ann” Dunham 1960 to 1970 class registration

    Ms. Stanley Ann Dunham (BHO II’s mom) was enrolled at the University of Washington for:

    Autumn 1961
    Winter 1962
    Spring 1962

    The records responsive to your request from the University of Washington are above as provided by the Public Disclosure Laws of Washington State. This concludes the University’s response to your Public Records request. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.

    Madolyne Lawson
    Office of Public Records

    From: Stuart Lau [mailto:stuartl@hawaii.edu]
    Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008
    Subject: Re: Inquiry

    The University of Hawaii at Manoa is only able to provide the following information for Stanley Ann Dunham:
    Dates of attendance:
    Fall 1960 (First day of instruction 9/26/1960)
    Spring 1963 – Summer 1966
    Fall 1972 – Fall 1974
    Summer 1976
    Spring 1978
    Fall 1984 – Summer 1992

    Degrees awarded:
    BA – Mathematics, Summer 1967 (August 6, 1967)
    MA – Anthropology, Fall 1983 (December 18, 1983)
    PhD – Anthropology, Summer 1992 (August 9, 1992)

    Sincerely, Stuart Lau
    Stuart Lau
    University Registrar
    Office of Admissions and Records
    University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Ph: (808) 956-8010

    Commentary on University Emails:

    For the BHO II Hawaiian Aug 4 1961 COLB to be accurate the following improbable events needed to occur:

    1 month after starting classes, Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack’s mom, at age 17, got pregnant by the only black African man on the entire chain of Hawaiian islands.
    2 months after getting pregnant, she drops out of college.
    3 months after getting pregnant, she marries BHO Sr.
    10 months after her first day at the U of HI, she delivers BHO II and immediately leaves her parents, her new husband, and her home, to fly alone with a newborn 2800 miles to Seattle to start college at the U of W.
    Stanley Ann Dunham does not return to Hawaii until AFTER BHO Sr left the islands for Harvard.

    This is an implausible series of events made even more nefarious because Obama II in his 2 bio books never mentions his mom left Hawaii when she was married to BHO Sr, nor does he mention she was in Washington State during this time.

    Barack’s sister was born in Indonesia, and has a COLB from Hawaii like Obama II. She is NOT a “Natural Born Citizen” of the USA as required by the Constitution to become president…and Obama probably isn’t either.