Should Have Taken Candy From The Baby

There was a town hall format presidential debate last night and Mitt Romney had his hands full because he had to debate Obama and the moderator, Candy Crowley. Crowley did not stick to the debate format that was agreed upon by the candidates but that should not be a surprise because she said she was not going to do so. There is a reason that Crowley did not follow the agreed upon rules and that is so she could help Obama out during the debate.

That might come back to bite them both in the rear. More on that later.

Obama came out more feisty and ready to swing in this debate. The left knew he would after his dismal first debate performance and the left also knew he would need cover. The cover started when Crowley had the questions submitted prior to the debate so she could screen them. She then picked questions that would play to the topics believed to be Obama’s strong points. She claims that the questions were not provided to either candidate early but some of the responses gave me the impression that Obama was aware of what was going on.

In any event, Obama hid behind Crowley’s skirt during the debate and let’s face it that is a big place to hide. The Chinese army could hide behind that skirt. Ironically, but not surprisingly, that was not the first time that day Obama had hidden behind the protection of a woman’s skirt. Earlier in the day, Hillary Clinton took responsibility for the complete foreign policy failure in Libya thus providing Obama cover.

He took responsibility during the debate but let’s face it, Hillary manned up before Obama did.

Now back to the act that might bite them both. During the debate the topic of Libya came up and Obama addressed it. Romney made the claim that it took Obama 14 days to call it an act of terror. Obama claimed that he called it an act of terror the very next day in the Rose Garden. Romney asked him two or three times if that is what he was claiming and Obama told him to proceed (as if he realized he was lying and wanted to move on) and then Crowley did the unthinkable. She injected herself into the debate and said that Obama had, in fact, called the Libya attack and act of terror the day after it happened. This seemed to stop Romney in his tracks because he was stunned at the revelation. He was rebuffed by the moderator.

Obama told people to look at the transcript.

Well, I and tens of thousands of other people have done just that. Barack Obama DID NOT call the Libya attack an act of terror in the Rose Garden the next day. He mentioned terror attacks in general as part of his remarks but only as they related to 9/11 and the general attacks on our people. He DID NOT call the Libya attacks acts of terror as he claimed during the debate and as his debate partner “confirmed” for him. They both lied and they did so in a concerted effort to thwart Romney.

This will come back on both of them. You see, Obama was drowning in his Libya lie and Crowley threw him an anchor. The Libya issue will now have new life and be the talk of everyone with fewer than three weeks left until the election. Obama will be shown to have lied. The meme will continue over and over that he lied AND that Crowley helped him.

Liberal journalists have already fact checked and reported that Obama did not call it an act of terror and Crowley admitted after the debate that Romney was correct.

If anyone out there had any lingering doubts that the media were biased and wanted to help Obama win Crowley took those doubts away. She ruined her credibility, the credibility of CNN and the credibility of the liberal media in general because she prostituted herself out for Obama (and he walked across the stage like a pimp so it worked out well for her).

Crowley made it clear before the debate that she did not intend to follow the format rules and she kept her word in that area. She injected herself into the debate as a fact checker only to have her fact checking shown as totally untrue. Suppose she had done this to both candidates?

Suppose she had injected herself in the debate when Romney claimed that Obama had cut federal leases for oil drilling in half. Maybe when Obama was saying that was untrue Crowley could have said no, Mr. Obama, he is correct you did do that (fact checkers have shown that Obama cut them about 60% for off shore and 33% on land). Perhaps when the question about equal pay for women came up and Obama talked about how he was all in favor and worked for that Crowley could have pointed out that Obama has historically paid female staffers less money than male staffers.

And perhaps when Barack Obama was defending Planned Parenthood and claiming that defunding it would mean a lot of women would not get mammograms Crowley could have injected her fact checking self into the debate to inform Mr. Obama that Planned Parenthood DOES NOT provide mammograms.

I mean, if her job was to fact check the debate one would expect that she would do so for both sides. But then again, she was only there to help Obama.

And she did so by lying for him.

Ladies and gentlemen who won that debate last night depends on whom one supports. Obama supporters think he won, Romney supporters think he won and about 33% think it was a tie. Undecideds in focus groups moved toward Romney so it looks like it was a good night for him.

Obama needed a knockout, not just a win, and he did not get it.

Romney gave a strong performance even though he had to fight a handicap match with Obama and Crowley tagging in and out all night.

Get used to saying it.

President Mitt Romney.

And just as importantly get used to saying this:

FORMER president Barack Obama…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Obama Cover Up

A few weeks ago a US Embassy was attacked and our Ambassador was raped and murdered. Three other people were murdered as well. This all happened on 9/11. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney, and Susan Rice as well as many other toadies all claimed that this was carried out in response to an anti Muslim movie that few had actually seen.

It was obvious from the start that this was not about a movie but the regime stuck to that story. It has been shown that security was lax despite many requests for beefed up security. Obama and his people denied additional security to people who were extremely concerned about the situation on the ground. Obama and his people failed to see the need for additional security on, of all days, 9/11.

The regime concocted a lie about a movie and went so far as to arrest an American citizen (the movie maker) because he dared to make this movie and incite Muslims.

But wait, there’s more. The State Department has reported that the movie had nothing to do with the attacks and that it never made such a claim. It is bad enough that a citizen was arrested for exercising free speech but it is even more disgusting that he was arrested based on a lie, a lie that the regime concocted.

Why is the State Department coming clean? Well, people from that department are appearing before Congress today to discuss the situation. I imagine the lower level peons don’t want to get socked with perjury charges.

In any event, Barack Obama lied to America. We are not talking about some minor lie or campaign promise or talking point; we are talking about lying to cover up total and absolute incompetence and failure from Obama. We are talking about a lie designed to cover up inept leadership that resulted in the murder of four Americans.

This is not the first time Obama has lied to cover up his involvement in the death of an American. Obama and Eric Holder lied about the regime’s involvement in Fast and Furious which involved illegal activity by the government that resulted in the death of Brian Terry, a Border Patrol Agent. Obama covered that up by asserting Executive Privilege.

He is not able to do that with regard to the complete foreign policy failure in Libya. Too many people are involved and too many careers will fall.

Obama is in trouble. His next debate with Romney will be on foreign policy. It is obvious that Obama is a failure in that arena and Romney will hammer him on it. Oh, what is that? Obama will keep screaming that he killed Osama bin Laden. Then Romney can come back with, yes, Bin Laden is dead under your watch and so are our Ambassador and three other Americans. The last debate saw the regime spin that Romney lied and could not be trusted. Well, Obama lied about every aspect of this mess in Libya and Romney will be able to point that out.

As for Hillary, she can kiss any chance to run for president goodbye. She was a complete and total failure in this area and most Americans will not trust her to run the country.

It all boils down to this. In 2008 we were asked which of these two we would trust with the 3 am call (there was even an ad asking us). That call came and neither was up to the task.

Someone died and Obama lied…

AP via Yahoo News

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Cover-Up At A Fast And Furious Pace

There has been a tendency on the part of this administration [Bush Administration] to try to hide behind Executive Privilege every time there is something a little shaky taking place and I think the administration would be best served by coming clean on this. ~ Senator Barack Obama

Attorney General Eric Holder is involved in a very bad cover-up of wrong doing in a little thing known as Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious was an illegal gun running operation conducted under the direction of Holder. It was all designed to allow the Obama regime to enact strict gun control but went south when guns the regime allowed to flow into Mexico showed up at murders, including the murder of a Border Patrol Agent. Make no mistake, the guns were allowed to run into Mexico because the Justice Department forced gun dealers to make illegal sales.

Holder has been under investigation for nearly a year and has stonewalled every step of the way. He refuses to release documents relating to the illegal operation and a vote to hold him in contempt looms in the House.

Through all of this the Obama regime claimed ignorance of the operation (and they even blame it on, wait for it, Bush). BTW, this has been disproved) and Holder has done his best to protect Obama from being implicated in the operation. Obama did not see anything, has no knowledge and is not involved.

Eric Holder wrote a letter to Barack Obama asking him to invoke Executive Privilege to cover the documents that Holder does not want to release. Barack Obama did indeed invoke Executive Privilege. Now, if Obama has never seen them and was not involved then how could he possibly know they are documents that should be protected by Executive Privilege? It seems that Barack Obama knows what is in those documents and he is invoking Executive Privilege in order to assist Holder in the cover-up.

This is the same Barack Obama who, as a Senator, said that he was against hiding behind Executive Privilege. This video is from an interview on the Larry King Show:

When Richard Nixon was president there was a little thing called Watergate. Nixon was threatened with impeachment and eventually resigned from office because of it. It is believed that Nixon was not involved in the decision to conduct the break in, his staff was involved in that. Nixon got in trouble because after he was informed about it he was implicated in the cover-up that took place. The reason Nixon was implicated is because he had a recording system in his office and there were tapes of the meetings where the cover-up was discussed. Nixon attempted to assert Executive Privilege to keep the tapes from being released but the Supreme Court ruled that he had to hand them over.

Nixon attempted to assert Executive Privilege in order to cover-up the wrong doing and he ended up losing his job under threat of impeachment (and the certainty he would be found guilty by the Senate). Does this sound familiar?

Today Barack Obama had his Richard Nixon moment and time will tell if he will be treated the same way by the Democrats and their media wing.

Where are Woodward and Bernstein now?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Fast And Furious Cover-up, Gunning For Holder

Looks like the US Attorney General, Eric Holder, is in a bit of hot water for lying to Congress. Holder was asked about when he knew of the US government gun running operation known as Fast and Furious. In May of this year Holder indicated that he had heard about it in the past few weeks.

Documents obtained under a lawsuit and finally released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), indicate that Holder knew about the operation and might have had a bit more involvement than he is letting on, in July of 2010. This directly contradicts what Holder told Congress.

Holder now claims he misunderstood the question but his answer was straight forward and leaves no doubt that he was answering about when he knew about the operation.

Holder lied to Congress. While this should not surprise anyone given the way Holder has run Justice, it is high time he is held accountable for his law breaking. If you or I lied to Congress we would be in a fix. Hell, look at how baseball players who lied about steroid use were treated and that is over an issue Congress has no business being involved in.

Eric Holder has been playing fast and furious with the laws of this nation while using his race based policies to push an agenda.

It is time to take this man down and ensure he does hard time in a federal prison.

And if you think this is a waste of time then why is the White House and DOJ screaming at a reporter who is covering this? Piece of advice to the White House; claiming that it must not be newsworthy because the Washington Post, NYT and LA Times are not covering it is disingenuous. They are part of the state run media.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The “I Know Nothing” Regime

The Obama Regime has a bunch of know nothings in it. I don’t mean they are not educated or that they are not smart people (just not as smart as they or their worshippers think), I mean they conveniently know nothing when scandal hits. Since scandal, wrongdoing and corruption hits each and every day, there are a lot of people who suddenly “know nothing.”

The Chicago Tribune has an article about the growing green energy scandal where Obama and his regime doled out a half a billion dollars to Solyndra as a good investment in green energy (a loan the Bush administration decided against because it was too risky) only to watch as the company went bankrupt and billions in taxpayer dollars were whizzed down the drain. The Trib calls this nothing more than the Chicago Way, something they are used to in Obama’s stomping grounds.

The cover up begins as Obama and those in his regime try to counter claims of political favor for people who contributed to little Barry. There will be investigations as communications are uncovered daily. These show that Obama and his people worked to streamline the process while ignoring all the warnings. The major concern was not over whether taxpayer dollars would be wasted (they were) but that it would hit during the 2012 campaign and damage Obama.

Rahm Emanuel, former Obama chief of staff and part of the Chicago political machine, says he does not remember anything about Solyndra. Yep, twinkle toes Emanuel is claiming that he can’t remember anything about the shady deal involving the company that went belly up costing taxpayers half a billion dollars.

The guy who remembers all political infractions and wages war against opponents based on his long memory now can’t recall a single thing about Solyndra. Funny, there are emails from his assistants regarding the issue. How is it that Rahm can’t remember?

Please liberals don’t tell me that the assistants did this without his knowledge. If that is the case he should have never been in a leadership position and he should not be the mayor of Chicago.

This is nothing more than Emanuel distancing himself from a scandal he was involved in. He did that with the Blagojevich pay to play scandal that involved Obama’s vacated US Senate seat. Emanuel was involved in that just as he is involved in the Solyndra scandal but he claims he can’t remember anything.

That is the typical Chicago political response:

“I know nothing!” SGT Schultz would be proud.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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