More Code Words For Racism

It never ceases to amaze me that people who belong to a group that is voting for the black guy at a greater than 90% clip will call others racist when many of them are only voting for him because of his color. These people (racist code) have been playing race cards for months and they have been talking about “code” words that mean something racist. Now two idiot Congressmen are playing the race card with regard to Sarah Palin.

Gregory Meeks and Ed Towns of New York are saying that Palin’s assertion that Obama is not one of us was racist code. I think she made it clear that he is not like us as in true American Patriots because he pals around with terrorists. But leave it to the race baiting poverty pimps to inject race into an issue. These lunkheads also said that [McCain/Palin] “they” (?racist code) know they can’t win on the issues so they resort to race and fear. Is that so?

Good, then it is fair to say that the blacks supporting Obama have no way to defend him and his association with terrorists and radicals so they resort to playing the race card. These jackasses don’t need to play games with these “code” words, they can just come out and play the race card. I told you months ago that the entire Obama campaign would be based on being the victim of racism. We have seen it in the news stories and we have seen it from Obama himself. Everything is about race.

I think that since black people are voting for Obama at a greater than 90% rate they are racists. I also believe that Obama is a terrible person who has questionable friendships and that he is a Communist. I do not agree with any position he holds and I think he will be a disaster if white people are shamed into voting for him because of some guilt trip about the past. I don’t care what color he is, I don’t like his policies.

For you white folks who are guilt tripping and thinking about voting for Obama, vote for him if you agree with him not because someone will accuse you of being a racist. But, you have every right not to vote for him because he is black. It makes you no different than those who will vote for him just because he is.

New York Observer

Big Dog